Dark Betrayal (Famiglia Book 2)

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Dark Betrayal (Famiglia Book 2) Page 14

by A. J. Daniels

  I turn to leave but not before saying, “would you still have the same opinion if it was Klara?”


  I’VE JUST MADE Klara and I a cup of coffee and placed hers in front of her when I hear the beep from the alarm as the front door opens and closes. Alessandro appears in the kitchen a moment later. He’s trying to look like everything is okay, but he’s back a little more rigid than normal, his steps a little more measured, and I don’t miss the way his fists clench at his sides.

  “Alessandro, what happened?”

  He’s told me on multiple occasions that he’ll never discuss Famiglia business with me, not just because it has nothing to do with me but because he doesn’t want my safety jeopardized. I told him to go fuck himself. My safety was jeopardized the minute I was born to the boss of the Bratva. Organized crime was in my blood, I lived it… breathed it, bled for it my entire life. Hell, I began training as an assassin nine years ago on my thirteenth birthday, and once I reached eighteen when I wasn’t carrying out orders from my father I was training. There was only ever one year in nine years where I wasn’t working or training.

  Alessandro eventually gave up trying to fight me and agreed that he will share stuff with me… within reason. Obviously, he has no clue how powerful a woman’s power of persuasion is because if he did he’d know that he has no chance in hell of keeping things from me, and even if he did, we’re like bloodhounds when it comes to sniffing these things out.

  Alessandro keeps glancing towards Klara so I’m guessing whatever happened, he doesn’t want her to know.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Klara huffs. “Spit it out, Alex. What did that fiancé of mine do now?”

  I’m trying really hard to trample down the giggle that’s wanting to burst free when I see how much Alessandro is struggling with what to do. You see, Klara has this way of putting all these macho men in their place. She doesn’t give two fucks that they’re the Italian Mafia, one of the most feared crime families on this side of the country. The woman has giant lady balls, I’ll give her that. I get a sick pleasure in watching her make these men cower. Did I say that she’s only five-three?

  Finally, Alessandro relaxes his stance, leans back against the counter across from us and casually crosses his arms over his massive hulk chest. I have to clench my thighs and swallow a whimper when his biceps bulge under the cotton shirt. Secretly, I wish the short sleeves would tear apart under the pressure and he’d go pure Hulk by ripping the cotton material off his body. I fight back a groan, but when he smirks at me I know I didn’t do a very good job at hiding it. It’s been way too fucking long since I’ve had... well, a good fucking.

  “Sorry baby girl,” Alessandro says to Klara. “That tone and those puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time. If you want to know what went down, you need to ask the boss.”

  Klara pouts, pushing out her bottom lip dramatically in what I’m guessing is hope that Alessandro will crumble and tell her, but he stands firm and doesn’t give in to her shenanigans.

  “Fine,” she sighs, grabbing her purse from the back of the chair when she stands. “Jessika, I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know what time Sofia says for coffee.”

  “Sounds good, K.” I hug her and both Alessandro and I watch as she leaves without even so much as a goodbye to him.

  When I look up at him, he looks a little hurt. If I wasn’t secure in my knowledge about what Alessandro feels for me and in knowing that his relationship with Klara is strictly brotherly in nature then I would be slightly envious of how close they are and the hurt look on his face when Klara left without another word to him.

  “Alright,” I say, moving to stand in front of him. “What did go down today with Braxton?”

  Alessandro releases a breath I didn’t know he was holding and pulls me into his solid chest. “It’s not something you need to worry about, Angel,” he says placing a soft kiss on my forehead and I swoon. I’ve never had a guy kiss my forehead before but Alessandro did it one time and I was hooked. It is now one of my favorite things he does, the other being making me come like it’s going out of style. And okay, the way he loves me is another favorite. I just wish he would tell me those three little words.

