Magic Sight

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Magic Sight Page 3

by Leia Stone

  Reo shook his head. “We truly are sorry, but no contact can be made. For the safety of both of you. The Akuma are always watching him.”

  “Well, then how did he tell you to find me?” I clenched my jaw, trying to calm myself. My whole life I’d believed my father was dead. And then I find out that not only is he a rare kitsune who passed his gift down to me, but that he’s alive—and I wasn’t allowed to see him.

  Reo pointed to my blade. “He had your katana spelled. The moment you touched it for the first time, we knew it.”

  Whoa. That was super smart. Gran hid the katana in the safety deposit box so I’d only receive it upon her death. Still, I wanted to speak with him. He was my father for fuck’s sake, the only other living kitsune on Earth, whether his powers worked or not.

  I was about to press them further when my phone rang. Thinking it was probably Brock, I put it to my ear without even looking at who was calling.


  The man on the other end of the line wasn’t in the habit of bothering with hellos. “Have you been getting my emails?” Mack barked. “Get your ass down to the Eugene police department right now! They need a paranormal specialist.”

  Just what I needed. My boss at the Bounty Hunter Agency breathing down my neck.

  “What?” I asked. Human police sometimes pulled in Supernatural Bounty Hunters on murder cases if they needed help solving them, but it still took me a second to process his order.

  Mack sighed gruffly. “You need to get better cell reception up there. I’ve been texting and emailing you. There’s a string of dead humans up there in Eugene, and I need you to find out who’s responsible.”


  “Of course. I’m heading over now.”

  “Oh, and I’m sending two hunters up there to help you catch this siren. They’ll be there tomorrow. The bounty on her head has risen to fifty grand.”

  My eyes bugged. Fifty grand! I’d been so immersed in my training—and trying to sneak away for alone time with Brock—that I’d pushed the siren hunt to the back burner over the past few days. Okay, I’d been lax about finding Calista, and Tianna had entranced Cass, so Molly had really been the only one looking for her. Since she was only an apprentice, it wasn’t ideal.

  “Wait, Mack, who are you sending? Cass and I’ve got this. We just need a few more days.”

  “I’m sending Kenzie and Jack. They’ll be there tomorrow.” Mack hung up before I could protest, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

  “What’s wrong?” Haru asked right away.

  “My boss is sending my werewolf ex-boyfriend out here.” To my house. Which was on my current alpha’s land.

  There was no way Baby Daddy was going to be cool with this...

  This wasn’t going to end well. Not a chance.

  4 Jack Ass

  “Jack!” Cass screeched from his booster seat beside me in the cab of Brock’s truck.

  I was driving Cass and Molly to the police station, after I’d had to tell the alpha about two hundred times that he couldn’t come with us, this was official police business. He’d made me promise I’d stop by later for my blood transfusion and that I’d spend the night afterwards. I was all too happy to oblige on both fronts, especially since Molly assured me she was totally safe with the two warriors at Gran’s cabin. The alpha’s blood had noticeably improved my health, enough so that even Sabine was happy with my progress. And I really, really, wanted to spend some time in Brock’s bed.

  “Yeah. Jack. Think Brock will be okay with it?” I asked my pink-haired bestie.

  Cass snorted. “No. No way in hell. He’s gonna flip.”

  I growled, ignoring his negativity.

  When we pulled up to the station, I spun on Molly, pushing all thoughts of Jack and Brock from my mind. “Don’t speak. Don’t touch anything. In fact, barely breathe,” I warned. She was white as a ghost, no doubt nervous for our first official mission.

  After a curt nod from the purple-haired twenty-year-old, we hopped out of the truck and made our way across the parking lot.

  A human in a crisp suit met us at the doorway. “Evie Black?” he said, extending his hand toward me, eyes sweeping over the badge at my hip.

  Nodding, I shook his hand. “Detective Swanson, I take it. This is my partner, Cass, and our apprentice, Molly.”

