The Billionaire's Secret (The Tycoons, #4)

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The Billionaire's Secret (The Tycoons, #4) Page 3

by Higgins, Marie

  “So, Mr. Hot Shot. You don’t believe me? Is it because I’m a woman?”

  He shook his head, still laughing. “You’re so... tiny.”

  She stepped back and waved her arms in the air. “Come on, get up. I’ll prove I can take you on.” She slowly circled him, looking ready to pounce at any moment.

  Her seriousness made the situation more enjoyable, and he decided to play her little game. It felt good to have fun, even though it would only be for a short while. Once he returned to his real life and the danger awaiting him, he’d have to take things more seriously, but for now, he’d enjoy this special playtime.


  JUSTIN ROSE TO HIS feet. “Okay, I’m up.”

  “Come on.” She urged, motioning her hands. “Come here and let me show you what I’m made of.”

  The Bible story of David and Goliath came to mind when Justin’s six-foot three-inch frame towered over her. There was no way such a petite woman could harm one little hair on his body.

  He moved toward her like an animal hunting its prey. She withdrew with each step he came closer, her eyes sparkling.

  Reaching out to grab her, his fingers brushed her arm, but she was much too quick and moved away. Her grin widened, mischief dancing in her eyes. Pursuing her was top priority, and he wanted to get her that much more. He leapt toward her again, but as before, she darted inches away from his touch.

  Okay, sweetie... playtime is over.

  He needed to let her know who the weaker gender was, and it certainly was not him. His laughter died, and he became serious in his pursuit.

  “All right sweetie,” he said in a serious tone, “now it’s time to show you who’s in charge.”

  He lunged for her, but she grasped his arm and twisted it around... and his body followed. The next thing he knew, the room turned upside down before he landed flat on his back in a resounding thud.

  Momentarily, he lost his breath. Then in one big gush, he gasped. What just happened? Maybe the tiny woman did have a little strength after all. But his pride argued. She just took him unaware, that’s all.

  The astonishment in her wide eyes told him she didn’t expect it either. But soon the expression changed, and her whole countenance brightened from her accomplishment.

  She stepped over and crouched beside him. “Justin?” she asked timidly, but with a hint of sarcasm. “Are you all right?”

  He grabbed her arm and yanked. “Aaah.” Her voice gushed out unexpectedly. He pressed her body down upon his, and then in one quick roll, flipped her on her back. Looming over her, he grinned. Now he was in charge.

  Her wide eyes wavered, but only to the smallest degree, and her breathing became labored. Their closeness had him burning with awareness, and he wished he’d stop responding this way. Her gaze wandered over his face. When they rested on his lips, her green eyes softened.

  Her lips looked wonderful, and the insane idea of kissing her overpowered him completely. Gads, he’d just met her! As her chest rose and fell, images popped into his head – the kind he had no right thinking.

  Her heartbeat knocked against his chest and met his in a perfect rhythm. His gaze rested on her crimson lips. He really needed to control his urges better because he wanted to kiss her so badly right now. She must have thought the same thing because her lips parted, and her quick breaths whispered warm against his face.

  He bent to taste her, but her surprisingly strong legs lifted him as her hands pushed against his chest. She flipped him over and he landed right beside her on the floor.

  Once again, he lay on his back, looking up at the ceiling, feeling like a dope because this slip of a woman got the best of him.

  When he glanced at Brooke, she jumped up, smiling from ear to ear. The little hottie had tricked him again and, as before, her wide eyes looked almost as surprised as he felt.

  He grinned. “Well, you did it again, didn’t you?” He stretched his arms, linking them together behind his head. “You’ve got me lying flat on my back for the second time tonight. Now my question is – what are you going to do about it?”

  The playful grin on her face disappeared as her lips thinned, hardening the contours of her face. She turned and spoke over her shoulder. “Nothing. Unfortunately, I can’t drive a stake through your body and have you turning over a roaring fire.”

