Secret Bay High Secrets (Secret Bay High #2)

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Secret Bay High Secrets (Secret Bay High #2) Page 9

by Blair Young

  I let out another moan, letting the waves of pleasure crash through me, enjoying the moment as the two of us came together. I never wanted it to end. I loved the feeling of his cock inside me. For the moment, I felt like I was safe. There wasn’t anything in the world that could come between us.

  No one to tell us what to do, no one to tell us who to date or where to go. With his cock in me, all was well. I didn’t have to worry about anything else that was going on in my life. I felt like things were going to be okay. I felt like I wanted him all the more.

  Damon held me for a moment, letting the last of his cum fill me before pulling himself out. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, holding my tits against his arms as he kissed my neck once more. We caught our breath, neither of us speaking for the moment, just enjoying being together.

  Then, he pulled himself out of me with another moan and slid onto the bed.

  “Lie with me for awhile?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I want to, but I can’t.”

  I grabbed my clothes, feeling the warmth of his cum run down my leg as I slid back into my panties and pulled my shirt back over my head. I wanted to lie in bed with him until morning, cuddling and making love as much as we could.

  But, I knew I had to get back to the safety of my own room. I didn’t know where Susan was, and I didn’t want her to catch us in bed together. Though I felt like nothing mattered in the moment, when the moment passed I knew we had to be careful, careful she didn’t find out about what we were doing.

  I didn’t want her to send me away, and I didn’t want Damon to get in any more trouble than he already was with her. All I knew was that he woke in me a need that could hardly be satisfied with anything but his dick deep inside, and I was happy to take it as much as I could.

  Every time I told myself it was the las time, that it was some sort of mistake and I had to stop. But, every time I also knew that I wanted him. I didn’t care how hard it would be to have him, I wanted him, and I hoped it wasn’t going to be the last time at all.

  I was already thinking of the ways he made me feel so good, and how I would do anything to make him feel the same. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I was willing to make it work.

  I was already dreaming of the next time I’d have his dick deep inside me.

  Chapter 13


  I wasn’t sure why, but I had more of a plan to dodge Susan the next day than usual. I was going to be late for school because of my morning therapy session, but I was far enough ahead with my credits I would have spent it in the study hall anyway, and Susan was working with the school counselor to get me credit for going to see another therapist in her stead.

  But, I had to admit, I wasn’t expecting to be practically ambushed by Susan when I walked through the into the kitchen that morning. And I wasn’t ready for it, either. I had assumed she hadn’t heard a thing from the night before or she would have been all over us that morning, and she hadn’t said a word to me until I was down in the kitchen.

  Damon was in the shower, which was another reason I didn’t think she knew anything about the sex he and I had had. But, that didn’t change the fact that I was immediately put on guard when Susan told me she wanted to talk.

  “About what?” I asked as I sat down with toast in front of me.

  “About you and Damon,” Susan said, a little too directly.

  “What about us?” I asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

  “I know the two of you have gotten a lot closer again, and I’m not sure how close that is, but I do know that what I told you before stands. You aren’t going to be dating when you are under my roof,” she said.

  “Who said anything about dating?” I asked. “We live together, obviously we’re going to be closer than two people who don’t.”

  Susan seemed to relax a little by that, but then she shook her head. “I’m worried about him. I have protected him and taken care of him since he was eight years old, and I’m afraid his life is going in a bad direction.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  Susan shook her head, clearly trying to be respectful of her foster son’s privacy. “Damon came from a broken home. His mother wasn’t in the picture much, and his father was abusive. His father made it clear from the beginning he didn’t want to have children, but his mother wasn’t about to give him up when she found out she was pregnant.”

  “Rough,” I said. “I can’t imagine how hard that would be for everyone involved.”

  “I can’t, either, but I can imagine it would be harder for the child if they were to grow up in the house at all,” she said.

  “Rather than give them up for adoption right away?” I asked.

  Susan nodded. “Damon had to go through several years of abuse before he was pulled out of the home. I’m not sure how much of it he remembers. He was taken to therapy at a young age to try to undo some of the pain he had to go through, but I’m still not sure how much of it affects him to this day.”

  “Does he have anything to do with either of his parents? He seemed to indicate to me the other day they were very much out of the picture,” I said.

  I could see something about Susan that was breaking down. She was opening up to me in a way that I never thought she would, and I was trying not to be too interested in what she was sharing about Damon. It might not answer all the secrets – or even any of the secrets in particular I wanted to know, but it was something.

  Damon was so closed off about his own past, it was hard to get much information out of him at all. He would often turn things back on me and talk about what I had been through. To think that he had been through a lot of pain, too, was surprising.

  Not to mention it did explain more about how he treated me in school than I thought.

  “He doesn’t,” Susan said with a shake of her head. “His father is a teacher at the school – a fifth grade teacher. I didn’t want him to have anything to do with Damon after the way he was treated, and I couldn’t believe I didn’t have enough proof to have his teaching license revoked.”

