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HIS BRANDED BRIDE: Steel Devils MC Page 26

by Sophia Gray

  The gang leader went strolling past me, leaving Dodger alone at the next table. I nursed my drink, wondering if I should get up and move away or wait for Taz to return. I was still considering my options when I was startled by a voice behind me.

  “Janessa, right?”

  I turned and looked upward to find myself looking at Dodger. He was an impressive man. I’d say about six foot four with broad shoulders and handsome, rugged features. It was easy to see why he was feared as he towered over me. There was something about him, a presence that instantly put you on your guard.

  “Yes, I’m Janessa.”

  “Simon Flagg.”

  “Nice to meet you, Simon.”

  “Grand to meet you as well.”

  “I don’t usually see you out and about with the little people.”

  “Yes, I do try to keep my distance from the general population. Not really my sort of crowd for socializing.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Hopelessly American,” he said with a smile. I couldn’t decide if it was because he was joking or being condescending. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

  “I see.”

  I found that I was at a loss as to what more to say and felt like an idiot. Taz approaching was a relief.

  “Dodger, what’s up?”

  “My blood pressure in this bloody hole. I’m going home,” Simon replied.

  “Goodnight, then.”

  “Right,” Simon replied to him in a dry tone before turning to me. “Janessa, it was lovely to meet you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening in this cesspool of mediocrity.”

  “Um, sure.” I laughed, not entirely sure how I was to respond to that. “You enjoy the rest of your evening as well.”

  He nodded and walked away, making his way through the crowd and toward the exit. I was once again struck by his physical presence as he towered over most of the other men he passed. He paused just inside the nearby doors with his back to me. It took a moment to realize he was speaking to someone due to the fact that his large frame completely obscured them. When he finally continued on, I realized it was D. Despite his own six foot one frame, Dodger still dwarfed him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  D was looking directly at me with a scowl on his face. My heart beat a little faster as he made a beeline toward me. He didn’t look happy, and I wasn’t sure why. Probably just because I was still sitting in the club talking to a member instead of going straight home as he expected me to do. I prepared myself for his anger, but his scowl seemed to fade as he got closer. Perhaps I had misread it and it was about something Dodger had said rather than about me.

  “There you are, Janessa. I thought you had already gone home.”

  “No, not yet, D. I was just having a couple of drinks to wind down and talking to Taz here.”

  “What’s up, Taz?” D asked.

  “Not much, D. Just taking it easy. You know how I do.”

  “Yeah, I do. Listen, I hate to pry away your company, but I’m going to steal Janessa from you.”

  “No problem, boss.”

  “Janessa, can you come to my office with me?”

  “Okay. Sure.”

  He held out a hand toward me and I took it, allowing him to walk me through the crowd and into his office. Once inside, he locked the door and turned to me, pulling me close to him and kissing me deeply. It was completely unexpected, but very welcomed. I found myself reciprocating the kiss fully as his tongue laced lazily with my own. His hand slipped beneath my skirt, rubbing my clit softly through the silk material of my panties. I was instantly wet, ready for him.

  I exhaled loudly as his lips moved down to my neck, kissing his way softly down one side and across my collarbone to the tops of my breasts. His hands fumbled with my buttons, pulling my blouse open to expose more of them to his mouth. Pushing the cups of my demi bra downward, he circled one nipple with his tongue, teasing it softly as I moaned against his touch. He pulled at it with his teeth, his hand still creating the most delicious friction against my clit.

  He took his time, exploring every inch of me as I relaxed against him, letting him do as he pleased. I loved the way he took his time teasing my nipples and kissing my breasts, his hot mouth glancing lightly across my stomach before focusing on my already heated thighs. He moved all the way down my body and then back upward again, his breath now against my ear.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful, Janessa. Your body, your face, everything is just perfection. You could have any man you want and yet you are working in a casino with a lot like us. Why would such a strong, capable, beautiful woman want to be with someone like me?”

  There was no way for me to answer that honestly. Instead, I kept silent and moaned as he continued his slow tour of my body. I couldn’t deny how much I enjoyed D’s touch, his kisses, his somehow relaxed yet urgent need. I decided to keep my head out of it and just let my body indulge itself in the way he was making me feel. There was no doubt that I was putty in his hands.

  “That feels so amazing,” I cooed against him.

  A low growl escaped his throat as he pulled away, slipping off his pants and boxer briefs to enter me. I wanted him so much that I could barely wait for him to be inside of me. His gaze met my own as he began making love to me with long, deep strokes. They were simultaneously earth shattering and gentle, if that was even a possibility. I could feel him on a level that I couldn’t recall ever having felt anyone. It was on much more than just a physical level. It wasn’t love, but it was…something. The way he knew instinctively how to touch me was something I couldn’t quite explain without acknowledging a connection on another level.

