Magic Sight

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Magic Sight Page 1

by Leia Stone

  Copyright 2019 Leia Stone and Lucía Ashta.

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction.

  Cover design by Mirela Barbu.

  Edited by Lee Burton.

  Proofed by Stephany Wallace.

  For more information about this book, visit or

  About Magic Sight

  When Evie found out she was knocked up with the local werewolf alpha's baby, she thought life couldn't get more complicated. Of course, she was wrong.

  It turns out she's a kitsune, and along with that rare gift comes untold powers and responsibilities—most of which she'd rather do without. She's the sole guardian of a broken gate to the underworld, and all sorts of monstrous creatures are oozing out of it—the kind that think humans are a light snack.

  As if that weren't bad enough, Evie has 48 hours to bring in a siren who's on the Supernatural Bounty Hunters' most wanted list and who started this whole fiasco in the first place.

  What could go wrong? Knowing Evie's luck, a whole hell of a lot…

  To our readers,

  who enjoy our wild imaginings


  1. Daddy Issues

  2. Mack Daddy

  3. Dud Life

  4. Jack Ass

  5. Rage with a Side of Fury

  6. Die, You Undead Motherfuckers

  7. Dead. Just Kidding.

  8. Majorly Fucked

  9. Just Breathe

  10. Pissing Contest

  11. Motley Crew

  12. Throwdown

  13. Meet the Pack

  14. Beaten with the Ugly Stick

  15. Demon Guts

  16. Alpha Sex Is the Best Sex

  17. Selkies Are Assholes

  18. Holy Mother of Scary Demons

  19. Surprise

  20. Preparing for Doom

  21. Die Bitch. Just Die Already.

  Acknowledgments from Leia

  Acknowledgments from Lucía

  1 Daddy Issues

  “So, who are you exactly?” Brock crossed his arms over his puffed chest, making his biceps bulge as he broadcast dominance to the two Asian warriors who’d shown up saying they were here for me.

  The tall one with his hair in a ponytail smirked a little, seemingly unfazed by Brock’s display of power. We were spread out on Brock’s porch after returning from the gate to the underworld. The gateway was open, seeping nasty green magic into our world, where it didn’t belong. Just as bad, on the other side of the gate, demons were preparing for war.

  “I am Reo, and this is my brother, Haru. We come from a long line of kitsune guardians. It’s our honor to protect Evie and train her to use her powers against the underworld creatures.” His gaze flicked to Cass, and my bestie inflated his pink, fuzzy chest as well.

  Between finding the gate and these men, my head was reeling. “Wait a second. You said my dad sent you. As in, my dad is still alive or…?” I let the question linger in the air, hoping my face wasn’t betraying the turmoil I felt inside.

  Reo sighed. “Yes, he’s alive.”

  My body sagged into a nearby chair. Brock rushed forward to assist me, but I lifted a hand, stopping him.

  “But he was severely injured in the car accident that killed your mother,” Reo continued, looking pained. “His kitsune tails were severed.” He looked at me meaningfully, deep brown eyes clouded with regret. “When he lost his tails, he lost all of his magical abilities too,” he added when it became obvious I didn’t understand. “He’s completely paralyzed from the waist down and lives his life as a human.”

  I gasped, and Brock placed a hand on my shoulder, offering his strength. My poor father… Still, I had to ask: “My whole life, he just let me think he was dead?” There was more anger than hurt in my voice, and I realized it was going to take some time to get over his betrayal.

  Haru’s lips curved downward. “He’s lived in hiding, hoping not to bring any attention to you. The forces that would seek to end a kitsune’s life watched you for a while after the accident, but determined you were a magical dud. Which is exactly what your father wanted. It was the only way to keep you safe.”

  Damnnn. That shit was heavy. It made sense, but still … I’d lived over twenty-five years believing both my parents were dead. That messed a girl up, big time.

  “What are these forces that would seek to end a kitsune’s life?” my bestie asked, fuzzy chest still puffed.

