DEEP CUT (Men of the Woods Book 2)

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DEEP CUT (Men of the Woods Book 2) Page 5

by Dani Wyatt

  My orgasm is so intense, I nearly black out. My breath is lost and I see fucking stars. I’ve never cum so hard or so long in my life, and I think I’ve stored up cum down into my toes from the amount that has left my body. I know it is dripping out of her, and I press forward further in my effort to hold it inside.

  When we come down, I push up onto my elbows, bringing my hand to her face and pushing her hair from her cheeks. Her eyes are glassy and her body still pulses around my girth.

  “You’re greedy aren’t you? Sucking every drop.”

  She smiles. “What will your brother say when he finds out?”

  Her playful words hang between us. But I know I’ll never let her go, even if it means losing my only brother.

  Chapter Seven


  “What was your favorite part?” Cain is holding a fork with a strawberry stuck to it to my lips, but I wave my hand in the air.

  “I’m full…” I manage after I swallow the last bite of omelet. I already told him I was full before that, but he made me take another bite anyway. This time I’m not playing. “I mean it.”

  He growls but puts the strawberry back on the plate. He’s sitting in the chair next to me, practically on top of me, wearing just blue jeans. Nothing under them and nothing covering his chest. Which is more magnificent in the morning light.

  Cut muscles under a brush of dark chest hair flex and tighten under his skin. Sitting next to him, I feel more like a child with his shoulders at my ear level. His crooked nose and rough features only make him sexier. He’s nothing but unconventional and I imagine a man like him out in the world draws his share of uneasy looks.

  “You have to eat a good breakfast. I took a lot from you last night.” He reaches over and twists a strand of my hair in his fingers. “I will take from you, but I will always give more back.”

  “Oh, you gave me plenty alright.” I smirk. “I’ll be reminded of that all day today.”

  “Does it still hurt?” There’s genuine concern in his voice.

  “Of course, it does.” I giggle. “But there’s also a steady stream of you that will be dripping out of me all day.”

  His eyes darken. “Good. I want you to know you belong to me. That’s only one reminder.”

  “Well, it’s a reminder that will have me walking differently from now on, I think.”

  “There will be more reminders.”

  He must see the look of surprise on my face, because he presses his hand hard and flat against the softness of my belly and suddenly I understand. And excitement fills me.

  “After all you put inside me, I’m probably pregnant already.”

  “I hope so. I’ve never wanted that before, but with you? It’s all I can think about. It’s a miracle the first day I saw you I didn’t drag you away and fuck you raw right there at the house. I was so fucking hard I thought I’d explode. Ever since that moment, every night I dream of you. Dream of you here, in my house, your belly round, your tits leaking…I’m fucking obsessed.”

  My mind spins, hearing it all out loud, his words making me dizzy. I never thought of being pregnant before him either, but now, with his hand on my belly, I’ll be so disappointed if I can’t give us what we both seem to want.

  Cain and I made love for hours yesterday. We took a break and he walked me through the woods, talking about all the different kinds of trees, how much he loves his work and living out here. Seems my grandmother and grandfather, who I never knew, weren’t so happy with Cain’s choice of lifestyle.

  Like my dad, they wanted him to take a more acceptable route. Become a lawyer or something. Cain said he always felt wild, like he didn’t fit into the world. Lucky for him, this part of Michigan has a thriving timber industry and he found his calling with an ax and the woods.

  After our walk, we came back to the cabin and Cain tore my clothes off, lifted me up and fucked me in the middle of the room, holding me against him like I was nothing. I came so hard I think I passed out for a moment. The rest of the evening it was Cain’s mouth on me everywhere, as well as him standing naked in the kitchen cooking us dinner while ordering me to lay back on the kitchen table and play with myself for his enjoyment.

  When we got to bed, he spun me on all fours and took me like an animal, and you know what? I loved it. He was rough and unapologetic, pulling at my hair and pushing me down into the bed. After that, he said it was time to sleep because I had school and he wanted to be sure I was well rested.

  Now, the sun is just up over the horizon and warming the small kitchen through the windows. We slept tangled together, and every time I moved Cain would pull me back into him like he was afraid I was going to disappear.

  He must have told me he loved me a hundred times and I loved each and every one of them.

  I’m not sure how this is happening, or how it’s happening so fast, but it’s real. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared what’s going to happen when my dad comes home, but Cain keeps assuring me things will work out.

  I’m not so sure, but I guess I’m lost in my delusion at the moment and I feel like I’m dancing on clouds.

  “Time to get dressed.” Cain takes the breakfast dishes to the sink and comes back to grab my hand, pulling me up and leading me back to the bedroom where he’s unpacked the few things I brought and put them in his dresser drawers.

  He opens one drawer and grumbles something as he pulls out one of my school skirts and a white top.

  “This is too short.” He tosses the uniform on the bed, then turns back around to grab a pair of my white knee socks and my loafers from the floor. “You need to buy longer skirts.”

  “They’re uniforms—” I pause for a second, the name I’ve wanted to call him on my lips but I hold it back.

