The Fallen Prince That Never Was

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The Fallen Prince That Never Was Page 14

by A. G. Higgins

  Chapter 13

  The Gathering of Beastly Kings

  Darkness... Zack woke to find himself laying upon a bed of rest. Slowly he rose, drawing his sight across an earth floor and the walls about him seemed like that of a cave? The gentle sway of a hide gave cover to its entrance. And though faint at first, for a moment he thought that he could almost hear the laugher of children playing outside? Slowly, he moved toward the hide, drawing back its cover ever so slightly. Outside, a dark eye set within a young beastly frown meet with his?

  Calmly... they both jumped with a fright!

  ‘What’s going on?!’ he yelled, fumbling backward as though feeling the need to find another way out, ‘where is everybody?!’ When suddenly he froze, carefully turning only to find the proud face of a lion towering above him? Its mane was large in crown of kingship, lined two one side with two feathers; white and black of tip. And its body was lean and masculine, clad only of a thin hide covering about its waist. Grasping a spear tightly, it did walk upright with lay of bow and quiver of arrow upon its back. And it did growl with a sense of curiosity, saying at last, ‘feel not the need to fear for I am Kimchiku – Son of Lion Kin – and I give you peace.’

  ‘What happed?’ he tried weakly, daring to believe his sight, ‘Where am I?’

  ‘You are within the birth place of my people and our elders before us; Roaring Crest,’ replied the beastly king, ‘we found you lost within the pathways of Hollow Gap, weak of mind and strength of body. But how it is that one so young came to find one’s self there, only you can truly answer... for I cannot.’

  ‘The wreckage,’ thought Zack, trying to recall just what had happened, ‘we must have made it – but Suzie... what happened to Suzie?’

  ‘You speak of your dreams, no?’


  ‘To whom you speak with in your sleep?’ said the Man of Lion, ‘Your friend you call for?’

  ‘I’m... not sure?’

  The Man of Loin Kin seemed puzzled, grunting in thought to himself, ‘you are of strange kin young Blue Eye. Perhaps your wounds need extra care than first thought?’ He beckoned Zack closer now, preparing to draw back the hide, ‘come, the elders wait.’


  ‘My father’s people of old,’ he replied, ‘maybe they will be able to make sense of your coming, no?’

  The warmth of day shone brightly now as Zack began to follow the beastly king. Outside, Kimchiku’s village lay within a vast canyon valley, and above great platforms linked many caves together, giving home to all it seemed. But before him the pathway was lined of many beasts; warriors – both lion and lioness – who roared to the sound of beating drums and pounding of spears. And running playfully in–between all, young cubs did follow Zack’s every move with sense of curiosity for his being.

  ‘Why do you beat those drums like that?’ asked Zack, ‘What does it mean?’

  ‘Curious young Blue eye, that you should seek to learn of our ways?’ said Kimchiku, ‘It is the path of spirits. My kin seek wisdom and guidance; a blessing for that which is soon to come.’

  ‘Why, what is going to happen?’ he asked nervously.

  ‘Rest assured young Blue Eye,’ replied the Man of Lion, ‘you of all will soon come to know of its meaning.’

  Zack didn’t like where this was going, but Kimchiku would say no more. With little choice but to follow, Zack continued on. Ahead he could now see the tip of a hut rising out from the crowd. And soon all would part for the coming of their great elder; the one true beastly King with mane of grey and crowned of fathers. And the King did seem fierce in prowl atop of a flattened form of rock, roaring with the strength to command the silence of all as Zack and Kimchiku arrived now before his throne.

  ‘Wa chi cha kumrua, tha wa sayuo kimchiku tao eo wa chi imecha tao – Do we really have to do this every time that some stranger comes along, kimchiku?’

  ‘His kingship says, that I Kimchiku, are to be your council of gathering,’ said Kimchiku, ‘If you accept this offer you must not speak until such a time as you are asked. But be warned, if you break this law your fate will become shorter than first I had hoped, young Blue Eye.’

  ‘But I thought that you came in peace?’ asked Zack.

  ‘I maybe in favour of you,’ he replied in a quiet tone, ‘but the others... well?’

  ‘Soa wa chichi... eam Toronto dista wa chi moyo ku chi wa ya – Do you mind hurrying things along... my back is killing me with this ridiculous outfit!’ interrupted the beastly king grumpily.

  ‘Be still,’ warned Kimchiku, ‘I am to remind you that the gathering has already begun – Gi so mea tamo wa – Alright, I get the point.’

  ‘Yu ku chi soma tao uchi – Next time you can be the chief.’