  He snapped to a sitting position. Had he misunderstood her, or did she just refer to him as a roasting pig? What had suddenly changed her mood? Didn’t she want to play silly games with him?

  Justin lifted himself off the floor and moved to his chair, picking up his can of soda on the way. After taking another gulp, he reached over and grabbed a turkey submarine sandwich and bit off a big piece. Silently, she stood by the window. Fluffy snowflakes drifted down from the darkened sky.

  He swallowed the mouthful of food. “Brooke? Are you going to have something to eat?”

  She looked back at him, before glancing to the coffee table where the chips and sandwiches were spread out. Even from over here, the rumble in her stomach made a loud noise.

  “You can have a soda, too,” he added, “or if you rather have a beer, my friend has some in the fridge.”

  Her gaze met his and her eyes widened. She paled, and fear sparked in her eyes. She withdrew into the corner of the room.

  “No, thank you,” her voice quivered. “Alcohol doesn’t agree with me.”

  He arched an eyebrow. What was her real story? “You don’t trust me, do you?”

  Her hands clutched into fists then she took a deep breath. She smiled through lips so tight they appeared almost blue.

  “I don’t know you well enough to decide whether I trust you or not. I only met you this evening, and although I know you’re a friend of Robin’s, I have no clue about your life.”

  He shrugged. “All I know about you is that you’re Robin’s cousin and Tiffany’s sister.”


  “I also know you like to climb into strange vehicles and fall asleep.” He grinned, hoping to see that pretty smile of hers again.

  Her cheeks stained a darker color, and she moved to the twin sofa. She picked up a sandwich. “I told you it was an accident. I thought I was getting into my sister’s car. Your car looks like hers when I’m squinting from blurred vision because of a migraine.”

  “The vehicle you climbed in was a Jeep Cherokee, not a car.”

  Her lips twisted into a half grin. “True, but they’re both red.” She tore off the corner of the sandwich and placed it in her mouth.

  He shifted in his chair. “So, you had a migraine?”

  “Yes, and instead of taking one of my prescription pills, I took two. I’d hoped my headache would disappear quicker, but instead, it knocked me right out.”

  “Over three hours.”

  Brooke’s mouth quirked into a small smile, making her eyes twinkle. She looked lovely that way. Too bad she didn’t smile more often. No. Making her smile and him thinking she was pretty was not a good way to think about her. His hormones kicked into high gear when she smiled, making him want to take her in his arms and kiss her soundly.

  Confusion clouded his thoughts. How could he have this kind of feeling for a woman he hardly knew? The reason his mother arranged his marriage with Robin was because of his bad choice in women... that, and he didn’t have time to do it himself.

  He focused back on their conversation. “What set off your migraine? I’m assuming because of your prescription, you get them often.”

  Sighing heavily, she tore off another part of the sandwich. She leaned back in the sofa. “I’ve been getting them quite a bit this past year, and family get-togethers are the worst.”

  “Why?” He took another swallow of his drink. “Don’t you get along with your relatives?”

  She laughed. “No. I’m considered an outcast. Although they haven’t physically thrown me out of the family, verbally they have.”


  She squirmed. “Because, I have a sordid past and m
y relatives look down on me. I’m no longer good enough to be considered part of the Pierpont clan.”

  How very interesting. He sat forward resting his elbows on his thighs. “And Robin? Does she treat you poorly, too?”

  A harsh laugh erupted from her as she set the sandwich on the table. “Robin is the ringleader, or maybe it’s her father. I can’t recall which one is worse.”

  “Really? Robin treats you badly?”

  Brooke raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Badly is a nice word for it. She always turns her nose up at me, spreads false gossip, and she’s rude right to my face. She makes me feel worthless.” Her voice softened. “Which I guess I am.”

  A spurt of anger shot through him. How could Robin do something like that to her own cousin? As his rage grew, he jumped out of the chair and moved to sit beside her on the sofa. Without thinking, he placed his hand upon her knee. Her gaze quickly riveted to his. He looked past the fright in her eyes.

