Shadow Dreams (Oracle Dreams Trilogy Book 2)

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Shadow Dreams (Oracle Dreams Trilogy Book 2) Page 12

by Teri Barnett

  Perhaps Zachariah was right. Maybe the Mother of All has blessed me.

  Not knowing what lay ahead and needing someone other than herself for strength, Bethany pushed aside her worries and fears about the future. “Listen…The storm is over,” she whispered.

  Connor touched her lips with his fingertips. “No, it’s just beginning.”

  Chapter 22

  Connor picked up a Paran’s Love and offered it to Bethany. “Will you accept this from me?” he asked softly, his voice expectant.

  Bethany considered him for a moment as her heart spoke to her, then smiled. She held out her hand to take it from him.

  He shook his head. “Uh-uh. Open your mouth.”

  She complied and he placed the berry on her tongue, his fingers lingering. She bit into it and the delicious warm juice ran down the sides of her mouth. She giggled, wiping at it with the back of her hand.

  Connor moved closer to Bethany, his eyes focused on hers. Moving closer still, he caught her mouth in a deep kiss. Gently, he urged her lips apart, probing until their tongues touched.

  Bethany sighed and the kiss deepened, his scent filling her senses. Connor wrapped his arms around her and she reveled in the strength of his embrace. Rolling her onto her back, he licked at her chin until the juice was gone. Then, their mouths locked together in another kiss.

  Bethany reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. She pushed it off his shoulders and ran her hands over the thick fur of his chest, feeling his muscles contract as he raised himself, kneeling above her.

  Connor removed his shirt and tossed it aside. He reached down and unfastened the ties of her long blouse. Bethany shivered.

  “Are you cold? I can put more wood on the fire,” Connor offered, his voice thick and low.

  Bethany shook her head. “It’s not the cold that’s making me shiver.” She smiled, nudged him onto his back and straddled him.

  Connor arched a thick dark brow, and chuckled. “Another one of your ways I should get used to?”

  She nodded and giggled. Moving her shoulders in a circular motion, Bethany let her blouse slide off her shoulders. Connor’s gasp filled her with pleasure. She grazed her breasts against his chest, enjoying the rough texture of his wiry hair against her soft skin. “Perhaps you’re used to taking virgins,” she teased. “They usually lie back without knowing what to do.” She pushed herself up lazily and stood, untying her leggings. “Of course, if you think I might be too much for you, we can stop now.”

  Bethany let the loose pants drop to the floor and kicked them away. Connor sucked in his breath. Bethany knew she had him. He held out his hand to her. “There’ll be no stopping tonight, Angel. Come to me and take what you will. I’ll give it gladly and take what you offer in return.”

  Clasping his hand, Bethany allowed herself to be pulled down on top of him. She smiled seductively and started to remove his pants.

  “Let me.” With a swift motion, he unbuttoned the heavy denim trousers and removed them. She lowered herself back down, squeezing his trim hips tightly with her thighs.

  “You’re so beautiful, Angel,” he whispered against her neck.

  His mouth found a tender spot behind her ear and sucked at it gently, sending shivers of delight through her body. “Mmm, that feels nice,” she purred, her voice low and hushed. She tilted her head to the side, baring more of her neck, and her hair fell about them like a golden blanket.

  Connor moved his lips along her collarbone, leaving a wet line of kisses. “I love the taste of you,” he murmured.

  Bethany gazed into his eyes and saw a hunger there that matched her own. He ran his hands down her back, lightly strumming her spine. His hands came to rest on her hips, urging her to move up slightly. As she shifted, Bethany’s mouth came down hard on his in a demanding kiss. “You feel wonderful against me,” she whispered.

  “Angel.” Connor rasped, as they kissed again, letting his hands explore every soft, warm part of her. He ran his fingertips along her sides in one long caress, then over her chest, stopping to massage the small round breasts. Raising his head slightly, Connor took one nipple and then the other into his mouth, slowly running his tongue over the tips, teasing them into hardness.

  Bethany looked down at him, her eyes wide. “What are you doing?”

  “Do you want me to stop?” He lay poised, ready to take the peak again.

  She shook her head and lowered herself slightly until his mouth was on her breast. “We don’t do this here,” she whispered as he suckled. “Only babies.”

  “Our babies, too.” He nuzzled his face between the smooth yielding mounds. “And during lovemaking.” Connor moved his mouth downward, forcing her to shift with the pressure of his kisses. He gently pushed her shoulders until she was sitting up, straddling his chest. Connor ran his hands down her back and cupped her buttocks. With a gentle pressure, he urged her forward still.

  Her eyes caught his and darkened. Slowly, she moved until her thighs rested on either side of his face, his whiskers rubbing against the delicate skin.

  Tenderly, Connor spread open the soft, damp flesh with his fingers. He closed his eyes and ran his tongue over her in one long caress. Bethany gasped and arched toward him as he found her sensitive core.

  Connor continued to tease and lick, relishing Bethany’s moans of pleasure. She clutched his head, holding him tightly between her legs. He answered Bethany’s need by probing her deep sweetness with his tongue, darting in and out faster and faster until the spasms of her release throbbed against his tongue. She called out his name over and over, as though it were a mantra as he continued to massage her through her release.

