Loveless: A BWWM Wolf Shifter Romance (The Alpha Series Book 2)

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Loveless: A BWWM Wolf Shifter Romance (The Alpha Series Book 2) Page 3

by Brooklyn Knight

  He opened his mouth to respond, but I cut him off.

  “I’m the one who was there protecting her when we were little girls,” I reminded him, “I have always known what’s good for her, from the time we were young.”

  “And now, you’re both grown ass women,” he countered. “I get that you’re protective of Sasha, and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t try and reach out to her... find out what’s going on. But Loveless, Shey?”

  I ignored him.

  Julian thought he understood the situation, but it was obvious that he didn’t; and that was okay. He didn’t need to. All he needed to do was finish cooking this damn magic soup so I could bag it up and carry it to Tuscany.

  “Is it done? I leave in a few hours and I still haven’t packed.”

  Julian sighed and turned off the Crockpot. “This phase is done, but now we have to put it in the moonlight for four hours.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake...” I groaned.

  “It’s a full moon, so it will charge the potion. After that, we put it in this special amulet.” Julian hurried through the kitchen until he reached a cabinet. I watched him open it and pull out a hand-carved cedar box. When he flipped it open, there were several small vessels inside of it, each appearing to be pure gold and inlaid with various, bold colors.

  I gasped at the sight. They were beautiful and majestic, I couldn’t deny it. Deep lines were etched on their surfaces, making intricate designs, which weaved until they met and blended together, to form abstract shapes. Their splendor was so poignant, it snatched the air out of my lungs.

  Julian carried one of the delicate items with both hands. It was etched with purple. There was no question that this vessel was as sacred to Julian as the holy text was to the Israelites.

  “Ideally, we would have wanted to leave it under the moon’s radiance for the entire night,” he said.

  “Radiance, Jules? Do you really have to be so dramatic?” I muttered.

  Again, he ignored me. “But of course, as you’ve reminded me over and over, we don’t have that much time. We’ll leave it there for four hours, and after that, you’ll have to keep Loveless close to your heart.”

  “But didn’t you say my heart is black?”

  Julian raised a sarcastic eyebrow at me.

  I sucked my teeth and flicked a curl over my shoulder. “Whatever, Jules.”

  “I’m not making judgments about the content or quality of your heart,” he said. “All I’m saying is that your heart will be like a battery.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “By the time you’re ready to use Loveless, it’ll be extremely potent.”

  Julian grabbed a ladle, which was almost as alluring as the cedar box. In fact, it seemed as if they had been carved by the same person. Carefully, Julian dipped out a small portion of the brew and poured it into the amulet. Then, we walked outside and I watched as he nestled it in the shrubs bordering his apartment. Thick, moonlight seeped through the branches, the rays seeming like magnets drawn into the depths of the small vial.

  Suddenly, the amulet began to radiate. Dense, purple beams shone so brightly, I could no longer see the vessel itself, and the entire bush illuminated. Glittery particles ascended from the bush and congregated in the sweet-smelling air, before being picked up by the light breeze and vaporized away.

  “Julian! What the hell...” I jumped back.

  “Don’t be alarmed,” he encouraged me in a whisper. His eyes were locked onto the vessel, as if he were in awe of its existence. The mysterious, purple glow obscured his face. “It’s the magic.” Now he turned to look at me. “It’s working.”

  I pulled my eyes away from Julian’s and stared at the purple spectacle. A moment of silence befell us, when out of nowhere, a surge of energy burst deep inside of me. It was so mighty, I almost doubled over. I groaned as a sharp, throbbing pain stabbed me on the inside.

  Julian rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around my shuddering shoulders, but he didn’t say a word.

  I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to focus on erasing the uncomfortable feeling. It shouldn’t have been uncomfortable, but it was, and I didn’t understand it.

  “What is going to happen, Julian?” I asked.

  “Why are you asking me?”

  “Because... I know that you already know,” I whispered. I sighed and my shoulders dropped. “You probably won’t believe me, but I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I wish the shit Sasha and I went through never happened.” I paused. “But it did, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. Sasha... she needs someone to take care of her. I have no clue what I’m getting into, but I know you have that thing.”

  He jerked his gaze onto me. “What thing?”

  I shrugged. “The gift, Julian. You have the gift that allows you to see what’s going to happen next. It’s been that way since we were kids. You knew which families were good and which ones were bad.”

  He ran his hand over his spikes.

  I leaned closer to him. “Tell me what’s going to happen,” I requested.

  Julian sighed and closed his eyes. He drew in a deep breath, and his chest lifted and fell. Soon his breathing reduced to a slow and even pace, and I was certain that if it went any slower, he’d be a corpse.

  Suddenly, Julian’s mouth dipped into a frown, and his eyebrows drew together. He shook his head.

  “What... what is it?” I cleared my throat.

  He shook his head again. “I can’t see it,” he muttered. “But I can feel it.”

  “Well, that’s more than I can do.” I paused. “What do you feel?”


  “I feel restoration.” After a second, he opened his eyes, and when he looked at me, his pupils covered the whites, until slowly, they reduced to their original sizes. He smiled, but it was as fleeting as a shadow. “I feel completion.”