  Cass and I had our official badges on, and I was hoping he’d overlook Molly’s lack of one. I’d filled out all the necessary paperwork for her to receive her apprentice credentials, and after she took her state exam she’d be an official bounty hunter apprentice. Until then, I didn’t want her to miss out on this great training opportunity.

  After lingering on Cass for a while, the detective scanned Molly’s hip, clearly noticing the lack of a badge. Human cops were sticklers for the rules.

  “She’s a walking supernatural encyclopedia,” I told him.

  He relented with obvious reluctance and ushered us inside. “I’ve got a big problem and I’m hoping you can help.” He led us farther into the precinct at a brisk pace.

  After being frisked by a female cop, we were allowed into the back part of the station, where there was a conference room with blinds drawn. Upon entering, my gaze was immediately drawn to a whiteboard from which ten dead faces stared back at me. All with white eyes and no irises.

  I whistled. “Geez.”

  I looked back to make sure Molly hadn’t fainted, but she appeared fascinated.

  A few other cops milled around inside the room. When they noticed us, they quieted and stared at us. “Supernatural bounty hunters,” Detective Swanson told the group.

  The cops nodded, looking at Cass a little longer than was polite.

  ‘Assholes. I hate humans,’ Cass spoke through our bond.

  ‘Calm down. You’re unique. They just want their look.’

  I moved closer to the pictures. The victims were all women and seemed to be well on in age.

  “Are all the victims elderly?” What was with the white eyes? I’d never seen that before. Could be witch magic though, taking their sight so that a witch could see the future?

  Detective Swanson ran a shaky hand through thinning hair. “That’s the thing. When we arrive on the scene, the bodies look elderly. But the vics’ families assure us their daughters were in their early twenties.”

  I gasped.

  The siren. A chill worked up my arms, confirming my hunch that she was involved.

  Sirens could suck out the souls of humans, and with the help of a witch, Calista could siphon that magic to others, making them look younger. These young girls were literally being drained of their youth. I was sure of it.

  “Was there any water present, or evidence of water damage at the scenes?” Molly asked.

  I was about to shoot her a look to shut up, but it was a really good question. By the way the detective’s eyes sprang open, the answer was yes.

  “Every scene has had some type of water involved or water trail left behind. Is this some kind of water witch?” he asked.

  Cass and I shared a look, trying to contain our snickers. There was no such thing as a water witch. Humans never took the time to learn about the supernaturals they feared.

  “No, sir. I think we’re dealing with a very dangerous siren who’s colluding with a witch. Not a water witch,” I amended.

  I’d have to go digging through the Black family tree to see what kind of witch enemies we might have in town. Actually, that’d be a good job for Molly.

  The detective looked unsure. “Siren? Like a mermaid?”

  Cass fluttered his wings, flying up onto the desk. “Like a mermaid that lures you to your death and sucks out your soul before drowning you.”

  The detective swallowed hard. “How do we nab her? I’ve got ten dead bodies already, and the media is going to get a hold of this soon.”

  The media. Ugh. Whenever the media got hold of a supernatural serial killer, things got ten times worse for supernaturals.

  “Don’t tip off
the media yet. We’ll find her,” I promised.

  His jaw set. “Fine. But I can only give you forty-eight hours before I’ll be forced to make this public. My boss’ll roast my ass if I keep this quiet any longer than that.”

  Two days to find this bitch. As usual, the odds were against us.

  ‘I’ll bet the witch she’s working with killed Gran,’ Cass said.

  Oh hell no. If that was true, I’d tear them both limb from limb.

  “We’re going to need the case files to figure out the siren’s patterns. How she finds her victims and the such,” Molly told the detective.

  ‘Damn! She’s better at this part than we are,’ I said to Cass, who just chuckled.

  After filling the back of Brock’s truck with ten case file boxes, we drove home in silence as we stewed over what we’d learned.

  I dropped them off in front of the cabin but kept the truck running. “I gotta go to Brock’s for my transfusion.”