  “Brooke, you’re not worthless, and I won’t have you thinking that way about yourself. Whatever happened in your life can’t be as bad as you think. You just have to realize Robin’s a snob and looks down her nose at a lot of people.” He waited for her to say something, but she continued looking at him with those irresistible emerald eyes. “Did Robin treat you that way because you’re poor?”

  She blinked. “My family isn’t poor. Of course, we’re not as wealthy as her father, but we’re far from being poor.”

  He waited for her to say more, maybe tell him something about her past, so he might understand better, but she pushed his hand off her knee and scooted away.

  He hesitated to ask but had to regardless. “You didn’t... um, kill someone did you?”

  Her eyes flew back to his and her expression hardened. “No, but I wish I had. Maybe my life would be different.”

  Her half-answers made him more curious, and he had to know her secret. “What did you do that was so awful?”

  Tears welled in her eyes before she withdrew her gaze. She stood and walked to the window. Through the reflection on the glass, he saw pain etched across her face, her frown and her lips pulled tight. She swallowed and blinked. “The snow is falling harder now.” Her voice quivered.

  Justin moved off the sofa and stood behind her. He had the urge to take her in his arms and comfort her but held back. She’d definitely pull away. This past hour and a half made him realize how stubborn and independent she was. Or at least she tried to be.

  “You know, Brooke.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and lightly massaged them. Her body stiffened, but he continued. “If you talk about your problems, it’ll make you feel better. Keeping them bottled inside will only make you feel worse. They’ll build until one day you’ll explode, and then you might regret your actions.”

  She hiccupped a laugh. “You sound like a psychiatrist.”

  “Then why don’t you pretend I am? Go ahead, Miss Cavanaugh, open up to me.” He turned her around to face him. “How else can I help you if you don’t open yourself up?”

  He held his breath, waiting for her to tell him her horrible secret. But if she did, would he be able to help at all? Or would the desire boiling inside him right now just complicate matters?


  BROOKE’S MIND FOUGHT an internal battle against her heart. She wanted to talk, but couldn’t. She hadn’t really opened to anyone, not even her own psychiatrist. It was hard when nobody believed her. Forming the words in her mind, she tried to speak, but nothing would come.

  As she stared into Justin’s deep brown eyes, she noticed the top of her head came to his mouth. A strange cozy sensation swept through her as she stood in front of him while his hands gently rubbed her shoulders and neck. The peacefulness in her chest took her completely by surprise. Fright diminished the longer she allowed his tender comfort.

  “I’m sorry, Justin. I’m not ready to talk about it.”

  He blew out a gush of air. “Well, Brooke, my dear, we have all night and probably most of the day tomorrow by the looks of the weather. So, if you ever feel the need to talk, don’t hesitate.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Thank you, and I will. I promise.”

  His thumb caressed her cheek with softness. “But in the meantime, if I hear you calling yourself worthless again, I’m going to give you a major butt-whoopin’. Do you understand?”

  She laughed. “A butt-whoopin’? What’s that?”

  “Call yourself worthless and you’ll find out.”

  “Ooh, I’m sooo scared.”

  He chuckled as his hands wandered down around her waist, then pulled her closer. “You’d better be scared, because I’m not going to let you do those... Kung Fu moves like you did earlier.”

  When the front of her body touched his, she stiffened. Fear lodged inside her chest, but once again, his comment and calming voice made her relax.

  “Kung Fu?” She laughed. “Those weren’t exactly the Kung Fu moves I’d been taught.”

  “They weren’t?”

  “Earlier this year I took self-defense classes, but up until now, I didn’t think I learned anything.”

  His dark eyebrows rose. “Have you tried your talent with other men, or can I be considered lucky enough to be your first?”

  His hands made circular motions up and down her back, and strangely enough it didn’t bother her. “Yes, you are lucky enough to be my first. I’ll confess I was surprised it actually worked.”

  His laugh deepened, and tingles multiplied over her skin.

