The Shadow Wolf

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The Shadow Wolf Page 5

by G. Bailey

  “I’m clueless,” I admit, looking between them. Liam chuckles as Mason runs his finger down between my breasts and to my clit. I moan as he rubs my clit in smooth circles, and Liam kneels behind us, cupping my breasts and kissing me, pushing his erection into my back. Just before an orgasm—a mind-blowing one, I’m sure it will be—crashes over me, Mason leans back and thrusts deep inside me. My orgasm hits me hard, wave after wave of intense pleasure as Mason thrusts in and out of me, holding my hips in place.

  When I open my eyes, feeling my pleasure building up again, I get the best view in the world. Mason’s head is thrown back, deep groans escaping his lips as his thick muscular arms stretch around me, holding my hips as he takes his pleasure. He thrusts a few more times before coming hard inside me, and I lean back, looking at Liam. He grins and pushes me down, letting Mason slip out of me as I rest my head on Mason’s chest. Liam thrusts inside me, pushing my legs apart and pounding into me with a fevered passion. Oh my god. This is fucking amazing.

  I can’t think straight as Mason kisses me, running his hands over my hard nipples and his thumb finding my clit. All of it sends me crashing into another orgasm that sends Liam over the edge, thrusting hard into me before filling me with his come. And then I collapse onto Mason as Liam slides out of me and lies next to us.

  “I want to do that again,” I sleepily whisper.

  Mason chuckles, and Liam’s hand finds mine, squeezing it tightly. “We aren’t going anywhere. Ever. So we can do this as many times, as many positions, fuck anywhere or anytime you want. We are yours, Ana.”

  “And I’m yours,” I whisper back, feeling content for the first time in this foreign city.

  Chapter 9


  Not another dream…

  Blood spills around my feet as I stand over a white wolf. The fur of the wolf is smothered in the blood and dust, and it whines low, the sound hurting my heart to hear. I kneel down in the sand by the wolf, pressing my hands into its fur as I start to cry. My cries don’t end.

  Not even as I realise this is a dream and close my eyes to make it all stop.

  I wake up with a jolt, still feeling like the wolf is under my hands. Mason stirs next to me, but he doesn’t wake, and Liam is already rolled on his other side, lightly snoring. I blink my eyes a few times just before I start to feel sickness rolling up in my throat. Crap. I climb out of the bed as quickly as I can, tugging on my silky dressing gown that Liam bought in the city, along with all the clothes in this hut. Thankfully, he has a great sense of style, and I love everything I have tried on so far. I rush to the living room, pull open the door that leads to the deck, right by the kitchen, and breathe in the cold sea air the second I can. The air instantly makes me feel so much better, and I smile, placing my hand on my stomach.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I jump at the new voice, spinning around to see Alex leaning his back against the kitchen counter, a small bag on the counter next to him and a bottle of whiskey right next to it. I can smell the whiskey coming off him in waves, and drunk Alex looks so carefree, but so broken all at the same time. And my heart beats hard in my chest just from the sight of him.

  “For what exactly?” I question. “I’m not mad at you. Upset? Yes, but I know we didn’t plan this, and I don’t know how you feel about kids. You didn’t have to walk out on me though.”

  His eyes say so much that he doesn’t for a long moment between us. I know Alexander better than I feel like I know myself. “I walked out because I’m fucking terrified that I will be a shit dad, and I couldn’t face telling the woman I love how little I think of myself.”

  “Alex...,” I hoarsely whisper.

  “And what’s worse?” he pauses as I step closer, right in front of him. “I’ve always wanted kids someday, and the moment I fell in love with you, I imagined what it would be like for us to have kids and a family. But I’m fucking scared, and you didn’t need to see that.”

  “I want to see that,” I counter, cupping his cheeks, feeling how wet they are with tears. “I want to see every single side of you. The scared, the fierce, the brave, the loving and whatever else you feel.”

  “Why?” he asks.

  “Because I’m in love with you,” I remind him. “There isn’t anything you could do that would stop me loving every inch of you.”

  He kisses me, pouring all his pain into every kiss and setting me alive with each brush of his lips that taste like whiskey and regret. Eventually, he pulls away, pressing his forehead on mine, and his hand settles on my stomach. I smile and cover his hand with my own.

  “I got you something,” he tells me, pulling away and handing me the bag. I open it up and pull out a yellow knitted blanket. Tears fill my eyes as Alex covers my hands on the blanket.

  “They have a baby shop here, and I saw this. I liked the silk edging, and I imagined our baby in my arms, wrapped in this blanket. I think we will have a boy with your blonde hair and beautiful eyes.”

  “I will treasure this,” I admit, placing the blanket back in the bag. “Thank you, Alex.”

  “I am going to protect you both, protect our family,” Alex tells me, tugging me back into his arms. I reach across the counter behind him, pulling the tiny storage box towards us and opening it up. I hand Alex the scan photo that I haven’t shown the others yet, but I will when they wake up. Seeing Alex softly take the photo from my hands and hold it in the light to see it better makes me so sure about what kind of dad he will be. Alex has nothing to worry about.