  A smirk up at him all the while my fingers trail down the front of his chest to popping open the buttons on his jeans. One dark eyebrow raises in question, that doesn’t stop me from getting to my knees, hooking my fingers into the waistband of the denim and pulling them down to his mid-thigh. Another thing I love about Alessandro, he goes commando about ninety percent of the time. Easy access. I grip his hardening length in my palm and lick from base to tip making sure to lick his slit.

  Alessandro hisses, his hands flying to the back of my head but he doesn’t pull my head down forcing me to take his full length, nor does he yank me off.

  “Jess,” he says between clenched teeth. “The doctor said no sex for several weeks.” I can hear the whine in his voice. He wants this as much as I do but he’s trying to be a gentleman and put my healing first.

  “Baby, I’m injured, not dead. Plus, my mouth is just fine, thank you very much. And if I want to get my boyfriend off then I’m going to get him off. Is that a problem?”

  Alessandro growls and I take that as my answer to continue. I flatten my tongue against his length and lick from base to tip, swirling my tongue around the head this time before wrapping my lips around his thick cock and taking him in as far as I can go. Alessandro’s head falls back between his shoulders and his grip on my head tightens when I hollow out my cheeks, increasing the suction. His hips buck on a groan and I know he’s not going to last much longer. Hell, I’m surprised he’s kept his hands off me for this long. Well, no more. I’m not fragile, I’m not going to break, and I’m done being cockblocked by a doctor who obviously hasn’t had the pleasure of being fuck by someone like Hulk. My Hulk.

  Alessandro must see my lust for him clear in my eyes when I look up at him from my position on my knees because his grip tightens and then he’s thrusting his hips, fucking my throat harder I almost gag around his cock then he’s coming spurt after spurt of cum hits the back of my throat.

  “Mmm.” It comes out as a purr when I lick the excess cum off the head of his cock before licking my lips.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he praises me, cupping my face in his palm, his thumb running gently up and down my cheek. I lean into his touch, soaking in the warmth of his skin against mine.


  “Okay,” I say leaning back in one of the wicker chairs at our table at the cute little café just outside of town. “Spill.” I look at Klara making sure she knows I’m talking to her.

  She sighs, her shoulders deflating as she stirs her white mocha americano misto making sure the white mocha sauce has mixed with the espresso, water, and steamed milk. “What did Alessandro tell you after I left?”

  I shrug, taking a sip of my coffee, looking from Sofia to her. “Nothing. He was kind of… er, distracted.”

  Sofia laughs and Klara snorts.

  “I’m surprised the two of you made it as long as you did,” Klara says.

  I’m not even a little sorry that Alessandro and I can’t keep our hands off each other.

  The waitress brings us our lunch and when she leaves Sofia and I both look at Klara, waiting for her to continue speaking.

  “Braxton apparently wasn’t very happy that you’re still in Alessandro’s life. I guess he assumed that after finding out you’re Amanda’s sister, Alessandro would cut you lose. He… um, also said other stuff but I really don’t want to repeat them.”

  It doesn’t come as a surprise that’s Braxton thought, hell, I’ve thought it a couple times too. I can also guess at what he said that Klara refuses to repeat. Braxton has never liked me, and I get it. I do. I was a threat to his family and that included Alessandro, but I would rather die than see any harm come to them from my doing. I killed my own sister because I knew she’d be the next one father sent, and I’ll kill anyone else
he sends. I even tried tracking him down after I got out of the hospital – to the dismay of Alessandro- but I couldn’t find him. He wasn’t at my childhood home nor at any of his known hiding spots. Which leads me to believe that after word got out about Amanda he tucked tail and ran. Whether that was to Russia or another country, I don’t know, but I won’t stop until I find him.

  “It’s okay, Klara,” I tell her when her blue eyes grow sad. “Not everyone is going to like everyone.”

  She drops her club sandwich back on her plate and wipes her hands on a napkin before taking my hand in hers. “It’s not okay, Jess. He was being an asshole. Braxton is a complicated one and I love him, but he’s wrong about you. And I think he knows it too but he’s too stubborn to admit when he’s wrong.” She levels her pales eyes on me and I squirm in my seat. “And he is wrong, Jessika.”

