Ruby Mage

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Ruby Mage Page 5

by Dan Raxor

  She nodded, lifting the paws. “Grab the feet, and take us to the gateway.”

  “Isn’t this going to get blood everywhere?” I asked with a scrunched face of disgust.

  “For a million dollars I can buy new carpet and blame a bottle of red wine. I’m a ninety pound middle-aged Asian woman, no one suspects me of murder,” Ming said with a devious tone that caused my arm hairs to raise.

  “Not cool, roomie, not cool. And hell yeah to wearing mage’s robe. My balls feel like they're being squeezed by a vice,” I said with a snicker.

  Grabbing the bear-kin's feet, I welled power between my soul and the gem. I thought positive thoughts and emotions about the gateway. This transition was the quickest yet as we whooshed off Lornia by magic.

  After arriving at the gateway, we groaned. Moving the bearman the ten feet to the Earth door was going to be a massive bitch.


  New York City - February 2023

  “Whoa!” I said with wide eyes of shock.

  A month had flown by. As a studious researcher at heart, I catalogued every bit of information into my own reflections.

  Writing about what happened in Lornia brought a new reality to my personality. There was a darker side of me that relished in the power. Not only did I understand that I loved the power, I yearned for it.

  I may have made a mistake during this month though. Apparently, the martini bars are vastly different in the Big Apple than they are in Kansas, or the sticky bar stools in Montana. I’m a solid six, maybe a seven in the former, and a nine or a ten in the latter.

  Deciding to try to find a sheet wrestling partner led me to realize what I considered fit, was… not enough for the sophisticated gym bunnies of New York.

  I also learned that there were more women than men, and even with the odds in my favor, city gals can be right bitches. I got called a redneck because of how I talked. Which wasn’t even southern. While I probably was on the receiving end of a Karen in training, this brought out an inner anger in a bad way.

  I dove off the deep-end, getting vomit-inducing drunk after striking out a few times.

  When I got home, I told Ming she was a manipulative bitch. Not that it wasn’t true, because it was, but she had helped me when I was adrift. This resulted in us having a very awkward relationship after and to this very moment.

  “Sign your contract first,” Ming said, tapping a tablet in front of Yukio.

  We stood around a large extension of a granite countertop. Yukio and Ming were in matching power suits, and I was in a sweatpants, hoodie combo. Today was a big payday and we were all smiles.

  “I cannot say who purchased your acquired find, but suddenly we have new members with deep pockets. Other interested parties are searching for tomes so they can join,” Yukio said, pointing to the tablet to emphasize I needed to sign.

  I indented a thumb print into a specific box, signing at the next popup with my index finger. I was now a contractor for Dynamic Acquisitions and Consulting. When the screen flicked to reveal my initial consultation payment, I froze.

  “This is for six point two million,” I said with a gasp.

  Yukio snickered, shaking his head the way parents did when a child was clueless. “I think you believe the group I represent is filled with old men thirsting for trinkets to showcase. That rock you sent Ming had a new mineral in it,” Yukio said, pausing to see if I was catching on.

  “New minerals, new genetic codes… I mean, that is not my forte, but it's not hard to conclude where those finds lead. New drugs, weapons, treatments, and discoveries,” I muttered.

  A silence hung over the table, bringing a looming gravity to the words I said.

  “And when ten members of our group sit on big pharma boards and see a new species,” Yukio mentioned, pointing to the confirmed wire transfer. A quick couple flicks with my phone confirmed I was a multi-millionaire. “That’s only twenty-five percent. Seriously, Trevor, you’re never going to have to work again.”

  I wanted to be angry because of how much money I missed out on. Yet, Ming had gone over the terms that I agreed to.

  Ming cleared her throat, straightened her back, and said, “You need to leave. I… I’m getting worse. My doctor said I needed to stay the course with my treatments. That and now that you have your first check, and a retainer account with Dynamic Acquisitions and Consulting—”

  “Best bad guy business name ever,” I interrupted with a playful snarky tone.

