Marco & Rakia 2

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Marco & Rakia 2 Page 9

by Tina J

  “How do you know?”

  “Tech, told me, he’s been at some other house, he has. No one has really spoken to him.”


  “I didn’t tell you because you said, you’re done with him.”

  “Good.” We rode the rest of the way in silence. I grabbed the few bags and told her, I’d call her later.

  I locked up, put the alarm on and started a bath. It always relaxed me. I stepped in and laid back. It felt good to kick back and do nothing. Once I got out, there was a knock at my door. Ang, Tech and Rahmel are the only ones who knew about this place, so it had to be one of them. I threw my pajama pants on, the tank top, robe and went downstairs. I opened the door and got the shock of my life.


  “Can I come in?” I asked Rak, when she opened the door. I could see how surprised she was that I was here.

  “Umm, yea, I guess.” She stepped aside and stood at the door.

  “It looks nice in here.” I surveyed the condo and smiled.

  The night she saw me at the club with Mia, I knew she would leave me; which is why, I wouldn’t even go to the mansion. I didn’t wanna see all her things missing. Once Tech, told me she moved out, I gave him money to give her, to use for whatever she wanted. I don’t care, if it was to build a house from the ground up. My motto has always been with her, if she want it, she got it and it won’t change because I fucked up. She is still the mother of my child and will be my wife. Hell yea, I’m claiming it.

  “Thanks. What are you doing here? Matter of fact, how did you know where I lived?” I took a seat on the couch.

  “To be honest, I don’t know why I’m here.” She rolled her eyes and closed the door.

  “I guess its because, I know, I hurt you real bad and wanted to check on you.”

  “Marco, Ang has the ultrasound picture for you.” She ignored my comment.

  “Sit, Rak.” I patted the seat next to me.

  “I’m fine standing. You won’t be here long.” I nodded my head.

  “Let me start off by saying, I’m sorry for hurting you. I never meant to drag you in any of my nonsense. From day one, its been bullshit coming from the baggage in my life.” She put her head down.

  “No matter how many times, you tried to break free, you still came back to me but this time it’s different and I know it. You won’t talk to me, text or even let me see you. I’m surprised you even opened the door.” She stood there silent.

  “As far as, how I know where you live, I had to beg Tech to tell me. You know Ang wasn’t giving you up. I give it to him though, he held out for a while. I guess, he got tired of me asking and broke.” She shook her head with a slight grin on it. Tech, may be her friend but he’s my brother. How long did she really expect him to hold out on me?

  “Rak, I swear, my intentions were to go see her and tell her to leave you alone. I cursed her out and went to leave. Next thing I know, she’s apologizing and on my lap, kissing me.” I saw the tears falling down her face.

  “I fucked up ma and I’ve been regretting it ever since.” I stood up and walked over to her. She backed away and used her hand to keep me at a distance.

  “You damn right, you fucked up.” I stared at her.

  “That night, I thought about the text, I sent and wanted to talk about it with you. If you could promise me she wasn’t a factor, I planned on staying with you. Then, I called you all night, the next day and couldn’t get an answer. My anxiety was through the roof because, I thought something happened to you. Ang and Tech, stayed with me at the hospital because my own man, couldn’t be there for me. Do you know how that feels? Marco, I almost had a heart attack because I couldn’t calm down and YOU WERE LAID UP WITH YOUR EX. THE SAME EX, WHO HURT YOU, AS YOU SAY. THE SAME ONE, YOU HATED.” Her head was on the wall and the tears were pouring down her face.

  I wiped as much as I could because they wouldn’t stop. I felt like shit hearing she could’ve died. However, she was right. How could I not answer for her? Why did I even risk what we had, for a woman who did me wrong? She put both of her hands on the side of my face and looked into my eyes.

  “I never asked to love you, or to fall in love. You made me and baby, I was happy. And even through the violence I endured; in my eyes, you were so worth it. Nothing anyone could say to me, would make me leave you; except her and you know why.” She walked away from me.

