Ruby Mage

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Ruby Mage Page 8

by Dan Raxor

  “First year?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Kings come and go. If a new king is anointed they start their first year. Partel is a few months old. Each month is named after a famous duke.

  “Those names change also. The days of the year never do and the coldest day of winter is the Winter Festival when the year resets.”

  “Right now it is 210th day of the 1st year of King Partel’s Reign. I only know that because it was in our binding.”

  “Tell me about the realm,” I ordered.

  “There is a northern section and southern section. Both are generally considered beneath the middle rulers as little more than agricultural producers. Rarely, the dukes and the king will march when the dryads raid or ratkin invade,” she said, pointing to the north then the east on the map.

  “The elves?”

  “In the south, they don’t hear much of them, and the dwarves trade, raid, and brew good ale,” Susanna said. “Pleasuring?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m your Master. If you displease me, I’ll punish you, and not in a good way,” I said with her full, wide-eyed attention.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Do you know what a shower is?” I asked.

  She shook her head then nodded. “I do. A waterfall bathing in a home. Not sure how I know that, but I do.”

  “That’s the magic. I think. I don’t have all the answers. Now, don’t speak unless spoken to, raise a hand if you need to ask something, and do as you're told,” I commanded. “Behave well and earn rewards.”

  Susanna smirked, a shiver from the cold running through her in all the right ways. “Pleasuring as a reward?”

  Lornia Girls!

  “You forgot ‘Master’,” I said, spinning to get inside.

  In front of my mansion was a Prius with South Dakota plates pulled up beside my new truck. I sold the Jeep and got a jet black Cybertruck. I justified the expensive upgrade as part of a status symbol, part of driving into the badlands, and because it was my night chariot I’d wanted for a while.

  Lidia had arrived via Uber.

  Whose car did this belong to? That Lidia’s boyfriend wouldn’t have South Dakota plates.

  I pulled my phone out from my bag. I had been gone for ten hours.

  Holy shit.

  Trekking through those woods without a watch sure killed time.

  I slid my phone into my pocket before stepping up to the front door. I rubbed my hands together before messing with the digital code lock. I input ruby mage spelled out in numbers. There was a whirl as the mechanism unlocked my front door.

  A gush of warm air rushed out to buffet the cold wind as we hurried inside.

  Ah, it felt good to be inside luxury again.

  The immediate foyer was slate tile with a bench on both the left and right, much like a restaurant. There were hooks here that held two jackets.

  I set my bag, map, and sword down. When I removed my robe to shorts and an undershirt the tingling of being watched sent hairs on my neck rising.

  Susanna certainly desires me, she’s all but licking her lips.

  I let her soak in my frame, eyeing a pink suitcase resting by the stairs. Okay, our guest was either using his mom’s luggage, or we had another female visitor.

  I inspected my new home, trying to find Lidia and her guest. Classical music drifted through the halls from a device by the stairs, drowning out any subtle background noises.

  Beyond the foyer was a left and right curved staircase that went to a second floor landing. That landing spread to more rooms and a single straight staircase to a third floor. The realtor said this home was built bigger than a football field and I believed them.

  The home was sold fully furnished so there should be cleaning supplies to get the horrid stench off Susanna. She did stink badly enough that some bleach might be needed instead of shampoo. If the expensive art stayed, then shower essentials would be here too.

  The faint echo of two girls laughing hit my ears.

  “Lidia!” I shouted.

  My echo bounced endlessly. I frowned. When I went to wave Susanna forward, I saw she had a hand up.


  “You’re a noble here?” she said. I ignored the question. There was wealth on display everywhere. My estate was excessively opulent, and sparkling clean. “Obviously, excuse my question. Where are your servants, Master?”

  “You're the first,” I admitted, and she merely gave an 'oh’.

  “I’m a warrior, but I understand,” she said happily.

  “Sis!” I heard Lidia shouting from deep with the home. “Did you know there is a pool in here with two separate Jacuzzis!?”

