A Young Adult Romance Collection

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A Young Adult Romance Collection Page 32

by Victorine E. Lieske

  “When is your birthday?”

  “It was last week.”

  Nice. Eli felt kind of like a slug, even though he had just moved to town and didn’t know her well. “Sorry I missed it.”

  She laughed. “It’s okay. It wasn’t that great. I thought Jack was planning something big, but he just took me to the lake and we ate sandwiches I’m pretty sure he got his mom to make.”

  Eli was getting tired of hearing about Jack. Why had he brought him up in the first place? He turned onto a country road and changed the subject. “I have three more questions, if I remember right.”

  “You just asked me some questions. I think it’s my turn.”

  He didn’t care. As long as they weren’t talking about Jack anymore. “Go ahead.”

  “What happened to make you move here?”

  He clenched his jaw. She must have noticed because she placed her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry if that’s a sore subject for you.”

  “It’s okay.” He was still angry with his father, but it would be good to talk about it. “I’ll tell you.”

  He pulled the car into a dirt parking lot filled with vans and other mom vehicles. He cut the engine and sat there for a moment, trying to decide how to start. He tapped the steering wheel with his thumb. “My parents never had a great marriage. A lot of fighting. I think it’s because my father was such a control freak. OCD. Everything had to be perfect.”

  “That had to be hard.”

  “Yeah.” That was the understatement of the year. He couldn’t describe the way he had to tiptoe around the house when his father wasn’t at work. Luckily, he was at work a lot. “It was.”

  “So, your parents divorced.”

  He fisted his hands. “Not until we found out he had another family.”

  Destiny’s eyes grew wide. “Another family?”

  “Yeah.” He looked at her. “We found out he had another woman on the side. Had a kid with her.”

  “Whoa, seriously?”


  “That’s horrible.” Destiny took his hand and gently pried his fingers open. He hadn’t realized how tightly he was clenching them.

  “Mom sent him divorce papers. He blew up. Told her he could afford a better lawyer and would take everything from her. And that’s pretty much what happened. Mom could have fought for more, but she was worn down. In the end she said she didn’t want his tainted money. I don’t blame her. I just wish we could figure out a way to get my dog back.”

  “That’s messed up.” Destiny blinked and looked out the windshield.

  He stared at her. “Are you crying?”

  She wiped at the corner of her eye. “I’m just sad for you.”

  That was the sweetest thing he’d ever seen. “Come here.” He pulled her into a hug as best he could with the car console between them. He kissed her temple. “You’re amazing.”

  “Because I’m a sap and I cry at everything?”

  “No. Because you’re empathetic. You’re endearing.” He breathed in the scent of her coconut shampoo. “And you smell really good right now.”

  She laughed. “Come on. Let’s go in. We have pumpkins to pick out.”

  He kind of wanted to stay in the car and make out with her, but he nodded and hopped out so he could open her door. He took her hand and they walked to the entrance. The woman took his money and stamped their hands.

  “Is the haunted forest open in the daytime?” Destiny asked.

  “You can walk through it, but there aren’t any live actors in there until it’s dark.”


  Eli was confused. “There’s a haunted forest with live actors here? I thought this was just about picking out pumpkins.”

  Destiny looked at him funny. “You’ve never been to a pumpkin patch before?”

  “Yeah, but there were just pumpkins there.”

  She grinned. “Then you’ll love this.” She grabbed his hand and led him through the gate. The farm was bustling with people, mostly kids, but there were teens as well. Halloween decorations and buildings were everywhere. There was a snack shack, several haunted houses, and several others he couldn’t figure out.

  “Let’s find the haunted forest.” Destiny tugged him in the direction of a dirt path.

  “Why are you so on fire to walk through the haunted forest? What’s in there?”

  “Just fake spiders and stuff.” She grinned at him. “But it’s very private.”

