Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle

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Choosing the Hart: A Love Triangle Page 3

by René, Dani

  I wondered if he could squirm, and I dared myself to find out. I wanted to play his game, to challenge him. Before I answered him, I took a sip of wine. Licking my lips, tasting the rich, fruity flavor. I noticed his gaze falling on my mouth. His eyes followed the movement of my tongue like a hunter watching his prey. We both knew the game being played. He seemed to enjoy making me squirm, but I knew I could give as good as he gave. Something in his eyes changed. I noticed the color deepening, the cerulean darkening to a midnight blue.

  I smiled. “I grew up in a small town, nowhere near as exciting as New York. I’m an only child. What do I enjoy besides work? Well, uh . . . I guess I love being outdoors. Walking, hiking, anything that spikes the adrenalin. And you?” I grinned at his intrigued gaze.

  “Mmm . . . I do know of a lot of activities that can spike the adrenalin.” His smile was dark and devilish. I felt a flush on my cheeks. The apex between my thighs responded too, aching with need for this man.

  “Oh, I’m sure you do, Mr. Hart.” I tried to sound calm, but I think he could tell I was far from it. He was my boss for god’s sake. What was wrong with me? What was wrong with him? I needed fresh air. The tension between us was too intense, almost magnetic.

  “What about you?” I looked at him expectantly, changing the subject.

  He shrugged. His long, slender fingers trailed the stalk of the glass. An image of his fingers trailing my arms caused a shiver to run down my spine. “Well, I quite enjoy the outdoors myself. So much fun can be had in nature.” He looked up, and his eyes had filled with an invitation. I wanted to find out where to.

  James chose that moment to interrupt us, and a thankful interruption it was. “What can I get you, folks, to eat?” Triston looked over at me.

  “You trust me?” I nodded, and he proceeded to order the starters and mains. Once James had taken the order, he grabbed our menus and disappeared.

  “You were saying?” I edged Triston on, hoping I could learn more about this mysterious man. I took another sip of wine. I watched his gaze flicker, and as I predicted, it fell on my mouth again. Licking my lips, his eyes blazed a dark, electric blue.

  “Would you stop that?” he asked seriously, looking up, meeting my eyes.

  I feigned an innocent look. “Stop what?” He shook his head and smirked. The restaurant had a lively buzz now, and I felt more at ease with other people around.

  “You are—” He stopped suddenly and picked up the bottle of wine, filling my glass and then his.

  “I am?” I asked jokingly.

  “You do realize I’m your boss?” His expression one of amusement, his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Did you forget that little nugget of information? While you sit there distracting me with your mouth, Miss Reid?”

  I shrugged and watched his steel-blue eyes return to normal. “I do realize you’re my boss, Mr. Hart. I do hope you realize I was merely drinking my wine. It’s not my fault you were staring at my mouth when I did so.” His gaze locked on mine, and we stared at each other. I felt the fire flare inside me. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time, an ache I needed to extinguish because it was for my boss. I could see the amusement dance in his eyes, his lips curving into a mischievous smirk.

  “Are you going to tell me about you? Or would you like me to beg?”

  His smile grew, and I saw a naughty glint in his eyes again. “Oh, Miss Reid. I would give anything to hear you beg.” His voice was a deep, husky whisper. Molten lava trickled from my abdomen, collecting between my legs. I squirmed in my chair, squeezing my thighs together tightly, hoping to numb the ache.

  I raised the glass to my lips. I licked the wine on the rim of the glass, my hands trembling, and I hope he didn’t notice. I took a mouthful of wine and wet my bottom lip. His eyes flared with a need I myself felt at that moment. We were definitely playing the same game, and I loved it.

  His gaze flitted away, and he looked around the restaurant. He took a deep breath. I could see him struggling with his emotions. I wondered what turmoil was raging inside his calm exterior.

  James brought the starters. A platter of olives, hummus, flatbread, crumbed mushrooms, and some other dips. With a quick “Enjoy,” he scuttled off.

  * * *

  The evening went by much the same, with a casual chat about work and clients. Between the mundane chatter, we still played our game. I was enjoying it. There was something about him that made me think he didn’t like me challenging him, which made me want to do it so much more. I was stubborn like that! Tell me not to do something and trust I will do it as much as I could.

