Mansion (Forced Bonding Series)

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Mansion (Forced Bonding Series) Page 8

by Brianna Blake

  “It’s too late,” Dylan said, losing hope, and sitting on a bench. The place was packed, and a little child pointed at him doing a funny face because he was crying, but he didn’t care.

  “Try to call her once again,” Emily suggested, putting her hand on Dylan’s shoulder to give him support.

  “It’s no good. She won’t answer,” Dylan said. Some people were staring at them. It wasn’t very common to cry in Chayl.

  “It’s all right, it’s all right, everything will be all right,” Emily said, soothing him.

  “Hello, Natasha?” Julian said. Dylan raised his wet face, startled, and Emily also looked at him. “What? You’re in the hospital?”

  “What?” Dylan asked, trying to dry his teary face with the back of his arm. “What, Julian?”

  “We’re going there!” Julian said, immediately starting to walk. “Guys, guys, Natasha saw the messages about Lucy being sick, and she decided to go there!”

  “I can’t believe it!” Dylan exclaimed, getting embarrassed for having cried like a baby, but they didn’t have time for that. They jumped in the first taxi they saw.

  When they arrived at the hospital, Dylan felt weak, like he’d faint. The good part was he would already be there to get medical care. He smiled at the thought. Too many emotions were occurring to them all at the same. They saw Natasha and Oliver in the waiting room, and Oliver was paler than a blank sheet. Natasha was also not in her normal self. She wasn’t smiling, joking, but she looked like she had seen a ghost. When she saw the boys, she got up, hugging Dylan first.

  It was a warm and tight hug. Dylan had the biggest smile on, which faded when he saw the girl’s face.

  “What happened to Lucy?” he whispered, forgetting about Natasha’s business. They could deal with that later. He was feeling his heart pounding hard.

  “Ask Oliver,” she murmured and turned to hug Julian.

  “I’m so glad to see you!” Julian said and kissed her cheek.

  “What’s up, Oliver?” Dylan asked, sitting beside the boy. Oliver looked at him like he was in shock. “Oliver, for god’s fucking sake, fuck, men, tell me!” Dylan said, wanting to shake him. “Is Lucy well? Did she die? Because you’re acting as she died!”

  “Dylan…” Oliver said, feeling his mouth so dry that he doubted he could speak.

  “For god’s sake, man, she died?!” Dylan asked, feeling tears in his eyes again.

  “Lucy’s pregnant.”

  Silence. Dylan widened his eyes. Oliver was visibly shaking. Natasha nodded since she had already heard the news. Julian turned to them, putting his hand in front of his mouth.

  “What? Pregnant? Like with a baby?” Dylan repeated, frowning like he couldn’t understand.

  “Yeah, of course pregnant with a baby! Man!” Oliver exclaimed, losing his temper. Dylan got up, his hands on his head.

  “I’m going to be an uncle?? Oh, MY GOD, MY BEST FRIENDS WILL HAVE A BABY!!!” he screamed while he heard all the nurses around telling him to shut up. “Sorry…” he whispered, but then he repeated, “they will have a baby! A baby! I’ll have a baby!”

  “You won’t have a baby!” Natasha exclaimed, giggling from nervousness, and that was contagious, everyone there laughed too.

  “It’s basically my baby, Natasha!” Dylan said.

  “I’ll be a dad!” Oliver exclaimed, unable to believe it. “I will be a dad. Man.”

  “You will! You will!” Dylan repeated.

  “Congratulations, man!” Julian said, hugging Oliver.

  “If you don’t keep quiet, I’ll ask you all to leave,” said another nurse, stern.

  “It’s just that they’ll have a baby, ma’am,” Dylan said, but the nurse just gave him an ugly stare and left.

  “How did this happen? You guys have always been super careful,” Natasha said, frowning.

  “The doctor said it has a chance even with protection… and that the antibiotics interfered…” Oliver murmured. “This’s for me to understand that I can’t control everything.”

  “Oh! That’s a great lesson for you,” Natasha said, starting to clap.

  “Ha, funny,” Oliver said, frowning. “And you’re back, huh?”

