Five Alarm Forever: A Reverse Harem Holiday Romance

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Five Alarm Forever: A Reverse Harem Holiday Romance Page 16

by Dizzy Hooper

  I steel myself. This isn't the kind of stuff you want to talk about while you're naked with a guy, but it's important.

  But all he does is smile, almost knowingly. With a small nod, he asks, "You mean the thing with Sal and Jaquan?"

  And just like that, ice floods my veins.


  I thought I was prepared for whatever his reaction might be, but nothing could have prepared me for that.

  Flinching backward, I get my arms underneath me. "What?"

  "It's okay—"

  "No. It's not. You knew?"

  A thousand scenarios are spinning out in my mind, and all of them are bad.

  The edge of his smile turn sly. "I mean, it was pretty hard not to overhear you guys, that night after Jaquan fucked up his ankle."

  Oh, God.

  I shake my head, sitting up. He does likewise, giving me a little space, and I really really need it.

  I sputter. "So this—what is this?"

  For weeks now, he's known I've been fucking two of our other teammates. Is that why he asked me out? Because he knew I was easy?

  My heart races, and not in a good way.

  This is exactly the kind of shit I was afraid of when I first let Jaquan and Sal get me naked. Losing the rest of the guys' respect. Them thinking of me as a slut, wanting their turn…

  And yeah, that idea was sexy, but it wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want anything so crude or simple as that.

  So the question remains—what did I want?

  Corey's given me a few inches in which to breathe, but he's also staying close. He puts his hand on my thigh, rubbing gently, and I can't decide if it's soothing me or putting me even more on edge.

  Worse, I'm still turned on as hell. My skin is buzzing, my pussy wet from his mouth and from my own juices. His big, hard cock is right there, and I want it, bad.

  "Heidi." Corey touches my face, and I resist the urge to bat him away. "Heidi, it's okay."

  "Is it?"

  He strokes my cheek, gaze as soft and open as ever. "With me, it is. So you're sleeping with a couple of the guys. It's no big deal."

  "It kind of is to me."

  "None of us minds. And it's not why I asked you out."

  "No?" I can't keep the disbelief from my tone.

  And at the same time, why wouldn't I believe him?

  I basically threw myself at him earlier. He could have had me in a back alley behind the bar. I would have dry-humped him right there on that dance floor, would have sucked him off in the bathroom, for fuck's sake.

  But he stopped all of that before it could even begin. He asked for this—this intimacy and this time spent just hanging out. When he finally did get in my pants, it was to pleasure me with his tongue.

  He shakes his head. "I wasn't kidding before. I like you. I want you—and not just for sex."

  And I can't help it. Something is honestly broken in my brain. My mouth comes unhinged, my tongue moving before I can stop it. I choke out a quiet, pleading, "Why?"

  None of this makes sense. Not a goddam thing.

  And the naked, unguarded affection in his eyes threatens to bring me to my knees.

  "I like that you're tough. I like that you're serious. You have no idea how much I admire you—coming here, letting us in, becoming part of our team. Putting yourself at risk after everything you've been through—"

  I whip my head up. "And what do you know about that?"

  "Nothing. Only—" His throat bobs. "I know there's something, right? You uproot your whole life like that. You got hurt." He drifts his hand from my face, down to the point of my jaw. To the rough patch of scar tissue at the place where my hood wasn't tucked quite right into my jacket on that fucking night… Instead of turning away from that ugliness, though, he caresses it. "You got hurt, and I just know I want to try to make it better."

  And he's so goddam earnest. Since day one, he always has been. His forthrightness is part of what made me open up to him in the first place. It's how he worked his way past my defenses, to this place we're in now, with him here in my bed, naked.

  I have no reason to. But I believe him.

  And there's no will in me left to say no.

  Sudden emotion swamping me, my throat locks up. I reach for him wordlessly. Whatever I can't say, he hears it anyway. He follows my lead, laying me back down on the mattress. Our mouths meet, wet and tender. I part my legs and he slots himself between them.

