Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle

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by René, Dani

  Choosing the Hart

  A Love Triangle

  Dani René

  Edited by

  Candice Royer

  Copyright © 2019 Dani René

  Published by Dani René

  ISBN 978-0-620-68188-9

  Second Edition

  Edited by Candice Royer

  Cover Design Jay Aheer, Simply Defined Art

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Created with Vellum

  To the women with hearts big enough to love more than one person. A choice is never easy, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  If you enjoyed Choosing the Hart, check out my other dark romances

  Sneak Peek at Obey


  Also by Dani René

  About the Author

  Stalk Links


  The darkness brings with it echoes of you. I try to escape them, but I realize I could never leave you. Engraved on my skin, emblazoned on my heart. You are forever part of me.

  Dani René


  Sitting back, I grabbed my glass of wine and took a long sip. The fire blazed in front of me, and as I watched the flames weave and crackle, I shut my eyes and basked in the warmth. He just messaged me to let me know he was on his way home. Memories flooded my mind as I watched the dancing red and yellow. The man was frustrating, a perfectionist, which drove me insane.

  Since I graduated, I had my sights set on my marketing degree. It was the only thing I wanted to do with my life. The excitement of running an event and managing it from conception to completion became my passion. What worried me was actually landing a job after the fact. Once I had the piece of paper that told me I was qualified, I needed to find a company that would give me a chance.

  The day I moved to New York was the day I started my life anew. The past was left behind, and I landed an interview not long after arriving. I had the experience, and I was versatile. That was why he hired me. It all happened so fast. When I walked into the office holding my portfolio and resume, I felt confident. I even had my reference letters all ready to wow him.

  The owner of Je Te Veux Events was known to be strict and had specific criteria for his staff. Dressed in my black, knee-length skirt with jacket to match and a white blouse, I knew I would fit into any corporate environment. I wore my hair tied low on my neck, and although I wasn’t a fan of makeup, I decided to add a light touch.

  Yes, I walked into that meeting prepared, but I was completely unprepared for what met me on the other side. Stunned by the man who turned out to be nothing like I expected, young and handsome, piercing blue eyes that seemed to look straight into my soul, he unnerved me.

  The interview was tough, to say the least. I was sure my frustration showed, because he picked and prodded at every part of my resume. I understood he wanted to be certain I was capable, and yes, I respected that, but this was a hands-on job, and my experience couldn’t be seen on a piece of paper. I needed to show him first hand.

  The perfectionist in him, and the pessimist in me, led me to believe I didn’t get the job. I was ready to walk out with my head held high. By the end of the interview, I felt defeated. I waited for the “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”, but he stunned me once more by asking me how soon I could start. Without thinking, I stuttered, “Immediately.”

  I started the following day. The love I had for the job allowed me to hit the ground running, and I didn’t stop. I needed to prove myself. Landing the job nobody thought I could get, myself included.

  Perhaps I should introduce myself. I’m Em, or Emily, but only my mother calls me that. Three weeks ago, I moved to New York to start anew. To leave behind a life that no longer served my purpose. My dreams led me here, to The Big Apple, to a city that never sleeps, and I needed to make it home.

  I found an apartment as soon as I arrived. The beautiful Manhattan, one-bedroom home had breathtaking views, and for the first time in my thirty-three years, I felt like I was living the life I wanted, watching my dream turn to reality.

  I had the career, the apartment. The only thing missing was a prospect of love. Although, that was the last thing I wanted at the moment. My job came first.

  Isn’t that when love usually comes knocking? When you least expect it . . .

  Chapter One

  Glancing up from my computer, I could see him on a call. My desk was conveniently outside his office, and the large window is allowing me to see directly into it was distracting. He didn’t look happy as he slammed his fist on the desk. Since I started working here, we’d been so busy I hadn’t had a chance to talk to him properly. We had four events this week alone, and I was given the International Coffee Convention as my first major event.

  Who knew they had conventions for the stuff? As much as I loved coffee, I didn’t know much about it. As soon as I hit send on the email, his office door flew open, and my eyes locked on his. “Miss Reid, thank God you’re still here. I need you. Get in here.” He turned to stalk back into his office, leaving me staring after him.

  I turned to Jessie, and she shrugged. She’d been his assistant for almost five years, and if she was confused, so was I. She mouthed “good luck” to me as I pushed up from my desk. Triston Hart was not known for his calm demeanor when something wasn’t going to plan, and we both knew it.