  If he loves our child even a tiny ounce of how much he loves me...our baby will be loved and cherished for her or his entire life.

  Chapter 10


  Who’s the daddy?

  “You’re pregnant?” Phoebe asks with wide eyes, her hands tightly holding mine. She squeals and throws herself into my arms, hugging me tightly, and I feel her joy like it’s my own. Estelle grins at me as she holds baby Alexia in her arms, and Raine looks completely shocked.

  “You lucky madam. Who’s the daddy?” Raine asks, hugging me next and just as tightly. I see Alex outside the hut on the beach with Skye, telling her the same news. Liam will tell his mum tomorrow when we go to the meeting area to get the rest of our people. Mason called his parents and sister, explaining everything that has happened, and they decided to stay at their homes but promised to come and visit in the future.

  “I err…,” I drift off, and Raine leans back, winking at me.

  “Got it,” she whispers, and I laugh even as I see the grief my friend hides so well under her smile. The funeral for Hugh was yesterday, and he now has a plaque in the cemetery here near the top of the tallest hill. So many people, more than just the familiars who knew Hugh, came with flowers and cards to say goodbye to a man who led many of our kind for a long time. Raine cried throughout the entire funeral, and it was heartbreaking to see. I held her hand, her boyfriends on the other side of her, and I told her that I would be her family no matter what. And I meant it. I don’t know if that makes any of it easier, but all I want is to be able to help her suffering even a little bit.

  “Are you okay with being an aunt?” I ask Phoebe. She shrugs, and Raine walks away a little, giving us some space. “Are you okay in general?”

  “Everything is changing,” she says. “I miss Aunt Courtney, but I know she is bad now. I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

  “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I am not going anywhere,” I firmly tell her. “I know you’ve had to deal with so many people coming in and out of your life, but that will change. This island is our home now. It’s where we can be at peace.”

  “I do like it here. I’m starting school next week,” she tells me, and I grin.

  “You’re going to be smarter than any of us. I just know it,” I say, and she hugs me once again.

  “Ana!” Mason shouts, rushing through the door with my parents hot on his heel. The look in his eyes tells me enough. Something is wrong.

p; “What is it?” I ask, protectively standing in front of Phoebe.

  “Can the children go out of the room?” mum asks, eyeing Phoebe and the twins. Even though they are just babies, the tension in the room is still something they could pick up on.

  “Come on, we can go out on the deck and look at the sea. Let’s go see what Skye’s up to,” Estelle suggests, nudging Phoebe’s head towards the door. Estelle puts Alexia down next to her sleeping brother in the flat pushchair and takes all three outside. I stop behind my dad, who opens a laptop and presses play on a video I wish was never created.

  Bethany’s beautifully cold and impassive face fills the screen, and behind her is the ruins of a city I do not recognise. Flames flicker around Dawn sitting right at her back, and smoke flies high into the sky in the distance. Bethany is wearing all purple, dressed like a leader, and I wish I saw some of the Bethany I knew.

  Where is my sister?

  “The last city of the familiars has fallen, and I will find you next, Anastasia,” Bethany claims with a sneer, and I feel like she is looking right at me. Like she is next to me, her words cutting directly into my chest. “Or you can come to me, and I will let you live. Immortal life is long, and I will forgive you in time but not if you continue to hide and evade me. Watch this city burn, sister, and know your home will be next.”

  The video cuts out, and I feel like I can’t breathe as I just stare at the empty screen even as we sit in silence. Mum starts crying, and dad comforts her, while Mason places his hand on my shoulder, but his touch makes me snap out of the pure shock. I push away anyone who reaches for me, and I run outside, heading down the beach, my shoes falling off at some point. I don’t know how long I run for until I come to a halt and kneel down in the wet sand, the waves brushing over my clothes and drowning me in cold water almost as much as my heart feels drowned in pain. I burst into thick tears as I come to a realisation that is impossible to ignore anymore: My sister is gone and I can’t save her from herself.

  I was naive to ever think I could after she tried to kill me, but I wanted to so badly that I couldn’t give up. I needed to believe she had some good left in her, but seeing a city burning due to her destruction told me everything I needed to know.

  The chaos inside my sister’s heart is unstoppable. Even for me.

  “Can we sit with you?” Liam softly asks, and I have no idea when he got here. I look up to see him standing over me, a gentle smile on his lips. Right behind him, Mason and Alex wait silently, just here if I need them. I nod and he kneels at my side, just being there for me like I need. They are all here for me. Eventually I wrap my arms around Liam, and he picks me up, carrying me back to our home.

  Always saving me.

  Always loving me.

  And that is worth remembering, even if I can’t save my sister anymore.

  Chapter 11


  An army to take over the world.

  “You made this for the baby?” Ana asks Skye, holding the small line of shells on a string. Each shell is polished, thanks to my help, and has a tiny hole in it so Skye could put the string through it. I remember Skye’s look of joy and thrill when I told her there was a new baby on the way and she would be an auntie. I know Ana sees Skye as her sister as much as Phoebe is, and the same for Skye. I’m so fucking happy they love each other.