  “That was heavenly,” she sighed. Bethany raised her arms and lifted her hair, letting it fall a little at a time as she stretched. Slowly, she let her body glide downward, dragging herself against him until her mouth found his. “I want you now,” she whispered.

  “Take me then,” Connor moaned. His strong hands massaged her buttocks, guiding her to his hardness. Bethany lowered herself onto him and began to move her hips, undulating against him. The wetness he had created with his kisses surrounded his erection and welcomed him wholly. Moving slowly at first, Bethany increased her tempo, caressing him from within using short, tight squeezes.

  “My God,” he breathed, his words catching in his throat.

  He fought to hold on, to make her pleasure last longer, but when she leaned close to his ear and whispered her encouragement, he was lost.

  “Let go, Connor. Love me…Love me.”

  “I will love you, Angel.” He grasped her waist and moved faster, driving her up and down with the force of his hips. She braced her hands against his chest and matched his rhythm.

  She placed her fingertips against Connor’s lips. “Make them wet for me,” she bade. He began to suck her fingers, licking and nibbling them. Pulling her hand away, she placed it between her legs, massaging the soft tender mound of flesh. She threw her head back and screamed his name as her muscles tightened and contracted around Connor. “Now, Connor,” she gasped. “I want to feel your release, deep inside me.”

  Connor continued to move with full penetrating strokes, his hard shaft thrusting in and out until she sang out his name once more. Another deep stroke and his own shouts of ecstasy joined hers.

  After a few moments, he opened his eyes and his breath caught—he was in complete and utter awe of Bethany’s glowing beauty.

  He wrapped his hands in her hair, pulling her to him for a tender kiss, no words were spoken.

  No words were needed.

  Chapter 23

  Bethany awoke just before dawn. She lay still, her head in the crook of Connor’s arm, savoring the warmth and closeness of his strength. Through a crack in the side of the cabin wall, she watched the sun begin its ascent in the gray sky. The fallen ice shards that clung to the trees outside glittered in the early m
orning light.

  She murmured her morning prayers, asking the Mother of All for aid and protection for what lay ahead.

  Connor stirred, and she lifted herself on one elbow. “Peace to you, Connor Jessup,” she bade him, brushing a wisp of black hair out of his eyes.

  “Good morning, Angel.”

  “Why do you call me that? You have to know I’m not an angel by now.”

  Connor grinned. “But I like ‘Angel’. It’s what I thought you were when I first met you. It’s how I’ll always think of you.”

  “Mmm…” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

  “Absolutely none.” He pulled Bethany to him, his mouth touching hers in a light kiss. “Are we heading to your home today or do I have to stay cooped up with you here?” He rolled his eyes in an exaggerated show of mock dismay.

  “No, I think you’ll be safe from me today. I was watching the sky before you woke up.” She pointed toward the slight opening in the wall. “As long as it’s not storming, we should be fine.”

  Connor stood and pulled Bethany to her feet. The blankets fell away as he did so. He scooped one up and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling it together in the front and sighed.

  “What is it?” Bethany asked.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. “I find such peace in your presence, Bethany. A peace I never knew was possible. I want you to feel this, too.” He held her at arm’s length, his strong hands cupping her cheeks.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “My daughter is my peace, Connor. Until I know what’s become of her, there will be none for me.”

  Connor pulled her close again. “We’ll find her. If not today, then the next. This is my promise to you.”

  As Bethany gathered up the remaining food, Connor brought water into the cabin with a wooden bucket he’d found under the counter. He washed quickly, for the water was cold. Then dressed and fetched more water for Bethany.

  Pulling on his boots, he watched Bethany intently, noticing fresh tears. “Are you going to be all right?” he asked.

  Bethany didn’t answer right away. She took a deep breath. Picking up the shawl full of food, she tied a knot in the material and secured it to her belt.


  Bethany’s eyes met his, her bottom lip quivering. “It’s all right.” She folded a blanket over her arm and handed it to Connor. “Here. This should help you keep warm until we reach Papa’s house.”

  Connor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. If someone questioned his appearance word might get back to the High Priestess of their location and who knows what would happen then. They needed the element of surprise when they returned to the Kiyolo of the Night. “Do the people of your town look and dress like you? Are they fair-haired?”

  Bethany looked down at her clothes. “Yes, for the most part. Except, of course, for this big coat of yours. Our coloring runs from light blonde to dark red. Why do you ask?”

  “I imagine I’ll look a might out of place, then, don’t you think?”

  Her eyes widened. “I hadn’t considered the possibility of someone questioning your appearance. Bethany took the blanket from him and draped it over his head and shoulders, covering his dark hair. “How about this?”

  “Fine, but what about my beard? I could definitely use a shave.”

  Bethany turned to the shelf over the old counter. Taking down a small wooden box, Bethany handed it to him. “Here.”

  Connor opened the container to find two pairs of silver tweezers, one smaller than the other. “What are these for?”

  “To remove the hair from your face.” She picked one up and plucked a hair off his chin, showing him how they worked.

  He yelped.