  I thought there was only one. Bonus. Would need to label them. Sex, and no sex. I chuckled at my own thoughts.

  “Is Barry with you?” I shouted up, not knowing which floor she was on. “And don’t be shocked, I brought hired help.”

  “Who’s Barry?” Lidia finally showed up from the second floor. She hurried down the stairs with another woman her age following closely.

  This new arrival was pudgy with glasses. Dyed blonde hair to her shoulders flowed freely. She suffered from acne and had given up it seemed. Not trying to judge, I had my own flaws and blemishes.

  “Your boyfriend,” I said.

  “Ex, and it was Brody. I told him this wasn’t a vacation, and he should visit. He took that as me moving. Especially when I updated my social status as living in—” There was a pause. “Who the hell is that?”

  “The hired help. Finish telling me about Brody, please.”

  “Oh, he changed his relationship status to single, turned on his swinder, and said he wasn’t into long distance relationships,” Lidia said with a sad shrug, but there was pain there.

  I frowned, knowing this was my fault. She arrived on the first floor, pausing as she clearly smelled Susanna. Even the guest was frowning from her filth and the oddity of the situation.

  “This is Krissy. Krissy this is my awesome brother, Trevor. Krissy works with me, and lives in Rapid City. I invited her up to keep me company while you were finding wild women that are out in the snow with next to no clothes.” Lidia tucked her chin, eyeing me speculatively. “Your turn.”

  “Lady Lidia, Lady Krissy. You both will never believe me… I can tell you; this is Susanna, and there are more like her,” I said, showcasing the half nude sexy woman who was covered in filth.

  “I believe you,” Lidia said quickly before I said the unbelievable part.

  I groaned. “Susanna is from Lornia. Hence her abnormal height. I’m going to ensure my servant is properly cleaned before I feed her.”

  “I am hungry master,” Susanna said.

  “Feed her what?” Lidia said, bouncing her brows. “I like the BDSM thing. Servant!”

  Lidia chuckled at the notion, clearly amused. I’d kept that part of me secret from everyone I knew. Some bedroom experiences were meant to stay behind closed doors.

  Krissy stuck a hand up. “I love your home, and it was a four hour drive.” She winced, uncomfortably saying, “Is it okay if I still crash here?”

  “I’d love to have you over. Enjoy your stay, and no rush on when you depart. Clearly I have spare room and I’ll be leaving again soon anyway. Lidia, order take out from any place you can please,” I said, not sure what she’d like.

  Lidia frowned, saying, “How about I get like twenty meals from Chinese and some chicken from—”

  “That works,” I replied. “Come, Susanna.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said in a light voice.

  Lidia smirked, raising a single brow. I wanted to roll my eyes at her but instead said, “Pool showers?”

  “Middle of the house. Did you really buy this without a thorough walk through?” Lidia said.

  “Sorta. I walked the grounds for an hour and each entrance was checked. This had the most secure entryways. I’ll explain more later.” I pointed to the rolled parchment. “Transcribe that map if you're bored. It will help with answers too.”
  I left to find the pool room when Lidia said, “Wait… That thick text in your room. The one on your bed.”

  “You read it?” I asked. She nodded. “Read it again, it will explain Lornia. This servant is deplorable in her filth. Let me clean her before we discuss matters of the estate. Please. Oh, and don’t forget food.”

  Lidia chewed her cheek, nodding instead of saying anything. I walked from the foyer to the curving stairs. The echo of Susanna’s bare feet against the tile told me she was following.

  Susanna did have a point. As a noble, I’d need servants. Based on the way the girls were ingesting the sight of Susanna earlier, they thought some males would be a nice addition. Maybe a bunch of frisky Lornians would be a reality. I sighed happily, taking in the sights.

  The walls were covered with inserts with vases, paintings, and sculptures. Intricate wood trim framed every part of the home. The slate tile was colored with dark grout, giving a lively look with the extra bright lighting.