  ‘Sama so il chi tamo ka – At least I wouldn’t wine like a sissy,’ road Kimchiku proudly before turning to face Zack once more, ‘I have told his kingship that you have agreed, and it is my honor to council you.’

  ‘Sama so... nikki o chi tatanka no e chi wa ne chichi owa! – Sissy... I was changing your nappies before you ever became a brave; and you wined like a sissy all the time!’

  ‘Kuma so chi wa e santo wa sum – Now I change yours old man.’

  The crowd roared with laughter. Zack had no idea as to what was happening?

  ‘Tayo mea chi wa cu soso e wa ku – Just wait till your mother hears about this.’

  ‘Chucha, chucha… bacha somo antao wa chi mea, ea? – Okay, okay... let’s just get on with this?’

  ‘Tu ea! – Fine!’

  ‘Good,’ finished Kimchiku at last, saying, ‘it seems young Blue Eye, that you have broken the oldest laws of my people. You did walk among the path our fathers’ souls. As price you must choose from one of two fates – To remove the sins of your soul, the first is that he must rip out your heart while you still bread.’

  ‘And the second?’ feared Zack.

  ‘He must then eat it.’

  ‘Good,’ he yelled, ‘how is this good?!’

  Kimchiku paused for a moment, ‘did I say good?’ he replied unsurely, ‘I meant... not good.’

  ‘You have to tell him I didn’t know!’ pleaded Zack.

  ‘That does not make it any less sinful,’ replied Kimchiku.

  ‘Sinful? – How could I have committed a sin if you found me unconscious?’ he asked suspiciously.

  ‘Ha, ha... to mako e chi wa nichi so?’ mocked the beastly King much to Kimchiku’s annoyance – Ha, ha... he is not as stupid as you look, eh?’

  Embarrassedly, Kimchiku attempted to translate, ‘his kingship says that you were sleepwalking,’ he awkwardly replied, ‘therefore you must pay the price even if it was unintended.’

  On short notice, it was the best that he could do.

  ‘Are you sure that he said that?’ asked Zack even more suspiciously.

  Understandably, not wishing to discuss the matter any further, Kimchiku swiftly replied in question, ‘his kingship would also like to know as to what your name is, young Blue Eye?’

  ‘Zack, my name is Zack,’ he said hastily, ‘and I did not know of any law to break – how could I?’

  The beastly King seemed surprised; this young boy was turning out to be as stubborn as his son. More importantly, however, ‘Z–a–c–k?’ he tried, ‘Ami namo e chi wa ka? – Z–a–c–k... what kind of name is that?’

  ‘Tosuma fou, chi sum... Zack? – Four letters, one name... Zack?’

  ‘Eo busama so tishta – I like Blue Eye instead.’

  ‘Tio soma chi wa Sebaschiano?’ replied Kimchiku bemusedly, ‘He says that it is a good name – Strong – Warrior... Good.’

  Zack couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but somehow he wasn’t so sure?

  ‘Look, I don’t know what’s going on here but I apologise if I broke your law,’ he began, ‘I’m not form here. I came from the stars, I guess? – Another world – You must believe me?!’

  The tribe gasped for such words, the kingly beast moving closer wi
th eyes set deep in puzzlement, ‘maybe I was wrong...’ he said to Kimchiku, ‘he’s as crazy as you are?’

  ‘Hey, you can...?’ began Zack, puzzled as to the elder’s sudden use of his language.

  ‘You came from where?’ tried Kimchiku even more puzzled than he.

  ‘If your mother hears about this we’ll never live it down,’ finished his father...‘

  ‘What is going on here,’ roared the voice of true authority, Kimchiku’s mother Queen Lioness Somichi, ‘and who is responsible for this gathering dare I ask?’

  Zack folded his arms while both father and son swiftly pointed the finger of blame at each other – Clearly, the game was up!

  ‘Must I tell you once more; this is not how we treat guest of our kingdom,’ continued Kimchiku’s mother while approaching, her husband aimlessly looking about with an air of innocents. ‘Do not worry young cub for we mean you no harm,’ she said, ‘I am Lioness Somichi, Queen of my people and serve only a mere husband least King of all.’ She gave her husband a pair of haunting eyes – he dared not disagree, ‘come, for our braves have had good hunting. We shall feast this night, learning of each other’s ways with dance and song and stories by firelight for all to hear. Spend time with my people, and allow your wounds and mind to heal for as long as it may take.’ She leaned closer, ‘besides, I think that there is someone whom you ought to meet?’

  Out from Lioness Somichi’s hut stepped that of an elderly man. Only one name came to Zack’s mind... Professor Clayton?!