  D pushed me back onto his desk, his strokes changing from slow and deliberate to hard and fast. He was thrusting into me deeply. I bit my lip to keep from making too much noise as he fucked me, moaning my name.

  “Oh, Janessa. God…”

  His sexual prowess was no exaggeration. He had the stamina of a stallion. Not only that, but he seemed to know just exactly when to slow, when to speed up, how to hit all the right spots inside me. His fingers teased my clit as he fucked me in a way I’d never experienced before. It was missing nothing, utterly complete in its perfection. There was no denying the natural chemistry between us that only enhanced the actual act.

  “Yes, fuck me. Don’t stop, D. Harder,” I pleaded, wanting more of him, all of him.

  He was all too happy to accommodate, driving into me fiercely as I cooed and cried out beneath him. There was no doubt who was in charge. D was an alpha male not to be denied. He made that clear in the way he took control and reduced me to a quivering mass of wantonness. I couldn’t say that I’d ever been with anyone like him before. He was everything any woman would want in a lover and then some.

  I couldn’t hold back any longer, letting out a loud moan of pleasure as I came. My entire body shuddered with the force of it, clenching and then letting it go. His continued thrusts only brought smaller climaxes to follow until I wasn’t sure I had anything left to give. My legs shook as he finally gave into his own desire and came inside of me, collapsing lightly on top of me for a moment before finally gathering himself. I was barely up from the desk to get my clothes when there was a knock on the door.

  “Yeah?” D called out.

  “D, It’s Simon. We need to talk.”

  “Give me a minute. I’ll find you.”


  I heard footsteps moving away from the door and began getting dressed. I had no doubt that I was a complete mess to look at.

  “Janessa, there is a private bath right down that hallway there. Get yourself together and I’ll be back when I’m done with Simon.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  With D out the door, I walked down to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, getting dressed and freshening my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my hair and I didn’t like what I saw. I didn’t know the person who looked back at me. I didn’t know this woman who had just fucked the leader
of the MC responsible for her father’s death, not because I had to in order to obtain information, but because I had wanted to. I had fucked him for no other reason than I wanted him, and I had enjoyed it immensely. How could I excuse that in myself?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Taking a deep breath, I returned to D's office. I went to peep out the door and saw him all the way across the casino floor in deep conversation with Dodger and some men I didn’t recognize. Hurriedly, I shut the door, flipped the lock and went to his desk, pulling open drawers and sifting through the contents while trying not to move them around too much. The last thing I needed was for him to figure out I had gone through it. Finding nothing, I moved on to a large filing cabinet in the corner.

  Flipping through the files, I found nothing but personnel files, including my own. I opened it to find not only the application and papers I had signed for employment, but notes regarding my background and a police report that showed no criminal activity. I found it odd that he would request a police report when he didn’t care much for the police. After puzzling with it for a moment, I realized that he probably had someone within the department he went to with such things. Putting the file back, I noticed something odd.

  Several files behind mine was another name I recognized. There was an employee file on my father, but my father had never worked here. I reached in to pull it out and heard the door knob jiggle. I hastily shoved the folder back down and shut the cabinet door, taking a seat on the nearby sofa and looking at my phone as if checking messages as D let himself back in the office.

  “Why did you lock the door?”

  “I don’t know. I just didn’t want anyone walking in while I was in here alone and getting dressed.”

  “You seemed to be dressed now though,” he replied suspiciously.

  “Yeah. I just forgot to flip the lock back when I was done. Sorry about that.”

  “Okay. Let’s get going. I want you to go back to my place with me tonight.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I have my reasons, Janessa. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  “Should I be afraid of something, D?”

  “Not as long as you are with me, you shouldn’t.”

  I nodded and picked up my purse, tossing my cell phone inside and smiling at him as we walked through the club and out to his car. Slipping inside, we made our way across town and toward a gated community just on the outskirts. Despite the fact that I knew he was incredibly wealthy, this just didn’t seem like his sort of neighborhood. I had expecting something in a more private, understated area. Pulling up to a large metal gate, he pressed a button and I heard a voice come on the box.

  “Opening the gate, sir,” came a deep voice.

  Of course D had armed guards that manned his gate. No way would he trust his home to just a coded box that anyone could hack. The large gates opened and we entered, passing a small interior guard house. Two oversized men stepped out and nodded at us as we passed. I assumed they wanted visual confirmation that it was D in addition to seeing him on camera. Once we were past, I saw them make their way back into the guard house.