  “Because in my heart, I knew you still loved her. She did something bad to you, and once you laid eyes on her, you forgave her and left me out in the cold. There was no Rakia, Bobbi or anyone else. Everything revolved around your first love and you know it.” I couldn’t dispute anything she said. The moment my eyes met Mia’s, it was like, we were teenagers again. My feelings resurfaced and no one could get in between us.

  “I’m not these other women Marco, who throw themselves at you, or allow you to treat them like shit. You said I was special and you’d never hurt me but you did. I didn’t deserve any of this and yet, you instilled so much pain in my life and never gave a fuck.”

  “You are special to me and I do love you.”

  “Yea right.” I pushed her against the wall, shocking myself. Never in my life, did I ever think, my hands would be on her.

  “That’s right. Get angry at what you did and take it out on me. It’s what you do best.” I removed my hands from her shirt.

  “What do you want me to do, Rak? She was there before you and.-”

  “You’re right. I don’t expect you to do anything but be Marco.” She went to open the door.

  “I wasn’t grown up, enough for you. I couldn’t give you what you needed sexually, mentally, or physically. If I could, or if your heart was truly with me, she would’ve never been able to bed you. We both know it.” I hate when women say that shit. You can be madly in love with a woman and fall victim to pussy. A man, may have fucked up but it doesn’t take his love away or mean, he didn’t love her.

  “FUCK!” I punched a hole in her wall and she jumped.

  “Please go.”

  “Give me one more chance Rak.”

  “For you to do the same thing? It would be stupid of me, knowing she’s here. I’d be setting myself up for failure and another heartbreak. I may be new to this love thing but I’m not crazy.”

  “Rak, I won’t ever see her again. Just give me another chance. Please baby. I can’t live without you.”

  “Marco, don’t make this harder than it already is.”

  “I’m going to kill her tonight.”


  “If you need to be sure, I won’t be with her again, in order to come home, I’ll do it. Rak, I’m dying without you. Please don’t leave me.” She wiped the tears, now falling from my eyes. I was in love with this woman and she no longer wanted me. She walked over to the door.

  “I can’t risk it. Our baby, may not make it.”

  “Rak, close the door.” She refused.

  “Go home, Marco.”

  “FUCK THAT! It’s not home, if you’re not there.”

  “Please, just go.” She was crying hysterically.

  “I’m gonna win you back.” I placed my hands on her face and kissed her lips.

  “I promise, you’re gonna be my wife.” She closed the door behind me and I could hear her let out a loud scream and fall against the door. I thought about going back in but she was right. Mia, is a factor in my life and it wasn’t right to bring Rak, in more of my shit. If it’s the last thing, I do. She’ll be my woman again.


  “What Mia?” She had been calling me non-stop, since we slept together. We weren’t a couple and I hadn’t fucked her since the night, Tech came and got me. The only reason, she came with me to the club, is because she’s the one, who informed me of Z, being in town. He called and asked where she was because his mom passed away. Evidently, they were close and told her he was staying in Jersey.

  “Why are you dodging me?”

  “Mia, what we did was a mistake.”

bsp; “Why? You know, I love you.”

  “Again. Mia, I’ll always have love for you but my heart is no longer with you.”

  “WHAT?” She shouted and I moved the phone away from my ear.

  “Consider that night, my closure.”


  “Yea, closure. I thought, I did something wrong back in high school to make you cheat on me, but I realized, it’s the ho in you.”

  “Excuse me!”

  “Dennis is no longer here and his money must’ve run dry. You assumed, we’d reconnect and everything would be good.”

  “I would never do that Marco.”

  “I’m here to tell you, I’m done feeling like you cheating, was my fault. I thought maybe,

  I neglected you, when I was hustling but you were right there with me, most nights. Then I thought, we didn’t have enough sex but we had a lot of it. I’m not sure why you did it and I no longer care. I risked my relationship with a good woman, thinking with my dick.”

  “Marco, please.”