  When he lowers his hips, his thick length grazes the open gash of my pussy. I wrap my thighs around him to pull him closer. We let out a single moan as his cock rubs harder against me, the blunt head pressing against my clit, and lighting sparks inside me.

  His hands are everywhere, and I let mine roam, too. Everything is skin and the heat of him, the weight of his body over mine. We fall back into deep, consuming kisses, grinding against each other. My slickness coats his cock, making the glide of our bodies easier, wetter, better.

  Then he draws back an extra inch, the crown of his cock skidding down my slit, and then he's there. Poised right at the entrance to my body. He sucks in a deep breath, and I dig my nails into his spine.

  He nudges forward barely an inch. My pussy lips part for him, and it's the most excruciating, gorgeous pleasure, the most terrible tease. He kisses me again, face scrunching up, and then he releases my mouth, lifting up, bracing himself with his arms.

  Our gazes meet. "Heidi…"

  I nod. "Yeah, yeah, come on, want you…"

  And then thank God, he pushes finally, gloriously inside.

  His eyes roll back in his head at that first, perfect slide, and my whole body vibrates with the force of my moan. His bare cock fills me up just right, hitting my sensitive spots. He's long enough that it's like he keeps going and going, until he bottoms out so deep I can hardly stand it. His pubic bone grinds into my clit, and I see stars.

  Bending his elbows, he dips down, slotting his mouth to mine. We kiss and rock our hips together, and it's a rolling pleasure, bubbling deep inside. All of me is pressed to all of him. The smooth, hot skin of his chest glides against my breasts, lighting them up. I cross my heels behind his ass and hold on tight.

  And it's just like it was making out with him for hours earlier; like it was with his mouth sealed over my cunt until I couldn't breathe. As we fuck, I float on the wet slide of his tongue and the gentle scrape of his teeth. The insistent fullness of his cock inside me, the pressure of his body against my nipples and my clit. Orgasm hovers off in the horizon somewhere, and I want it—God, I do. But it's not what matters here.

  The sex isn't even what matters, honestly.

  It's this connection between him and me, the way we've come together. He's called me on all my bullshit while still letting me call so many of the shots. He's been fine with me getting what I need from Jaquan and Sal; hell, he kind of sounded like he wouldn't even mind it if I kept doing that.

  I shudder, pleasure blooming hotter inside me at the thought of it—one night here in Corey's arms, another being traded between Sal and Jaquan. My days at the firehouse, working beside them. Would Walker and Street find out? Would they be jealous?

  I'm too high on how close Corey and I are right now to even follow my thoughts to the dark places they like to go. My other crewmates good guys. They wouldn't demand their turn.

  But what if they wanted one, all the same?

  I choke on a whine, biting too hard at Corey's tongue, but he's into it. Fuck, he rocks into me faster, sending white licks of pleasure racing up my spine. With one last, lingering suck at my bottom lip, he rears back over me again. He gets his knees under himself, finding the leverage to start really thrusting, and God, I thought simply rocking and grinding against each other felt incredible.

  As he start fucking me in earnest, I give back exactly as good as I get. I push into his strokes, meeting him, sending even deeper into my needy body. I'm so incredibly wet that the slide is easy. The slick sounds of fantastic sex fill the room, and it could be raunchy or crude, bu
t it's not.

  He keeps gazing straight into my eye as he slams into me. The connection sings between us.

  His eyes start to go glassy, though, his pace uneven. "Can you—?"


  I shove a hand between us, getting some pressure on my clit, and yes, yes—

  "Heidi—" His eyelids flutter, his cock jerking inside me. He thrusts in to the hilt, and the first hot jet of his come shoots into me, and that's all it takes.

  I grab the back of his neck and yank him down. Our mouths crash together, and I shout my climax into his lungs. My pussy twists and pulses with the earth-shattering power of my orgasm, clamping down around him. He groans, pumping more thick seed into my channel, and I revel in it.

  I don't know if I've ever felt closer to another person in my life.

  When we're both spent, he presses one more lingering kiss to my lips, then collapses, burying his face against my throat. I relax my legs but keep them wrapped around him. I hold him with my arms, too, soaking in his scent and this feeling of contentment I never really thought was for me.