  I nodded, uncertain of what he meant, but knowing in my heart that I would find out soon enough. I squared my shoulders and turned my eyes back onto the beautiful bush. That feeling, the one that had me bent over, had now reduced to an aching throb, but it was still there. I pressed my hand against my chest and wondered.

  It didn’t matter, I decided. All that mattered was saving Sasha.




  There was a woman standing in front of the mansion, and she was alone. And because she was alone, it meant that she was not here for the reason most females were. Normally, women arrived in hordes, dressed provocatively, and guarded by men with guns. Their faces would be layered with make-up, and they always wore gaudy jewelry.

  This woman did not present in this way, but it did not mean she was any less alluring. To the contrary, my mouth watered at the very sight of her, wearing jeans that hugged ripe hips, and were ripped in the knees. She was also wearing a simple turtleneck sweater; no jewelry, other than a pair of diamond stud earrings. Her hair was jet black, and flowed in wild curls that framed her petite face.

  My wolf shuddered inside of me like a crazed beast.

  Who is this woman? Why is she here, I thought to myself.

  I called upon my wolf, granting him permission to rise to my surface.

  I wanted to smell her.

  He was well-trained, unlike my brother’s animal, who ruled him like an unmanageable pet. Shit, his beast was so unruly, the minute he had seen his mate, he had been unable to control it, control her. I did not understand either of them.


  This woman was standing at the front door, and her presence piqued my curiosity. How the fuck did she pass the guards? How the fuck did she even find father’s mansion? Of course, the home was elaborate. Anyone could see the seven chimneys, jutting high into the sky, even if they were miles away from the perimeter.

  My wolf barked.

  Yes, we are both curious, I said to it, but you should calm down.

  Now, I borrowed his eyesight. I needed to see the details of this female, the color of her eyes, and the precise tone of h
er skin: the former, like sun-kissed wheat, the latter, like some exotic, toasted confectionary. Her eyes were like sparkling jewels, twinkling, even though the sun was setting and the evening was dawning.

  I frowned.

  Perhaps she was an enemy. My father had many of them, and he was on vacation in Paris with his woman. Perhaps one of his rivals was aware of his departure, and had adopted a new approach to infiltrate. Sending a beautiful female might have been an attempt to throw us off guard and distract us.

  Is it working? Are you distracted yet?

  I chortled, hearing my wolf’s question. Not in the fucking least, I responded, and I grimaced.

  But the grimace was contrived.

  No, it was not working. I had not come as far as I had, working for my father as a hitman, by falling for imbecilic ploys; yet, I could not deny that this particular ploy was... interesting.

  My eyes glossed over the female, whose arms were now crossed tight across her breasts.

  Her breasts... They are heavy and round.

  I ignored the animal.

  I inhaled and without warning, my eyes rolled back and my vision blurred.

  Merda! What is this essence? Who is this woman? I was now questioning my beast.

  I had never smelled anything more tantalizing. I had been with many women, but this one, she was... different. Her scent, the way she stood there, on finely shaped legs, had me salivating as if I had not eaten in days.

  I do not know, he answered in a growl, but we will find out. We must.

  My wolf’s suggestion was compelling. She was a stranger on the property. Her presence must be questioned, I rationalized. I had already decided that she was not an enemy. I was not sure how I had come to this conclusion, but I was certain of it. And if I was wrong, it would not take much effort for me to annihilate her on the spot.

  I shifted my body to stalk out of the room, but my feet were stuck to the ground, and my eyes were pinned on the woman. They narrowed. I scrutinized her, drank in her curves, searched the shape of her mouth. A distinct scowl etched onto her lips, making the corners turn, but there was no doubt in my mind that if the scowl was inverted, it would reveal a mind-blowing smile.

  My cock jerked.


  We will not be like Remi, I scolded my beast, who was becoming uncharacteristically impatient. And besides, this woman, she does not belong to us. We do not even know who she is.

  We do not, the animal agreed. But we will find out. Now.

  The woman banged her small fist on the door, and her scowl deepened. Then, her voice rang out: “Where is my sister?”

  Bang, bang, bang!

  “Whoever you are, I’m not afraid of you,” she continued, belligerent. “If you don’t open this door, I swear to baby Jesus in a manger, I’ll kick it down!”

  Her sister? Could this be...

  Before I could consider the thought further, my brother’s mate stormed into the room, and my body turned rigid. Her eyes were narrow with rage, and her eyebrows were drawn into a straight line.

  I bristled at the sight of her.

  She was not a bad female. This was what I was forcing myself to believe, because my brother loved her very much. She was his mate, so this made complete sense; but I had not warmed up to her. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she had started off as Remi’s prisoner when father had ordered us to capture her and her friend. Perhaps it was because when I had first met her, she was as belligerent as the woman who was now standing outside of the house. Whatever it was, I had tried to warm up to her, because my brother loved her; but I had not been successful.

  “Vince, oh my god, you have to do something!”

  “Who is this woman at the door?” I asked.

  She did not answer right away, and I watched as she paced the room, her bare feet making inroads in the carpet. She raked her hands over her braided hair and her hands fisted.