  “Goodbye, Mia.” I hung the phone up. You could hear her screaming my name.

  “Welcome another stalker.” Tech, tipped his beer up to sip.

  “I know.” I sat on the couch and continued watching the baseball game with him. Ang, made us some chicken wings and finger sandwiches.

  “Give her time, Marco. She forgives everyone.” Ang, said and sat next to Tech.

  “I hope so, Ang. I don’t wanna live without her.” I picked my phone up and looked at the text.

  My Rak: I forgive you for hurting me because I don’t like to have hate in my heart. However, you broke it and right now, I need space. I’m not saying we’ll ever be together again, but I want us to be friends.

  Me: I’ll take anything you give me. Just don’t leave me.

  My Rak: Goodnight.

  Me: I love you

  My Rak: I love you too

  I smiled when she text it back. I put the phone in the clip and got comfortable. I didn’t wanna stay on the estate without Rak and it was lonely as hell, in my other house. Tech and Ang, were gonna get tired of seeing me because I’m not leaving, until my girl and I, were together again.


  I slammed my cell on the table, after Marco hung up on me. How could we have the perfect night and day; only for him to tell me, it was his closure? He should’ve had closure, years ago. Granted, I never had it but who needs it anyway. When a relationship is over, you don’t need to consummate, one last time for fucking closure. I know the retard has everything to do with it and she’s gonna pay for taking him from me. I mean, what can she actually have, that I don’t. My body is banging, my sex is definitely off the chain and he loves my head game. She’s too young to know how to do any of it, unless she’s a ho. Now, that I think of it, Cara did say she stole Marco, from her.

  I got up off the couch and opened the door. Someone was banging on it, for dear life and I know it wasn’t Tech this time, since his boy isn’t here. I opened it and sucked my teeth. These two idiots were at my door looking homeless. They came in and Zaire was limping. He sat down and before I could ask, he started telling me how Marco, killed his mother, set her on fire in the house and shot him. He was supposedly here to get revenge but my ex, isn’t someone you walk up to and kill. Its gonna take some planning and extra hands on deck.

  Shana came in bitching about Tech, not fucking with her because of his wife. I had to look at her, to see if she was serious. A man, won’t allow you to fuck with his wife and even if he would still fuck her, she messed up by telling. All side chicks know, to keep their mouths shut. It’s obvious she didn’t know her position; otherwise, she’d still be bedding him. Sometimes, I wanna ask Marco, if he’s really into this chick, could we still be friends with benefits. Then I thought about the time I was at the house with Bobbi and heard her ask. He’d curse me the hell out like he did her. Therefore, I had to devise a different plan and these two, are just the ones to help me. Oh, and Bobbi and Cara, could do a little something too.

  The two of them were obsessed over Marco and I could see why. He was way beyond rich, his sex game is the best in the world and he’s a boss. The type of BOSS that demands attention, before he even steps out the car. The kind who will have you killed with one look. Also, the kind who can wipe your entire family out, in an hour. Yes, this task will be risky but I’m willing to put in the work and get rid of this Rakia bitch. Even if I have to trick them, in believing he’ll choose one of them, if she does die.

  “Listen, we have to get rid of Rakia. If anything happens to her, he’ll lose focus. It’s when we’d be able to hit him hard.” Zaire said and it made sense.

  “Aren’t you in love with her?” Shana asked and slipped her sneakers off.

  “I used to be but not anymore. She’s the one who had him come to Connecticut and kill my mother. Do you know, I can’t even give her a funeral because I’m sure, they’ll show up just to kill me?” I shook my head. He was right about that. They were most likely waiting, for him to set one up.

  “I think we should figure out a way to lure Rakia, out the house and straight to Zaire. She seems to be gullible and Cara said, she is very forgiven.” I told them and they agreed.

  “Oh shit, look.” Zaire pulled his phone out and showed us a video of him fucking her.

  “Did he see this?” I asked and we waited for him to answer.

