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Unwrapped Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She stared up at him.

  Her pussy slick and her nipples tight.

  He started to remove his clothes.

  She heard the rustling and following his lead; even with shaking hands, she did the same, stripping away each layer until she was completely naked beneath him, the only thing keeping them warm now the blanket and their body heat.

  It was too dark for him to see clearly, but that was fine.

  By the morning, she’d be dressed and ready to leave.

  He stayed beside her as he stroked her body, his fingers learning her, skimming across her tits, moving down over her stomach to settle between her thighs.

  When he opened the folds of her pussy and stroked over her clit, she cried out his name.

  “You know, Delaney, I think you’re harboring a secret,” he said. “I don’t think you hate me at all. You see, with how wet you are, I think you like me, a whole hell of a lot more than you’d like me to think.” He slid down to her entrance and she whimpered as he added one finger, then a second.

  He stretched her wide, and soon it would be his cock. From the feel of it against her leg, she knew he wasn’t small.

  Reaching down to touch him, she felt just how hard he was, and was shocked by the sheer size of him.

  She was in for one hell of a night.

  Chapter 7

  Ivan was so fucking hard. His cock throbbed and all he wanted to do was bottom out inside of her.

  A groan tore from him at the image that thought conjured up.

  He reached out, took her nape in his hand, and pulled her forward. He used his upper body to push her back slightly. Delaney braced her hands on his chest, curling her nails into his flesh.

  God, that feels fucking incredible.

  His cock jerked.

  She broke the kiss and looked up at him with wide eyes. Lowering his head, he claimed her mouth with his, licked and sucked at her tongue when she opened for him, and groaned against her lips.

  “I need you, Delaney.”

  I’ve wanted you for a long fucking time.

  “Yes,” she moaned in response.

  She was hot and sweet, and surrendered herself to him because she wanted this—no— needed it as much as he did.

  He pulled back enough to look his fill of her nude body. The moonlight shone through the window, giving him enough light to appreciate how gorgeous she was.

  “You want this?” he asked.

  She nodded and licked her lips.

  “I want this.”

  He swallowed hard and moved his hand down to rub his palm over his erection. The damn thing was liable to explode if he didn’t add a little bit of pressure to the bastard.

  Looking at her breasts, those big, glorious weights with the pink tips, had him wrapping his hand around his cock even tighter, giving the fucker a squeeze.

  “Ivan,” she whispered.

  A low growl left him at the way she said his name.

  But before he could move, Delaney was the one pushing him back gently, getting off the sofa bed and sinking to her knees. God, she was gorgeous as she looked up at him.

  “Come here.” She beckoned.

  He shifted so he was off the mattress and standing before her now. The air was chilled, the temperature slowly dropping without any heat.

  Possessive need slammed into him. He was about to claim her in every fucking way that counted.

  He moved closer to her again and her breathing changed. Her breasts rose and fell because of the action, her nipples seeming to tighten further.

  Damn, he was hard.

  He lowered his gaze to her pussy, which had a thatch of short, dark hair covering it. But before he could move toward her again, she lowered herself to her knees in front of him.

  And then she reached out and gripped him.

  He parted his lips and breathed in deeply when she leaned in close, her warm breath moving along his cock head.

  “Delaney…” He breathed her name out, not sure what to say. His voice was strained, his arousal growing.

  She lifted her gaze to his face and licked her lips.

  The fact she was going to suck his cock had pre-cum spilling out of the tip of him.

  “I’m hungry for you.” Her words were like a hot poker to his cock. “But only for tonight, right?” The way she said that was a little unsure, as if maybe she didn’t want this to be all they experienced together.

  He didn’t respond because he wanted to tell her that she was his, that he wasn’t letting her go once this was all said and done.

  Cupping the side of her face, he smoothed his fingers over her parted lips. Neither said anything else.

  “Whatever you want is yours,” he finally said in response.

  A strangled noise left him when she parted her lips further and took the head into the hot, wet confines of her mouth.

  Pleasure coursed through him.

  She took as much as she could of his dick, hollowed out her cheeks, and relaxed her throat.

  “Fuck, baby,” he groaned the words out. “Delaney. Fuck.” He was breathing hard and fast.

  She made a humming noise around him, and he groaned. God, it was so fucking good.

  The head of his erection nudged the back of her throat, but she didn’t give up when she slightly gagged. That sound alone could have had him coming right now, just shooting his load deep in her throat.

  And when she reached down and took his balls in one hand, giving them a squeeze, he felt the tendrils of his orgasm start to rise.

  But no way in fucking hell was he going to let this end yet.

  Taking hold of her shoulders and moving back until his cock slipped free of her mouth, he helped her to stand. The sound of his dick coming free from the tight suction of her lips sounded erotic as hell in the small confines of the office.

  Even in the darkened room, he could see her mouth, her lips parted, her lips swollen and red, glossy from his pre-cum and her saliva.