  My eyes opened wide. “So that’s why you had Damon go to the elementary school back home.”

  “Exactly. I figured the town was close enough by and he could make his own friends there. I hoped that he would get along with everyone well enough that he wasn’t going to have to come here,” Susan said. “Then when word broke out about the bullying and the suicide attempt, I knew the best thing for him and for everyone else involved would be to get him out of there. By the time he was in the sixth grade – seventh when he moved here – I hoped that he wouldn’t have anything to do with his father.”

  “Did he?” I asked.

  Susan shook her head once more. “By that time, his father didn’t really want much to do with him. At least, not to my knowledge. I didn’t tell Damon the whole truth. I didn’t want him to do anything rash – even if that meant he was going to try to have a relationship with his father after everything.”

  She wiped tears from her eyes and I sat in silence, doing my best to process all that she had just told me. It was a lot for me to take in, and it all came unexpectedly. I knew Susan didn’t want to dump a lot of the past on me, and she almost immediately seemed to regret all that she shared.

  “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I don’t want you to go to Damon with any of this. I just know with how close the two of you are, you might want to know a little more about the past. He knows a lot about you, and knowing him the way that I do, I’m sure he didn’t share a lot about himself.”

  “He doesn’t share much with anyone,” I commented as I rolled my eyes. “There are so many things I want to know about him, but he just doesn’t tell me.”

  “He’s like that. I think it comes with someone who’s been hurt too many times, as you well know,” she said with a compassionate smile. I nodded, but once again I didn’t say anything. I knew Susan was reaching out, and I knew she wanted to be my friend, but at the same tim
e, it was hard for me to open up to anyone, too.

  Damon was young when he had gone through the trauma in his life, and though I knew that didn’t take away from the pain he felt – or might still be carrying around with him, I did know that I could remember the details of what I had gone through a lot clearer than if I had been so young.

  Then again, with how withdrawn Damon was so much of the time, it was hard for me to really pinpoint exactly how much he was telling me the truth, and how much he was keeping to himself.

  For all I knew, he remembered his father well, and all that had happened to him when he was younger. He might even be aware of his father being the teacher at the school. I didn’t know, I didn’t even know that before now, and I didn’t know how to ask him.

  “Well,” Susan said as she started to change the subject. “I hope that gives you a little more insight on some of the things that go on around here. Damon is a wonderful young man, and while I’m worried about the path that he’s taking, I’m sure with a friend like you he’ll get his head on straight.”

  “I hope so,” I said with a shrug. “I’m not even sure I really understand this path he’s on.”

  “It’s concerning, but he is a young adult, as are you, and that makes me feel comfortable telling you more about our past,” Susan said. Her eyes were once again clear, and she looked like her old self. If Damon walked into the room right now, there would be no way to tell that she had been so emotional with me, and with the expression on her face, he wouldn’t likely be able to tell what she had shared, either.

  “Well, I’m going to need Damon to give you a ride to your therapy session and to school after, I’ve got a breakfast date,” Susan said cheerfully. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind,” I said as I shook my head. “But is this a date date? With who?”

  It was so rare for her to go out during the day unless she was on her way to work, and I didn’t get the impression she was going out with girlfriends.

  She shook her head. “I’ll tell you guys if it becomes something, but since I like to keep your lives as normal as possible, I’m going to wait until it possibly becomes something before I bring it up, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said with a shrug. It wasn’t as though I would have any idea who she was going out with anyway. I didn’t know many of the other adults in town, and I really didn’t care to get to know them, either.

  But, if she wanted to act like we would be highly affected by some guy she brought around the place, that was up to her. I likely wasn’t going to be around enough to get to know them very well anyway.

  Damon showed up out of the bathroom and Susan asked if he would take me to therapy, which he happily agreed to, so I finished with breakfast and went to get ready. He knew how reserved I was around Susan, so I didn’t have to worry about him asking about the conversation that we’d had.

  But, I had to admit, as I clung to his back on the motorcycle, it was hard for me to get her words out of my mind. To think that he had been abused, to think that he had gone to therapy himself, to think that he hadn’t told me any of this, it only added to the mystery of who Damon was.

  But, I had been told that in confidence, and I wasn’t going to be the one to start more drama between him and Susan. Not if I could help it anyway. I would just get through therapy and get through the day, wondering even more what secrets were being kept in that house.

  And just who knew what.

  Chapter 14


  Although Susan’s confession had stayed on my mind all throughout the day before, I managed to keep all of it to myself during the therapy session. I didn’t want to bring up that side of my life to a stranger, at least not yet. I had to admit, this therapist was doing a better job than the last one getting me to open up, but there were still some things I really didn’t want to talk about.

  And much of my past was one of those things.

