Mountain Jewel

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Mountain Jewel Page 12

by Tracey Lyons

  She spoke softly into the breeze. “Oh, Hannah. Thoughts like this are going to get you in trouble.” Lazily she floated on her back, closing her eyes to the bright sunshine, trying to think of anything else except Chase. Hannah let the natural movement of the water carry her, emptying her mind of all thoughts. The lonely cry of a loon pierced the silence, echoing off the mountain walls.

  She felt his presence even before she saw him. Hannah dropped her legs back into the water, continuing to kick her feet and swirl her hands to keep afloat. She scanned the shoreline, picking out Bonnie still munching contentedly on a few nubs of grass. A white-tail deer took a tentative step out of the shadowy woods into the bright sunlight and then vaulted away out of sight. Beyond the edge of the shoreline she saw only the thick forest. Bonnie let out a soft neigh and her ears picked up, as though she, too, sensed his presence. Hannah followed the horse’s gaze and then she saw him.

  Chase sat tall in the saddle, his back ramrod straight. He’d discarded the wide-brimmed felt hat and today wore a black hat like the ones Hannah had seen in Harper’s Weekly, a western cowboy hat. It suited him. Dressed in black trousers and a crisp white shirt, he looked magnificent. He evidently didn’t see her in the water at first, for he looked at Bonnie, standing with Hannah’s clothing askew over the saddle. He turned and stared at her.

  Even though Hannah had floated a good distance from the shoreline, she could still make out the smile that touched his suntanned face. Slowly she pushed her body through the crystal clear water, swimming until she could just touch the pebbled bottom with the tips of her toes. Inching her way forward, Hannah stopped and stood with her feet flat, the water’s level skimming the top of her shoulders.

  The heat of the day had affected him also. His damp hair curled up over the collar of his sweat-stained shirt. Even from here she could see the sheen of perspiration covering his skin. Her tongue darted out and she licked her lips. They tasted salty. Would his taste salty too?

  “That’s a good size fish.” Chase grinned lazily at her. “Sure wish I’d brought my fishing gear along.”

  When a brown perch darted between her legs, Hannah remembered just how scantily clad she was. She couldn’t stop the blush that crept up her neck and colored her face.

  Removing his hat, Chase wiped his brow with his sleeve. “Sure is a hot one.” He looked around like he had all the time in the world. “You planning on staying in that pond all day?”

  Raising her chin high, she mimicked her Boston schoolmates’ haughty manner. “Perhaps. It’s quite refreshing, you know.”

  His gaze swung back to her. “I must admit, the water does look mighty inviting.” He stared at her in a way she found extremely unnerving. “Do you do this often?”

  “What?” She feigned complete innocence.

  “Swimming in the altogether.” He swung down off the saddle and looped his stallion’s reins over the same tree where Bonnie stood waiting patiently.

  Hannah dared not move a muscle as Chase walked to the water’s edge, the water lapping against the top of his boots. She could tell by the boyish grin he wore that he was enjoying an unobstructed view of her person.

  He took his hat off. “You still didn’t answer my question.”

  “What question?”

  “The one about your swimming in the pond. Do you do this often?”

  “When I was younger, I came here often with Julia. Today it was so hot. The water was too tempting.” Shrugging her shoulders, Hannah batted her wet lashes at him. “I couldn’t seem to help myself.”

  The warm sun was beginning to dry Chase’s hair. She wanted to run her fingers through his dark curls.

  He began to unbutton his shirt.

  “I have to agree with you, it is very hot today.” Chase looked around him as if he hadn’t a care in the world. In the next moment he shrugged off his shirt, hanging it on a low branch of the oak tree.

  She couldn’t take her eyes from his muscled chest with its dark, matted hair. He turned then and the sunlight just caught some of the silver hair that was mixed in. He tugged off his boots, tossing them aside. Her eyes widened in dismay.

  “Uh, Chase?”

  “Yes, Hannah.” He paused long enough to flash her a boyish grin.