  He was all for it, then. He followed her over a couple of hills, by a corn maze, a bouncy house full of kids, and a fake jail where kids were ‘locking’ each other up. A spooky-looking gate sported a sign that read, “Haunted Forest. Hours: Sunset to Midnight.”

  She opened the gate and they stepped over a small bridge and entered the woods. They walked down the path, passing by a headless horseman propped up against a tree. A little further in, they could no longer hear the children laughing and screaming.

  She looked up at him. “I think we’re alone now.”

  “I see. That was your devious plan. To bring me into the woods so you could have your way with me.”

  She poked him in the side. “You’re such a flirt, but I’m starting to think you’re all talk and no action.”

  He reached out to grab her, but she jumped back, giggling. “I’ll show you action,” he said chasing after her.

  She ran deeper into the woods. “Only if you can catch me.”

  His blood pumped as he ran after her. He managed to grab her arm and pulled her to a stop. She backed up until she was pressed up against a tree. He leaned down, close to her lips. “Gotcha.”

  She placed her hand on his chest. “Your heart is beating so fast.”

  “That’s because you’re driving me crazy.”

  Her lips curved up into a smile. “I kind of like you when you’re crazy.”

  He chuckled. “Good.”

  Her smile faded and she stared into his eyes. “Eli?”


  “If you don’t kiss me now, I think I’m going to explode,” she whispered.

  “Me, too,” he said.

  Chapter 11

  Destiny’s heart pounded as she waited for Eli to kiss her. She didn’t have to wait long.

  He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. The sensation was nothing like she expected. She’d kissed Jack, and it had felt good, but this was indescribable. A thousand butterflies exploded from a cannon in her stomach and raced through her insides. She was instantly on fire, and yet goosebumps erupted over her skin. She was fire and lightning and electricity all at once, gasping for air and yet needing nothing but Eli. Her lips slid across his in a hungry dance.

  Nerve endings exploded and her heart raced. She pulled him closer to her, needing more of him. He quickened the pace of the kiss. Waves of pleasure crashed through her. She was a million stories high, falling faster than she’d ever fallen. She wanted nothing more than to be in Eli’s arms forever.

  The rough bark of the tree bit into her back, but she didn’t care. It was a stark contrast to his soft lips exploring hers. She wanted to breathe him in. Lock him in a place inside of her where he would never escape. She felt totally safe with him. Like she could tell him anything, and he would hold it sacred.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket and she realized she’d been hearing that sound as they kissed. Repeatedly. Someone needed Eli. Disappointment soured in her stomach and she pulled away from him. “You should answer whoever that is.”

  “I don’t want to.” He kissed her again, and the fire flickered over her skin. His lips were tantalizing. Teasing her. Nipping at her bottom lip. His phone vibrated again.

  She forced herself away. “What if it’s important?”

  “It’s not.” His eyes were half-closed. He kissed her again, and she thought her knees might buckle.

  When another sound came from his phone, she reached into his back pocket and grabbed it, pulling it away from him. “Maybe it is,” she said, looking at the scr

  “No!” Eli yelled, but she’d already seen it. Jack’s name.

  Confusion clouded her mind. “Jack is texting you? Why?”

  Eli looked like he’d been caught stealing from the cash register. “Can I have my phone back?”

  A heavy feeling spread through Destiny. Eli was keeping something from him. Lying. Just like Jack started doing. She wanted to cry.

  She slapped his phone into Eli’s hand and turned from him, a cold lump of stone sitting in her stomach.

  “Des. Don’t be upset. It’s nothing.” He put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest.

  She remained stiff. “What does Jack want with you?”

  “He asked me this morning if you were with me when you broke up with him.”

  Jack was jealous? Upset that she was with Eli? That made sense. But why had Jack been texting Eli instead of her? She looked up at him. “Then he knows we’re together now.”


  “And he’s upset.”

  He paused. “Kind of.”

  She placed her hands on Eli’s cheeks. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I should know better. You’re not like Jack.”