  “Of course, our men don’t have nearly as much hair as you do,” she said with a giggle. “You’d definitely create a stir in Paran if they saw it.”

  Connor’s eyes narrowed as he rubbed the sting away. Damn silly way to shave. He’d have to find a proper razor somewhere after all this was over. “I think I’ll just hold the blanket over the bottom half of my face when we reach town, if it’s all the same to you.”

  “If anyone asks, I could tell them you’re not able to talk, then you stay covered.”

  “That’s fine, as long as I don’t have to use these tortuous things.” He closed the box and handed it back to Bethany. “Do we have everything we need?”

  Bethany nodded.

  Connor took her by the hand. “Good. Now, let’s get out of here before another ice storm hits.”

  Bethany and Connor moved through the Digger’s camp as the sun began its ascent through the sky. “Do you think the Eitellans are nearby?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Those guards scattered all too quickly yesterday, even if my gun scared them. I’d also imagine the two I wounded are itching for a fight.” He scanned the horizon, his mouth set in a grim line. “My guess is that this High Priestess of theirs will be plenty angry and will most likely send out an even bigger group after us.”

  Bethany agreed. “You’re probably right. We need to get to Paran as soon as possible.”

  “How far did you say it is?”

  “About half a day’s journey, to the west,” she gestured with her chin.

  “Let’s get a move on, then,” Connor said as he picked up his pace. “I’m sure your friend’s help will enable us to find Sarah that much sooner.” He glanced at her as she rushed to match his long stride with her shorter one. Her long blonde hair floated out behind her like a cloud. Her cheeks were rosy from the cool air and brisk walk.

  Her beauty entranced him. He surely had been in a drunken stupor when he’d first met her, not to notice that. Then again, she had appeared in the form of an angel. Yes, she was a beautiful woman, but her strength and spirit amazed him—made his heart constrict in his chest.

  Oh, Lord, I hope everything turns out all right. I hope we find Sarah healthy and unharmed…

  He also hoped that Ian Johns—Bethany’s so-called family friend—would not challenge him over Bethany.

  The sun was high overhead when Bethany and Connor reached the outskirts of Paran. A small town, it consisted of about two hundred families and a square containing shops where goods could be bought and sold.

  “I expected your towns to be different than where I come from,” Connor commented, scanning the area from their perch in the hills surrounding the town. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think I was back home.”

  Bethany began her descent down the slight hill, Connor following closely behind. “How are our buildings different from yours?” she asked as she walked, her Digger curiosity aroused.

  “Well, in the west, the homes would be built mostly of wood, though some of the settlers use stone, like you have here. And, they have a pitched roof, for drainage and storage above, like this.” He made a triangular shape by putting his fingertips together and spreading his arms apart. “It looks like yours are constructed almost entirely of stone with flat shale roofs.” As they moved closer, he added, “We do have long porches on the fronts, though, like you.”

  As they entered Paran, several women hurried toward Bethany. Connor turned his back to them, drawing the blanket up over his face.

  “Bethany, we’re so very sorry to hear about little Sarah,” one cried.

  “Truly a tragedy to lose a child,” another added, shaking her head.

  Bethany cringed. “I haven’t lost her yet,” she said, gritting her teeth. She knew the women were only being kind, but she still refused to believe Sarah was dead.

  “It’s all right, Bethany. It takes time to adjust,” one of the women said as she approached Bethany from behind, placing her arm over her shoulder.

  She turned around. It was Mara, Ian’s mother. “So I imagine, Mara. But I truly bel
ieve we’ll find her soon.”

  “I understand you have to keep faith for a little while. You’ll know when the time is right to let go.”

  Bethany considered the woman for a moment. “Tell me, have any more children disappeared? Before I left Paran, Father told me a few of the beggars were missing.”

  Mara nodded slowly as the other women drew closer. “The last of the ragamuffins vanished just last night. She always stayed near my house as I feed her. But she didn’t come by to see me.”

  “Do you think she just wandered off? Maybe she found someone else to take care of her.”

  “I don’t think so. I’ve looked all around town today while I shopped. I’m the only one who takes care of her.” Mara shivered.

  “What’s happening, Bethany? Can you use the Knowing to tell us?” another woman asked.

  “Yes, Bethany. Can you tell us what you see?” She clutched the baby she carried against her breast. “I fear for my own child.”

  Bethany took the woman by the hand. With the other, she gently caressed the baby’s head. “All I can tell you right now is to keep your children close by. There’s a force out there greater than we could imagine and it wants our babies.”

  The women gasped. “Do you know what it is? Is there anything we can do?”

  Bethany shook her head. “Please, don’t ask. I can’t say right now. Just know that I will see it ended soon.”

  Mara patted Bethany on the arm. “May the Mother of All keep you safe in this battle.”

  Bethany smiled warmly at the woman. “Thank you, Mara.” She looked through the crowd to where Connor was hanging back behind them. Their eyes met and she smiled at him.

  “Who is that?” Mara asked. “I don’t remember seeing him around here before. Who are you, Son?”

  “He can’t speak, Mara. His, um, tongue was ripped out and his mouth mangled when he was attacked by a woolet.”


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