  Molly nodded and got busy unloading the boxes. I would’ve helped, but I didn’t need Sabine or Brock on my back for lifting weight in my delicate condition. Cass tried to help her, but the boxes were nearly as big as he was and he couldn’t quite manage to wrap his stubby arms around them, especially with his belly in the way. In the end, he flew up into the cab and pushed the boxes toward her, trying to look extra strong while he did it, flexing his muscles on purpose. I bit back a smile, because Cass would kill me if he noticed I was laughing at his expense.

  “We’ll start wading through all this stuff,” Molly offered, and she and Cass finally waved me off. Reo and Haru opened the door to the cabin and started carrying boxes inside.

  When I reached Brock’s mansion, he was already outside waiting for me. I jumped out of the truck and grinned. “You’re stalking me with GPS, aren’t you?”

  A sexy smirk lit up his face as I drew close to him. “That, and you’re pack. I can sense you.” His voice was rough as he ran a hand through my hair and tucked me into his body.

  Hello, Baby Daddy. I rose onto my tip-toes and pulled his bottom lip into my mouth, just as I had that first night at the bar.

  Brock growled. “I’ve missed you.”

  Warmth spread down my chest to pool between my legs. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Tell me everything that happened at the station.” He laced his fingers through mine and led me inside, where Sabine was waiting inside the living room with her pokey tools.

  I feigned surprise. “Are you asking me to divulge official business?”

  He glared, crossing his arms. “Woman…”

  I chuckled, sitting down to allow Sabine to slide the needle into my arm.

  While my treatment got under way, I told him everything about the human victims and my near absolute surety that it was the siren.

  “Well, we’ve got to catch her!” he roared. “She can’t get away with doing that kind of shit in my territory.”

  “Yeah, my boss is sending two more bounty hunters to help.” I pretended to be nonchalant, but I found myself picking at invisible lint on my shirt with my free arm before I noticed and stopped myself.

  Brock was staring at me. “Okay. That’s good, right?” But he dragged out the question. He knew something was up.

  I swallowed hard, finding the carpet suddenly fascinating. “Totally good. It’s this really great bounty hunter, Kenzie, annnnd … my ex-boyfriend, Jack.”

  “Your what?” His voice was stone cold, and Sabine took that moment to quickly exit the room with some mumbled excuse about needing to get more gauze or some line like that. Sabine was always prepared.

  I winced. “My … werewolf ex-boyfriend, Jack.”

  Werewolves were uber territorial. Having a wolf on his land that wasn’t pack would be hard enough without it being my ex. Jack would probably need to ask his permission to be here if it was more than passing through. Werewolves were big on protocol.

  Fur rippled down Brock’s arms and my eyes widened. Was he so mad that he would shift?

  “Evie,” he growled, “there is no fucking way I’m letting another wolf onto my land. Another wolf that’s been all over you.”

  I frowned. “Okay, I understand. I’ll meet them at the hotel bar and we’ll do all our business off the land.”

  “No! I need to be there when you’re around him.” His voice held disbelief that I would suggest such a thing.

  This time I grinned. “Brock Adams, are you jealous?”

  He growled and sat on the couch next to me, pressing his warm, muscular thigh against mine. Tingles swept across my body, leaving me flushed, and his touch wasn’t even sexual … yet. His intentions were scrawled all across his beautiful face. He was going to lay claim to me the very second Sabine pulled this needle from my arm.

  “You’re damn right I’m jealous. You’re mine, Evie Black.” His voice was wild and smoky, and I’d never been so desperate to be free of the blood transfusion contraption.

  He claimed my mouth in a kiss so steamy that my toes actually curled back in my ass-kicking boots.

  My lips burned from the intensity of his kiss. “All mine,” he whispered against them, and I squirmed in my seat.

  "All yours,” I whispered back, before I could question the motives of my traitorous mouth.

  His gaze burned at my answer and he growled, deep and rumbly. When he kissed me again, and danced his tongue against mine, I knew I’d spoken the truth.

  The instant Sabine removed the needle from my arm, Brock, who hadn’t moved from my side, growled deep in his throat. The rumble was as primal as it got. Sabine gave him a look that said she’d be back to collect her equipment later and speed-walked out of there, leaving us alone in one of the large house’s many sitting rooms.

