Mountain Dreams (Mountain Man Curvy Romance Bundles Book 1)

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Mountain Dreams (Mountain Man Curvy Romance Bundles Book 1) Page 3

by Sara Hazel

  Whatever it is, I guess it’s still working on me, because it feels so nice laying next to this warm musclebound man. I don’t have to worry about the outside world at all right now—my biggest problem in here is keeping myself pure. How long can I last?

  Not long.

  I have this vision of myself going down on him. Maybe to repay his earlier favor or simply because I want to. I see myself with my face so close to his massive thing and I’m just licking his shaft up and down while he tells me what a bad girl I am.

  I feel myself getting so wet now that I can no longer stay in bed next to him. The sensation is overwhelming. I leap out of the bed and run back to the living room area where I plop face down ass up on the couch. Yeah, I didn’t really think this through. I just had to get away from him.

  Soon, I can sense him standing over me and looking down at me. “Elyse, I’m not going to hurt you. You don’t have to be worried about being next to me, alright?”

  “I’m—I’m not worried!” I shout into the cushion.

  I’m a terrible liar.

  I sit up and rub my eyes in an effort to avoid looking at Aidan. But soon I can’t keep rubbing and I find myself looking up and staring at his crotch. He’s still hard and the obvious bulge is protruding from his jeans.

  Giving a blowjob is not the same as sex, so perhaps I can still consider myself innocent if I do it. I reach up and lay my hand on his jeans again.

  “I really want to repay you for what you did to me.”

  “Oh?” He asks in a surprised tone.

  I nod as I unzip his jeans.

  “You don’t have to do that, sweetheart,” he says.

  “I’m an independent modern woman. If I want to put my mouth on you, then that is what I’m going to do.”

  He laughs and helps me with his belt buckle. Once his jeans are down, Aidan grabs hold of my wrists. Every time he does this to me it sends a shock through my body. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen. I don’t think it’s normal. But this man and the effect he has on me are anything but normal.

  The bulge is even more noticeable in his tight underwear.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks.

  “Yes,” I reply. I’m feeling a strange surge of confidence that I’ve never had before when dealing with a man. Maybe this is the beginning of some kind of sexual awakening for me, and all it took to trigger it was being trapped on a mountain with Aidan…

  Aidan lets go of my wrists and I get to work. I peel his underwear down and his massive thick cock springs out in front of me. I don’t waste any time staring at it and trying to figure out what to do with it. I know what to do. It’s like an instinct. And I’ve seen enough porn to know the proper way to handle a very large cock. Or so I think. My instincts and porn knowledge seem inadequate as I wrap both of my hands around his thick hard shaft. I can barely get my tiny hands around him. One would not have been enough.

  I squeeze him and watch as milky pre-cum drips out. I guess Aidan is excited by me too, and that gives me a further surge in confidence.

  “Am I doing ok so far?” I ask him. I squeeze my hands tighter around his shaft.

  Aidan offers up a deep groan as his response.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I’m going to need it for what I’m about to do. I reopen my eyes and stick my tongue out. I roll it over Aidan’s tip. I’m still reluctant to go beyond this. Aidan digs his fingers into my hair.

  “Yes, sweetheart. You can do it,” he encourages.

  I lick up that salty pre-cum and roll it around in my mouth for a moment. It’s an unusual taste, but not one that I’d find hard to grow accustomed to. I’m pretty certain that I like it — a lot.

  I’m done being hesitant about this. I can’t hold my desire back any longer. My mind flashes back to that vision of me with my mouth sliding up and down his fat cock, and I just go for it like a hungry little slut. This might make me a bad girl, but that’s what I’m hoping for.

  Maybe the reason I never wanted to do any of this with Chase is because I wasn’t attracted to him. He wasn’t the right person. But with Aidan it just feels natural to open my mouth wide and lower myself onto his cock. I feel him swelling up along my tongue as I close my lips around his manhood. I’m not very far down, because going too far would result in a choking fit. But I do pretty good as I slide my lips back up to the tip and then down to about the middle. Even that is too much, and I do have to pull myself off and cough for a second.