  A surge of possession, of need to own this woman, slammed into him.

  She thought this was just for tonight, a one-time deal.

  Delaney was wrong.

  Ivan grabbed her nape and pulled her forward until their lips crashed together. He took her mouth in a brutal kiss, at the same time using his body to press her back to the mattress again.

  “So good,” he groaned. “You taste so fucking good.” He moved the hand that was on her neck down her back and curled his fingers into her ass.

  He panted against her mouth and squeezed her ass cheek again. Ivan knew he needed to go slow or he’d come from kissing her alone.

  “Ivan,” she moaned.

  He slid his hand between the cheeks of her ass, moved his fingers through her slit, and felt his cock jerk at the fact she was soaked for him.

  “God. Yes,” she cried out.

  Ivan pulled back and stared into her face. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing fast.


  “You ready for me, baby?”

  She opened her eyes and nodded.

  “Good, because there’s no going back after this.”

  Chapter 8

  There’s no way this could be anything but one night.

  Delaney moaned as he slid his cock up and down her slit. She couldn’t believe how wet she was for him. The truth was, even though they competed at everything, and especially now with the promotion, she’d been wanting him for a long time. A really long time.

  She wanted to hate him and a part of her did, but there was also a need for him. To feel him beneath her and to have him at her mercy.

  It had been so long since she’d been with a man.

  Ivan wasn’t just anyone and the feel of his large dick against her pussy was amazing. She wanted him.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

  His fingers ran across her pussy and she cried out as he plunged inside.

  One finger.

  Two fingers, stretching her.

  “You’re so tight. I’m big, baby.
You’re going to need to take me.”

  “Fuck me, Ivan. I can take it. I can take you.”

  He pulled his fingers from her and she watched as he licked at the digits, sucking the cream off each one.

  His large tip pressed against her entrance.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he sunk inside her, filling her up.

  She couldn’t believe the sheer size of him. He was so big. Taking all of him would be impossible.

  He reached between them and his fingers started to stroke her clit. Any doubt she had fled her mind against the onslaught of immense pleasure.

  Ivan rocked within her, driving deeper with every single thrust.

  The more he teased her, the wetter she got and the deeper he went until he was finally seated to the hilt within her.

  With her legs spread out, there was nowhere else for her to go, not that she wanted to. He pulled out of her, only to slam back inside.

  She felt her orgasm begin to build. The pleasure rushed through her body and she thrust up against him, needing that pressure. Needing his cock more than anything else.

  “That’s it, Delaney, come all over my cock. You’ve got the tightest pussy. I want to suck on it.”

  His dirty words made her ache for more and as she came she screamed his name. Even as she was still coming, her pussy rippling around his dick, Ivan stopped touching her clit, grabbing her hands, and pressing them to the makeshift bed. He used his weight to hold her in place and pounded inside her.

  She loved every second of it, begging for more as he rode her hard.

  This was one night but after just this mere taste, she knew without a doubt she was going to want more.

  No, no more.

  Just tonight.

  He captured her lips and she loved the power he held over her, loved every single second as he rode her body into a second orgasm. Only as she was coming down from that second did he join her.

  Ivan slammed to the hilt and his cock pulsed, filling her up with his spunk. She felt every drop as he flooded her body.

  She expected him to collapse afterward or at least look victorious. He didn’t.

  He kissed her again, rolling over so that his dick stayed inside her but she faced him. He cupped her face, stroking a finger down her cheek. The tenderness he showed took her by surprise.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” she said.

  “Believe it, baby.”

  She placed a hand over his chest, trying to stop hating him. It seemed pointless now.

  “If you didn’t have the promotion you’re working toward or anything. I take it there’s no boyfriend waiting for you back home?”

  “Of course not. I would never cheat. That’s not the kind of woman I am.”

  “I didn’t figure it was. Kind of curious though.”

  “What about?”

  “How a beautiful woman like yourself can be alone. I mean, I’d snap you up if you’d let me.”

  “Please, you’ve already had sex with me. Stop trying to get anything more,” she said, chuckling. She enjoyed his compliments a little too much. Insecurity wasn’t something she gave much thought to. The way Ivan touched her, his sweet words, they shouldn’t be affecting her.

  This was only one night.

  “I was going to stay home alone, to be honest. I haven’t got anything in the way of exciting planned and to be honest, I mean, why?” She wasn’t about to admit to him that it was her favorite time of the year. Nor that she used to plan her Christmases as a little girl who dreamed of fairytales and happy endings. She came to realize quite quickly in the corporate world that fairytales were very much for children. “You?”

  “I wasn’t going to do much this year. With the promotion I’d have stayed home, done the research. Watched something on television. I like watching Christmas movies,” Ivan said.

  “You do?”

  “I happen to love this time of year.” Ivan smiled as he talked.

  “I find that hard to believe,” she said.

  “I do. I love the lights, and the color and I happen to also like tinsel.”