  Stepping into his office, I shut the door and looked at my boss. “Mr. Hart, has something happened?” He dragged his gaze up to mine, piercing blue sparkling in the ray of sunlight coming through the window, and it left me breathless.

  “Ms. Reid, sit.” His voice was hard, commanding even, and I found myself obeying easily. The plush raven-color chair opposite his desk was comfortable as I settled into it. His gaze raked over me, which had a knot tightening in my stomach. Butterflies freewheeled themselves deep in my core, and I found it hard to concentrate on anything but his intense stare.

  “What can I help you with?” I fiddled with my pen, trying not to show any reaction to his intense gaze that only moments ago roamed every inch of me. This man had the power to unnerve me, to disarm me, and to make me feel something I’d long since forgotten how to feel. Dressed in a black suit tailored to his immaculate stature and a white button-up beneath, which had a few buttons undone because he’d taken his tie off, I caught
a glimpse of a tattoo on smooth skin, teasing me from where I sat.

  His strong chiseled jaw had a light dusting of stubble. And those eyes, my God, those eyes had the power to scorch with you just a mere glimpse. Shaking my head, I tried to stop the wayward thoughts. He was my boss. I needed to appear professional, even though my body was reacting in a very unprofessional manner at that moment.

  “I’ve just got off with our client. The coffee convention set-up is starting tomorrow, and I need you there. I’m furious because I had lined up some new business meetings and would have preferred you in on them; however, it seems they’ll have to be moved. I need you back here as soon as you’re done with the set-up. Do you understand me?” His strained voice had a sexy rasp, and I found myself nodding. Something about this came across as strange. I’d been out of the office before. So, the tension was really uncalled for.

  “Yes, I’ll certainly head back as soon as I can. What time am I meant to be there tomorrow?”

  He glanced at the page on his desk and mumbled, “You need to be there at six. They’ll have the venue open and ready for the stalls to be erected. It’s early. I’m sorry, but I’ll have the car pick you up.”

  Shaking my head, I offered a smile. “No, thanks. I can sort myself out.” Pushing off the chair, I rose and turned to leave when his voice stalled me.

  “Ms. Reid, do you have plans tonight?” Startled by his question, I turned to regard him.

  “No, I uh . . . I figured I’d have an early night since I’ve got to be up so early tomorrow.” He nodded, shifted the pages on his desk, then looked back up at me.

  “I’ll take you for dinner tomorrow then. After work.” I watched him pick up his phone and dial Jessie. “Make reservations for two at Candle 79 tomorrow at seven.” He glanced at me with a nod, clearly dismissing me.

  Still speechless, I opened the door and headed back to my desk. Sliding into my chair, I glanced at Jess, and mouthed, “What the fuck?” She put a finger to her lips to silence me.

  “Later,” she whispered.

  Opening my calendar, I decided to concentrate on work, but my mind kept drifting back to the man in the office across from me. I blocked out my calendar and opened my email.

  The office door opened at five thirty, and I snapped my gaze to find beautiful pools of blue that reminded me of the ocean. “See you ladies tomorrow.” His words directed at both of us, but his eyes were locked on me.

  He strode past, and I couldn’t help but take in the man. He was controlled and calm. So far, I’d gotten to know him through the other staff members, and what I’d heard was only good things. He was caring, no doubt about that. But I wondered why I warranted a dinner. Surely some flowers would have sufficed.

  As soon as he was out of the office, I turned to Jessie. “Tell me!”

  Her giggle was contagious because soon I was giggling too. “Okay, okay, I think he likes you. He’s never taken any other girls to dinner before. And, he’s never dated after what happened to his ex-fiancée.” I stared at her open-mouthed, in shock.

  “But he’s . . . he’s my boss?” The question was obvious to me, but not her.

  She shrugged. “Hey, if he likes you, he’s going to get you. He can be . . . persistent.”

  Crossing my arms, I flitted my gaze between her and the door. “He doesn’t know me well enough then. I don’t just give in to anyone.” I turned back to my desk and shut down my computer. Grabbing my bag, I turned to leave. “See you tomorrow? I’m out till late afternoon. I’ve blocked out my calendar.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Perfect. Good luck with setting up, and call me if you need anything.” I nodded before making my way out of the office with my mind still running a million miles a minute.

  * * *

  As soon as I unlocked my apartment and stepped inside, I felt myself relax. Leaning against the door for a few minutes, I allowed my mind to play out the reasons for Triston wanting to take me to dinner. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and I needed an early night, but my mind didn’t wander far from those searing Arctic eyes. Why would he want to take me to dinner?