  “You alright, baby?” He asks.

  “I’m fine,” I reply. “But thank you for checking on me. I don’t think that most guys would do that sort of thing.” I can recognize that Aidan is different. He’s nothing like the forceful and emotionally abusive Chase Bell. And his simple act of checking in on me has me gushing.

  As I put my mouth on him again, Aidan rests his hands on my cheeks. I lick and suck like what I imagine a professional at this sort of thing would do. Aidan groans appreciatively, and I get even more into it all because his hands are on my cheeks. He’s not rough with me or anything—he’s just touching me. Despite what I’m doing to him now, his touch feels tender.

  “Your mouth feels so good on me, sweetheart,” he says as I work my mouth along him.

  I thrust myself forward onto him and take him in deeper. Should I stop? I almost don’t think I could if I wanted to. But this is as far as I will let things go — right?

  I lose all control of myself at this point. My head bobs up and down so fast that I start to get dizzy, but I don’t care. It’s like I'm trying to prove a point to Aidan and myself—that I may be this hurt and wounded thing, but I can still take charge of my life in some small way. And I can give pleasure to a man like Aidan.

  Aidan twists his cock in my mouth and growls like a man possessed by a singular purpose. He throbs inside of me. I could pull away now, but I want him to cum in my mouth. I want to feel it against the walls of my cheeks, and most of all I want to taste it as it slides down my throat.

  I get my wish as he explodes and the hot cream floods my mouth in thick burst after burst. A few moments later and Aidan pulls out of me gently.

  He shakes his head and laughs as he looks down at me. I just look up at him and smile as I gulp down the treat that he gave me.

  “I did not think you were really going to do that, but you proved me wrong. You’re secretly a very naughty girl, aren’t you, Elyse?”

  I nod my head. Finally, I can admit to someone that I’m a bit of a sex freak. I may not do it, but I spend a lot of time thinking about it.



  I heat up some stew for Elyse and watch as she devours it.

  “I worked up quite an appetite, I guess,” she says.

  I sit beside her and place my hand on her bare thigh. She still hasn’t put pants back on, and that’s a good thing. This is how I want her to be all the time — pants less and sitting on my couch. Ok, forget the couch. I’d rather have her in my bed again.

  “That was an unexpected side of you,” I say.

  “How can it be unexpected? You don’t know me at all, mister. I’ve been here for what — eight hours at most?”

  “I told you. I can read people pretty well, usually. But you—I think it’s going to take me longer to figure you out.”

  “You’ve got until tomorrow. Then I’ll never be returning to this mountain.”

  “I for one hope that is not true,” I reply. “I think it’s no coincidence you ended up here on the day before Valentine’s Day.”

  She sets her bowl down on my coffee table and shakes her head. “I don’t believe in fate or whatever you want to call it. And even if I did — I don’t think you could just look at someone and know in an instant that they are your destiny.”

  “You don’t have to believe in it. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real. When I look at you, I feel that spark I was telling you about earlier. And this time I know it’s real.”

  “Wow, you are a romantic,”
she whispers. “But I think you’re crazy. I mean—you have to be crazy to live on this mountain all year round.”

  “I’m not crazy. Just confident. And I’m confident that I can show you there’s magic left in this world, despite all the ways in which you’ve been hurt, sweetheart.”

  Elyse falls asleep on my couch with her glorious naked butt in the air. I examine the curves of it, and also its rather pale skin tone. It's a beautiful sight, and I could really get used to having her lie around my cabin like this. Still, I grab the blankets from the bed and cover her up.

  A few hours later, she wakes up, stretches, and looks at me with wide eyes. The fire is still roaring, but Elyse shakes her head and says “Brrrr. Why am I always so cold in here? And how long was I sleeping?”