  Yes. Important question. When the shock wore off and my brain started working properly, I’d have wished I’d asked that.

  Reo and Haru shared a dark look.

  “The Akuma,” Haru stated ominously.

  Chills broke out across my arms. Akuma meant “demon” in Japanese. I knew that much from my studies.

  “The Akuma is an organization of demon overlords plotting to—”

  Reo cut his brother Haru off with a squinty-eyed look at Cass. “Can we speak freely in front of everyone here?” Reo’s gaze then moved on to Molly, Sabine, and finally to Brock.

  I waved his concern away. “The demon imp is my best friend. The alpha puffing out his chest at you is my baby daddy, and the girl with purple hair is my new human bounty hunter apprentice. Oh, and she’s my doctor.” I pointed to Sabine.

  “I’m her alpha, not just the father of our unborn child.” Testosterone oozed from Brock’s voice. “She’s pack.”

  “And I may be demon in origin, but that doesn’t make me evil!” Cass snapped.

  Reo’s eyes were wide as saucers as he took a moment to compose himself. “I’m sorry, we didn’t mean to offend. This is all very sensitive information, is all.”

  I nodded. “You can say anything in front of them. I trust them with my life.”

  Reo eyed Brock and my belly. “You’re pregnant with the werewolf’s child?”

  I sighed. “Yes, and the baby’s healthy. Now tell me about the Akuma.”


  Reo nodded. “The Akuma plan to take over Earth and make it the new underworld. They figure the weak humans will make great slaves, and the other supernaturals will be powerless to overcome their large numbers.”

  What the actual fuck did he just say? Oh man, I was so not okay with that.

  Molly glared at him, clearly not liking what he’d said about weak human slaves.

  “How exactly would they take over Earth?” Brock asked from behind me.

  Haru pointed into the woods, looking entirely too composed for the subject matter with his neat short hair and slim breastplate armor hugging his chest. “The gate. Evie’s grandmother and her protective spells were the only thing keeping underworlders from escaping. Now that it’s cracked open, Evie is our best chance at keeping our world from becoming hell on earth.”



  “The underworlders are the most vicious and nasty creatures you can imagine,” the long-haired warrior, Reo, stated. “If they want to rule Earth, there’s little that can stop them.”

  Double fuck.

  Standing from the chair, I started to pace, and Brock began to pace right along with me, nearly nipping at my heels.

  “Can I have some space?” I snapped, regretting my tone as soon as the hurt crossed his handsome face. He backed off and leaned against the side of the house, cutting me with a glare.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I mentally projected to him.

  ‘That came to me,’ Cass said.

  Dammit! I didn’t know how to work this freaking pack bond yet. I needed a remote control to change channels or something. There were too many voices inside my head.

  ‘I’m sorry. I’m just overwhelmed,’ I pushed again, hoping this time it went to Brock.

  The alpha’s amber eyes met mi
ne and he nodded. ‘It’s fine. I understand.’

  Relief poured through me and I focused on the warriors again. “What do I do? How can I stop this from happening? I’ve been lied to my whole life, so I have no idea how to be some gate-guarding kitsune.”

  Reo smiled. “That’s why your father sent us. We’re here to train you. Our associate, Tianna, a powerful fae-witch, will join us tomorrow. She’s an expert in mixed-breed magic.”

  I raised an eyebrow. Did he just call me a half breed? Motherfuc—

  Cass’ little ears perked and his black eyes glittered with sudden alertness. “Fae?”

  Reo nodded, his shiny black ponytail bouncing. “Tianna’s half fae, half witch. She’ll be able to safely train Evie to use her witch powers.”

  Whoa. A half fae, half witch. I’d never heard of such a thing!

  Cass swallowed hard and adjusted his little gold booty shorts. “Well, I look forward to meeting her.”

  Ewww. Still, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Cass was so predictable, especially when it came to the fae—his favorite delight.

