The Shadow Wolf

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The Shadow Wolf Page 8

by G. Bailey

  “Courtney still loves you. She told me as much,” I reply. “But then she betrayed me with Bethany.”

  “Phoebe told me about Courtney and how close she was to her,” mum tells me, and it doesn’t surprise me that Phoebe would have mentioned it. “I’m happy Courtney loved Phoebe when she needed someone. I’m proud of you for saving her and for how close you keep those you love. You know that, Anastasia?”

  “That you’re proud of me?” I whisper back. “No, I didn’t, but I love hearing it.”

  “Bethany might be lost, but I won’t give up on her. I won’t give up on any of my girls. You are each the greatest gifts I have ever been given,” she tells me, her voice full of emotion, and I take her hand in mine.

  “I love you, mum, and I forgive you for leaving us. I understand you did it to save us, to let us have a normal life not being hunted and to save many thousands of lives. This city is worth it all, I can see that,” I admit, and she bursts into tears. I mean every word. We didn’t have a bad childhood, we had a normal one, and until recently, I didn’t know how special that really was. “I think you and dad are so brave and selfless to give up your children to let them be free. I couldn’t imagine the pain of leaving my baby, and she or he isn’t even born yet. But I know I would do what you did if my baby was in constant danger. At least I hope I could be brave enough.”

  “Oh, my Annie,” she replies, kissing the side of my head as I feel my eyes wet with tears.

  Loud banging smacks on the locked doors to the room, and the room goes deadly silent as fear crawls up my chest. I climb to my feet even as mum tries to pull me back down with a shaky hand.

  “Stay here,” I command her, feeling Shadow at my side as I walk to the steps. The banging gets louder, and I brace myself for a fight as I climb onto Shadow’s back. “We go down fighting. Whoever it is doesn’t get in here.”

  Shadow’s whole body vibrates with the growl he lets out. The banging stops, and the doors fling open, the bright light burning my eyes as I blink them a few times, and relief fills my chest when I see Liam and Silver at the top.

  “The city is secure. You okay?” he asks. I slide off Shadow and run up the steps, throwing myself into his arms.

  Chapter 19


  Can I save my sister?

  My eyes stay on Alex opposite me, how his large muscular arms are so tightly crossed as he stares down everyone in the room, and my mum is next to my dad. When the plane landed, it was controlled chaos, and they managed to kill all but two of them who have escaped into the city. The city is on lockdown, and everyone is looking out for anything suspicious or anyone new.

  “Mason, it wasn’t your fault,” Liam reminds him.

  “I should have found the other two when I had them close. The one left alive is useless; he really doesn’t know much,” Mason grumbles, sounding as frustrated as he looks. “One thing is for sure: Bethany knows where we are, and she will be bringing her entire army next time. The plane was an appetizer.”

  “I’m going to make an announcement and command every single child, elderly or anyone who can’t fight to live in the hideouts for the next week. Everyone going in will be checked, and then the soldiers can go from door to door to check. The most important prize in this city is our people,” dad suggests, sounding firm on the idea. He is right, our people need to be kept safe from all of this.

  “Agreed,” Alex adds with a sharp nod.

  “I’m not going down there,” I say, and from the glare Alex gives me, I know he isn’t on board with this idea before I’ve even said it. “Shadow will keep me safe, and I have to get to Bethany. If anyone can stop this, it’s me. I don’t intend to get close to her alone, but I won’t sit hiding in the city when it’s my sister destroying lives.”

  “Neither am I,” mum adds in. “People will need to see we are just taking precautions, or there will be mass panic. All of our people know what war is, and they will try to run from the island to hide within human cities.”

  “Ana,” Liam says from my side. I meet his gaze and shake my head. “What about Phoebe and Skye? They need someone close to be with so they aren’t scared.”

  “I have just the person,” mum adds in, annoying my guys and saving me from not having a good answer for that one. “I will go and get her.”