  As we walked out to the car after dinner, I felt Triston’s hand on my lower back guiding me in the direction of the car. His fingertips sent sparks through my body, and I shivered. The fire in my stomach flared at his touch. I was sure this was something I would not get rid of anytime soon. His touch was commanding yet gentle. He was used to being in control, and I wondered if he ever let someone else take the lead.

  He opened the passenger door for me, and I slid into the soft leather seat of the black SUV. Triston got into the driver’s seat and turned the engine on. “Did you enjoy dinner?” He turned to look at me.

  “Yes, it was amazing. Who knew vegan food could be that good!” His laugh lit his face up in the most handsome way. I saw that boyish charm, and a wave of emotion washed over me. I realized I wanted him to kiss me. At that moment, I didn’t care if he was my boss or not. I wanted this man with a ferocity I hadn't ever felt.

  He pulled out of the parking space and drove in the direction of my apartment. The night was over, and I felt sad. I wished we had more time. We hadn’t spoken about his family, and I wanted to know more about him. I decided to take the plunge and ask him. “So, where are your family? All in New York?”

  He shook his head. “No, my mom lives in LA. I don’t think she will ever leave. And I have a brother. We, uh . . . We don't get along.” I frowned. He had my attention now.

  “You have a brother?” He nodded but didn’t elaborate. His hesitancy made me decide to let it go. There was a story, but I didn’t want to push it and upset him. We both reached forward at the same time to turn on the stereo. My hand brushed against his. Electricity sparked through my arm, and I pulled away. My skin on fire from his touch. “Sorry, I . . .” Why was I apologizing? I was tingling. He glanced at me and smiled.

  “It’s okay.” He turned the radio on and sat back, speeding down the empty city streets.

  * * *

  He pulled up outside my apartment complex. Turning off the engine, he got out of the car. Making his way around to my side, he opened the door. Smiling at him as I got out of the car, he took my hand. I wasn’t sure what to say or do. Generally, at the end of a date, there’s a kiss. I didn’t think that would happen with Triston. He closed and locked the car behind him. I walked a few steps ahead, but I could feel his presence at my back.

  He caught up to me, and his hand once more found the spot on the small of my back. We walked up to the entrance of my apartment building. I stopped and turned to face him. “Mr. Hart, thank you for the evening. I enjoyed dinner.” I took my keys out of my bag and looked up. He had stopped in front of me. He smiled. It was a genuine smile, and my heart raced. I wondered if he would kiss me. I wanted to tease him one last time and licked my lips. My teeth chew on my bottom lip, and I saw his gaze fall on my mouth, as it had so often over the evening.

  “For god’s sake Miss Reid, I told you not to do that!”

  He grabbed my face between his soft, smooth hands, and I gasped at how warm they were — his face inches from mine. I inhaled his soft scent. It was hypnotizing as it consumed me completely. “You need not to do that, please?” The turmoil in his eyes was evident.

  “Why?” I whispered, challenging him even in the state I was currently in, at his mercy.

  “Close your eyes,” he growled. I did as he said, my body trembling in anticipation. I felt his hot breath on my face and felt the warm, wet tip of his tongue on my lo
wer lip, tasting me. I moaned involuntarily. The knot tightened in my belly.

  As quickly as it happened, it stopped. He released my face and stepped back. “I apologize; I shouldn’t have . . . I better go.” He spun on his heel and ran back to the car. I stood in shock. I watched him get in the car and pull away.

  Reeling from the feel of his tongue, the heat of his breath, and the intoxicating scent of him. The ache between my legs tugged, and I needed to find some release. What just happened?

  I unlocked the door and stepped into the entrance of the apartment building. The door shut behind me as I made my way up the stairs. My lip tingled. I licked it and tasted him on me, and the fire flared uncontrollably. I unlocked my apartment door frustrated. Turning on the light, I shut the door behind me with a loud bang. I leaned back against it, taking a deep breath. Closing my eyes and feeling his warm breath, I felt his tongue, and shivers ran through my body.