  A wide hallway went to a T intersection with a door. I opened the door, walking into a snow covered atrium with a bench. When I turned quickly, I smacked into Susanna.

  Her soft but trim frame hurt from the impact.

  Damn those abs were like rocks. Makes the saying better.

  “Aren’t soldiers supposed to be quick on their feet,” I grumbled, shooing her out of the way.

  She stank to the point I wanted to gag. Apparently, being property to be sold in Lornia wasn’t a sanitary transition period. I quickened my pace, heading around the box the atrium created.

  On the other side I found dual haze-covered doors with actual silver handles. Ah, the joys of being rich. I propped one open, crossing into the new room. There were lockers beside benches running down the middle of the dressing area.

  I was surprised by how warm the marble tiles were, and realized there were heated floors. To my left and right were separate shower galleys. There were even chandeliers in here. Being rich was the best.

  I walked into the left shower section, not seeing what I wanted. I went to the right and there were baskets with toiletries resting on the back shower seat bench. Sorting the contents, I found all the generic stuff we’d need. Excellent.

  The shower wall on the left displayed dual sided handles for a dozen showering places. The spare handle was likely for ceiling faucets that rained down in the middle.

  Why you would need three shower heads from ten feet apart? I’d never know, but hey, excessive was how the rich did things.

  The left side was standing only, the middle held a drain with the largest ceiling shower head, and the right had a hip high granite bench with its own controls and adjustable shower head.

  Heading to the basket I pulled out shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, and a loofah.

  I went to hand them to Susanna, seeing her questioning palm raised.

  “Use on your hair first, use on your hair second,” I said, sliding the shampoo bottles down the granite bench. I flicked the water on a few heads over, soaking the loofah and getting it lathered. “Use this on everything else. Scrub every inch of you. Then do it all again. If I find grime when I’m ready for you, you’ll be punished.”

  She gave a small tight smile, catching onto my insinuation. “Yes, Master.”

  Ah, I could really get used to that.

  She walked over to the shower, grabbing the loofah. She turned the water on all the way hot. I walked over, correcting the mistake before he learned a hard lesson.

  I nudged my head for her to get into the water and she stepped in with her clothes on.

  She started scrubbing the pants and I realized they probably washed clothes when they cleaned themselves in Lornia.

  “Take those off. We use magic to wash them,” I said.

  She hesitated. “Can you not wash me with magic then?”

  I mused over the idea of her naked in a washing machine. “There would be no fun in that, and you’d die. So no,” I said sternly, leaving her as if I didn’t want to watch her strip.

  Denying her of any affection or signs of desire, I left the room, pulling out my cellphone to text Ming.

  ‘I have items in need of a pickup. Updated map, honey, and candles.’

  The blob of her typing showed up through our secure app. ‘That’s it?’


  I really didn’t want to give up the sword. I needed a weapon. The expensive super sword I had made on Earth ended up being shit. The elven sword would probably carry status in Lornia and not break easily. The sword stayed.

  ‘I have a guest from our special place.’ I texted.

  ‘Oh! That is gold. When can you send her -’

  The blob stopped. Yukio started typing. ‘Doctor’s en route. ETA two hours. Will pay for tests and samples.’

  I frowned. We never agreed on a price. Then I realized he would auction the results.

  ‘Okay. Signing off.’ I closed the app.

  When I stuffed the phone into a locker, I caught a whiff of the filth coming off Susanna in the shower. A quick sniff of my armpit notified me I had been incorrect in my assumption. I was the ripe one.

  I needed to strip and shower. This left me with a choice.

  Did I embrace my role as the powerful Ruby Mage now that I was home? Or did I show Susanna my soft side, reverting to Master only in Lornia?

  My fingers tapped the glass cover of the cupboard while I thought. My mind raced to a period I could reflect on.

  Most women I had sex with, there wasn’t a dom or sub aspect. That was, until I dated Maria freshman year. She was into the Master/Sub thing. She guided me to all the right places to do my research, resulting in me knowing how to do it in private.