  Mum leaves the room, and Mason leans down to my ear, lowering his voice. “This won’t be safe for you or our baby. What if you fall off Shadow in the fight? Please say you will stand aside and only come close if you are sure it’s safe.”

  “I need to be there, but I will be protecting myself. Our baby will never be safe while Bethany is free, and I could never forgive myself if I’m not there at the end. I won’t run right into the middle of a war for anyone, not even Bethany. If she sees me, I bet she will follow me, and then we can surround her.”

  “Alright,” Mason breathes out. “I don’t like it, but I have a funny feeling you wouldn’t listen if I told you not to come.”

  “Nope,” I reply with a small, tense smile.

  “How did they get past your barrier?” Alex asks my dad.

  Dad looks at me. “A drop of our blood, or my children’s, would let you pass through. I imagine Bethany placed her blood on the front of the plane and on the birds.”

  “That’s messed up,” I mutter, even though it does sound like something Bethany would do. Anything to win.

  “Can you change the barrier, make it so she can’t do that?” I question him. He rubs his cheek.

  “No.” His answer fills the room with tension. “I hoped she wouldn’t figure it out, but she has somehow. We have to be ready for war. My powers have grown weak over time, even the stunt I pulled with your helicopter was a lot for me. All my magic is going into the barrier and holding it. I’m afraid, other than fighting, I will be no use in the war to come.”

  “We will be ready for a war then,” Alex tensely answers. “Mason, Liam and I are going to get to the warehouses. Are you coming?”

  “Yes,” dad answers. They all say goodbye before leaving our hut and shutting the door behind them. I make myself a cup of tea and sit down on the sofa, watching the waves in silence, trying to calm my thoughts, but all I can think of is Bethany. Bethany. Bethany. And all of her messed up choices that somehow made everything so complicated.

  Why couldn’t she have just let me talk to her?

  Then again, maybe talking to her at this point would do nothing, and she would just try to kill me once more. The door is knocked once, and I turn as mum walks in, followed by someone I wasn’t expecting to see.

  Grandma Pops.

  She drops her bag onto the floor as I climb off the sofa and run to her open arms. She hugs me tightly as I breathe in how she smells like cookies and vanilla ice cream, as always. “You have changed so much. It’s in your eyes, you have grown.”

  “I missed you,” I tell her softly, meaning every word. “And you look the same as you did the day I left on that train.”

  “I cannot say the same for you.” She gestures to my baby bump, smiling. “If you need a babysitter, you know who to call.”

  “Get in line,” mum playfully says, and we all laugh. “But Grandma Pops is going to watch Skye and Phoebe for us the next few weeks.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her.

  “No, I never got to tell you how much you three girls were a gift to me. I loved bringing you up, and I hope you can save Bethany. She has goodness in her heart, I know it,” she firmly tells me. I know she does, but I fear it is swallowed by the darkness, the light not having a chance to shine out anymore. I can’t break Grandma Pop’s heart by telling her the truth, so instead, I hug her tightly. For a moment, I pretend the world isn’t falling apart and taking my heart with it.

  Chapter 20


  We are written in our hearts.

  My guys come through the door in a line, each of them looking more stressed than the next, and I’m not sure who to comfort first.

�Bad day?” I nervously ask. It’s been a week tomorrow since the plane landed, and we all know we are on borrowed time. The city is silent, most of its people in hiding, including Skye and Phoebe. Estelle and Dorothy are in the medical hospital, helping out as I should be. Raine and her boyfriends have taken the twins into the hideouts as well, so everyone is mostly as safe as they can be, considering everything that is going on.

  “Bethany’s army has destroyed four human towns near the coast facing our island. Our spies’ reports made it clear they have twice the number of fighters as we do, and they are coming tomorrow. I’m fucking worried,” Mason replies, filling me in on everything.

  “We will not go down without one hell of a fight, brother.” Alex pats Liam’s shoulder.