  A ghostly imprint slowly formed upon the earth. Estaru knew that the trail was warm; whomever he followed was close – he could feel it. However, something about this trail still worried him, and his mind would not rest until he knew why?

  ‘If I were wiser the man,’ he thought to himself aloud, ‘I would have to say that there is not just one set of tracks... but two?’

  ‘Perhaps in our haste we have overlooked our true path,’ said Morku, ‘however, I do not have the eye for such ways as you do.’

  ‘Ach, we’re lost,’ said the Magical Lock, ‘we’ll never find Zack now?’

  ‘No, we are not misguided,’ replied Estaru sternly, ‘this is the right course?’ He examined the trail once more, ‘here, the sand shifts as though a ghostly sneak with tail loose at end.’ He pointed to a second set of markings, ‘this is but the same, except more and more does it begin to form with intersecting lines?’

  ‘I can’t see anything,’ said Suzan impatiently, ‘I just hope Zack is alright; surely we must be close by now?’

  ‘That is what troubles me,’ said Estaru, ‘from last I could tell, we should be no less than an hour behind. But these markings... they make little sense to me?’

  ‘Great,’ moaned Cara, ‘for all we know we’ve probable been running around in an endless circle, chasing our own shadows?!’

  ‘It is not us who have circled,’ he warned, pausing for a moment to consider the simplicity of his thought, ‘could it be that the hunter has become the hunted?’ Quickly, he drew his blade, ‘take care for we are not alone my friends... they come for us!’

  ‘Who,’ asked Suzan worriedly, ‘what has you so startled?!’

  ‘Sand Raiders... and we are its prey!’ he said, ‘whatever happens, do not try to reason with them for it will be your undoing.’

  Suddenly, the earth rose up before him. And the ghostly form of hand before head and torso did reveal its self within a swirling cloud of sand. Sand Raiders, creatures of the earth with bodies wrapped within torn lengths of cloth, now began to harden to that of stone.

  ‘We are those born of this earth,’ said a haunting voice, ‘the sands of time our Creed and birth of right... and thee shall go no further!’

  ‘What do we do?!’ cried Suzan, somewhat startled by the sight of these strange sand beings.

  ‘Stand your ground,’ said Estaru, his blade yearning to strike, ‘and do not give them reason to sense fear in your heart.’

  Nervously, Cara swallowed a rather large bubble of air, ‘I’ve got a lot of pain in my church right now,’ she screeched, ‘so you go right ahead and do your thing; just show me where Johnny Cochran is at first – know what I’m saying?’

  The Creed came swift, a crescent blade of rock slicing through the air. Estaru was sure that he had struck the first to come. However, it simply vanished within an air of cloud only to reform elsewhere?


  Suzan Screamed.

  Coldly, his world went dark!

  Zack could not believe his eyes, ‘Professor, I thought that I would never see you again?’ he said, ‘The storm? The shipwreck... how did you survive?’

  ‘Upon the graceful wings of fate my dear boy,’ replied Professor Clayton with a smile, ‘and ever since I have searched this earth far and wide in hope of finding you.’ His words were sincere now as he spoke, ‘in my darkest hour I have committed a great wrong. I used that of innocents to conceal the ill lure of my hearts weakness and desire. Consumed by a madness I cannot explain nor care to ever portray again, I put many life’s in grave danger – you most of all. But I can only ask for your forgiveness and hope to feel your embrace. I am sorry, my boy... truly I am.’

  Zack’s heart filled with warmth. The professor that he had come to know and love was at last his self, and he did so embrace his return, ‘I’m glad to see you again Professor.’

  ‘As am I, my boy... as am I,’ he replied with joy, ‘but come, our joy of renewed friendship and tales of venture must wait. I am afraid that there are some rather pressing issues that require my full attention.’

  ‘But Professor... what’s going on?’ asked Zack, ‘I mean, where are we? How did we get here?’

  ‘My intention to travel to the Bermuda’s was not one of mere observation,’ he replied, bidding Lioness Somichi good day before beginning to walk among the Men of Lion Kin, ‘it was in fact to discover a portal – a gateway to a new world if you will – and the crystal that I had safeguarded was to be its key. Assuming that my calculations were indeed correct, we have travailed a great distance, from one star to another; perhaps even beyond far reaching galaxies unknown to us. When the storm struck upon that hellish sea, we simply stepped through, finding ourselves upon the frontier of a brave new world. As to where, I simply cannot say my boy, but rather... only hope to imagine?’ After a moment he turned to Zack, ‘do you still have it... the crystal I gave you?’