  That was my first real introduction to power. I think I dominated her too much, because she went home for winter break and then broke up with me when I couldn’t punish her.

  Was it good to be bad? Absolutely.

  I thrilled for exciting sex more than most guys thrilled for the super back massager that did more than just massage their backs.

  Hell, I hadn’t been laid in a year and clearly Susanna was interested.

  Thinking of her naked on the other side of this wall was getting me hot. I loved long legged women, and I really loved big boobs. Also, Master held a nice ring to it. That was the private side of me.

  I smirked coming to a decision.

  My shirt came off and when that came free I felt the stickiness of my sweat from casting fire magic.

  Yeah, I was gross.

  My shorts went off, committing me to the moment.

  I walked into the shower, pretending to not scope out her naked body. I picked out new toiletries for myself. After getting what I needed, I prepped a toothbrush for her before turning.

  Being a mage apparently meant I had magical powers of not tripping over my own feet when I saw her naked.

  Washing her hair made her titties bounce and her ass jiggle. The water running down her hair dripped down a lean, shapely, but muscle trimmed body.

  Susanna’s ass cheeks were glorious. Her body was still filthy but, my god, her washboard abs trailed down to a small belly button on a gently rounded belly. She also groomed the hair down there surrounding something so glorious, I instinctively let out an ‘oh’.

  Susanna was built for breeding with her wide hips and supple breasts.

  I licked my lips casually while still walking towards her.

  Susanna’s peripheral spied me and the toothbrush I presented.

  “I don’t like things in my ass,” Susanna said defensively. She eyed the toothbrush like it was evil.

  I chuckled, seeing how she could get that idea. “This is for your teeth, and you forgot Master again. I’ll go to the other showers if you insult me again.”

  “My apologies, Master. Do you need a pleasuring, Master?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Here are the rules when we’re naked. You do as I say, when I say them. I’m your Master, not your husband or lover. You’re my sex toy,”
I said sticking my hands on my hips. She eyed my cock hungrily as it swayed in the edge of the shower water. “I’ll give you far more leeway in Lornia when we're naked. You do as the Master commands in both.”

  She frowned unhappily. “If I please the Master will I be rewarded at least?”

  Better, much better.

  “Indeed,” I said, and she grabbed the toothbrush.

  I left her to clean myself off. While I wanted to soap her body down and show her all the crazy tricks like scrubbing behind your ears or cleaning your asshole, that would spoil my dominance. Instead I barked orders at her to ensure she was properly clean.

  Over the next ten minutes, I scrubbed, washed, shaved my stubble, and felt like a new man.

  When I was done, I walked to the shower bench seat across from her to sit on the edge. The way those suds contoured over her fine form had me ready. I turned the other two shower heads on and suddenly realized why rich people needed numerous angles of water.

  For steamy shower times.

  I sat with legs spread. The water washed over my chest, down my belly, and to my cock that I teased with my fingers.

  Susanna watched, her eyes lighting up with desire. I pulled my hand down the shaft to show her what she wanted watching as she began to tease the pearl between her own legs with twirling fingers.

  Others may judge me, but teasing your sub was part of a dom’s thrill. My penis had risen quickly, became engorged, and revealed a stiff fourteen-inch cock that she yearned for.

  Two problems. There were no condoms, and besides that fact, I didn’t know if Lornians practiced birth control, or what funky STDs she came with.

  It was better this way to establish who was in charge. I sat up, finger teasing the horny woman to come closer. When she neared, I avoided the temptation to play with the huge cock she hungered for.

  “Kneel,” I commanded.

  She went to her knees instantly. I grabbed, bunching her hair into a bun. When I pulled her face down to meet the tip of my cock, she paused just short. The sound of a door opening interrupted us.

  “Pizza’s here!” Lidia shouted from inside the changing area. “Damn! It gets steamy in here. Should I—?”


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