  We can't lie there like that forever, though. Eventually, he kisses my collarbone, then lifts himself up. His softening cock slips out of me with a wet noise, and I wince at the sudden emptiness. At the rivulets of wet come dripping out of me.

  Lurching to the side, he grabs the box of tissues on the floor beside my pillow. We clean ourselves up the best we can. I luxuriate, stretching out long on the sheet, admiring his leanly muscled body, his soft smile as he turns to look at me.

  He glances at the window, then back to my rumpled, make-shift bed. There's hope in his eyes. But still he asks. "You want me to go?"

  How is it possible that it hadn't even occurred to me?

  Who am I?

  I don't know, and somehow I can't even bring myself to care. The old me would have kicked him out without a second thought, but the new me that's coming to life can't begin to fathom it.

  Shaking my head, I beckon him to join me again. He does so without question, lying beside me. Gathering me up in his arms.

  With my foot, I tug at the covers. We pull them up over us and settle in. The rightness of being with him like this is another, softer, warmer blanket over top.

  My eyelids sag, my whole body sated and heavy. I just want to snuggle in and sleep, warm and safe in his arms.

  But my mouth has to go ahead and open. "What's going to happen now?"

  He shrugs, running his hand along my side. "Whatever we want to happen."

  And I can work with that. We'll talk. Later. Or maybe it'll be like it was with Sal and Jaquan. Maybe we'll never talk, and we'll just keep doing this, and I'm weirdly okay with that.

  Tomorrow is another day, and I'll face it then. I'll face my next shift the day after that, working alongside this man, and the other men I've let inside me. The other two I haven't…yet.

  But for now, at least, I take what I've been offered. I close my eyes.

  I sleep.


  "Hey, Chapman."

  I whip my head around at the sound of Jaquan's voice calling from the other side of the parking lot. He's wearing a wide grin that makes my own mouth curl in return.

  Then I remember exactly how much has changed since the last time I saw him. My smile falters.

  It's ten minutes before my first shift since my date with Corey. I shiver inside, just thinking about it.

  Corey stayed the night, and it was one of the best night's sleep I've had in ages. We woke before dawn and fucked again, nice and soft and slow. After working me to my peak, he filled me with his come again, then slipped from both my body and my bed. With a final kiss and a promise he'd see me again soon, he headed out. I tried to pull him back—hell, to at least offer him a ride home, but he was insistent, so I let him go.

  I went back to sleep and spent a luxurious day basking in the afterglow, reading and watching TV and eating junk food and otherwise ignoring the world.

  But I can't do that any longer. It's back to work and back to real life.

  Swallowing, I turn back to my truck and shut the door. Corey's every touch was filled with promise, but we never did actually talk about what we were doing.

  Or how I should face any of our co-workers today.

  Well, that's not really that big of a deal, anyway, is it? It's not like I was going to offer to blow Jaquan in the parking lot before our shift or anything. It's not like Corey asked me exclusivity, or even implied that he was looking for it.

  All the same, when I turn to face Jaquan again, I'm a little more reserved.

  He picks up on the change. Tilting his head to the side, he raises his brows in question. "You okay?"

  "Yeah, fine. Just, you know, getting back into the swing of things."

  "Sure." We fall into step beside each other. "Have a good couple of days off?"

  My chest glows. "Yeah."

  "Cool." He side-eyes me slightly. "Was surprised I didn't hear from you."

  The glow dims, my pulse picking up.

  Right. Sal and Jaquan and I don't exactly have a standing arrangement, and we've gone more than three days without hooking up before. But it is a little weird that I didn't get in touch at all.

  I'm not quite ready to explain that Corey left me boneless and satisfied and honestly a little emotionally overwhelmed; I needed the time to recover.

  So I turn the question right back around at him. "Surprised I didn't hear from you."

  "Fair enough. You doing anything tomorrow?"

  And it doesn't matter that I had four orgasms in twelve hours with another man the other day. The heat in Jaquan's voice has my pussy clenching.