  I was sure it was only a welcome to the company dinner. At least, that was what I kept telling myself. Although, wouldn’t a standard welcome be flowers or a box of chocolates?

  I opened the refrigerator. Leftovers would have to do as I was in no mood for cooking. I put the container in the microwave and walked over to my bag, pulling out my phone to check the social media notifications for the company. I needed to update the statuses and dates for the convention. As I unlocked my phone, I saw a text message from Triston.

  Triston: See you tomorrow, I look forward to it. Mr. Hart

  I smiled. He was handsome and charming, but the more I thought about it, I didn’t know if dating the boss was such a good idea. That’s if what Jessie said was true. The microwave alerted me my leftover lasagna was ready. Grabbing a fork, I put my phone back in my purse before looping it through my arm and headed to the living room to sit down. I hated wearing heels. At least I could wear my flats the next day.

  I opened my laptop and logged in. As I ate, I watched the notifications pop up on-screen. All the events were happening on the same dates, which meant we were busy. We had a few people taking shifts online. I grabbed my phone and hit reply to the message from Triston.

  Em: So do I, Mr. Hart. Till tomorrow.

  I put my phone down and carried on updating the statuses on our social media sites. As I scooped up the last of the lasagna, my phone beeped again. I picked it up and unlocked the screen.

  Triston: Miss Reid, stop working and get some rest. I am online. Mr. Hart

  I smiled at his message. He was so demanding yet sweet. I decided tomorrow would be a nice dinner, but I couldn’t date my boss, and I would tell him tomorrow. I logged out of the work accounts and into my personal ones — nothing of interest. I hadn’t heard from anyone back home since I left, and it had been almost three months. I hit reply on the text message.

  Em: Thank you, Mr. Hart, have a good evening.

  I giggled like a schoolgirl at the exchange between us. You would never believe he was forty-three years old. He acted like he was twenty-three. I put my phone on the sofa and got up. In the kitchen, I put the container in the sink and filled it with hot, soapy water. It would have to wait until morning.

  I went back to the living room and shut down my laptop. Grabbing my phone off the sofa, I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. My phone beeped again as I was crawling between the sheets. Another message. Did he ever sleep? He seemed to be awake till all hours of the night.

  Triston: Not sure good is what my evening is. I am working. Sleep now.

  How could I disagree with the boss man’s orders? I made sure my alarm was on. Turning off my bedside lamp, I got under the covers. I lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, my head spinning from this strange day.

  * * *

  I groaned at the sound of my alarm. Four thirty, and way too early for any sane person to be awake. I rolled out of bed and turned on the lamp. It felt like I had gotten no sleep at all. I needed two things, coffee and a shower, in that particular order. I stumbled to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. Making my way back to the bedroom, I picked up my phone. Opening my iMessage, I scrolled down to Jessie’s number.

  Em: What am I meant to wear to dinner?

  I heard the kettle boil and walked back into the kitchen. I added the filter to the little AeroPress, scooped the coffee in and poured the water, filling it up. I loved the smell of the Colombian blend. It was rich, chocolatey, and strong, which was exactly what I needed. Walking into the bathroom, I turned on the light. Everything seemed too bright that morning. I set the mug of coffee on the counter and turned on the shower. I stripped down and stepped in. The hot spray hit me. It was relaxing and calming, but I couldn’t enjoy it for too long. I needed to get to work. I couldn’t believe I was awake before sunrise; it was a first.

  I was ready by five thirty, I knew it would take
me fifteen minutes to get to the venue in a cab, so I wasn’t in a rush. I stepped out onto the landing and locked my apartment when my phone beeped.

  Triston: Miss Reid, the car is downstairs, I prefer if you let the driver take you to the venue. Mr. Hart

  I walked down to the entrance foyer of my apartment block, opened the door, and looked out. The car was waiting for me. Charlie, our company driver, waved at me, and I smiled. I walked up to the car as he got out to open the door for me. “Charlie, you do not have to open the door for me!” I laughed, and he gave me a nod. “Mr. Hart instructed me to look after you, Miss Reid.” I slid into the back seat of the Lexus SUV, and he closed the door. I guessed that Mr. Hart wanted me supervised. This was my first big event; I supposed he didn’t trust me yet. I was going to have to prove to him that I was made for the job.

  We pulled up to the venue at 5:50. I had ten minutes to spare. I hoped the coffee roasters were ready -- I needed another coffee. After I got out of the car before Charlie could get out to open the door for me, I waved goodbye to him and made my way to the entrance, where I saw Charlene.


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