  “Confess that you didn’t have the courage to leave. It was all bluffing,” Dylan said, teasingly. Natasha slapped him on the arm, smiling. “I’m so glad you’re back…” he whispered. “Please, don’t ever do that again.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You promise?” Dylan asked.

  “Yes. I promise,” Natasha murmured.

  They stayed there until Lucy left the hospital room, also as pale as a ghost, shocked, but with her hands on her belly. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but they started cheering at the same.

  Back home, Oliver entered their bedroom where Lucy was resting. The girl smiled faintly. He sat beside her, beaming.

  “Can you believe that?” Lucy mouthed. “Those antibiotics…”

  “We must have stopped being extra-careful too…” Oliver said, immediately losing the smile. His heart was aching. He hated it when things got out of his control. “I’m very sorry.”


  “I should have checked that the birth control was right and if other medicine interfered with it,” Oliver said. “I feel responsible for that.”

  “No…” Lucy said, looking down. She was pale, her lips dry. “Well, whatever the reason… now we have to deal with it. I’m sorry if you… don’t want…”

  “Don’t say that, Lucy. I’m super happy,” Oliver said, smiling, and he got closer to her. They hugged. Lucy raised her eyebrows, surprised.

  “Me too. Just a bit shocked.”

  “A baby!” Oliver exclaimed and started laughing. “A baby!”

  “I know, I know!” Lucy said. “Our baby!”

  Chapter 12. No Place to Stay

  Dylan and Emily went to Dylan’s room, and they sat on the bed. She smiled, her fringe covering part of her eyes, but Dylan moved it. She looked puzzled.

  “Just imagining how it would look like.”

  “Would you prefer another haircut?” Emily asked, holding herself from saying “master” or “sir”.

  “No, this one is great, I love it,” Dylan said, smiling. Emily also grinned, completely happy, in a way she hadn’t felt in a while. “What do you want to do now?”

  “I have no idea… whatever you’d like to do,” she said, looking around. “I like your bedroom.”

  “Thanks. I try to keep it organized because Carl would kill me if I didn’t.”

  “I could help you if you want,” Emily said. “I’d love to do those things for you.”

  “Hm, sure, if that makes you happy. But I also want to do things for you. What do you want me to do?” Dylan asked. Emily widened her eyes a bit, confused.

  “I… have no idea.”

  “What do you like to do? Tell me. This is an order!” Dylan exclaimed, playfully. Emily also smiled. She was starting to know the real silly Dylan.

  “I like to play video games.”

  “You’re kidding!” Dylan exclaimed. “This couldn’t get any better, then!”

  Emily laughed and Dylan got up, going to his drawer and took a portable video game from there.

  “Let’s play! I mean! Play video games, not BDSM scenes!”

  And she laughed again.

  They lay on his bed, playing. Emily started to let go of that cute behaved girl and she got mad at the game, screamed, while Dylan just watched, intrigued, finding it funny. Emily looked at him, covering her mouth, but Dylan wanted her to keep going. He liked when the girl acted like herself.

  After they finished a match, Emily rested her head on the bed, closing her eyes, and murmured, “I had fun.”

  “Should we grab something to eat?”

  “I’d love that,” Emily said.

  But right at the same moment, Carl entered the room. He stopped to look at Dylan and Emily. She instantly assumed that position of looking down. Dylan noticed how different she
was from Natasha.

  “Carl, fancy a pizza, man?” Dylan asked. He was trying to be more friendly.

  “No. I have a study session now. What time will you be back? I’ll be in bed by nine. I have a test tomorrow and I need to get a good night’s sleep. She won’t be here, will she?”

  “Carl, don’t say stuff like that, don’t be an asshole,” Dylan said, rolling his eyes. Emily kept staring at her feet.

  “I’m just saying that I need to be in bed early, that’s all. I can’t have you two talking… and doing other stuff. You know that I have light sleep,” Carl told Dylan while looking for some books on his desk.

  “No. It’s okay. Come, Emily,” Dylan said, holding her hand, and they both left the room.

  Once on the lawns, Dylan screamed in frustration. Emily looked at him, a bit scared, but then he started laughing.