  “Yep. Too short uniforms.” He steps over and reaches down, grabbing the hem of his white t-shirt and lifting it up my body. I put my arms straight up as the soft fabric rasps over my fingers, leaving me standing there nude in the sunlight.

  When he looks down at me he growls, then looks over at the clock on the wall. I reach up and trace my fingertips over his chest.

  He rumbles under my touch. “There’s no time. You won’t be late for school. Not on my watch.”

  “Mmmm.” I play. “But I could skip…”

  “No.” Cain barks. “School is important.”

  I pout back. Cain’s made it clear that taking care of me to him means all of me. My food, my body, my mind, heart and soul…he’s a caveman, but he’s the most caring sort of Neanderthal I could imagine.

  Besides, there’s a kindergarten class from the lower school that I get to student teach today, and it’s the highlight of my week so I honestly don’t like to miss Mondays.

  Cain has me dressed and out the door with a sack lunch, smacking my ass as he puts me into his pickup truck.

  As we drive the twisting dirt road down the mountain, Cain holds my hand and starts up with his seemingly endless line of questions.

  “Do you have any allergies?”

  “No.” I think for a second. “Oh, wait, when I was a baby, I had a reaction to penicillin. I got really sick or something, my mom said, but I’ve never had it since. The reaction scared both them and the doctors.”

  He looks over at me with a tight brow. “Why do you not wear a warning bracelet then?”


  “If you went to the hospital and I wasn’t there, and you couldn’t tell them…you should wear a bracelet. A medical one.”

  I squint at him and see impatience rising in his eyes.

  “I’ll get you one today. While you are at school. And you will never take it off, understand?”

  I look at his frown and nod. “Okay.”

  “Good. Now, what about shampoo and toothpaste? What kinds do you like?”

  “Um, I like the Tom’s natural toothpaste and there’s some coconut oil shampoo I usually use.”

  “Okay. I want to know exactly what kind, I’ll get it today.” He drives the pickup aro
und a turn and glances over at me, then back at the road. “And, other things. Your lady things.”

  I see a warm color rise up his neck and onto his face. It takes me a minute to pick up on what he’s talking about, but when I do I smile.

  “You mean, like for my period?”

  “Yes.” He snaps. “Your period. What do you use? I need to have that for you too.”

  “I’m only staying another night, Uncle Cain.”

  A rumble comes from his chest and he shakes his head. “No.”

  “What do you mean, no?”

  “You’re staying with me. You are mine now. Everything you need, I provide for you. I love you, you aren’t leaving me. Ever.”

  His words hit me like a brick to the head.

  What is my dad going to say? What if he tells my mom?

  Of course, he will tell my mom. She will be horrified.

  Not that I should care. She’s the one that left with a yogi named Greg, after all. But I do care, don’t I? Because despite everything I still love her.

  “You belong to me now.” His words are tight and hard. “You said you loved me too. We won’t be apart, Angel. I couldn’t bear it.”

  Truth is, I can’t imagine being away from him either, but I also can’t imagine what my parents are going to say. Or the world, for that matter. The dreamy delusion I’ve been living in since I arrived at the cabin yesterday suddenly pops like a deflated bubble.

  We are quiet the rest of the way to school, and when Cain drops me off he comes over to my door and opens it, scanning the area where other students give us wary glances as they head into the building.

  Finally, he leans down and kisses the top of my head.

  “Have a good day, my princess. I will be here for lunch as I said. Remember, I am never far away.”

  The warmth and concern that radiates from him has me feeling lightheaded. I feel like I’m the center of his universe and when I’m with him, I’m not only joyful, I feel like nothing bad can happen to me. Visions of us spin around in my mind and when I finally come up for air I answer.

  “Okay, Daddy.” The word slips out and I’m immediately sorry.

  I look up to see Cain staring down at me like I’ve just dropped a bomb.

  “What did you call me?” His deep voice shakes me to my core.

  “I’m sorry. It slipped out. It won’t happen again.”

  His hand comes to grip my wrist, his other to pinch my chin and direct my eyes to his.

  “You will call me Daddy from now on.” He leans down and kisses me on the lips. I draw a quick breath, hoping no one is looking. “Now, go inside. Be a good student. I want to only see you doing your very best.”

  A swack on my behind has me gasping but smiling, and Uncle Cain smiles as well as he sends me off with a nod of his head toward the entryway of the school.

  I turn, scanning to see if anyone is staring. I see one of the ladies in the office looking out the window, but she could be looking at anything. She’s far away and behind the window, so it’s hard to tell. There’s bunches and pairs of students rushing in the door, laughing and talking, and none of them are paying us any mind.

  Cain reaches over to give me a playful shove down the walkway and I give him one last look.

  As I walk into the front of the school, my already cum soaked panties are drenched again and I wonder just how much deeper all of this is going to go.

  Chapter Eight


  By eleven o’clock, I’ve been to two drug stores, making sure I have everything she needs at the cabin—including a new medical alert bracelet.

  I’ve been fighting off my rage over the fact that my brother and Melody’s mother didn’t think to have her wear one before now, but the truth is I’m fuming.

  What if something had happened? How could they be so negligent?