  “I think you’re a very adept student,” he said. “You did quite well, especially for a woman your size.” He tightened his hold, making her heart pick up rhythm.

  She rested her hands on his arms and beneath her fingers, his muscles flexed. Heat spread over her. She sucked in a breath, amazed at her body’s reaction. Although he was very muscular, she was actually comfortable in his arms. It was almost pleasant. Dare she admit she enjoyed being in his strong hold? Gazing up into his amazing eyes made her mouth dry.

  “Thank you. I take that as a compliment,” she replied, referring to her size.

  “It is. Don’t you know all good things come in small packages?” His hands caressed her softly.

  Chuckling, she tried to ignore the pleasurable sensations shooting through her body. She also tried not to listen as her head screamed a warning.

  “That’s what I’ve always said.” He grinned.

  In a flash, the memory of Chuck entered her mind. Bitterness crept into her thoughts, trying to ruin her mood. But, the longer she stared into Justin’s incredible, warm chocolate eyes, the more her mind cleared of all logic.

  Her heart pounded, and yet she couldn’t move out from his embrace. By the rise and fall of his chest, she suspected his temperature had heightened, too.

  Warning bells exploded in her head. She didn’t need another man making her feel worthless. But a nagging voice in the back of her mind whispered this man might be different. This man just may be the one who’d tear down the wall of ice she’d built around her heart.

  His gaze fastened to her lips and his head began its descent. When his lips hovered over hers, the alarms in her brain won and she pulled away.

  “I better go call my sister again.” She turned and hurried into the kitchen.

  Leaning her heated face against the cool wall, she calmed her breathing. What was wrong with her? Hadn’t the past taught her anything?

  She took a fortifying breath. From here on out, she’d keep her distance from Justin even if it meant closing herself in the bedroom until she found a ride home. She wouldn’t let his charming smile and intoxicating good looks convince her to weaken her soul.

  Brooke massaged the back of her neck as she tried to stop a threatening headache. She picked up the phone and dialed her sister’s number. One way or another she had to get out of here as soon as possible. If Tiffany wouldn’t answer, Brooke had to think of somebody else to call. On the sixth ring, the phone picked up and her sister’s voi
ce echoed on the other end of the line.

  “Tiff?” Brooke straightened away from the wall. “Oh, thank heaven I finally reached you.”

  “Brooke? Is that you? Where in the world are you, and why do you sound a million miles away?”

  Brooke laughed and leaned her hip against the counter. “Oh, Tiff, you’re not going to believe this. When I went to lie down in your car, I climbed in the wrong vehicle. Anyway, to make a long story short, the man whose car I climbed in didn’t realize I was there and took me with him up in the mountains. At this moment, I’m trapped in a cabin in the worst snowstorm imaginable. My only hope of getting home is for you to come and get me.” When she ended, her breaths came fast as if she’d run a race.

  “Brooke, you know my car isn’t a four-wheel drive. I’d never make it up the mountain.”

  Brooke forced another laugh, hope for her rescue fading. “Well, I guess you won’t be able to come until the storm passes and they clear the roads, huh?”

  “And how long will that be?”

  She glanced out the window at the sheets of snow slicing in the wind. “I don’t know. The weatherman says it should clear out by tomorrow night.”

  “Let me know when it does, and I’ll be right there to get you.” There was a pause, before she asked, “Brooke? Who is this man?”

  When she detected the worry laced in her sister’s voice, Brooke’s heart sank. Tiffany had warned her about men like Chuck, and thankfully, her big sister still tried to protect her. Too bad the rest of the family couldn’t be more understanding.

  Turning away from the living room, Brooke continued in a lower voice. “I don’t know who he is. He seems okay. He’s probably in his late twenties, and so far, he’s been a real gentleman. Well, not at first, because he was quite rude about taking me back home, but he’s mellowed out quite a bit and seems nice enough.”

  “Please be careful, anyway.”

  “Oh Tiff, do you think after what happened with Chuck, I wouldn’t be careful?”

  “No, I guess not.”


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