  Brock cleared his throat. “What exactly will this training entail? Her doctor will need to approve any exercise.”

  A sigh escaped me and I had to suppress a groan. Of all the wolves out there, I had to fall for an alpha. I couldn’t just pick a nice, mid-level dominant guy that’d allow me to breathe once in a while?

  Reo didn’t appear intimidated by the alpha. “She’ll need to train daily with her katana and her magic, and of course she’ll need to practice demon slaying.”

  At “demon slaying,” Brock’s eyes bulged. “No way,” he declared, as if his word on the matter was final.

  Sabine stepped forward and cleared her throat, casting wary eyes at our alpha. “As long as she doesn’t suffer any hard falls, and there’s no blunt force trauma to her abdomen, I think a modified demon slaying routine is acceptable.”

  Reo didn’t look like he was fond of a “modified” training routine, but he simply nodded, probably figuring now wasn’t the time to test the alpha werewolf. Brock’s amber eyes flicked back and forth between my warrior protectors as if they were the enemy.

  I was about to suggest we head down to Gran’s cabin to talk some more when my phone rang. Looking at the screen, my brow furrowed. It was my vampire lawyer.

  “Hey, Croft.” I answered on the second ring.

  “Hello, Evie. I wanted to extend you the courtesy of informing you that the seethe has voted to split, and I’m now the head of the North Eugene Chapter.”

  A grin tugged at my mouth. “That’s great. Congrats!” Maybe our little bust-up the other night had actually turned out to be a good thing.

  “But…” Uh-oh. That didn’t sound good. “The Southern Chapter wants you, the demon imp, and Brock, dead for the stunt you pulled trying to capture the siren. Byron determined it was disrespectful of you to stop by without notice.”

  Shit. Just what I needed. Fucking vampires and their need for respect! If I’d called their leader, Byron, he would have tipped Calista off! The vamps and siren were clearly working together. I’d bet my Jeep that was why they wanted us dead.

  “Why Brock?” I growled into the phone, and in a flash the alpha was there, breathing down my neck.

  Croft was silent for a few beats. “You smell of him. Byron assumes you’re an item, and as you know, vampires are old-school. Byron is very traditional. He thinks men should be able to control their women or pay the price.”

  Like hell! I was about to retort when Brock pulled the phone from my hand.

  “Do you think they’ll retaliate?” he asked as I smooshed my face against his, trying to remain part of the conversation.

  “He lost a quarter of his seethe that night.”

  Yikes, really? I hadn’t realized that many went down in our little backyard bust-up. Gran’s sunlight spell must have caused more damage than I intended.

  “So that’s a yes?” I asked, needing to be sure.

  “That’s a big yes. Watch your back, Evie,” Croft warned.


  “Alright. Thanks for the heads up,” Brock said and ended the call, appearing too calm compared to Croft’s ominous warning.

  Leaning forward, he planted a kiss on my cheek. “Play safely with your new friends. I need to attend to the vampire issue.” And with that, he stalked from the porch and into the house.

  Play safely? What was I, five? I was totally learning to behead demons with my katana!

  I expected Sabine to follow her alpha inside, but when she didn’t, I guessed Brock had used the pack link to tell her to keep an eye on me, and make sure I didn’t do anything dangerous. A quick flick of her eyes over to me seemed to confirm my suspicion.

  Cass smiled, revealing a mouth full of pointy teeth, and gestured to Gran’s cabin below. “Come on, let’s take this inside. I make a mean pot of coffee,” he told our new hodgepodge crew.

  A werewolf doctor, a purple-haired human, a pink demon imp, two Japanese warriors, and my freaky hybrid self, started down the hill as a group. It was like the start of a bad joke…

  2 Mack Daddy

  Cass was busy brewing a second pot of coffee, and we still hadn’t settled on a training plan everyone was willing to agree on. Molly was happier than a pig rolling in shit, following the heated discussion between Sabine, Reo, and Haru, as if she were a spectator at a tennis match. Molly loved all things supernatural, even talk of a pregnant kitsune’s training plan.