  I was getting more comfortable with telling her how I was coping at school and the worries I had with the bullying I now faced, but I didn’t want to talk to her about the suicide attempt or the things that I’d dealt with in the past.

  And I really didn’t want to talk to her about my parents. It didn’t help to know how messed up of a past Damon had, or the pressure I felt to be there for him even if he didn’t want me to be.

  Now that I knew what he had been through, I felt a little more connected to him than I had in the past. Now, I knew he was someone who could feel the same pain that I had gone through – maybe not in quite the same way, but the pain and rejection were pain and rejection.

  But, I got through the session and Damon and I headed to school where I quickly found Abby. She knew better than to dig too deep in my therapy. She knew that I didn’t want to talk about it too much, and she was still going through a lot of her own problems.

  To make matters worse, she still didn’t want to talk about any of her own problems, either. So, there were now a lot of awkward silences between us when we were hanging out, though we both did still want to see each other as much as we could.

  School was becoming more demanding for both of us, but I’d noticed Abby had stopped talking about getting into all these fancy colleges she once talked about getting in to. I had told her at one point I didn’t think college was for me, largely because I didn’t think I could afford it, but she said she thought I could get Susan to pay for it.

  Now, I wasn’t so sure Abby wanted to go at all. I wasn’t sure what would have made her change her mind. Even though she and Peter had been really close in those two weeks of them dating, the fact of the matter was that the two of them had only been together for a short time, and I didn’t think that was long enough for either of them to be this torn up about it.

  Then again, I really hadn’t talking to or seen Peter since the breakup. He had been a friend through Abby, but he and I really didn’t have a lot in common ourselves. He was more Damon’s friend, and when he and I broke up, he seemed to be closer to Damon than he was to either Abby or me.

  Still, I was doing my best just to brush it all aside and focus on hanging out with Abby and not worrying about what the guys in our lives were doing. I thought the best thing to do would be to invite her out for a night – doing something that took her mind off being at home and whatever it was that was bothering her there.

  We headed to my place after school, both eager to get away from the cliquey drama that seemed to be worse than ever with Molly being on the revenge path against me.

  “What do you feel like doing? I asked when we walked through the door. “I think Damon is working at the board shop for the afternoon and I doubt Susan is going to be home any time soon. She said something about going on a date earlier and I’m sure that means she’s going to find herself occupied for most of the day.”

  “Oh, a date? With who?” Abby asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” I said with a shrug. “I asked her who she was going out with and she told me she isn’t going to say their name until they are officially dating. Something about stability in the home or something.”

  Abby laughed. “Sorry that’s not funny, but sort of. I mean who has come from a less stable home than you?”

  “That’s sort of along the same lines as what I was thinking, but I didn’t want to be the one to say it out loud,” I said with a grin. “I think she feels sorry enough for me as it is, she didn’t want to add confusion or whatever it is they think they do.”

  “Probably. You want to head downstairs and work out? Doesn’t your place have a gym or something?” Abby asked.

  My eyes widened. “I forgot all about that! I spend all my time moping in my bedroom, I forget that there’s an even a downstairs to the place at all. I’m pretty sure Susan left that off when she gave me the grand tour.”

  “Probably thought you wouldn’t be interested in a gym. Or maybe she just wanted it all for herself,” Abby said with a shrug. “My mom’s never pointed out all the exercise equipment th
at we have in the house, but I still use it because I’d way rather do that at home than at school.”

  “God, I can’t wait until we’re free of doing P.E.,” I said with an eye roll. “I’m so sick of Miss Molly being the queen of the court no matter what sport it is.”

  “Pretty sure she’s going to win at everything no matter what,” Abby said with a shrug.

  “At everything but life. I mean, I stole her boyfriend within a couple of months of being in school,” I smirked.

  “And ironically enough, you didn’t stay with him. It only makes it all the better that you were the one who did the dumping,” Abby grinned. I tried not to cringe. I knew she was right, and I knew what she was getting at, but the fact that Damon and I had to break up still didn’t sit well with me, even if it is what I wanted.

  “So you want to go down to the fight later? I know I shouldn’t go, but I want to get out of the house and I could stand to see a couple of guys beat each other up,” I suggested. “Plus, I would rather you came along so I don’t lose my head and do something stupid.”

  “Sure,” she said with a shrug. “I mean, you know how I feel about those fights, but it will be nice to be out of the house and not have to worry about Peter texting me. Or missing him for that matter.”

  “I hear you on that one,” I nodded. I didn’t know quite how to handle what was going on with her and Peter, but I wanted her to know that I was there for her no matter what. “What do you say we get a workout in, then we head out and get ready?”

  “Works for me. I can meet you back here in like an hour if you want,” Abby said.

  “Sounds like a plan. Why don’t you drive so I don’t have to worry about whether Susan shows up in time for us to make it?” I suggested. She nodded. “Plus that will give me a reason not to be dropped off at the house after the fact. I can hang out here for a while until curfew anyway.”


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