  “What are you doing?” Her heart skipped a beat as he began to unfasten his trousers.

  “It’s so hot. The water looks tempting,” he said, taunting her with her own words.

  She turned her back to him as he continued to strip. Surely he didn’t mean to come in here naked? She couldn’t bring herself to turn back toward him. Her continued flirting had served only to bring this on herself.

  He entered the water in one easy dive, swimming underwater to the spot where she stood frozen. Thrown off balance as his hard body knocked into hers, she stumbled backwards.

  Hannah sputtered as a ripple of water shot up her nose. “Mr. Malone,” she shrieked while wiping the water from her face.

  Chase’s wet head popped out of the water close to hers, so close his breath warmed her face.

  “What’s the matter, Miss Jackson? Did you think that this pond is solely for your enjoyment?”

  Shaking her head, Hannah pressed her hands against his naked chest. His skin was warm.

  “The only problem with this, my dear Hannah, is that you have cheated.” He tugged at the wet ribbon that laced the front of her chemise. “You’re not fully disrobed.”

  Reaching up, she grabbed his hand. “I don’t think you…we.” She swallowed hard. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “It’s what we both want. You’re not going to tell me that you haven’t felt the current running between us?”

  “I’ve felt it.” She remembered her reaction to him the other day. Hannah knew deep in her soul that if she gave in to him, there would be no going back. She’d known since the very first time she’d met him there was something between them, some spark. She wouldn’t go so far as to call it magical. No, it was something that she hadn’t been able to put a name to for so long a feeling she could no longer deny.

  His dark eyes were upon her, filled with desire and longing, taking in every inch of her face. Slowly he let go of the ribbon, but not before he’d managed to loosen the ties enough to leave the tops of her breasts exposed. He turned his attention to her face. Carefully he rubbed his thumb over the thin scar that now marked her temple.

  “You look so good,” he whispered as his lips brushed against her temple. “Oh, God. Hannah, I want you so much.”

  She reached up and pulled him toward her, kissing him hard on his full lips. Indeed, they did taste of salt. They clung to each other as if they were the last two people on earth.

  She rubbed her hands down his long torso, reveling in the feel of his warm skin beneath her cool fingertips. Slowly, they traveled around to gently knead his lower back. He moaned. His manhood stood hard, pressed against her belly.

  He laced his fingers in the wet strands of her hair. Their bodies pressed so close together the thin curtain of water no longer separated them. Her nipples hardened in response to his caress. She leaned into him. Their kiss deepened. Hannah parted her mouth, allowing his tongue to enter. A moan escaped her. He withdrew his tongue, tracing the outline of her lips.

  “Oh, Chase. I never knew it would feel this wonderful.” His hand roved over her breast, his fingers teased her nipples, making them grow harder.

  He continued to arouse her senses, running his hands down her back, pushing the thin fabric of her chemise off her shoulders, leaving the chemise gathered about her waist. She pressed her naked flesh against his. The next thing she knew, she was being carried from the water. Slowly her body slid down the length of him as he set her firmly on the ground.

  Carefully he pushed her sodden chemise and drawers from her body. She stood proud and unashamed before him. The expression of his face changed from a look of passion to one of thoughtfulness. “Hannah, if we continue on there will be no turning back.”

  “I want y
ou to love me,” she declared boldly.

  Their bodies melded together. Gently he laid her upon his white shirt spread at their feet. His long, naked body pressed against hers. He cupped her breasts in his hands, kissing one nipple and then the other until she moaned in pleasure. His hand left her breast, trailing down her flat belly where his fingers explored her most private place. She felt the sticky, hot wetness between her thighs.

  Her own hand found his manhood to be hard and hot. Gently, she stroked his flesh. His body trembled at her touch.

  “Hannah, promise me one thing.” The words tore from him.

  She paused in her ministrations. “Anything.”

  His gaze locked with hers. “No matter what happens, what you discover about me, promise me it won’t change what’s between us.”