  How was I meant to go to work tomorrow and act like that never happened?

  Chapter Three

  Grabbing at the loud, obtrusive sound next to me, I found my phone under a pillow and turned my alarm off. The thought of going into the office today was something I wasn’t looking forward to. I wasn’t sure how to handle seeing Triston. After last night, I didn’t want to face him. I rolled over, looking up at the ceiling as the events of last night ran through my mind. I bit my lower lip, closing my eyes, feeling his tongue slowly, deliberately grazing my lip. I trembled at the memory.

  I needed to get up. This was driving me insane. Rolling out of bed, I slipped on my dressing gown and went into the kitchen. I turned on the coffee machine and took the beans out of the refrigerator. My phone beeped in the bedroom. I set up the coffee to brew and walked back to retrieve my phone. Who could be messaging me this time of the morning?

  Triston: Miss Reid, you’re needed at the venue today. Charles will collect you at 7:30. I want you back in the office at midday. Understood?

  Well, that answered my question. We were back to formalities. At least that gave me a few hours to ready myself to see him that afternoon. Hopefully, he would be at a meeting, and I wouldn’t have to deal with him till the next day. I hit reply.

  Em: Certainly, Mr. Hart.

  I didn’t see the need in mentioning last night if he didn’t. The scent of coffee filled the kitchen. I grabbed my mug and filled it. Walking back into the bedroom, I grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt from my closet and laid them on the bed. I wasn’t dressing up if I was going to be working at the venue. It suddenly dawned on me that I might see Sebastian. I smiled at the thought of seeing those beautiful hazel eyes and that rugged exterior. My phone beeped again.

  Em: Thank you for a lovely evening last night, Miss Reid. We should do it again soon.

  I read the message twice. He was giving me whiplash. Come here, let me tease you with my tongue! No, wait, let me run off into the night! Ugh, men!

  I didn’t want to reply to him right then. Let him suffer. I needed to get ready for work. In the bathroom, turning on the shower, I heard my phone beep again. I ignored it. I was sure it could wait until I was done. The hot water was relaxing. I closed my eyes, and the steel-blue gaze flashed through my mind, haunting me. I wanted to kiss him so much. I did want him, but he clearly didn’t feel the same. So, I should just forget him and move on.

  As soon as I stepped out of the shower, my doorbell buzzed. I wrapped the towel around myself and made my way to the door. The buzzing turned to loud knocking. Who the fuck was banging down my door this time of the morning? Not thinking, I flung the door open.

  “What?” I gasped as I was met with the most intense blue gaze I had ever seen. His eyes traveled gradually from my face down my towel to my dripping wet legs. Apparently, I had picked the smallest fucking towel I owned this morning.

  I shivered as the cold breeze blew through the open door. “Triston, Mr. Hart, uhm . . . Hi, come in.” I stepped back. My heart was hammering in my throat.

  “Miss Reid, nice to” — he looked me up and down with a predatory grin — “see you again.” He walked into my apartment, his eyes darting around the room, taking in his surroundings.

  “Why are you here? I mean . . . What are you doing here?” I stumbled over my words.

  He turned to face me, and I felt like the prey caught by the hunter. I wrapped the towel tighter, but it didn’t budge. “I came to pick you up for work. If you’d answered your phone, you might have known that,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “I was . . . uhm . . . in the shower.” I pointed to the door absentmindedly.

  He nodded. “Yes. I can see that, Miss Reid. I sincerely hope you were planning on wearing more clothes than that to work? You never know what kind of vultures would swoop down and grab you.” His eyes darkened. “Dressed in the smallest towel I have ever seen.” His voice trailed off, and his eyes stopped on my wet legs. The towel was just covering the top half of my thighs, and I blushed.

  “Yes . . . Yes, of course. I better go get ready. Make yourself comfortable.” I walked back to the bedroom and dresser to find underwear. My hands were trembling. I needed to get it together. Shit! I took a deep, steadying breath and got dressed.

  * * *

  Walking back into the living room ten minutes later, I found Triston sitting on my sofa typing on his phone. He looked up and smiled. “That’s much better for work. I approve.” He carried on typing. I ignored his comment and walked into the kitchen.