  Eli’s face was hard to read. Something crossed behind his eyes, but it just flashed by and was gone. “No, I’m not,” he said.

  She kissed him again, but it was different. Somehow it had lost a little of the magic from a moment ago. He pulled back. “Are you hungry? We could get some snacks.”

  “Sure.” She slipped her hand into his and they walked along the path toward the gate.

  “Do you know anywhere in this town that’s hiring?” Eli hooked his thumb into his pocket.

  “You need a job?”

  “Yeah. Mom’s job doesn’t cover much more than the necessities. My dad refuses to pay for my car insurance, so I have to come up with it, or I won’t be able to drive my car anymore.”

  “Why would he buy you a fancy car, but then not pay for the insurance?”

  “I think it’s a way to pit me against my mom.” He kicked a rock and watched it skitter across the dry leaves. “He’s all about playing games and manipulation.”

  “That sucks.”

  “It does.”

  Destiny took in a breath and tried to think of places that hired teenagers. “You could try the coffee shop. Or the theater. I know several teens who work there. Or the hardware store.”

  “Okay. I’ll get applications.”

  They reached the gate and Destiny playfully turned and pressed her back up against it. “Are you sure you’re ready to leave the haunted forest?”

  “Yeah. I’m starved.” He tugged on the gate, and she stepped out of the way.

  She tried not to show her disappointment as they left. “Okay.”

  Eli felt bad about turning down another make-out session with Destiny, but he couldn’t kiss her. Not right now. Not when he was feeling so guilty about what he’d done.

  Again, the thought came to him to tell her everything. He knew that was the right thing to do. He just had to gather up the courage. Find the right time to say something. And now wasn’t the right time.

  He scanned the list of items available at the snack shack. “What would you like?”


  They got their food and sat down at a table. Eli wasn’t very hungry, but he shoved his food in his mouth anyway. What was he doing? Why was he acting so odd? He needed to calm down or Destiny would know something was off with him.

  Destiny dipped a corn chip into her cheese sauce. “Do you miss California?”

  Eli nodded. “Yeah. It’s so cold here. And I miss the ocean.”

  “I bet.”

  “We lived about five minutes from the beach. Simba and I would go walking along the sand almost every day.”

  Destiny’s mouth pulled down. “Aw, your dog is named Simba? That’s a sweet name. What kind of a dog is he?”

  “A Labrador retriever.”

  She leaned forward, a look of sympathy on her face. “Does it hurt to talk about him?”

  Kind of. But he didn’t want to admit it. “I’m fine.”

  “Do you have a picture of him?”

  Eli grinned. “Would it make me less of a man if I said I did?”

  Destiny laughed and shook her head. “Of course not. Let me see.”

  He pulled out his phone and opened it to his photos. Then he scrolled through until he found a good one. Simba was sitting on the deck, hoping for a bite of whatever it was Eli was eating. He looked so cute, his little begging face on. “Here.”

  Destiny took his phone. “He’s adorable. He looks almost white.”

  “He’s yellow. That photo is a bit washed out.” He took his phone back and scrolled to another photo. This one of Simba playing in the waves on the beach.

  “Oh, my gosh. He’s just so pretty.” She handed back the phone. “Do you think if you moved into a house that took pets, you could bring him here?”

  “Mom and I have talked about it. The problem is there aren’t any rentals in our price range that take pets.”

  “Maybe something will open up.”

  He nodded. “Maybe.”

  “I’m sorry. Did I start us down a depressing conversation?” She put her hand on top of his.

  “It’s fine. But I am anxious to ask my other questions.”

  Destiny looked surprised. “I thought you already asked them all.”

  He grinned. “I think I have an endless supply.”

  She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, so he didn’t take it poorly. “Whatever. Go ahead.”

  “If you could spend the day with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?” He took a sip from his soda.

  Destiny blinked, like she was getting emotional. “My Nana.”