  She swallowed hard, forcing away the tears that threatened. “No matter what, I promise.” At this very moment, she didn’t care what his secrets were. She only knew that she wanted this man to make love to her.

  He’d never known a more beautiful, giving woman. He was lost in the sapphire pools that were her eyes. She lay beneath him, willing to give herself completely—trusting him with her very soul. Trusting that the act they were about to share would cause her no pain.

  How he wanted her, longed for her! He bent down and kissed her eyelids, her face. He breathed in the sweet scent of her hair then trailed kisses down her neck. She arched her back to him, her body begging for more. He knew he would give her more.

  God help him, he couldn’t stop loving her, not now, not ever. He rested on his elbows, poised above her as she lay flat on her back, nestled beneath him.

  He looked into her eyes. “Hannah, are you certain, my darling?” he asked one last time.

  Her answer was to wrap her hands around his neck and pull him toward her. She kissed him fully, deeply on the lips. “I want you,” she whispered against his hot mouth. “Make love to me.”

  The afternoon was warm, the air sweetened with honeysuckle as the two became one.

  Later, Chase sat back and watched as she pulled on her damp undergarments. He’d already dressed in his pants and shirt. He toyed with the brim of his cowboy hat. Hannah put on her linen shirt, pausing only once to look at him. He studied her, her skin still flushed with their lovemaking.

  She was beautiful. Guilt washed over him as he thought about how he’d taken advantage of her innocence today, and he wondered if she would ever be able to forgive him when she finally learned the truth.

  “How did you know I was here?” Her fingers fumbled with the tiny buttons.

  “I didn’t. I was out for a ride and just ended up at Crane Pond.” He pushed himself up off the ground and went to help her with the buttons. Brushing her fingers aside, he said, “Believe me, I was quite surprised to find you in the water.”

  He smiled, one of those rare, genuine smiles that touched his eyes.

  “You don’t have any regrets, do you?” Hannah wasn’t going to ask the question, but she’d always been direct with him and she wasn’t about to let what had just transpired change that.

  He reached out to embrace her. “I will never for one minute regret making love to you, Hannah.”

  She looked hard at him. He’d never once said that he loved her, though only one short hour ago he’d given so completely of his body. If only he could give her his heart in the same manner! But with each piece of clothing they’d put back on, he’d retreated farther away from her, until finally Hannah wondered if she hadn’t imagined the whole thing.

  But she only had to feel the warmth between her legs to know that she’d just made wonderful, passionate love to this man. “I don’t regret it, either.”

  Tenderly, he leaned over and cupped her chin in his hand, kissing her lips slowly, deliciously. She struggled to regain control of her senses. “If you don’t stop this, Mr. Malone, I’m afraid that I will not be held responsible for my actions.”

  “And what might they be, Miss Jackson?”

  “Why, you will leave me with no other choice except to strip away your clothing and make passionate love to you right here on the soft pine needles!”

  Chase’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at her forthright response. He threw his head back and laughed. “You know, you never cease to amaze me, Hannah.”

  “Good, let’s keep it that way, shall we?” Her mouth turned upwards in a mischievous grin.

  He kissed her once more and said, “Yes, let’s.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sleep had eluded Chase for the better part of two nights. The one and only reason for this bout of insomnia was Hannah Jackson. Rolling from his stomach to his back, Chase opened his eyes and watched the early morning rays of sunlight creep through the crack in the flannel curtains. Just as the sunlight spread across the hotel room, so did guilt fill him up, creeping into his every thought until finally he thought he might explode from it.

  The fact that Hannah had given herself so freely to him did little to assuage his feelings. Chase was acutely aware that he’d taken her innocence. Trying to tell himself that it was the heat of the day or the way the sun had reflected off her raven hair wasn’t working, either. He’d been trying to convince himself that the sole reason he’d made love to Hannah Jackson was because he had given in to his need, his lust.

