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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
acceptance, stages of grief leading to, 14–16
accommodation, 64, 66–67, 71
accumulation of wealth, values measured by, 105–7
Acharya, Aaron (survivor)
about story of, 149–53
facing chance for revenge, 158–59
lessons learned from, 204
reaching point of forgiveness, 167–69
as resource for Bhutanese refugees, 169–71
Acharya, Devi, 149–52, 158–59
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 44, 136–38, 143
affirmations and self-help, 13–14
aging and Alzheimer’s disease, 124–26
Aging with Grace (Snowdon), 125
AIDS. See acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Akerstream, Marc, 35
Allen, George, 147
Allen, Kris, 176
American Cancer Society, 2
American Counseling Association, 133
American Idol (TV show), 7, 175–77, 180–81, 192
American Journal of Epidemiology, 79
American Psychiatric Association, 133
American Psychological Association, 133
American Psychologist, 182
American School Counselor Association, 133
Amor, David, 40
Anderson Cooper 360 (TV program), 71
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 20, 23
antigay movement. See Exodus International
Armstrong, Lance, 19, 179, 196
Asha. See Mevlana, Asha
assumptive worldview, 56–58, 60, 64, 68
automobile accidents, surviving trauma of, 2–4
Baez, Joan, 69
Bakunas, A. J., 35
Balkenende, Jan Pieter, 19
Barkley, Gnarls, 6
Bayh, B. Evan, III, 146–47
Beaumont Enterprise (newspaper), 195
Becker, Ernest, 105
“Before I die” reflections, 108–11, 113, 114, 117
Beijing Summer Olympics (2008), 19
Belfast, Ireland, 199–204
Ben-Ezra, Manachem, 135
Berendes, David, 45
Better (Weijden), 29
Bhutan ethnic conflict. See Acharya, Aaron
Black Culture and Black Consciousness (Levine), 129
Black Eyed Peas (music group), 7
Black Holocaust Museum, 139–41, 146–47
Blade Across America tour, 45–49
Blair, Tony, 69
Bless the Beasts and Children (Swarthout), 133
Blige, Mary J., 7, 178
blindness. See Lock, Alan
Bond, Julian, 141
Boreham, Matthew, 11, 29
Bradley, Bernard, 127
brain injury, surviving trauma of, 2–4. See also McGonigal, Jane; Wigal, Amanda
Bright-Sided (Ehrenreich), 22
Bring Them Home Now Tour (2005), 72
Brown, Laura, 142–43
Bush, George W., 54, 61, 68–70, 105–6
BusinessWeek (magazine), 149
Bussee, Michael (survivor)
about story of, 130–34
acceptance of his sexuality, 134–38
arriving at defining moment, 138–39
lessons learned from, 204
sexual reorientation therapy, 131–33, 143–45
transformation from guilt, 142–44
Butler, Steven, 125
Byock, Ira, 98
Cameron, Dr. James (survivor)
about story of, 119–23
divine intervention in saving, 123–26
forgiveness and reconciliation, 142, 146–47
leadership in civil rights movement, 126–30
lessons learned from, 204
opening Black Holocaust Museum, 139–41
Cameron, Virgil, 128, 129, 147
Cameron, Virginia, 139–40
Camp Casey, 69–70
Camus, Albert, quoted, 175
about surviving trauma of, 2–4
arriving at defining moment, 1–2
perception of risk, 36
positive thinking and hope, 17, 20–22, 45
religion and, 126, 135
screening and preemptive surgery, 177, 197–98
social support/support groups, 23, 79
See also Leon, Iram; Mevlana, Asha
Carpenter, John, 102, 103
Chambers, Alan, 145
Chang, Candy, 108–11, 113, 114, 117, 204
Chapman, Mike, 7
Charlebois, David, 103, 107–8, 111–12
Chasing Ghosts (Rieckhoff), 54