  “Wow. This is your house?”

  “Yeah. It’s a bit much, I know. It wasn’t really what I wanted. I would have been just as happy in a little cabin somewhere out of the way with a yard full of bull mastiffs as protection detail.”

  “Then why did you go this route?”

  “It came with the casino.”

  “So, the owner sold you both as a deal?”

  “He didn’t have a lot of choice. He was in debt with the IRS up to his eyeballs. It was either sell it to the MC at a loss that would net him enough to cover what he owed them and his lawyers to keep him out of federal debt prison or hand it all over to them to sell at auction, and he still went to prison.”

  “I’m confused. Does the MC own the casino or do you?”

  “I own the casino. The MC just conducts business there.”

  “You must have had a lot of money to invest.”

  “I did.”

  I pondered where he would have gotten that sort of capital. I knew from my notes from the DEA that not even the authorities realized D was the sole owner of the casino. It was buried behind so much paperwork that they had surmised the MC bought it with drug money. It had always been their intention that proving this would be their way of bringing down the club. I didn’t think they had considered that D had purchased it individually, and now I had to wonder how he had done so.

  “Come on in and I’ll take you for the grand tour.”

  “A bit nicer than my place,” I said, looking at the size of the house just from the outside and the large white columns that spanned either side of the front entrance.

  “Depends on your perspective. This place is big, empty, cold. Your place has character. It’s comfortable, soothing.”

  “If you say so. I’ll be happy to trade if you’d like.”

  “You joke, but you’ve no idea how tempting that sounds.”

  “Oh, speaking of my home. My landlord paid me a visit. He said to make sure I told you my shower is fixed.”

  “Smart man.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, D.”

  “I don’t like people who don’t tend to their business. Someone comes into the casino and has a bad time, I try to make them whole. Their food was bad. Their drinks were too cold, too hot, too weak, whatever. I make sure they are taken care of properly. They come back. They tell people they had a problem, but we were quick to fix it. It’s all a matter of keeping up your reputation.”

  “Well, I just don’t think you should have manhandled him.”

  “Manhandled? Trust me. I should have done worse. Let’s just say he wasn’t as agreeable in the beginning of our conversation. He should have practiced a few manners, and he wouldn’t have had a problem with me. I tried to be polite.”

  “Fair enough, I guess.”

  “Yes, it is fair enough. At any rate, you won’t have any trouble out of him the next time you ask him to do something for you. I can guarantee that.”

  “Yes, I am pretty sure you did guarantee that.”

  I smiled at him as we got out of the car and made our way into the front door. I found myself looking around at a large foyer done in heavy marble that matched the steps of the rounded staircase that ran around one side of the open area just beyond. D walked me from room to room, each done in opulent style. There was nothing about the house that said biker or had a hint of what I would have perceived as D’s personality. He was right, there was nothing homey about it.

  “You like this place?”

  “Hardly what you’d expect to find a single biker living like, is it?”

  “That is quite an understatement.”

  “Yeah, I know. It is actually on the market, but I haven’t found a buyer for it. Like I said, I had to buy it as part of the deal. It took me most of the money I had to get through the deal, and so I was sort of forced to live in it for a while. Couldn’t afford to buy another place on top of this one. Way past that now, but just haven’t seen any sense in maintaining two places. I’ll get another when this sells.”

  “Makes sense.”

  “So, now I’m looking for something a little more my style, and I’ve put this one up for sale.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find something more to your liking.”

  “I know I will. I can’t wait to get this behemoth off my hands. Anyway, come on and I’ll show you the kitchen. We can make a snack and get a drink.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I followed him to the kitchen and looked around. It was the most incredible kitchen I had ever been in, worthy of a top-notch chef. Everything was marble and specialty tile with stainless steel appliances and a large island in the center with its own grill. I watched as D put together stacked ham and cheese sandwiches and dropped them onto the surface he had left heating while he prepared them.

  “Hey, bartender. How about you mix us a couple of drinks while I cook?”

  “Sure thing, boss. What’ll it be?”

  “You know what I like.”

  “Whiskey, two ice cubes. Coming up.”


  He flipped the sandwiches over and grabbed a couple of plates, pulling some dill spears and chips from the cabinet behind him.

  “Doritos or Funyons?”

  “Seriously? You live in a multi-million-dollar house and you’re serving up some Funyons?”

  “Yeah. I’m classy like that.”

  “Doritos,” I said with a laugh, handing him his drink. He took a sip and smiled at me before pulling the sandwiches off the grill and slicing them on a nearby cutting board. Sitting them on our plates, he added a handful of Doritos to both and a couple of dill spears.


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