  Now Eli felt bad for asking that question. “She passed?”

  Destiny nodded. “Yeah. She died last year. She was the sweetest. She would go out of her way to make me feel special. I guess she somehow knew I always felt like I wasn’t as good at things as Olivia. I was never as popular. Everything Olivia did was perfect. I couldn’t be that way. But Nana made me feel like I was her favorite.”

  “Grandmothers are like that.”

  Destiny wiped at the corners of her eyes with the pads of her thumbs. “Yeah. She was special. We would get on Pinterest and go searching for crafts. Nana loved to make things. And we would look for ideas of things that didn’t look too hard to make. Then we’d go to Hobby Lobby and buy all kinds of things, then go back to her house and create.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  “It was.”

  “Okay, let’s change the question a little. If you could spend the day with a famous person, who would you choose?”

  “Shawn Mendes.”

  Eli made a face. “Really? Why him?”

  Destiny raised an eyebrow. “Have you seen Shawn Mendes?”

  “I’m beginning to regret this question.”

  Destiny laughed and shrugged. “You asked.”

  “And now we’re moving on.” He didn’t want to hear about Destiny’s celebrity crushes. It made him cranky.

  Chapter 12

  Destiny struggled to get the front door open while holding the huge pumpkin she’d picked out. Eli had offered to hold it, but he had his own massive pumpkin and she didn’t want to stick him with holding two of them. She finally got the door open. “Let’s take them to the kitchen.”

  Eli followed her in and used his behind to close the door.

  Destiny laughed. “Good move. Is that called the butt move?”

  “I have a very talented rear end.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” She loved the way Eli flirted with her. It dissipated the weirdness from earlier.

  She set her pumpkin down on the kitchen counter. “Whew, that was heavy.”

  “I think you bought the largest one in the field.”

  “Oh, so not true. Yours is bigger. Remember the scale?”

  “Mine weighed more, b
ut just because of weight distribution. Yours is larger.”

  “Weight distribution? You’re so full of it. You’re just making stuff up now.” Destiny opened a cupboard and started rummaging around. “We’ll see which one is larger.” She pulled out a cookie sheet and placed it on top of both pumpkins. It tilted, showing his was taller.

  “Wait. That’s not fair. Mine might be taller, but yours is bigger around.”

  She shoved his shoulder. “Stop it,” she said, laughing.

  “Do you have some carving knives?”

  She turned to the butcher block on the counter and grabbed a serrated knife. “Yep.”

  Eli took it from her and stabbed the top of his pumpkin, the knife sliding in. “This always feels so violent.”

  “I know, right?” She pulled out another knife and attacked the top of her pumpkin as well.

  Eli was the first to cut a circle and pull off the top. A string of pumpkin goo hung down from the lid. “Here’s the best part.”

  “Yuck. You like pulling the slime out?”

  “No, the seeds.” He grabbed a handful of the white pumpkin seeds and plopped them onto the cookie sheet Destiny had set aside. “Don’t you cook them?”

  “I’ve never done that.”

  “Oh, I have to cook them for you, then. They’re the best. Pull all the seeds out and put them on this sheet. I’ll season them.”

  “How do I get the goop off them?” Destiny pulled on the top of her pumpkin.

  “You just separate the slime from the seeds. You don’t have to wash them or anything. When they cook it will cook the pumpkin stuff and it will taste really good.” He reached into his pumpkin and pulled a large handful of seeds and junk out.

  “Okay.” She smiled. “You know, when I was a kid, we used to have pumpkin gut fights.”

  Eli grinned. “You and Olivia?”

  Destiny snorted. “No. Me and Jessica. Olivia wouldn’t touch the stuff. She’s too prissy.”

  Olivia walked into the kitchen. “Who are you calling prissy?”

  Destiny pulled up a handful of pumpkin guts. “Want to help us de-seed the pumpkins?”


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