  “Would you like a coffee?” I turned to look at him, and he nodded.


  I turned on the kettle. It would be easier than using the coffee machine since we were in a hurry. Preparing the two mugs on the counter, I took a calming breath. I knew I needed to eat breakfast, but I was too nervous to eat. I grabbed the bag of coffee and the scoop. I couldn’t believe Triston was sitting in my apartment, on my sofa.

  “Miss Reid.” I jumped at his voice, dropping the bag of coffee in my hand. He swooped down and caught it before it hit the floor. His reflexes were perfect, as was everything about him.

  “Mr. Hart, I didn’t hear you.” I took the bag from him, and my fingers brushed along his. The electric current I was getting so used to course through my body.

  “You were miles away. Care to tell me where you went to?” He studied me. His piercing blue eyes amused at my discomfort.

  “I was just thinking, about the event. I’m looking forward to trying more coffee. Are you joining me? I found an amazing new roaster who has a lovely blend. They’re called Tribal Fuel.” His eyes darkened, and annoyance crossed his face.

  “No, I will be dropping you off and going to a meeting.” He turned and walked back into the living room. Sitting down, picking up his phone from the table, he busied himself. He really was peculiar sometimes.

  * * *

  We sat quietly in the car as Triston made his way through traffic. I watched the people on the sidewalk hurrying to get to work. I thought about seeing Sebastian. I wanted to see those hazel eyes again. I licked my lips and realized I had forgotten my lip gloss on the kitchen counter. “Miss Reid, why do you persist on doing that?” His voice filled with irritation.

  I turned to look at him. His profile was beautiful against the darkened window. “Doing what, Mr. Hart?” A smirk crossed his lips.

  “Mmm . . . never mind. Leave it at that. Here we are. I wish you a good day. I’ll see you back at the office at midday, no later. Charles will collect you.” His eyes met mine.

  “I am sure I can--”

  He cut me off. “I said Charles would collect you. Have a good day, Miss Reid.” I got out of the car.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hart.” I closed the door and walked toward the venue. I could feel his eyes on my back, but I didn’t turn around. I heard the purr of the engine pull away.

  * * *

  I walked into the office and found Charlene at her desk. “Charlene, how are you?”

  She looked up and smiled at me. “Great. Things are going really we
ll. Everyone is happy, so that makes me happy. I am so glad to see you. I need your help with some photos. Triston mentioned you are pretty good at that, so I figured you could take shots of the event?”

  “Oh, Triston did? He never mentioned that he told you.” She shrugged as she opened the cupboard door. “Well, you know how he can sometimes be.” I nodded. Did I ever.

  I walked up to the desk as she pulled out the camera. It was the brand-new Canon EOS 5D SR. One I had my eye on for ages, but it was way out of my price range. “Let me have a look. We would need specific settings for the indoor venue.” Charlene handed me the camera and memory card, and I went through the various settings. “I’m going to grab a coffee first and then get to it if you don't mind? Triston wants me back at the office at midday.”

  “Yeah, sure. He can be such a slave driver honestly.” She giggled. I could tell she had a crush on him, but I didn’t say anything more. I smiled and made my way back down to the cafeteria.

  I went straight to the Tribal Fuel section and grabbed a mug, “Wow, back so soon?” I spun around and saw Sebastian. Dressed in tight blue jeans and a black T-shirt with the company logo across the front, he looked hot, and I couldn't help but admire him.

  “Well, you got me hooked to this amazing coffee. What can I say?” I smiled, and he laughed.

  Giving me a cheeky wink, he said, “And here I thought it was my good looks and boyish charm that brought you back.”

  I blushed and took a sip of the coffee. “Sorry to disappoint you, Bash. I don’t stalk just anyone, you know.” His laugh was deep, and his eyes sparkled at the challenge. He stepped toward me, and my heart leaped into my throat. He reached behind me and grabbed a mug. I stepped aside. His spicy scent enveloped my senses, and I watched him pour his coffee. His hands big, strong, and rugged, utterly completely opposite to Triston. One thing I did notice they had in common were those beautiful pulsing veins.


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