  Frustrated, he shoved the blankets aside and got out of bed. Who was he trying to fool, anyway? His feelings for Hannah were more than just lustful. He’d never felt this way about any other woman in his life. He didn’t want to admit that he was falling in love with her. She was in most of his thoughts, and he found it more difficult with each passing day to concentrate on his work.

  He snatched his pants from the bottom of the bed where he’d left them last night and tugged them on.

  Ever since they’d made love—and there was no use denying that love was involved—he’d thought of Hannah differently. She was no longer a sworn enemy. She was a young, passionate woman who could easily fill a man’s needs not only in the bedroom, but completely, as a wife, a mother and a mate. A slow, languorous smile spread across his face when he remembered the way she’d responded to him. Hannah gave of herself completely. The smile turned at once to a frown when it dawned on Chase that neither of them had spoken of love.

  Making love to Hannah had only served to complicate the situation even more. He was still lying to her about why he was here. And even though she’d promised that finding out his secrets wouldn’t change what was between them, he was still filled with doubts.

  “Damnation!” The word exploded from him as he pulled on his boots. He was going to have to stop thinking along this vein if he expected to get anything accomplished today.

  He was just about to leave the hotel room when a knock sounded at the door. Opening the door, he was surprised to find the sheriff standing on the other side of the threshold.

  “Mornin’, Malone.” Without waiting for an invitation, Sheriff Curtis elbowed his way into the room.

  The robust man walked about the room, his thick-soled boots scraping along the rough-hewn planking. He stopped at the end of the bed and turned to face Chase.

  Rocking back and forth on his heels he said smugly, “I have a message for you.”

  Chase swung the door closed. “Let me guess, it’s a message from Radley.”

  Walking over to the dresser, he lifted the lid on the small tin box. He took out a thin cigar and placed it between his lips. Chase picked up one of the match sticks that lay alongside the box and ran the tip of it along the dresser top, igniting it. He held the flame to the end, inhaling deeply.

  Holding out the box, he offered, “Care to join me in a smoke, Sheriff?”

  Curtis held up his hand, shaking his head. “I’m not here to have a powwow with you, Malone. I came by to tell you that Radley wants you back in the city.”

  Chase forced the expression on his face to remain impassive as he blew a thick cloud of pungent smoke into the room. Heading back to New York at this time w
as not in his plans at all. Walking over to the window, he drew open the curtains, leaned a shoulder against the white painted frame, and stared out at the street two stories below.


  “Is that all you can say? Shit, Malone, I’d have thought you’d have more to say than that. Like, when.”

  Chase watched the people walking by, immediately recognizing Hannah’s raven hair and supple form clad in her men’s pants.

  The sheriff came up behind him and looked over his shoulder. “Sure is a mighty fine-looking gal. You and she got a thing going? I heard Julia talking with the missus the other day, and your names came up.”

  Chase turned to look into the older man’s mud-brown eyes. “What’s between Hannah and myself is just that, between us. I’m not about to discuss it with you.”

  “Well, now, that’s all well and good, but you remember one thing—she’s a mighty special gal and there ain’t nobody in this town who will stand for her being taken advantage of by some city boy.”

  He’d have been a fool not to notice the way the sheriff’s eyes hardened in contempt. Deciding not to respond to Curtis’s veiled threat, Chase turned his attention to the street and his thoughts back to Radley.

  “Why does Radley want me back in the city?” Chase hoped the man would be smart enough to give him a straight answer.

  “He didn’t say.”

  “What if the time isn’t right for me to leave just now?” Pushing down the top half of the window, he tossed the cigar butt out on to the bare ground below, still chafing over the fact that Radley had put the sheriff on the case to begin with.

  “You got something going on that I should be privy to?” The sheriff’s bushy eyebrows shot up.

  “Nope. I’m worried about Hannah’s safety, that’s all. I don’t think the accident she had at the mine was an accident.”

  “I’m inclined to agree with you on this one, Malone. I hear tell you’ve been back out to McCleary’s mine and you had a little run-in with Smitty. Is this true?”


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