  “I’m sorry. My roommates… I can’t stand it anymore,” Dylan said. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Maybe ask to change apartments?” Emily suggested. Dylan sighed.

  “Yeah, maybe. But I don’t know. What about you? You can’t stay here with me because you’re not a student.”

  “Well… the contract will end soon anyway,” Emily said, trying to hide the pain in her voice.

  “Yeah…” Dylan agreed.

  They walked in silence until they reached Oliver’s apartment, the only place Dylan felt really at home… or at least he used to feel like that. But it was getting harder and harder to see Natasha there.

  Lucy was on the sofa, watching TV with Oliver. They both seemed to be in a good mood.

  “Hi, my best friends in the world,” Dylan said, joking while getting closer to them. He kissed Lucy in the cheek, and he dropped his weight on Oliver, like a hug, while Oliver tried to push him, complaining. Emily was still by the door, but Dylan waved for her to get close.

  “Make yourself at home, babe,” Dylan told her. Emily got surprised. He had never called her babe. “Movie night and pizza?”

  “You bet,” Oliver said, smiling. “We need to take it easy now that Lucy…”

  “Lucy will have a baby!” Dylan exclaimed, like he had forgotten that fact.

  “Yes!” Lucy exclaimed too, excited. She was much happier with that news now that the shock was fading a bit.

  Dylan and Emily sat beside them, getting comfortable among the cushions and blankets. It felt much better than at his own apartment, Dylan thought. They chose a funny rom-com and soon the pizza got there.

  But, then, Natasha appeared. And Dylan felt his stomach turning immediately.

  Natasha didn’t feel the same. She opened up her big smile and went to the sofa where he was.

  “Hello!” she exclaimed and kissed his cheek, then hugged Emily, even though they weren’t even close. She also kissed Lucy’s cheek but only waved at Oliver. “Dylan, I’m so glad you’re here!”

  “Yeah? Why?” he asked, trying to sound cheerful.

  “I’m going to Diablo. Let’s go with me.”

  “Why?” Dylan repeated, frowning. Oh, now she wants me to go… funny, he thought, resentfully.

  “Because it’s our club. When I go there, I can’t stop thinking of you. Julian is coming too. I’d call you too, Lucy, and Oliver, of course, but given the baby situation…”

  “It’s all right. We wouldn’t go even without the baby situation,” Oliver snapped. Natasha opened her mouth, forming also a smile.

  “Ouch. That hurts. I didn’t want you to come anyway. I want Dylan,” she said, looking at Dylan now. “Well, are you coming or not?”

  “I’m not sure…” Dylan said. “Do you wanna go?” he asked Emily.

  “Whatever you want,” she said.

  “Aw, look how cute, such a good girl,” Natasha said, sarcastically.

  Dylan liked Diablo and, even though going with Natasha wasn’t a good idea, he wanted to do a scene with Emily. And he knew there would be ideal.

  “Okay. We’ll go, then,” Dylan said.

  “Will you?” Oliver asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “Sure…” Dylan said, but he didn’t seem sure at all. Natasha clapped her hands together.

  “Great! We meet here in two hours to leave!” she said, heading to her room behind the couches.

  Chapter 13. Diablo

  “This place hasn’t changed,” Dylan remarked when they walked in the club. It was still the same black building, with dark walls, red floor, and people suffering, but loving it.

  “Oh, wow!” Julian exclaimed looking around. He was walking arm in arm with Natasha, but he seemed like he had arrived at an amusement park. His eyes were wide, his mouth had dropped.

  “You’ll do just fine, sweetie,” Natasha said, smiling at his expression. Julian felt his heart beating fast.

  “I don’t know, it’s my first time, and I already feel like running away.”

  “I’ll help you find someone safe to play with, okay?” Natasha said, then turned to Dylan and Emily. “Let’s play a scene, Dylan?”

  Dylan stopped walking and looked at her, surprised. He wasn’t expecting that. She was looking even hotter than usual, wearing a tight black dress that showed her big boobs and ass. Her long blond hair was shining, and she had red lipstick on. Dylan felt hard just looking at her. But, then, he stared at Emily, by his side. The girl was looking shy, holding her arm, seemed a bit scared.

