Incubus is an incredibly erotic novel. Do you find sex scenes difficult to write?
At first, yes, because it feels like I’m invading my characters’ privacy. But then once I’m imagining the moment … no.
Dream casting time: who would play Liam in a movie of Incubus? And, who would play Callie?
Enver Gjokaj for Liam, he’s a young actor from Joss Whedon’s TV series Dollhouse.
For Callie, also from the Whedon-verse, Amy Acker. She played Fred in the spin-off Buffy the Vampire Slayer series Angel (My daughter just insisted I watch all of Buffy and Angel so I’ve become immersed in the world of Joss Whedon.)
Which begs the question: Angel or Spike?
What comes first, plot or character?
Character. Then something happens to them.
The book interweaves fragments of wonderfully Gothic romance novels – published and unpublished from Dahlia La Motte? Do you have any aspirations to write ‘romance’?
I can’t imagine a novel in which romance isn’t a major element. The books I love – and the books I want to write – are a mixture of genres. If you would call Jane Eyre – which combines elements of fairy tale, romance, and mystery – a romance, then yes, I aspire to write romance.
Do you have a favourite time of day to write? A favourite place?
My brain tends to work best in the morning, at least once I’ve had a cup or two of tea, so I always start out in the morning, at my desk, which has a window over it so I can sit and stare out of it. Usually, most of my writing gets done by the afternoon, but when I was writing Incubus I found it hard to stop writing. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and want to write, I’d be standing on line at the supermarket and need to jot something down, I’d take long train rides and write for the whole trip … did I mention before that I was a bit possessed?
Which book are you reading at the moment?
I’m reading three: a biography of Daphne du Maurier by Margaret Forster, a soon to be published boarding school thriller called The Twisted Thread by Charlotte Bacon, and a book on fairies called At the Bottom of the Garden by Diane Purkiss.
Who are your favourite authors?
Charlotte Brontë is my all-time favorite. I love the great nineteenth-century writers: Dickens, Hardy, the Brontës, and George Eliot. In contemporary fiction: Alice Hoffman, Margaret Atwood, Margaret Drabble, Val McDermid … oh, and a British mystery writer I recently started reading, Elly Griffiths.
Which classic have you always meant to read and never got round to it?
Sentimental Education by Flaubert.
Which fictional character would you most like to have met?
Mr. Rochester.
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Epub ISBN 9781446489413
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Published in the UK in 2011 by Ebury Press, an imprint of Ebury Publishing
A Random House Group Company
Copyright © 2011 by Carol Goodman
Carol Goodman has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
This novel is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental
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ISBN 9780091940188
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