  “They might have the numbers, but they don’t have the skills. Each one of the men and women fighting tomorrow are skilled,” Liam replies.

  “And we have our familiars. They are ancients, and their animals will not fight them,” I remind them, even if I can’t hide the nerves in my voice. “We are not powerless, and I can stop this all if I can get to Bethany first.”

  “She tried to kill you last time,” Alex reminds me. “She isn’t going anywhere fucking near you unless we are there.”

  I nod, rubbing my arms as I walk to them. “She surprised me, but this time I know not to trust her. I have no intention of letting her trick me with emotions again.”

  “She is a cold-blooded killer, Tassie. You will remember that and not see the sister you grew up with, right?” Alex asks me. “Or I’m putting your ass in one of the hideouts.”

  “I will remember,” I say. “For us, for our baby...I will remember.”

  “Ana,” Liam softly says, taking my hand and pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his chest, holding on tightly as I breathe him in.

  “We have a surprise for you. Something we hoped to have more time to plan,” Liam says, letting me go but still holding my hand.

  “What is it?” I ask them all. They share a look and nod their heads to the door.

  “Showing you will make more sense,” Alex explains, holding his keys in the air. “Ready for a drive?”

  “Sure,” I reply. I slide on my shoes, brushing down my leggings and purple tee shirt that falls to my knees. I’m not dressed for a date, but I don’t have time to get ready. My guys don’t seem to care anyway by the looks of it. I unplait my hair in the car, running my fingers through it. The guys all sneak glances at me, and I can’t figure out what the tension is in the car. The only thing I can come up with is that they have decided to lock me up somewhere, but I trust them enough that they wouldn’t do that.

  I think.

  We head into the forest and start to go up the road that leads up the hill in the centre of the island. Alex parks the car when we get to the top, and I’m excited to see what is up here. It’s likely one of the only important parts of the island I haven’t explored. I get out of the car and walk ahead of the guys to the lights. Three flames flicker in holders, and in the middle of them is an altar of some kind. A knife lies on top of it, clamped down with string, and when we get closer, I see the surface is covered with thousands of tiny initials, carved into the rock.

  “This is where the familiars of the city come to get married. They bind themselves and write their initials together. Will you bind your life to ours, Anastasia Noble?” Mason asks me. I turn around in utter shock, not expecting that at all.

  I look at each of my men, the men I know in my heart I would never leave. They have my heart, and while we aren’t the most normal group of relationships, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Yes,” I answer. “Yes, so much. So many times. Just yes.”

  “Phew,” Liam winks. “We were worried then.”

  “I wasn’t,” Alex cockily states, and we all roll our eyes at him. Mason steps in front of me, picking my hand up and kissing my knuckles ever so softly.

  “We had rings made, and we have all practised the ceremony. Are you ready?” he asks me. Tears fill my eyes as I nod, and my lips couldn’t smile more even if I tried. Hell, I love them so much. This makes everything so much more. I wasn’t expecting this.

  Mason guides me to the stone altar before they each move around it until we are encircling it. Mason clears his throat and pulls out four rings, placing them in the centre of the altar, and I try not to cry just at the sight of them. They are made of gold, and I can see animal shapes engraved in the gold band. I spot a wolf, snake, fox and hawk.

  They thought of everything. I can’t stop the tears of happiness that fall from my eyes this time.

  Alex picks up an old, long piece of silky fabric and wraps it around his hand and wrist before passing it to Liam. He does the same before handing it to me. I copy what they have done and hand the end to Mason, who ties it around his hand and wrist, ending the fabric.

  “With this binding, I link our souls and bodies for now until the end of time. I, Mason Oleson, promise to protect our family with my body, to love with all my heart and to never walk away. This is my promise,” Mason never looks away from me as he talks. He picks up a ring from the table and hands it to me. I slide the ring onto his finger and lean up, kissing him softly. I pick up another ring, looking at Liam next.