  “Is it okay if I play with Natasha?” he asked. Emily blushed and forced herself to nod, even though her heart was burning. She couldn’t believe Dylan would do that to her. But what was she expecting? He liked Natasha and she was just the girl that would go back to the agency in no time.

  Dylan was really tempted to go with Natasha. But the guilt overpowered him.

  “Sorry, Natasha, I’ll stay with Emily,” he said. Emily raised her head, shocked, her mouth dropped.

  “Will you?” both Natasha and Emily asked at the same time. Natasha was frowning.

  “Yeah. I can’t leave her alone here. Sorry,” Dylan said and held Emily’s hand.

  “So, you chose. Okay!” Natasha exclaimed, faking her smile. “Come, Julian!”

  They turned around, already looking for other people.

  Dylan then looked at Emily. She couldn’t hide her smile.

  “If you want to play with her…”

  “I don’t. Is it your first time in one of these clubs?”

  “I actually have been in two other clubs,” she said.

  “Really? And how did you like it?”

  “It was fine… I just didn’t really want to play with people I don’t know,” Emily said, apprehensively.

  “Which is weird since you let my father pick you as my slave without even knowing me,” Dylan said but immediately regret it, feeling that might be offensive. “Hm, sorry.”

  “No, it’s true,” Emily said and laughed. She looked very cute there. She was wearing jeans, a purple blouse, and boots. Her fringe made her look younger, and her blue eyes sparkled. “But the program only allows candidates they know the historic, so I knew I could trust him.”

  “Really? I don’t trust my dad and you do!”

  “He’s not a bad person,” Emily said. “He is just…”

  “Eccentric. Weird. He’s better off as an executive than a dad.”

  “Yeah, and my mom made me go to that program so I could find a partner because she didn’t think I could do it on my own!” she exclaimed and they both laughed.

  “We’re damned with our parents,” Dylan said, Emily nodded, smiling.

  Dylan stopped for a second, analyzing her and the background. People around them were crying, screaming, and having sex. That sweet girl didn’t seem to fit the place but, at the same time, she appeared to be extremely comfortable. Dylan thought it was funny and cute.

  “Would you like to try a scene with me?” Dylan asked. Emily raised her eyebrows.

  “Really? I thought… like, I don’t know, that you didn’t like me…”

  “Oh, no, I liked you since I s
aw you. It’s just that my head was…”

  “I understand. You like Natasha. And you didn’t like me behaving like a slave.”

  “Yeah. You’re right. I used to like Natasha. And it pains me to admit that I still have feelings for her. But I gotta try to go in a new way. A new direction that doesn’t hurt me so much. She wants different things, and that’s fine. We can always be friends,” Dylan said, but added. “Of course I’m telling you this but my heart is broken. And I don’t want you to feel that I want to play with you just because of Natasha, that’s not it.”

  “I know it’s not. We would have played on the first day in your bedroom, but you were always honest with me,” Emily said and looked down for a second. “Thank you.”

  Dylan kept staring at her and they hugged. She put her head on his chest and he rested his chin on top of her head. The words “I love you” kept flashing inside Dylan’s head, but he wouldn’t say it. Not after the last time… he had told Natasha and it was when the girl decided to leave him for good. He didn’t want to make Emily think he was a freak for feeling like that in so little time.

  However, Emily was also thinking the same. That she was feeling very grateful for finding Dylan, even though it wasn’t in the most conventional ways. She never wanted to leave that embrace.

  But the boy got away, and she immediately wanted to hug him again. The contract ending appeared in her mind. In the end, she would have to return to the agency. It was impossible for them to stay together, he lived on campus, she couldn’t live there with him, because she didn’t go to that school, and he didn’t seem very keen on leaving his apartment and going to live with his dad. Neither of them could afford their own places. It was simply impossible.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, and she got out of her daydream, looking up at him.

  “Sorry… I was thinking about other things…” she said. He smiled, hugging her again.

  “It’s okay if you don’t want to do the scene. We can do it some other time, all right?”

  “No, I really want to do it! I wanted it since I went to your home and saw you!” she exclaimed. He smiled again.

  “Okay, let’s ask for a private room. Or would you prefer to do it right here in the main room?”


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