  “I’m old, this is my sanctuary. It’s time to build your own. One near an airport with good security and—”

  Yukio held up his hand to say, “You need your Jacob Cloth’s type of place. Ming has informed me you … were inclined to stay in Lornia.”

  I shrugged, letting out a long exhale. “It depends. Haven’t seen enough. Being a mage is exhilarating. I know I don’t like New York City in the snow. I want to be the king of my own castle. Maybe a mage lord or baron, or I can do both.”

  “You’re special,” Ming said, stating the obvious.

  Yukio chuckled. “Ming’s right. Think of yourself as a magnate. A very powerful magnate that I especially want to see succeed. To the point, we can add a few zeros to the back end of that number to help you setup,” Yukio said, folding his arms, and shifting into a serious tone.

  I had a feeling he was even shocked with himself for saying this. The rich coveted their riches, no one was surprised by that. They also threw lots of wealth into areas that could make them more.

  “A trading magnate?” I asked, biting my fingernail nervously. “Exploiting Earth to gain wealth in Lornia. Then use my Lornian wealth to sell you stuff and live lavishly. We talked about this… weird to see it becoming a reality. You really think there is enough of a market to keep doing this?”

  “Short answer: yes. After you pick your estate on Earth, I’ll need to setup a DAC office nearby that can facilitate our transactions. Basically, you have a few options the way I see it.

  “Option one, you head back to Montana, wait for spring, and resume picking up trash. That is noble and engaging work that will raise zero suspicions. You never go back to Lornia, and likely make a clean break from me and those I associate with.

  “Option two, you do option one but head to Lornia rarely. This allows you to live lavishly while we both come out ahead slightly.

  “Option three, you become a recluse so you have the ability to do what you want. You utilize Lornia to become wealthy with quick trips to feed the council trinkets and bodies. They want more bodies by the way.

  “Option four, you go in the deep-end. You buy a fortress here, build one there. You flip trades on both ends to amass wealth, which equals power. The waves you send rippling on Earth will hopefully be covered by me and mine with our vested interests. Lornia will likely have pushback. Even a sorcerer.” He paused pinching the bridge of his nose. “God I hate that word. Even you will be challenged. You build a mini-empire in both realms, reveling in the wealth and power.

  “Option five, you hate Earth, move to Lornia, and only come back to trade with DAC to help keep yourself wealthy in Lornia. Assuming a mage is unable to generate gold there on his own.”

  I waited to see if he was going to say a six. Personally, I’d already thought of about a thousand variations without ever really seeing what Lornia was like.

  “Well, I can rule out a few of those. I want my own secluded home. I was—”

  Ming opened a drawer, retrieving a folder before sliding it across the counter.

  “Of course,” I muttered, opening the contents to see realtor reports. “Who prints on paper still?”

  This got a mild laugh out of them while I thumbed the pages. Each page was listings for mansions. Each mansion was north of five million. The first five were in Montana, the next three Wyoming, and then five more were scattered across the USA and Canada in secluded areas.

  I’d like to think of myself as a grounded, down to Earth, type of guy. And yet, there was a Montana estate with a big st
one wall around the perimeter that towered at least ten feet tall. The home itself was exceedingly opulent and big enough for dozens to live in.

  At least from the few images I could see, it was everything a guy like me would want as an awesome lair. I never trusted a picture though.

  A further study of this property told me an hour by jeep could have me at the dig site, which was important to me. I planned on burying gems in Lornia and put them in planters here. Except Ming was right. It was time for me to move and she got her wish of almost dying on Lornian soil.

  “This is nine million, unfurnished,” I said, picking the estate an hour from civilization.

  Yukio’s grin was one of satisfaction. “I can cover the difference,” Yukio offered.

  “This seems too easy,” I said with a huff.

  Ming snickered, her posture becoming stiff. “This condo at one point was valued at eleven million. That damn virus drove down prices.” A gesture of the large living space wasn’t needed, but done anyway. “I was given the deed for doing nothing more than being born. Privilege exists, the world is not fair, and those with privilege tend to elevate those they chose.”