  “A few hours at least. I don’t really keep much track of time up here. It’s one of the benefits of living on the mountain and hardly ever going back to civilization as you might call it.”

  “Civilization is overrated,” she says to my delight.

  I know it’s late, and she’s had a rough few days. “Sweetheart, why don’t you take the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch tonight. Consider it the first of my Valentine’s Day gifts to you.”

  “Are you sure?” She asks.

  “Of course, I am,” I reply. “I was really enjoying looking at your naked butt on my couch earlier, but you should have a proper bed. I’ve been to war. I can sleep on anything.”

  “Do you even fit on this couch length wise?” Her eyebrows raise.

  “I’ve never tried it, but we’re about to find out.”

  Elyse wraps her perfect curvy body in the blankets and trudges to the bed. Looking at her I suddenly feel my desire for her has grown to impossible levels, and I can’t contain myself any longer.

  I go to the bed and climb on top of her.

  “What are you doing?” She asks.

  “Keeping you warm,” I reply.

  And then I kiss her hard. She might think she’s leaving my mountain tomorrow, but I’ve got other plans for her. I’ll convince her to stay, and this is the first step in my plan…



  The massive hard mountain man presses against my body. The blankets are between us at the moment, but I can still feel his hard manhood prodding me. My breath is once more taken away by his kiss, and the full force of him is too much for me to resist.

  I’m not strong enough to push him off.

  But I can sense where this is going, and I know I won’t be able to stop him. He wants me and there’s nothing I can do about that.

  He gives me a break from his delicious, yet forceful kiss. I gasp for air as he rolls to the side and pulls the blankets off me.

  “Aidan—we can’t do—”

  “Yes, we can. We’re both grown-ups and I know you want me, sweetie. I can see it in your eyes. You can’t hide it from me.”

  He’s right, of course. Aidan is in the distinctly unique position of being the only man I have ever met who I’ve even had a desire to be with in this way. I’m experiencing my sexual awakening and it’s all because of Aidan. I don’t even know his last name, but that doesn’t seem to matter. All that matters is how badly we want each other.

  And now I let myself be carried away by his kisses. His lips lightly touch mine, but then he lingers on my chin and presses his lips deeply to it. I lean into him, and his hand wanders across the curves of my side as if he were exploring one of the great mysteries of the universe.

  “I’ve never been with anyone before,” I whisper.

  “I’ll take care of you, beautiful. Do you trust me?”

  The question is innocent enough. Do I trust him? I hardly know him. But that’s one of the strange things about my connection to him. It’s like I don’t really need to know him in order to be drawn to him and believe that he has my best intentions at heart. I’ll get to know him better in time, I think. It might be crazy but having him touch me so gently like this is making me imagine a future on this mountain—a future where I never leave.

  “I trust you,” I reply.

  Crazy as it may be, it’s true. Aidan doesn’t want to hurt me. He wants to make love to me. Chase never had this intention. I could see it in his eyes, and in the way he treated me.

  Aidan travels down my body and even kisses the fabric of my shirt when he reaches my belly. Then he rolls the shirt up to kiss my skin, and it’s like my stomach leaps up. I feel myself tingling all over as Aidan helps me to sit up and slowly removes my shirt. He embraces me as he unhooks my bra. I just allow it all to happen as if this was some natural thing that I’m used to now. I am meant to be made love to by this man. That’s just how it feels.

  “You are a beautiful wild girl,” he whispers in my ear.

  “Wild? That’s hardly a good description—”

  “Oh, she’s in there. I know it. You’re not really meant for the city, are you, Elyse?”

  I’ve always loved the city. The radiant lights at night, always having something to do or somewhere to go, and even being surrounded by people on all sides. That’s what makes me happy. Or at least I thought it did. Now I’m not so sure. Lately my life has felt like it was sinking in on me, and right here with Aidan is the only true peace I’ve felt. I can start to imagine why he came here to get away from the race.

  “I thought the city was perfect for me. But I was born in the country.”

  “I knew it,” he replies. “I told you I can read people.”