choices, life as a series of, 27, 111, 116, 177–78, 180–85, 189–98
civil rights movement, 121–23, 127–30, 146–47, 202
common sense, 17, 95
communal support of disaster relief, 82–86
Community of Peace People, 200–204
comparative optimism, 37, 39–40
completion tendency, 64
confidence/overconfidence, 39–41, 47–48, 50–51, 61–62, 178. See also grounded hope
Cooper, Gary, 133–34, 138, 143–44
Corrigan, Máiread (peace activist), 200–3
Coyne, James, 20–21, 23
Cozzolino, Philip, 113–14, 115
cultural beliefs and worldview, 99–101, 105–6, 112–15, 136, 182
Cultural Competence in Trauma Therapy (Brown), 142
cultural identity, sensitivity to, 142, 157, 171
Cummings, E. E., quoted, 1
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 83, 90–91
Danner, Deborah, 125
Dawkins, Richard, 124
death. See mortality
decision paralysis, 184–85
Deeter, Claude, 120–21, 141
Deeter, William, 141–42
defining moment, 1–2
delusions about risk and reality, 8, 28, 36–37, 39–41, 50–51, 73
caused by trauma, 3, 37, 88
decision paralysis and, 181–85
recognizing symptoms, 90
relationship to forgiveness, 160–61
relationship to hope, 45
religion and coping with, 126, 132, 135, 138–39
See also mental health
Descartes, René, 124
deterioration effect, 84–86, 90
disability, dealing with, 45–49, 92
disaster relief and assistance, 82–86
Discovery Channel, 58–60
disorientation, 8, 88, 188–89
driving safety and risk, 33–34
drunken driving, 37–38
dual-existential systems, 113–14
Durbin, Dick, 147
economic difficulties, surviving trauma of, 2–4, 93–96
Eggum, Natalie, 44
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 22
Eisenberg, Nancy, 44
Eliot, T.
S., quoted, 11
emotional support. See social support
End-of-Life Handbook, The (Byock), 98
Enright, Robert, 165–66
entrepreneurship, commonality with survivorship, 41–42
Escape from Evil (Becker), 105
estrangement and isolation, 86
Exodus International, 132–34, 138, 143–45
arriving at sense of, 127
beneficial effects on health, 124–26
challenged by trauma, 55–58, 67, 135–36
maintained by changed worldview, 71
role in resilience, 137
See also religion and belief in God; spirituality
Feldman, David, 43
Fetcher, Con, 125
Fitchett, George, 135
Fitzgibbons, Richard, 165–66
Fleeson, William, 25
forgetting vs. forgiving, 168
forgiveness and reconciliation
harboring grudges and revenge, 154–55
as journey, 172
moving beyond unforgiveness, 157–58
process models, 165–67, 169
racial violence, 142, 146–47
theory and test for, 161–62
therapeutic approaches, 165–66
See also Acharya, Aaron; Wamariya, Clemantine
Forster, E. M., quoted, 97
Freud, Sigmund, 124
Friesen, Wallace, 125
Fritsche, Immo, 100–101
Future of an Illusion, The (Freud), 124
game-playing, problem-solving, 87–90
genocide, 164
giving up, benefits of, 24–26, 161–62
Glass, Kerrie, 44–45
goal disengagement, 25–26
Goldsmith, Marshall, 4, 41–42, 172
Good Samaritan relief efforts, 84–86
Gore, Al, 141
GQ (magazine), 71
Great Recession of 2009, 93–96
Greenberg, Jeff, 99, 100–101, 105, 112
grounded hope
applying formula for, 43–45, 48, 171–72
as growing into knowledge, 171–72
realistic vs. positive thinking, 27–30, 161–62
story of Amanda Wigal, 77–78
story of Asha Mevlana, 175–78
story of James Cameron, 130
See also confidence/overconfidence; hope/hopelessness
Guinness World Records, 29
Gulf War II, 53–55, 67–70
Haiti earthquake (2010), 82–86, 136
Supersurvivors Page 23