  I frowned. “There is a woman banging on the door as if she has lost her mind.”

  “She has,” she confirmed. “She has definitely lost her mind!” She stopped pacing and pushed a breath out of her nose. “That’s my sister,” she said, “and she is crazy as hell.”

  “What do you mean by this?”

  She glared at me, as if I should have known the answer to her question, and maybe she was correct. I turned my eyes back to the window and now, the woman was slamming her foot against the door. When she grunted in pain and held her ankle, I bit back an amused laugh. “Never mind,” I reconsidered, “I think I have the answer to that question.”

  Sasha stalked up to me and slammed her hands on her hips. “Vince, you have to do something,” she demanded. “Remi isn’t here, and I know we’re... just getting to know one another, but you’re the only one I can turn to right now.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “You have been here for less than a month, and already you are bringing drama to my doorstep.”

  She grimaced. “Do not start with me, Vince Moretti. I may be pregnant, but I’d go off on you in a heartbeat! You haven’t exactly been accommodating.”

  “I am the one who encouraged my brother to go after you,” I reminded her, tone clipped. “That is as accommodating as I need to be.” I gave her a once over. “Your sister, what does she want?”

  Sasha jerked her shoulders up until they almost touched her ears, as if she did not know, but she answered immediately. “I left Miami on a whim,” she muttered.

  “What does this mean?”

  “It means that I didn’t tell anyone where I was going, and especially not her. I packed up my shit, sold my townhouse, and came to Italy,” she snapped.

  “How did your sister find out that you are – ”

  “Exactly!” She put emphasis on each syllable, making the word sound a way I had never heard it before, then she returned to pacing.

  I allowed a moment of thoughtful silence to settle between us. My brother’s mate was a firecracker, and now that she was pregnant, everything was augmented. I did not feel like putting up with the emotional tirade of a pregnant mad woman. Surely, it would push me over the edge.

  “You have to do something!” she urged again.

  “Do something like what?”

  “I don’t know, shit! Isn’t this you’re specialty? You get rid of people.”

  “Do you really wish for me to use my specialty to get your sister off the property?” I asked. If I was honest, I would admit that there had been several times I had considered using my specialty to get her off the property. I paused. “Where is my brother? Why do you not ask him to deal with this? He has nothing better to do.”

  She hissed through her teeth. “Like I said, he’s not here. That’s the only reason I’m coming to you.”

  I huffed, shocked to think that something which could separate Remi from his mate actually existed. Not even his allegiance to the family business or his brotherly bond had been able to do it.

  My jaw stiffened, and I tried to relax it. “Fine,” I grunted. “I will go and deal with your sister. You go back to your room and wait for Remi to return.”

  Sasha frowned. “What are you gonna do to her?”

  “Suddenly, you are concerned about this,” I commented through a sigh. “You suggested I use my specialty. My wolf needs exercise. He will not mind the opportunity to be unleashed.”


  “Then what do you want me to do to her?” I asked, and my wolf purred inside of me. I did not even know wolves could make this sound.

  Sasha paused as if she’d heard my wolf’s response to the question. After a second, her eyes fell away from mine, but they were hard. “I want you to get rid of her,” she confirmed, “but not in a permanent way.”

  “Fine,” I conceded. “I will not kill her.”

  This is the last thing we will do, the wolf chimed in.

  “I will simply tell her that she is unwelcome, and that she should not return.”

  “She’s not gonna listen, Vince!”

  “Then the two
of you have a lot in common.”

  Sasha huffed and wrung her hands in the air, as if she wished they could fit around my neck. “Fine, whatever. Just get rid of her and make sure she doesn’t come back until I’m ready to see her.”

  “As you wish,” I recited before ushering her out of the parlor.

  We were now in the hallway, and I eased her to the bedroom.

  I thought a message to Remi: ‘Where are you, fratello? Your mate, she is frazzled, and I do not have the time or the energy for this drama.’

  ‘I am on my way.’ His response came quickly. ‘Let her know this.’

  I grimaced, angry that my brother was asking me to be a mere messenger for him and his female. The last thing I wanted was to be caught up in this fated mate bullshit. From the moment Remi had laid eyes on this female, he had been no good. I was the one who had encouraged him to chase her, and now I was regretting it.

  Sasha was finally in her room. Immediately, her personal attendants were at her side. I watched as they comforted and settled her, but inside, I was jittery. I was far away from the door, but I could still hear the woman’s demands. Not only that, I could still smell her alluring essence.


  I spun on my heel and headed for the door. By now, a small crowd had gathered. Butlers and assistants assembled, but when I appeared, they fell away. Their eyes dropped from mine and they scooted backward.

  “I will attend to this,” I grunted out, waving them off. “Continue with whatever it was you were doing.”

  I waited for the foyer to clear.

  Now, it was just me standing in front of the door. Me and the nerves battering my innards. And now, the woman, Sasha’s sister, her energy was slamming into me like a fucking payloader. My breath hitched in my chest, and I stalled. I had no explanation for what was happening, only that there was a beautiful female on the other side of the door, and my loins burned.

  Shit, when was the last time I had fucked a woman?



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