99 The Assassination of Dark Poetry

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99 The Assassination of Dark Poetry Page 7

by Anthony Brooks

respect for those can cheat on life

  If I did I would have no problem on those that cheat on their wife

  Sniff your life away


  Blow your mind away

  Trip over your mean less stray

  Make sure you die a different day

  You don’t feel the love for me

  So you have to take a f|_|cking pill to escape to a different planet to feel ecstasy

  If that is the case I will take a different women to share the pain I bleed
























  The 100th Seed of Destruction



  Her older hand devoured the seeds

  They crawled in the folds of her skin waiting to be free

  As she sprayed them unto the loose wet soil

  Her laughter of insanity filled the airs toil


  For she has a plan to run the world

  Her seeds of Darkness will grow to spoil

  Her seeds of Darkness her only friends

  As she will nurse them tall to see the worlds end


  The water from her tears at night

  Will help her spawns grow tough with sight

  They grow so tall amidst her glow

  Of lonely souls that she will know


  She names them individually

  One by one she sets them free

  Her seeds spawn Angels so lovingly

  But there is a problem with them she sees


  They hatch and seek for mothers den

  But she lay on the ground clutching her chin

  She can’t believe her eyes of deceit

  The spawns are Angels of light not for defeat


  I planted 100 seeds for my own

  What happened to them all they have grown

  To be a savior of light this can’t be

  But the 100th is yet to hatch let me see


  As the seed breaks open on her 100th child

  A blackened claw exits the cover of mild

  Two horns break free of the lock and chain seed

  Revealing dark wings twice the size of the breed


  The 100th now stands taller than her

  The 100th "chosen" one will help her endure

  As she laughs again so hysterically

  The 100th draws back and releases a deed


  The deed of death across his mind

  The so called helper of Devils kind

  Pulls back his claws of blackened death

  And enters her chest with a laugh of the best


  The old lady looks into her child’s eyes

  Why do you do this to your mother with demise

  I raised you to help me rule the world

  As the 99 Angels of light flee from twirl


  She sees them all fly away from her sight

  Her babies ran away from the one who brought life

  What stood before her was the 100th of dead

  As her life and her blood spilled onto the floors bed


  The 100th released his own seed of clones unto her

  As the blood of the mom entered the seeds oh so pure

  They all hatched baring resemblance to the 100th of lure

  As they rose in the air they had been rescued by their dear





























  Comment on This



  I write unto the blank papers stare

  A ball point pen in hand without a flare

  The words inscribed should be a future quote

  As I am the best or at least so you denote


  I listen to your comments out loud

  And damn you make me feel so proud

  I know that I am one of the best

  For you tell me so at least I can rest


  I take your words in heart with pride

  As I feel you only read what "I" inscribe

  But as I read words from others souls

  I see the same reply that you told


  I read the same things told to me

  You bustards are just lying to please

  You said I have so much to say

  I took it to heart as if it were a prayer


  I scroll upon others works of "art"

  You all say the same crap never heard a negative part

  So tell me I suck so I can have pride

  To be different than all these brown nosing fly’s


  "You have so much talent why don’t you go pro"

  Tell that sh1t to the fool on the rope

  "As usual you stun me with your words of hope"

  I get tired of reading the same for all poets


  Giving each other hand jobs for praise

  If you didn’t hate me now, I am sure you’re on your way

  Do I give a sh1t? Hell no I just laugh until it hurts

  At your pointless ratings of who’s best on the blurbs


  I speak my mind and tell the truth

  Why don’t you praise yourself and save time of the youth

  As they have more talent than you

  For they speak the "truth" and say "you suck" when its due



















  Wait as second that is not me



  I think some ashore stole my identity

  Let me roll out the guns of policy

  And break down the laws of wrath upon this fool that is cloning me

  Wait and see.....

  After I am through with you, you will be begging for mercy

  Just like David did to Goliath

  I will throw a stone and poke you eye out you stupid myth

  Sis boom ba...feel like high school again all over

  "No she didn't do that, she did not just steal my insecurity"

  I will raise a flag to the whole school so they can side with me

  And ruin the new ones attempt to bleed her soul so free

  She can never be me, or at least I hope not, for again my insecurity

  Is what is killing me.....maybe I should focus on other things grownups can see

  I guess high school is over, but I was the queen of the ball and this b&tch can

  take her pen and fall

  Change you name before you get banned....

  I will set all against you like Gipetto controlled that wooded man

  Don’t you mess with the chosen one

  For I am your Lord a
nd will not allow you to be in my zone

  It all comes down to insecurity....

  Of which the laws of copy write are completely wrapped around me







  The 8th Deadly Sin


  For those of you

  Who believe voodoo

  Is real enough

  To earn your trust

  Then be prepared

  To be filled with air

  As I blow smoke unto

  The mirrors of truth


  The Sins of Death

  Provide you with meth

  As hallucinations occur

  When you try and protect

  This endless cure

  For control of the lure

  And mans skewed laws

  Produce the sins of deaths claw


  You can’t make love

  You can’t break trust

  You can’t induce

  You can’t produce

  Forget reproduce

  Death will ensue

  Your pointless truth

  Mans governing root


  You can’t be proud

  Envious will cloud

  Gluttony will shroud

  Mans lust will frown

  My anger within

  Will end all in sin

  Sloth of the world

  Will meet greed with grin


  The last deadly sin

  Rhymes only with him

  As the nails drew within

  Hung up declaring win

  Man does equal pride

  For he creates laws with stride

  Forget others fate

  Our own sin can wait


  As we hang his with glee

  The eighth will shine free

  And eliminate deaths soul

  As its written in scroll

  "The 8th goes like this

  Is ends with your bliss

  Smile as you kill him

  For "MAN" is the last sin"






  4 Degrees from Darkness



  The average human temperature varies but always so close

  98.6 degrees separate us from all of the ghosts

  But if you think about it closer you can note

  That 103 degrees will be the end of our own hope


  The sun rotates upon its own in awe of our eyes

  For billions of years she has burned the same in surprise

  She has seen the birth of Jesus Christ and will see the death of us

  Only four degrees will separate our souls from being in her dust


  She knows the secrets of all time as we search hard to find

  If only she could talk but wait she left a clue behind

  For eternity she seemed like she was burning from within

  But one day she will be like we and submit 4 degrees from sin


  The clue she left was just a breath of how she once did pause

  With a name of "God" given to her as if she knew the cause

  Sacrifices were made on her behalf but she did not need them

  For time will tell and she eats your soul with 4 degrees of kin


  Again the clue given unto you is she will eat herself

  And when she will cave, unto her slave in turn unto her shelf

  She will take us all supernova and fall destroying all with a smile

  For the clue she gave unto the blind you will go with 4 degrees of vile


  The clue my friend is you and I will pass and so will she

  The cyclical life of eternal dance night will be the end of glee

  As you hear the song played out in true form please ask yourself to bleed

  For you cannot end the 4 degrees of sin escaping your mind as you please


  Long live the ignorant....




























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