  Sofia nods along with everything Klara says. God, I love these women. Aside from Mel, I’ve never had female friends. My sister was certainly never a friend, nor did she try to be one. My heart tightens when I realize that I more than anything wish that these ladies, including Mel, were my sisters.

  “Thanks, K.”

  “Alright, enough of this,” she says, gripping Sofia’s hand in her other one. “There was a reason I invited the two of you to coffee… or um, lunch now I guess.” The three of us giggle.

  Klara did say coffee when we set it up but by the time the three of us got to the café, we realized that none of us had eaten that morning and that lead to us ordering sandwiches to go along with our coffees.

  Klara clears her throat, her eyes welling with tears and I briefly wonder if another felony will be in my very near future, but then she shocks me with what she says next. “Will you be my bridesmaids?”

  I stare at her, open-mouthed, not entirely sure if I heard her correctly. Klara must take our silence for something else because she starts rambling which is the usual tell that she’s nervous. “I mean, Adrienne already said yes to being my maid of honor, but if you want the job it’s yours. I just can’t see myself standing up at the altar of the biggest day of my life without the two of you…”

  “Klara,” I interrupt her torment by gently squeezing the hand that’s in mine. “I’d be honored to be your bridesmaid, and I think Adrienne should be your maid of honor. She is your best friend after all.”

  “I agree,” Sofia says. “Adrienne should be your maid of honor. I’m honored you’d want me as your bridesmaid… even though I’m just Braxton’s cousin.”

  “Which makes you my cousin,” Klara replies with a reassuring smile.

  “When’s the wedding?” I ask, curious because Alessandro hasn’t mentioned anything about Braxton and Klara getting married. I mean I knew they were engaged but there was no wedding talk at the family dinner.

  “Oh, um…” Klara looks down at the sandwich on her plate, a deep blush appearing on her cheeks. “It’s um, kinda this weekend,” she mumbles.

  “That’s funny, I thought you just said this weekend,” Sofia lets out a nervous laugh.

  “I… did,” Klara says lifting her eyes to meet Sofia and I’s shocked ones. “We have an appointment at the dress store after this. Adrienne is meeting us there.”

  Oh man, if she wasn’t freaking gorgeous and my only way of convincing Braxton that I’m not a threat, I’d strangle her right now. Only in the most loving, sisterly way of course.

  “Well,” I start, gulping down the rest of my kind-of-cold-coffee, “guess we’re going shopping,” I grin at Klara and watch as she visibly relaxes before us.


  I NEVER THOUGHT I’d be standing next to my best friend on the day of his wedding and watching the love of my love walk towards the altar in a long, black bridesmaid’s dress that accentuates all her curves but still leaves a lot to the imagination, wishing it was a white one and this was our wedding. Hell, I never thought I’d ever fall in love. Let alone find someone who could match my fight with her own. Neither did Braxton with Klara.

  We were certain that love should never play a part in our lives because it was a recipe for disaster. There was already too much bloodshed on a daily basis, we couldn’t imagine if one day that blood happened to belong to those we loved. I prayed there was never a repeat of what happened to Jessika or Klara.

  It didn’t take him long to realize that Klara was what made his life worth living. It took me awhile to realize that I would rather spend every day of my life fighting with Jessika than live without her.

  It took her awhile but she confided in me this past week the fact that her parents forced her to have a hysterectomy when she was younger. Which meant, she would never get pregnant. I wanted to hunt the fucker down and introduce him to a few of my tools, and a whole new world of hurt. I would’ve too if Jessika hadn’t curled up into my side and sobbed. Her parents stole something from her that she’d never be able to get back. Yes, she could have kids through channels like adoption and a surrogate. But she’ll never get to experience being pregnant. She’ll never get to feel the baby kick from inside her, she’ll never experience labor. None of it. It was all stolen from her. And for what? So that when the time came she would make the ultimate weapon.