  “Do you think he or she will like it?” Skye nervously asks, a strange emotion for my little sister. She is usually the confident, argumentative one, but I know she cares so much for Ana’s opinion. I’ve noticed how Skye wears the same colour clothing as Ana and follows her everywhere she can. She even eats toast instead of cereal because it’s what Ana eats. It’s fucking cute.

  Ana’s face softens. “We will hang it at the top of one of the windows so it shines light around the room. I imagine the baby will love it because it’s from you.” She bumps her shoulder. “Auntie Skye.”

  Skye’s smile is so wide that it must hurt her face. I chuckle and pick up the car keys, not really wanting to leave them at all, but I should go. As much as I don’t think I need Ana’s dad’s permission or respect to date his daughter, I would be lying if I said him being a fucking god isn’t worrying. Though I think he isn’t as godly as he used to be.

  “I have to go and meet your dad. Do you want or need anything from the city?” I ask Ana, walking over to her side. I kiss her cheek, and she grins at me.

  “Chocolate brownies?” she asks with innocent big eyes, and I laugh.

  “I will search the city for some. I promise,” I tell her, loving the light in her eyes that hasn’t been there for the last few days since we got Bethany’s recording. Even when Liam’s mum, Dorothy, was brought to the island and Liam told her the happy news. She was over the moon and insisted on moving in with us to one of the five spare bedrooms this place has. With Skye and Phoebe in one of the other rooms, the place is hectic, and we never seem to get much time alone. I kiss Ana one more time on the cheek and ruffle Skye’s hair before heading out. I have to admit, I like this place. The sea air, the bright and open hut on the sea, and the freedom this place seems to have. I sense that Ki-Ki really loves it here as well, and that means this place, this is beginning to feel like home. I wonder if Mason and Liam feel the same way.

  It doesn’t matter anyway. If Ana doesn’t want to stay here and have the baby live this life, then we will follow her anywhere she wants to go.

  And I would understand if she wanted to leave. Her parents are always going to be a reminder that they left and that they set Bethany upon a long life of revenge and bitterness. I don’t want Bethany dead, even after everything, because I know it will hurt Ana so deeply.

  She loves her sister.

  And I fucking love every inch of Anastasia Noble.

  I get in the nice as shit Jeep and drive myself through the city to the other side where Ana’s dad instructed me to come and see him this morning. Liam and Mason are with Raine and Estelle, helping them buy things for the twins and putting them together with Raine’s boyfriends. They both know Ana’s dad called on me, and honestly, they aren’t sure of him. I want to figure out his game as well.

  And if it hurts Ana, we are leaving. Period.

  The sat-nav leads me to a quiet road, and it briefly crosses my mind that her dad might want to kill me in an abandoned place before the road comes out into a clearing with five warehouses. Soldiers in black clothing with large animals at their sides run in formations around a track at the back as someone shouts orders to them. I park the car and get out, spotting Clive Dawn, or whatever his real god name is, waiting for me in front of the first warehouse. He offers me his hand when I’m close, and I shake it, noticing he has a strong ass grip.

  “We don’t know or trust each other, but you are in my daughter’s life. Part of me wants to chuck you off that cliff over there with a thousand rocks strapped to your body,” he snaps. “But my wife, my mate, has demanded I show you three compassion.”

  I drop his hand and cross my arms. I smirk. “You can fucking try it. God or not, I will kick your ass all over this island if you hurt me.”

  He surprises me by laughing. “Now I see why she likes you. I’m not here to start a war with you or Mason or Liam. I want to show you something important and hope it builds some trust between us. I want to attempt to instruct you on how to run the main part of the island. You are my heirs, and this island will need leaders like you who are born for it.”

  “Trust has to be earnt,” I warn him. “And I am not a trusting person.”

  “Then how did my daughter gain your undying loyalty and trust?” he asks me, looking curious.

  “How did your wife?” I counter, and he simply smiles as I follow him to the door of one of the warehouses.

  “With how pure and loving she is. Diana has a pure heart, and it’s hard not to love her for it,” he tells me and pushes the door open to the warehouse. The inside is far bigger than I expected, and it has several levels that are underground. The place is full
of weapons and soldiers, hundreds, if not a good thousand of them, walking around or training. The weapons, guns mostly, fill the cases on the walls around the sections. “That is why I will not let my other daughter hurt us. We have an army of three thousand highly trained soldiers and a similar weapon count.”

  “You want to destroy the threat before it comes to our shores?” I figure.

  “No...I don’t want Bethany dead. She is my daughter, and there must be a way to get through to her heart. I won’t give up,” he swears, and I purse my lips into a tight line, trying not to say anything that will piss him off.

  But lying isn’t my game.

  “Bethany has grown bitter and cold, thinking the world owes her everything because she is immortal. She has forgotten how to love anyone but herself, and no matter where this ends, she will have to die,” I tell him. What she did in the video is the last straw, in my mind. I know Ana won’t be able to kill her, but I will if it has to happen.


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