  This made her laugh. “You do?”

  “Yes. I’m not good when it comes to cooking but I’m always willing to learn.”

  She chuckled.

  “I don’t know. I had this ideology of what I expected Christmas to be like. Now, I find myself more disappointed with what I don’t get.”

  “This is scary,” she said.


  “I know I don’t participate in the card swapping or the secret Santa, but I do like Christmas. I just don’t think Christmas likes me.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “I got dumped at Christmas.”


  “A few years ago. I wanted to have a wedding during the festive season. Everything was going great. I had the whole thing set. It looked absolutely magical. The night before the wedding, I catch my fiancé with another woman and another man.”


  “Yeah. I didn’t even know who they were but they looked pretty cozy to me. The whole thing got called off.”

  “Not all guys are like that. You gave up on Christmas?”

  “I decided to throw myself into my work. I was marrying a guy I realized I knew nothing about. Work is easy. Work is something that doesn’t leave me alone.”

  The silence stretched on.

  “Are you afraid of being alone?”

  “Are you?” he asked softly.

  Chapter 9

  He held Delaney, both of them naked, the blankets wrapped around them, the heat and lights still off. The silence stretched out as he thought about her question.

  Was he afraid of being alone?

  “It’s okay if you’re afraid. It’s human and natural.”

  He glanced at her but didn’t say anything.

  “I’m sorry about asking. Wasn’t my place,” she said softly.

  He pulled her in closer, rested his chin on the top of her head, and stared out at the snow falling behind the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “You can ask me anything,” he said honestly, meaning it. “To be honest, I’ve been alone my entire life.”

  She shifted slightly and tipped her head back to look at him. “Really? You have so much family, so many friends.”

  He chuckled humorlessly. “You’d be surprised how alone someone can be when surrounded by people.”

  They were silent for long seconds.

  “I know being alone frightens me.” The tone of her voice told him that that was something she had never admitted before, maybe not even to herself.

  “At one point, I thought I was afraid to be alone.” He’d never admitted that out loud. “My whole life, I’ve been surrounded by money and people, social gatherings, socialites, parties and professional events. And all of that, being covered in wealth, knowing the friends I had weren’t genuine, yeah, I’d never felt more alone.”

  Shit, he just got real with her.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  He held her tighter.

  “But now,” he said just as softly, “I’m not afraid of being alone. I embrace it, make it my own. I’m used to it, know that I can survive despite that.” The silence stretched on between them as he told her the truth.

  “I have a feeling this is the realest you’ve ever been with someone.”

  “It is.”

  They didn’t move, didn’t speak, but the air around them was comfortable.

  It was real.

  “I just assumed someone with your wealth and status couldn’t be anything but happy.”

  “Money doesn’t buy happiness, that’s for sure.”

  She stared at him for long seconds, and despite the darkness in the room, he could see she was empathetic, even understanding.

  “How about we get dressed and I find some flashlights?” He wanted to change the subject, because even if he was used to the loneliness, of isolating himself from everyone and everything, when it came to Delaney, h
e didn’t want that.

  Her fire had him feeling alive, as if he weren’t just this ornamental piece and his family’s legacy. Her witty retorts and attitude made him happy, told him that she was strong. The women in his life, his mother, his sister, everyone … they hung out, put on a show, a façade. They pretended to be happy, played the part, smiled and cooed at what their husbands said.

  It was all a lie.

  He saw their unhappiness, their loneliness when they didn’t think anyone was watching.

  They were miserable, but would never admit it.

  He recognized it because he’d felt the same way for years.

  For his entire life.

  “I’m really sorry you felt that way.”

  Her voice was soft, sweet. He felt warm, whole when he was with Delaney in this moment. It was strange, to be honest, to feel so connected to someone, this switch turning from a love-hate relationship to something more.

  And he wanted to tell her that, to say that despite their banter at work, their goal-oriented lives, he felt something more for her, something so much stronger than he’d ever thought possible.

  But he said nothing like that at all. That would surely scare the fuck out of her.

  “How about I get those flashlights and see if I can figure out the weather situation?”

  He leaned down and kissed her soundly on the lips, cupping her cheek, wanting to deepen it. Hell, he wanted to thrust deep in her tight, wet pussy again, but instead he stood, the chill biting at his naked flesh.

  Ivan wrapped the blankets more firmly around her before grabbing his clothes and getting dressed. He left the office in search of flashlights, assumed there would be something of use in the janitorial closet. Once at the closet, he opened it, seeing two lantern-style flashlights and a stack of batteries. He grabbed what he needed, even found a couple of extra blankets, ones that felt more like scrubbing pads than anything else.

  But he’d take what he could get at this point.

  As he made his way back to Delaney’s office, Ivan couldn’t stop himself from grinning. He’d just man-up and tell her how he felt, tell her that he wanted her as his.

  Fuck the promotion.

  Fuck the no fraternization at work policy.


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