  Zack padded his chest before he remembered of a time when he had given it to Suzan,‘No,’ he replied worriedly, ‘Suzie... I gave it to Suzie?’

  ‘Yes, of course, Suzan... I had almost forgotten about your fair lady,’ he replied, ‘tell me, where is she for normally I am accustomed to seeing her by your side?’

  Zack had no idea where to start, but Professor Clayton knew that something was wrong...

  Across the Dunes of Earthly Time, Suzan and her companions were lead in signal file. Soon, hidden within the sea of sand, a city – rich in crafted though laboured by slaves – would rise forth for all to see. A fortress in its simplicity; A kingdom in its vastness; A place rule by the creatures of the earth and guarded by those whom did ride atop of great beastly jackals. This would be the end of journey for many; for once entered none may ever leave. And they did call it the Creed of the Chosen.

  ‘If Suzan has tried to follow you – though her efforts maybe noble – we must assume that by now she has fallen into the hands of Sand Raiders,’ said Professor Clayton while making haste for a great cave that lay before him, ‘the dunes are a treacherous place, one that not even the Men of Lion dare alone. If she carries the crystal we have little time, for without it we can never return home. If least to mention that she herself is sure to be in grave danger?’

  ‘I don’t understand,’ said Zack, ‘who are these Sand Raiders and what would they want with Suzie?’

  ‘Literal beings of the earth that care for only one thing; to enslave all whom come before them, forever building a kingdom for that of their ungodly Lord,’ exp
lained Professor Clayton, ‘For centuries the Men of Lion have been at war with these creatures. To the south a vast lay of Ribbon Dunes have made the difference between survival and extinction for these people. The Sand Raiders cannot enter its water. But they are drying, more and more with every day that passes. It is only a matter of time before war looms upon the horizon, and that is why Lioness Somichi had sought council with me this day. As a man of reason she had hope to find a solution to the drought, ensuring peace within her tribe if but for a time. However, her son Kimchiku – whom I believe you have already met – wishes to act now, setting siege to the creature’s fortress to put an end to their ill reign once and for all. Soon he will meet with the Council of Elders to call for arms. And as we speak, his braves are preparing for a favourable outcome. But his path will not be an easy one, for no one has ever been able to find a way to defeat the Creed?’

  ‘You seem to know a lot about these people,’ said Zack, ‘if Suzie has been taken by the Creed, do you think that then perhaps they may be able to help us?’

  ‘From time to time I have given council to Lioness Somichi and her people,’ replied Professor Clayton thoughtfully, ‘in return she has given me a ship. Though old and in need of repair, it keeps Captain Frances busy at least. However, influencing the course of an unknown people could be very dangerous. And though careful as I have tried... you may have a point? It seems that if we are to rescue Suzan and return home, I have little choice but to find a way to aid Kimchiku in his call to arms. A choice, I fear, one should not take lightly?’

  ‘Captain Frances,’ yelled Zack with delight, ‘he made it too?!’

  ‘Unfortunately...’ replied Professor Clayton playfully, ‘Currently, Captain Frances is somewhat touchy about the name that the Lion Kin have given him – A slight error in translation on my part I feel – however, I fear that yet again he will not be too pleased when he hears of what I have to say?’

  Knowing Captain Frances, Zack couldn’t agree more.

  The cave was vast, filled throughout with air holes that allowed the natural light of day to shine down from above. Deep within lay the towering sails of many ships – the Men of Lion’s fleet kept safe from the harsh wear of sandstorms or sinking dunes of ill which lay ever in wait beyond. And to the fore of such greatness stood Professor Clayton’s ship, its labour of love cared for by the hands of Captain J. R. Frances.

  As expected, he wasn’t too pleased...

  ‘You want me to do what?’ he asked, waving a hand to a few Men of Lion who helped his build to continue working while he approached Professor Clayton, ‘have you lost your mind or something, Professor? Taking on those Sand Raiders isn’t exactly an easy task, if last I recall. You’ve seen firsthand of what they’re like – If it wasn’t for these crazy cats, who knows what would have happened out there?!’

  ‘Captain, I can understand your concern,’ replied Professor Clayton, ‘but if we are ever to return to our own world we must have that key. I can think of none better to dare such a mission as this than the fearless Captain J. R. Frances. In essence you would simply be commanding a ship, perhaps even a fleet if all goes well?’