  They failed to realize that there was a part of Jessika they would never be able to take. Jessika wasn’t like them. She couldn’t turn off her feelings, and when she loved, she loved hard. Nothing and No one would and will ever come between her and the things or people she loves.

  Her father may have escaped across the border after Jessika killed her sister, Amanda, but we would find him. Of that, I had no doubt. Jess had no idea that I was successful in tracking down her piece of shit father, and I wasn’t about to tell her. I knew that she’s been looking on her own time, but I want her to enjoy her newfound freedom for a little while longer before I confess to my findings. Truth be told, if I had my way, I’d send some of the soldiers to take care of him quietly and make it look like an accident, but I could never rob Jessika of that revenge.

  The ceremony goes by in a blur. Gun to my head, I wouldn’t be able to say what the pastor said or what was exchanged in the vows. I don’t even remember handing Braxton the rings. What I do remember though, is the way Jessika’s green eyes sparkled, the way her chin wobbled as she fought back tears for the happy couple, the way her body looked in that dress, and my plans for getting her out of said dress. I hoped to God she wasn’t planning on staying at the reception long. I’ll allow her dinner, cake, and one dance then I was claiming her for myself. Even if I had to throw her over my shoulder, caveman style, and carry her out of here.



  Klara and Braxton’s wedding was beautiful. Their vows perfect. Klara never promised to obey Braxton, which I thought was just like her. She’d keep him on his toes for the rest of his life. I haven’t known Braxton long, or very well, but I think she’s just the type of person he needs in his life. Someone who’ll love him unconditionally, faults and all… bossy assholeness and all too. I don’t even care if that’s not a word, it is now.

  Dinner was delicious. Klara had said that Braxton’s Ma insisted on taking care of all the food, and you do not get between an Italian mother and her cooking. I don’t think I could eat another bite of seafood fettuccine even if I tried.

  A voice clearing behind me as me snapping my head around. Braxton stands with his hands in the pockets of his pants, head bent. He looks like a kid who just got called into the principal’s office.

  “Jessika,” he says, clearing his throat and looking around the room before allowing his gaze to travel back to me.


  “Look, I um, I realize that my actions and words over the last several days may not have been warranted.”

  “Oookay,” I draw out not entirely sure I know where he’s going with this.

  Braxton swallows hard before continuing. “I’m sorry.”

  Alright well, I wasn’t expecting that. And while I accept his apology I can’t help the
giggle. “How much did that hurt?”

  If I didn’t know any better I’d think the Don of the Famiglia just rolled his eyes at me while adjusting the tie around his neck. “So much,” he says with a smirk. “I mean it, Jessika. I am sorry. You are a part of this family now and Klara was right. Our family does protect its own. We’ll help you end this thing with your father.”

  “Thank you, Braxton. I appreciate that.”

  Braxton doesn’t know whether he should hug me, shake my hand or just walk away. I take pity on him and hold out my hand for a shake just as the beginning notes of a song dance through the speakers, and he goes in search of his new bride.

  Their first dance as a married couple is to “At Last” by Etta James, which I think took everyone by surprise. I know I was expecting some rock ballad, but the song fits the two of them perfectly.

  When the song started and Braxton pulled Klara close, Alessandro’s eyes locked on mine and never wavered for the entire tune. But when Nat King Cole’s “Unforgettable” started playing, he suddenly appeared at my side and pulled me to the dance floor behind him.

  For the rest of my life, I’ll never forget this feeling. This feeling of being held against him, his warm hand resting on my lower back, the other holding both our hands against his chest as we sway to the music. This feeling of being safe… of being loved. As the song continues, everyone else fades away. The newlyweds, the marquee, the people, all of it. It all fades until the only thing remaining is Alessandro and I and Nat King Cole crooning from the speakers.


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