  He pulls my bra off me and I try to cover my chest. I’ve got stretch marks and other imperfections on my breasts that I don’t want him to see. I want him to continue thinking I’m beautiful, but he might not if he sees everything.

  Aidan grasps my wrists and moves my hands away from my chest. He takes a long look at them and smiles.

  “Wow, you’re incredibly beautiful.”

  Does he not see? Or does it not matter to him?

  He leans in and brushes his tongue across my breasts. He kisses them everywhere and lingers in the spot between them. Each kiss leads to more shuddering all over my body.

  His lips wander down to my nipple and he gently bites on it. Damn, I feel like I’m gonna melt.

  I can’t believe how much I need him inside of me. I reach down to press my hand between my legs. I let my fingers drift to my folds and sink in — drenching them in my juices. Aidan’s kisses don’t stop. Until he begins to emit a low growl and his body shakes just like mine. He gets up and furiously removes his shirt and pants. His manhood is hard, and the veins seem to be bulging out from it. Looking at it now I can’t help but feel a little scared, though I still want it inside of me.

  He pushes me onto the mattress and climbs on top of me. When he pins my wrists down, I can’t help but cry out: “Please take me!”

  But instead of entering me his fingers find their way to my slit and gently graze up and down the full length of it.

  He pushes his thick fingers inside and stretches me out. My head rolls to the side and his kisses land on my neck as his thumb flicks my clit back and forth. He works more fingers inside of me and rubs the ridges of my tunnel as he pleasures my clit. I can’t help it. I scream as I come undone. That’s probably the fastest I’ve ever reached orgasm in my life. It’s also one of the most powerful as I fly up and smack against his body. He stays in control even as my thighs clamp together around his hand.

  I scream as I cum a second time and everything becomes fuzzy before me. I feel such intense pleasure all over my body and even my eyes roll up and quiver.

  “Do you like that sweet girl? You feel so ready for me now.”

  “Ahhh, please, please, please!”

  Aidan takes pity on me as I plead with him. He withdraws his hand from me and positions his cock against my slit instead. But instead of just going for it — he drags it across my entrance and turns me into a shuddering mess.

  I had no idea that I could feel this good.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him in
closer to me. He naturally begins to push his way inside of me and groans loudly as he does so.

  He shakes against me as he dives in deeper. He grinds his body against mine and all I can do is sail right into an ecstatic trance caused by a mixture of pain and perfect pleasure. Just as I thought — it hurts to have a man this big inside of me. But I soon grow accustomed to it as we find our rhythm. He thrusts down, and I thrust back up at him.

  I begin to feel what can only be described as pure joy. I gasp and moan, and this is followed up by a burst of laughter.

  “I’m not laughing at you,” I tell him. “I’m laughing because of how amazing it feels to have you inside of me.”

  He kisses my forehead and then lets his lips wander down to mine. My laughter doesn’t bother him, and instead he’s going straight for a kiss. I moan into his mouth as the joy continues to wash over me. In a brief break in the kiss he looks down at me and smiles big.

  “I’m glad you’re happy, sweetheart. You have no idea how happy this is making me right now.”

  Aidan’s arms wrap around my body and he pulls me close. He grinds against me with the perfect amount of pressure. His cock is stimulating my clit as he rocks in and out of me. I am full on sloppy wet now, and the squish of each thrust makes me even happier than the last.

  I feel so safe with Aidan. No one can hurt me here. No one will judge me here. I’m free to let myself experience whatever emotion hits me.

  His hold on my body becomes tighter and closer. I can’t tell where I end and he begins anymore. Each time he presses down into me I completely forget what it’s like to not be attached to him.

  Our bodies are in perfect sync. And then — just like that — he pounds into me harder and just lets me have it. But this is exactly what I needed. Anything that could distract me from my oncoming orgasm just fades completely. My moans rise up above the sound of slapping bodies until I’m screaming as I come undone all over him. We both grunt and moan as we cum together.


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