  “Bit dramatic,” Yukio scoffed at Ming before giving me a stern gaze. “You’re a Ruby Mage. You can make me hundreds of millions and I already am up twelve. Next werewolf body will sell for more and cover probably two of those homes. Did you even think of that?”

  “Oh, so no more twenty-five percent to her,” I said, wincing while looking at Ming who frowned.

  Yukio said, “Fifty-fifty going forward. Ming is rich now and I pay her to help you when I need a liaison. Believe it or not, since you’ve seen me visit Ming for excessive periods, my time is exceedingly valuable.”

  He reached into his suit pocket, handing me two envelopes.

  Yukio snickered and said, “The first is your unlimited charter jet access that is not unlimited. Think of it as your ability to travel within a few days and if you use it too much just buy your own damn jet. Second is a list from potential clients. Things they want brought back.”

  “Okay, I’ll review this on my trip to see this house. And if I want to buy it?” I asked.

  “I bought all five in Montana,” Yukio said with a grin.

  “All five! That’s over forty million.”

  “Yes, well I’m exceedingly wealthy. Protecting you will have challenges. My competition will track these finds, from me, to you. It’s 2023 after all. At least the other homes are now hideouts and investments. Almost impossible to cover moving secretive items these days,” he said with a huff.

  “All right, I guess I’ll tour them all, then pick one. Should I consider it a rental until I can buy it?” I asked and he gave another smug shrug.

  “Expect other high rolling visitors in the future. I recommend you find people loyal to you to help stave off the other wolves at your door,” Ming said with a snort.

  “Like Joseph Cloth did with his wives covering for his disappearances,” I said. A groan escaped my lips. “My family? What’s your plan for them?”

  “Ah. Nothing. I can’t even fully protect you,” Yukio said, heading for the door. “I’m not a guardian angel. I’m an investor who wants to see you succeed. Get your own house in order and realize that, yes, Earth is a shitty place too. Your parents, Lidia, or Hanna may get abducted to get you to do things.”

  “Fuck me,” I muttered, not liking what he was saying.

  “Welcome to the world of being rich,” Yukio said, heading not for the door, but for a back room that Ming followed him into.

  I smirked, watching them go. He had a point. I was now rich; it was time to live like it.


  Montana - Trevor’s Estate

  March 2023

  After careful consideration, I picked the opulent estate with the big stone walls. This home had everything I wanted. Space, privacy, a pool, and an interior hot tub.

  One thing I loved about it was that even during the winter there was a lovely smell from the abundance of looming cedar trees.

  Unfortunately, I never really did more than a quick walkthrough. After spending the last month preparing for a longer absence in New York I rushed here, arriving just at the perfect time to meet my guest.

  There was a problem, I needed a cover. One that I could trust to say I was safe if someone was worried, like my parents.

  There was only one person I could call, Lidia. My sister stood in the foyer, hands on her hips, and a scowl on her face. She wore a fluffy jacket that had a faux furred hoodie. Her sweats and thick winter boot looked huge on her.

  “Okay, you’re going where again?” Lidia asked, following me as I headed for the door she just entered. “There's three feet of snow on the roads.”

  When I patted her on the shoulder she pouted. “It will be fine,” I assured her.

  “You said you needed a house sitter for a cat! You’ve got no flipping cat!”

  “How do you know you won't find it tomorrow or something,” I chuckled, knowing she was right.

  “I’d sense it! They always trigger a sneeze. Where are you going in boots and a double bath robe?” Lidia said with extra wrinkles from her scrunchy face.

  I rolled my eyes at her, and she was clearly concerned. “Lidia, you’re endearing. The news is saying there is another covid outbreak in the Philippines. Hole up, do your work from the extravagant mansion, and enjoy yourself.”

  “This… this is crazy.” Lidia stomped a foot. “Where did this house come from?”