  Neither one of us bothered with sparing her a second glance. Brock’s eyes burned as they bored into mine.

  He slid an arm behind my back, another beneath my legs, and lifted me as he stood. With quick, determined strides, he cut across the house until we were at the door to his master bedroom. Shoving the door open, he closed it with his foot and pressed his lips against mine again.

  The moments melded into a blur of disrobing. Boots, jeans, and shirts flew off so fast that I was sure we must have torn seams. The only thing I paused for was to remove my katana, gun, and badge carefully. The second they were secure atop his dresser, I was back in his arms, his flesh scalding against my already burning skin.

  He slid his boxers down his legs, never breaking eye contact, and I actually whimpered as his naked body was revealed in its full glory. Oh, I’d missed him, there was no doubt about that. Heat pulsed deep in my belly as if it had its own heartbeat. I was slick and ready for all that the alpha’s stare promised to deliver.

  Pulling me into his arms, he trailed kisses along my collarbone and in between my breasts. Reaching behind me, he unfastened my bra and helped it fall to the floor. Immediately his tongue was on my nipples. When his tongue flicked across each in turn and he squeezed my breasts with his large, strong hands, I realized I didn’t have the patience for a slow buildup.

  As he tucked fingers inside the lacy waistband of my thong and slid it down, a moan ripped from his throat. He hesitated, and I knew he wanted to take his time with me, that he thought it was the thing to do. But then he chuffed and his eyes rolled back at the scent of me. With the super senses that had apparently been activated when I’d last shifted, even I could scent the raw sex that permeated the air—musky, exhilarating, and delicious.

  Brock hesitated for another drawn-out moment, but then he snapped—and I wasn’t about to complain. He swung hands beneath my bare thighs and lifted me up onto his body. I wrapped legs around his torso and pulled tightly until there was no space between us.

  As if neither one of us could wait another second, we joined. I gasped at the sensation of us pressing together as one. His eyes were glittering and feverish, surely matching my own. I hadn’t realized how much I’d really needed him until this moment.

  He back
ed me against the nearest wall, thrusting, kissing, licking, touching everywhere. His tongue tangled with mine and I experienced a near desperation to feel him more, to have him become a greater part of me.

  Then he stopped without warning, pressing me against the wall still, but otherwise he fell completely still.

  “What? What is it?” I gasped, breathless, running my hands through his thick dark hair, wanting it to never stop.

  “The baby,” he said, his voice deeper and rougher than usual. “Am I hurting the baby?’

  I tried not to laugh. “No, you’re fine. We’re fine. There’s no harm, I promise.”

  Screw me now or I’ll handcuff you to the bed, Baby Daddy.

  His eyes sharpened for a brief moment. “You’re totally sure?”

  “A hundred percent.”

  Get on with it.

  “Thank fuck.” He growled again, and those growls were quickly becoming my favorite sounds.

  Hands slid beneath my ass, squeezed, and picked me up. In a few sure strides, he lowered me to the bed and his hands were once more free to roam my body.

  His weight atop me was just right. The way he caressed my heated flesh encouraged me to spiral upward.

  “Eve, I want all of you,” he murmured, planting fevered kisses along my jawline, across my cheeks, and onto my shoulders.

  I tangled my fingers into his hair and crushed his mouth against mine. Pressing my hips against his, I met his every thrust with equal enthusiasm of my own. If he didn’t already know I wanted to give all of myself to him, I was going to prove it.

  The muscles in his back went taut, and when I wrapped my hands around his ass, I felt it tighten. He was drawing close to the edge.

  I was ready to tumble over it with him.

  ‘Don’t hold back,’ I told him through our pack link, hoping I was on the right channel and not broadcasting to Cass.

  ‘You first.’

  I smiled at him wickedly and bit my lip. ‘As you command, Alpha.’

  He picked up the pace, which I matched, until we were two that had merged into one in a frenzy of passion. I didn’t hold back, and as I crested the wave of pleasure he was right there with me. We gasped and moaned and clenched and shuddered together. After, we melted into a heap of tangled limbs.


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