  “Yup. It’s the reason he came looking for me. I thought, I wouldn’t be able to get it back but the chick went to my car and got the stuff, I left in there. I even sent it out in an email to spread but somehow he had a guy plant a virus on the computer and anyone who opened it up, lost everything on theirs.”

  “Well, it looks like he didn’t delete it from your phone.”

  “I don’t think he could because its in my phone as a video and not an email attachment. He’d have to get my phone, to delete it.” The smile on my face, got wider.

  “What you thinking?”

  “How about we send this to her and say if she doesn’t meet with you, you’ll send it to the school? That way, she’ll be so upset and try to stop you, she’d do anything. Once she shows up, we can snatch her up and hold her for ransom.” They both looked at me.

  “Tried that already and he hung up on me.”

  “If I know Marco, it’s probably because he thought you were sleeping with her and she was in cahoots with you. But now, we know how head over heels, he’s in love with her and won’t do it again. He’ll listen and give us whatever we ask for.” Shit, if he won’t be with me, I may as well get money outta him.

  “Fuck it.” Zaire shrugged his shoulders and so did Shana.

  “What about Tech?”

  “What about him?”

  “I want him back.”

  “You don’t have pictures, videos or anything of you two?” She shook her head no.

  “Wait! The club is his, therefore he has a website. Get some photos off of it and have them photo shopped in pictures with you. Women do it all the time. She won’t know, if its real or not.” I could see her thinking.

  “Don’t get stupid with the photos.”


  “Don’t put his head on a body, you know don’t look like his. You know, how people will put a light skinned person’s head, on a dark ass body. The profile has to be perfect.”

  “I know right.”

  “Go home and take photos in your bedroom and other places in the house. Then screen shot some of him, off the website and go from there.”

  “Who can I get to do them?”

  “Go online and type it in the search engine, of the internet. People will respond and hit you back. The good thing is, you can send them the photos from your phone, instead of having to drop them off.”

  “This is gonna be so much fun.” She rubbed her hands together.

  “Mia, I need you to go and grab what you can from Connecticut.”

  “Say what?” I gave Zaire a crazy ass look.

  “Mia, you
owe my mom and Dennis.”

  “Owe them?”

  “Yea. We both know my brother died because of you.”

  “How you figure?”

  “Well, if you and him, never went behind Marco’s back and fucked around, they’d still be friends and we wouldn’t be going through this. Then, you gave my nephew up for adoption, the minute he died and didn’t tell any of us.” I fell back on the couch.

  I never meant to give my son up but the money was running low. I’m talking, I went from five million dollars when Dennis died, down to ten thousand, which is what’s left in my bank account. Between plastic surgery and my shopping habit, I was tapped out. I went to the get a loan from the bank and because I never had credit cards, or any type of credit, they denied me. Unfortunately, the school my son went to, was expensive and the money was no longer there. I loved my son dearly but I never wanted a kid by Dennis.

  Once Marco, disowned me, I knew he’d be my meal ticket, which is why, I kept the baby. He was ecstatic and couldn’t wait for him to get here. I did have the mother instincts and treated my son, like the king he was. However, after Dennis died, I couldn’t cope and said fuck it. My mother lived down south, in the country and had been asking me to bring my son there for years. Right before, coming here, I took him down there and let her adopt him. The papers had been drawn up and regardless, of how many times my mom tried to talk me out of it, I still did it. Getting Marco back, would be a task in itself, and having a kid around; especially one by his ex-best friend, would only complicate things. I planned on getting him back when Marco married me, which is still on my agenda. He’s just confused right now but I’m gonna help him with that.

  “My mother has him and we don’t know, if he died over me.”

  “He may not have died because of you, but we all know, when Marco pulled the trigger, he still had hate in his heart, for what the two of you did.” He was right. Even though Dennis tried to kill him first, once he saw Dennis, I’m sure he remembered what we did to him.

  “Fine! What am I getting?” He gave me a list of things from his place and see, if there was anything left to retrieve from the house that burned. It probably wasn’t. The way he made it seem, there’s nothing left.


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