  “Would you be mad if I said Montana? I mean… we are in Montana,” I said with a giggle.

  She fumed. If this were a cartoon, smoke would be blowing out her ears. “You have a walking stick, two layers of clothing, and a full bag. You’re just going to spend a week in the woods?”

  “Whatever you do, don’t call the police until I’ve been gone for a month. Also, if I never come back, this is yours. Sorta,” I said with a grin. “I promise when I get back I’ll explain everything and you’ll believe none of it. You’re the only one I can trust with this.”

  “I know! You said you needed me and me only. That and the damn cat are why I left Brody behind. Things were -”

  “Then invite him out here. Just have him sign the NDA when he gets here?” I said, knowing this would trigger her.

  “Why,” her eyes flared as she said this, “is there so much secrecy?”

  “I suddenly have a house that is something most guys could only dream about. Not rented, not on lease. Paid in cash with my name on the title,” I said with a huff.

  Yukio sold it to me at a loss. Meaning I was broke and in need of going back to Lornia, which was likely his plan from the get go.

  “How?” There was a pleading pout I ignored again.

  “Lidia, we discussed this earlier on the phone, I’m under NDA.”

  Her hands flung into the air. “Break it!”

  “I wish I could, but when I get back, I can. When I return there will be a grand tour, a big party, and lots of explaining with hopefully all facts you’ll despise knowing later. Now I gotta go. Love ya,” I said, opening the door to the blistering cold.

  “Be safe,” Lidia muttered, conceding the argument.

  There were a few ‘I love you’, and then I slammed the door against the cold wind fighting the heated home. I trekked to the back of the immense house, finding an alcove to shelter in.

  The roof hid me from anything above, the indented space from the sides, and no window gave a viewpoint of my spot. I summoned the magic to take me to the hallway and vanished from Earth.

  The hallway, or gateway as Joseph called it, was empty, devoid of a wintery chill. This place was the spot that held the biggest looming questions.

  How and why did it exist? Joseph determined the powers in charge would never reveal their secrets. I was more optimistic, just not sure how I’d find those answers… yet.

  I closed my eyes heading for the bright door. The last thing I wanted was to arrive on Lornia with dis
oriented vision.

  My hands found the entry, allowing me to step onto the paranormal world.

  The stumble down from the drop was anticipated this time, me hitting the ground with bent knees.

  I channeled a spell, allowing the anger of the fire to build within me. My eyes shot open, revealing nothing but birds, chipmunks chasing squirrels, and a cool breeze battling a warm day of sunshine.

  Aspens surrounded me by the thousands and I wondered where I was in Lornia. I returned the magical energy that coursed through my veins back into the stone around my neck.

  A quick search revealed what I sought - the tree I’d blasted into splinters was exactly where I expected it. I walked over to the only landmark in the area, dumping the contents of my bag.

  There was a clatter as tools, coin purses, food, water, and weapons spilled out.

  The mini-pick for precision excavations was plucked off the pile. I spent the next half hour marking every tree at knee height and on three sides. A simple big X was enough, or so I hoped.

  My ability to find this place always had a work around. Go to the gateway, then come back here. But… if I expended all my gem power that wouldn’t be an option.

  I went to my bag once I was done. Beside the pack were a dozen smaller pouches. I dug holes around the busted tree.

  “Into your homes you go my pretties,” I said with a snicker.

  I opened the bag, to confirm the contents. Yup, it was Montana dirt encompassed around the dazzling gems. Each pouch went into a spot around the busted up trunk.

  This was my ‘oh shit’ reserve. Assuming I cast so much energy I drained the two gems on me, these were here for me to uncover and head home. Or if something bad happened and I ended up without a gem. I’d planned out a dozen what-if scenarios and this was the best backup plan I could create for now.

  After those were stashed away, I retrieved a long dagger that barely fit in the bag. While trying to equip the belt I grunted in frustration. Finally, getting the weapons secured, I grumbled to myself.


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