  It just deepened my resolve that she will be with me from now on. I know I’ll have to deal with Phillip, but even if he hates me, I’ll take his vitriol and whatever else he throws my way.

  In town, while I walked between the two drug stores a few blocks apart, there was this baby boutique sort of place. When I passed the window, I noticed a book inside, set in the center of a display. The title was, ‘From the day you were made’.

  When I walked into the boutique, the two ladies working there practically cowered behind the counter. I’m sure they don’t get a lot of guys that look like me in there, but once they realized I wasn’t there to kill them, they warmed up.

  I looked at the book, it’s a journal sort of thing that a couple keeps from the moment they know they are pregnant—or if they are lucky enough and can figure it out, from the moment of conception.

  After I picked up the book, I asked the ladies to wrap it. Then I walked around the rest of the store and found a light green blanket that looked like fur. When I reached down and touched it, it was the softest thing I’d ever felt in my life. The first thought that shot through my mind was that Melody deserves to sleep on something that soft for the rest of her life.

  They had ten in stock so I bought them all. After I give them to her, I’ll stitch them together into a comforter for our bed.

  There’s just one more stop I need to make before I head back to the school and meet Melody for lunch, and I’m not wasting a second. I pull up at the curb and jump out of my truck, crossing to the door in a couple of strides.

  I stomp into the offices of Rickson Lumber. Like I said, I’ve not missed a day of work in seven years, so I was sure they probably thought I was dying or something, but there’s no way I can keep away completely. I need to check in on things, make sure everything is ticking along without me.

  Once inside the front door, the receptionist, Harper’s, eyes get big and a whoop comes from one of the offices.

  “What the hell? You take a day off and end up here anyway?” Vin Riley steps out into the reception area, shaking his head. He’s one of the few people I call a friend, another lumberjack like me and we’ve worked together for a lot of years.

  He still works in the field, but does a lot of the training and trading of the rare lumber now a few days a week, here in the office.

  “I needed to talk to you.”

  “Oh good, an explanation. I thought the rapture was coming, you taking a day off work, maybe two from what I hear? What the hell, man?”

  I grunt and Harper scrunches her nose at me with a smile. “Hope you’re okay, Cain.” She says as I pass.

  “I’m fine. Nothing is wrong.” I answer, because I can see in her eyes she’s concerned.

  Vin slaps me on the shoulder and leans against the reception desk. “So, if nothing is wrong, what’s the deal?”

  “Just needed a day to take care of some family business.”

  He nods. “Yeah, with your brother back in town? Thought maybe you’d start to have a life outside of here. I mean, except for the one night a month I can get you to meet me for a beer. That’s not living, man.”

  “I do fine.” I run a hand down my face, my mind focused on Melody and the minutes between now and when I can see her again.

  “Okay. Nothing wrong then?”

  I shake my head. “I want you to come to dinner. At my cabin.”

  Shock smacks across his face and he brings a hand to his cheek like he’s having a heart attack.

  But I’ve been thinking about this.

  Melody comes from a different world. I’m practically a hermit. And I want her to know I can be more than what she sees right now. I want her to see that we will have a life. She’s used to parties and people, and a world bigger than a cabin in the woods.

  “I can cook, you know.”

  “Are you sure? I imagine you out there just gnawing raw meat off the bone. Probably roadkill.”

  “Eww.” Harper looks my way and rolls her eyes.

  I nod, then turn back to Vin. “Can you come or not?”

  When he finally realizes I’m serious, his manner changes. “When were you thinking?”

  “Tonight.” I snap. I’ve been battling between wanting her all to myself and showing her I can be the man she needs me to be. I figured, I can spare a couple hours. I may have to take her out back at least once and fuck her bent over my woodpile, but other than that I think I can survive.

  Vin reaches up and scratches his head. “Anyone else coming?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “Yes. A friend of my niece.”

  “Really? A friend of your niece is coming to a dinner at your house?” His incredulous tone draws a giggle from Harper.

  When I glare down at her she forces a frown and raises her hands in mock surrender. “Hey, you guys want to keep this conversation more private, be my guest. You don’t have to hover around my desk.”

  I grunt and cross my arms, unsure how much to share with Vin but realizing the lack of information here isn’t helping my cause.

  “My niece, Melody, is staying with me. I don’t want her to think I’m a caveman. You’re the only person I know.”

  “You are a caveman.” Vin retorts and I glare at him.

  Harper interjects, “Hey. What am I, chopped liver?”

  “Sorry.” I mutter. My social skills are that of a rhinoceros beetle, but she should know that already. “I meant…”

  She waves me off with a smile and I turn back to Vin, who is laughing.

  “It’s a fucking yes or no question. You coming to dinner tonight or not? Seven o’clock.”

  “Sure.” He looks at Harper, then back at me. “I’ll bring wine. Or, you know, mead if that’s more appropriate to your tastes.”

  “Don’t be an asshole. Wine is good. Don’t be late.” There’s one more thing, but I don’t need Vin for this, I need Harper. “Now go back in your office, I need to ask Harper something.”

  Vin laughs, gives me the finger, but heads back into his office. I walk over and close his door while he rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me.

  Harper has a funny smile on her face. “And what is it I can do for you?”


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