  ‘Well isn’t that nice,’ he replied while shaking his head, ‘a change of heart and suddenly you’ve got delusion of grandeur. Now you look here,’ he warned, ‘we had a deal; I see to this ship and you see to getting us home. Nobody mentioned anything to me about have to start a war to do that? Whatever happened to all this talk about not interfering with these people? – The grand rule of first contact? – How if we are not careful we could end up changing the course of their history, however well intended it may be?’ he asked.

  ‘I admit that it is with much regret that our path leads now to a more unfavourable course. But given the circumstance our choice in the matter is little – you must agree,’ replied Professor Clayton, ‘besides Captain, the Men of Lion seek war and have so for an age long unknown to us. Such actions will not be of our own doing, I can assure you. Despite public appearance, Lioness Somichi wishes to give her blessing to her son Kimchiku. She knows that the Ribbon Dunes are drying. And whether we like it or not... a war is coming. Though our own interests may differ – if trapped here – one way or the other we will be a part of it. So theoretically, Captain, we would not be rewriting their history as such, but rather... living it.’

  ‘Look, I’m sorry kid,’ said Captain Frances to Zack, ‘it’s good to see that you’re alright and all. But it’s madness to think that we could pull this off? There has to be another way? We would never stand a chance against those Raiders – even you know that, Professor. And besides – if your theory is correct – how can we be sure that she is even in the hands of those creatures... she could be anywhere for all we know?’

  ‘Merely from our own experience you cannot deny such possibility,’ he replied, ‘it stands good reason to assume that Suzan has attempted to follow Zack’s trail. If the Men of Lion did not discover her as they did Zack – or ourselves for such matter – then there is only one other place she could be, for such is the way of the dunes according to the Men of Lion.’

  ‘Still, just walking in on those Raiders like that,’ conceded Captain Frances, ‘there has to be another way?’

  ‘If you can think of one I’m all ears, Captain...’ replied Professor Clayton, ‘but we must find favour with the Men of Lion for we cannot do this alone.’

  Captain Frances paused for a moment; he knew that Professor Clayton was right, ‘ah hell,’ he finally said, ‘I’ve been shipwrecked, nearly drowned – once at sea and twice in that blasted dessert – not to mention chased to the ends of this earth by things I can’t even begin to imagine... why stop now?’ He glanced down to a butter knife wrapped in a flowery napkin by his side, ‘after all, with a name like Raging Buttercup... who could blame a guy for wanting to pick a fight?’

  Both Professor Clayton and Zack gave a slight chuckle of laughter. The tribal name that the Men of Lion had given him somehow seemed appropriate.

  ‘Alright, if I’m going to do this I want some reassurances around here,’ he continued, ‘I’m not exactly keen on being hung out the dry if this thing goes belly up on me – Not like that fiasco with those wolves. I’d still be hanging from that damn tree if it wasn’t for falling into that cactus bush; and don’t you think that I’ve forgotten about that!’

  ‘But of course,’ replied Professor Clayton amusedly, ‘and once again, it was kind of you to break the fall.’

  Somehow, Captain Frances didn’t seem convinced. Neither did Zack.

  ‘Number one... the way I see it, Professor, you own me a ship. So no matter what happens this ship is mine,’ said Captain Frances firmly, pointing to the ship in its near completion behind him, ‘and two – did I say that this ship is mine?’

  ‘Very well, Captain, I think that you have made your point,’ replied Professor Clayton, ‘I hereby entrust this ship and all that it entails to you – you have my solemn word.’

  ‘And one more thing, Professor,’ he said while carefully looking from side to side, ‘I want this whole business with my name cleared up. There is no way on earth that I’m going down in the blaze of glory with a ship named Raging Buttercup, understand?’

  ‘Indeed, Captain, I shall do my best.’

  ‘Good... so what’s the plan; how are we going to convince the elders to join in Kimchiku’s call,’ he asked, ‘how do you suggest we deal with those Raiders?’

  ‘It will not be easy. To succeed we must offer the Men of Lion a way to truly defeat the Creed,’ thought Professor Clayton, ‘if not, we may be trapped here for quite some time. A time I fear, that we do not have... least Suzan of all?’

  ‘Well then, Professor,’ began Captain Frances, now beginning to resume work on his ship, ‘whatever is going on in that mind of yours, I suggest that you put it to good use... for once.’ He climbed aboard, ‘the council meets tonight, and if we don’t have a plan by then all bets are off.’

  ‘So it would seem, Captain France
s,’ replied Professor Clayton, deep in thought, ‘so it would seem?’

  As for Zack, the notion of returning home did not interest him. There was no home to return too; Professor Clayton knew this most of all. However, the only thing that Zack did care about was Suzan. He would do anything for her, even if it would mean a return voyage in the end.


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