  He repeats the same as Mason but adds his own words at the end. “Before the gods in the sky, and the ones who walk the same path we do, I swear to protect and love my family forever.” I slide his ring onto his finger, seeing the love in his eyes. I never once doubted Liam would love me forever, and I never will.

  I pick one more ring up and look at Alex. He takes his time, softly repeating the main part of the vow before he clears his throat. “I never wanted to swear my life to anyone until I met you, Anastasia Noble. I slowly fell deeply in love with you, with everything that makes you so different from anyone I have met. My brothers fell for you too, and I knew from day one we would be together in this for our lives. This is everything I searched for but didn’t know I was looking for. I vow to be your saviour, your lover and anything you need of me, I will be it for you because I love you.”

  “Alex,” I whisper in adoration, tears falling down my cheeks as I slide the ring onto his finger.

  Alex picks up the last ring as Mason and Liam hold my hand out. “With this binding, I link our souls and bodies for now until the end of time. I, Anastasia Noble, promise to protect our family with my body, to love with all my heart and to never walk away. This is my promise, but more importantly, this is my vow to you all. I love each of you with all my heart and soul,” I say as Alex slides the ring onto my finger. “No matter what comes next, we will find each other. We will always find each other in every life that follows this.”

  “And in this life, we will love you until the end,” Mason promises.

  As we undo the bindings before spending the rest of the night together enjoying what it means to be in love...I vow one more thing I never say out loud:

  I will fight with everything I have to make sure we get a long life of peace together.

  Chapter 21


  War and peace always come hand in hand.

  The wind moves my hair around my shoulders, while the two plaits at each side from the top of my head all the way around my ears keep my hair from getting into my eyes as I look over the beach in the distance. Thousands of our people stand in lines, their animals ready, weapons in their hands. All of them ready for the battle that is going to hit us so very soon. At the front of the army are my dad and mum, and on either side of them are my men with their familiars so they are easy to see. I should be at their sides, but we all agreed that staying near the back is better for the most part, and I am staying hidden in a gift shop stall where I can see everything, but I can hide just as easily. I’m simply looking for my sister; that is my job today, and I have promised them I won’t go alone to Bethany without calling for them.

  I sink my hands into Shadow’s fur, and as the sea in front of us fills wit
h planes and boats heading to us at full speed, I can only think of the first dream I had when I became a familiar.

  I stand still, feeling I am frozen in the middle of what I can only describe as a war zone. Familiars are fighting, throwing each other around with waves of different coloured energy, with their animals at their side. I can’t focus on anyone’s face; they are just all blurs of colour and fur. A clear path appears right in front of me, showing me Shadow crouching low, growling loudly enough to make my ears hurt. A version of me is riding his back, almost hidden in his dark fur. My hair is long, flowing behind me in the wind, and I very slowly follow the direction they are looking to see a white wolf the same size as Shadow opposite them. The wolf is crouched low, looking ready to fight as much as Shadow does. Just as I look up to see who’s on the back of the white wolf, the world fades, and the last thing I hear is a heartbreaking, familiar scream.

  I shake my head, snapping out of the memory and swearing to myself that scream was just nothing. It can’t be who I thought it was. I watch, frozen to the spot as the planes fly over us and land in the city. The boats, thousands of them, crash land into the beach, and men flood out of them with their animals. The sound of the war cry is horrid, a sound I wish I didn’t hear as thousands of our people crash into the sea to fight the familiars. Coloured energy blasts from the familiars in waves, knocking animals into the air, and people too. Blood drips into the sea, soon turning the blue ocean to red.

  I turn back, seeing the city filling with so many people, and most of them are not our people—I can tell from the purple clothes they wear.

  The house of Violeta is here. I don’t know how long I just watch, feeling scared more than I can admit at the sight of all the fighting, all the death that follows around us. I see Alex in the distance, fighting effortlessly and shooting anyone in his way. Liam and Mason are on Silver and Hex in the air, both the hawks swooping down and picking up soldiers like toys and throwing them into the ocean.


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