  I hesitate for exactly half a second. Maybe I should talk to Corey before I agree to anything. He and I clearly have an emotional connection.

  But if he wanted exclusivity, he could have told me. If anything, he seemed turned on by the idea of me taking it from both Sal and Jaquan.

  So why should I stop? "Calendar's clear."

  "Good." Jaquan's eyes narrow, going molten. "Because Sal and I have some ideas."

  Fuck. More wetness slicks the insides of my panties. "I can't wait to hear them."

  "Good." He leans in close, letting his shoulder brush mine. He smells amazing.

  The big garage doors are open. We stride on through. Jaquan holds back, extending his arm for me to go first when we hit the spot between the two engines where it's easiest to go single file. I go ahead and in through the door to the main portion of the fire house…

  Only to run right into Corey.

  He startles almost as hard as I do. His gaze rakes my body up and down, and the spark Jaquan had already lit inside me flares.

  Speaking of which…

  "Hey, man," Jaquan says from behind me.

  Corey looks over my head at him. "Hey."

  A hot flush radiates up my neck and onto my cheeks. I'm not going to lie—I was worried that this was going to be awkward, but it isn't. At least not for me. In fact, it's the precise opposite. Having two of the guys I'm fucking have an innocent conversation with me right in the middle is hot as hell.

  Then Jaquan's voice lifts. "Have a fun date the other night?"

  My face flashes hotter as Corey's gaze darts to mine. One corner of his mouth lifts, the action smooth, sexy and utterly disarming. "The best."

  "Good." Jaquan brushes past me to continue down the hall toward the locker room. As he does, he reaches out and squeezes my arm, and even through my coat, his touch is searing. Close to my ear, he murmurs, "Can't wait to hear all about it."

  And it's not just that he's echoing what I said earlier about all the dirty plans he and Sal have been cooking up for me.

  It's the confirmation.

  He knows Corey's date was with me.

  My pussy is an inferno between my legs, and fuck. I want to grab Corey and drag him into the locker room with Jaquan. I hope Sal is already in there. I want them all, one after another—maybe a couple of them at once, like that firs
t time in the shower with Sal and Jaquan.

  That's crazy, right? It has to be.

  But they're being so matter of fact about all of this. Is it really something that could happen? Could I be that lucky?

  I exhale out long and hard, and time seems to start moving again. Jaquan keeps walking. I follow him with my gaze, watching his tight rear in those form-hugging jeans.

  Corey clears his throat. "You doing okay?"

  I feel light-headed. "Yeah. Yeah, great."


  Then he leans in and gives me a fucking kiss on the cheek of all things before heading out to the garage. And here I was, fantasizing about getting double-teamed by two ripped firefighters, and now a kiss on the cheek has my heart fluttering.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  Whatever it is, I like it. A lot.

  Not that I get time to revel in it. I take another step forward, past the open door to the turnout room.


  The deep voice that emerges from that doorway has me ready to jump out of my skin.

  Or maybe just out of my clothes.

  I startle hard, swinging around to find Street looming in the shadows. His eyes are dark, the circles underneath them almost purple. If he were a little paler or had slightly pointier canines, I'd be clutching my throat, worried he might be about to take a chomp out of it.

  As is, I just roll my eyes, trying to pretend he didn't just scare the crap out of me. "Christ on a cracker." I nod my head toward the room behind him. "You ever think of turning on a light or something?"

  He ignores me, eyes narrowing. "And here I had you pegged for some kind of genius or something. Looks like I was wrong."

  There's a haggard roughness to his tone. It sends a chill racing down my spine, freezing out the heat Jaquan and Corey had left in their wake. My body goes rigid, the hairs on the back of my neck rising.

  And then the meaning of his words breaks through my shock. I rear back. "Excuse me?"

  He flexes his jaw. He raises one massive shoulder only to set it right back down. "Just thought you knew better."

  "Better than what?"

  He takes a step forward, and I take an unconscious one back. He's so big, he crowds me even from a couple of feet away, and seriously, every part of him radiates disappointment and menace right now.


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