  “It’s too risky,” the ash-blond female werewolf argued for the umpteenth time. “You can’t train her with actual demons.”

  Haru, who appeared to be the most meticulous and patient of the two brothers, tried to be subtle about rolling his eyes. “How else do you expect us to observe how her kitsune magic actually operates without demons around? Kitsune magic is special. It reacts to demons in unique ways, depending on the kitsune. Since Evie isn’t a full-blooded kitsune, we definitely need to see her in action, to anticipate how her magic will react to a full force of demons during warfare. You must understand.”

  “Of course I understand,” Sabine snapped. I’d never seen the pack doctor so feisty. “And you two need to understand that my responsibility is to make sure she and the baby she carries inside her womb are safe.”

  “We know, you’ve told us,” Reo said, his long ponytail shaking. “Repeatedly.”

  “Then you’d think you’d have gotten it by now,” Sabine barked.

  I half wondered if I should chime in and break things up, but part of me wanted to see if Sabine could take Reo in a fight. I raised my eyebrows and shared a look with Cass as he walked in from the kitchen with the steaming pot of coffee.

  ‘Why are everyone’s panties in a bunch?’ he asked through our telepathic link.

  ‘I think Brock rubbed off on Sabine.’ I rubbed tiredly at my face. If this is how they were going to decide every little detail of my training, it was going to be a long-ass day.

  Cass placed the coffee pot on a hot plate that rested on the worn wooden table around which everyone sat. “So who wants a refill?”

  “Are you sure you don’t have tea?” Haru asked.

  “Any tea will do,” Reo added.

  When my gaze fell on Cass, his was already on me.

  ‘Tea is for pussies,’ he said, and we grinned at Gran’s usual line.

  But there was no way we’d say it out loud. The Japanese warriors were far from pussies, and I hadn’t even seen them in action yet. With their matching leather armor, trim muscular physiques, and katanas hanging from their waists, the brothers were badasses, that was for sure. But it was the sharp glint in their eyes that told me they were more dangerous than their well-mannered sophistication suggested.

  “Gran wasn’t fond of tea,” I said diplomatically, and steadfastly refused to meet Cass’ gaze. If I did, I’d crack up. “I haven’t had the chance to stock up yet.”

  What with life being absolutely bonkers lately and all.

  Reo and Har
u sighed in unison and pushed their cups forward for a refill.

  “I have decaf for you in the kitchen, Ev,” Cass told me, and I growled.

  Reo’s dark eyebrows spiked upwards. “I see the kitsune is close to the surface.”

  It was more like my inner bitch was close to the surface. There was entirely too much fussing going on. I was pregnant, not made of porcelain.

  I smiled grimly. “I just want to get on with the training. If that gate is leaking underworld magic, we need to contain it right away, before anything else slips through it.”

  Reo and Haru snapped to attention. “What do you mean ‘before anything else’ slips through?” Reo asked while Haru leaned forward, resting on his forearms on the table. “Has something already come through?”

  I flinched. Oops. Was I supposed to tell them that right in the beginning?

  “At least two sirens that we know of, and a giant demon troll thingy,” I said.

  “But these are no ordinary sirens,” Cass interjected. “Well, at least one of them isn’t. She’s far more powerful than she was the last time we encountered her and her twin sister. Something’s happened to her magic. We think she might have bound herself to a powerful witch.”

  Haru and Reo straightened. “Siren twins? Are you sure they’re twins?” Haru asked.

  “Actually, they’re triplets,” Cass corrected. “We caught two of them, until the one, Calista, escaped. We’re tracking her now.”

  Actually, we weren’t exactly tracking her now, what with underworlders wanting to convert my home into hell on earth and all. But just as soon as we finished this little talk, I’d get Cass and Molly right on it. Calista was a loose end, and at times like these, loose ends like her were more dangerous than usual.


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