Magic Sight

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Magic Sight Page 6

by Leia Stone

I took a few nervous steps that placed me directly next to Brock. I trusted the crone because Gran had told me to, but that didn’t mean I was at ease with her.

  Willemena opened the door to my house as if she owned it and started inside. “The rest of you…” She looked at the two warriors. “Watch the skies. If anything looks off, I need you to let me know immediately.”

  Reo and Haru nodded as if they understood what she was talking about. I sure as heckfire didn’t.

  Brock ushered Tianna, Cass, Molly, and me inside, then shut the door behind us. Willemena smiled at the space that must remind her of her friend, before wiping that smile away.

  “Sit,” she said.

  Tianna, who I doubted obeyed anyone, promptly sat, while Brock pulled a chair out for me before taking a seat himself. When I jumped into it, only my head appeared above the table, and I sighed heavily as I leaned my chin on the old wood. Cass chose to hover with his wings, and Molly moved to a spot in the corner of the room, where she stood silently, seemingly in awe of being in attendance at this special meeting.

  “We have to move fast before the spell latches on to Evie any more than it already has.” Willemena leaned over the table to stare into my eyes. I tried not to twitch or blink, but failed on both counts. “Tianna was right in keeping you from shifting back. You would have died instantly if you had.”

  Brock went rigid next to me and I urged my lungs to keep pumping air through my little fox body. I remembered all too well what it felt like to be deprived of it.

  “But remaining in your kitsune form is only a temporary solution,” she added.

  Well, duh. I wasn’t about to spend the rest of my life as a fox. Besides, what happened when a baby tried to pop out of me while I was this size?

  “I’d recommend it wholeheartedly if it were a solution,” Willemena, the crazy old bat, continued. “Carrying out the rest of your life as a fox wouldn’t be all that bad compared to our other alternative.”

  “What the hell do you mean?” Brock said, his voice too gruff for a witch as powerful as this one.

  Tianna stared at her hands folded across her lap, and that worried me big time. “She means that the only way to remove the spell completely is painful as fuck.”

  “And also not guaranteed to work,” Willemena added. “But it’s the only chance we have. If not, in a few hours the death spell will break through her kitsune magic and attack her anyway. It’s our only chance.”

  “What is our only chance? Enough with the riddles,” Brock snapped. “This is the woman I love that you’re talking about.”

  Holy fuck. He just said it again. He was angry and practically shouting, and he wasn’t addressing me, but he’d still sort of said it.

  Brock loved me.

  ‘Damn, girl. He just dropped the L word like it was no big deal,’ Cass commented through our link.

  I was too shocked to respond to my bestie.

  “Well, in that case,” Willemena continued. “I’ll make it extremely clear for you, Alpha.” The dangerous tone of the very powerful witch’s voice made me forget all about Brock’s love declarations. “When Evie killed the vamp lord, delivering him to his eternal death, she activated a kill spell attached to him. Tianna probably already told you this.”

  Brock and Tianna nodded.

  “But what Tianna didn’t realize is that the kill spell works to achieve balance. It doesn’t seek to punish, though I’m sure that’s how the seethe lord interpreted this ancient magic. But the framework of the spell is actually laced in balance. Are you following?”

  “I think so,” Tianna said, though I sure as hell wasn’t, and Brock didn’t say a word. “You’re saying that the spell is satisfied whenever it determines that balance has been achieved.”


  I so wished I had my vocal cords so I could ask them what the hell they were talking about!

  “If the spell finds that fairness is enacted,” Willemena continued, “it will dissolve.”

  “How else would this fairness be enacted if not through punishing the killer?” Brock asked.

  Willemena shrugged, but I wasn’t buying the nonchalance of her gesture. The witch seemed fascinated with the idea of a challenge. “That’s the tricky part, isn’t it?” Her wicked smile lit up her face, making her look far younger than her eighty years or so. “We have to think outside the box and figure out what would satisfy a spell conceived of to punish a killer for taking a life. What else could Evie give in exchange besides her own life? What else would be fair?. The sacrifice must be real, and sufficient to bring about balance, or it won’t work, and Evie will die.”

  Minutes ticked by while Tianna and Willemena appeared to consider our shitty situation. Brock stood and began to pace, stomping across the dining room as I cycled through an endless loop of some variation of fuck-fuck-fuck me-holy fuck. I was wondering what kind of creative cursing Cass might be cycling through in his own mind when Molly stepped forward and cleared her throat.

  “I have an idea,” Molly squeaked, pinning wary eyes on Willemena.

  The witch crossed her arms across her chest and threw an accusatory glare at Molly, who allowed it to bounce right off her.

  “I don’t know if it’ll work, but it might,” Molly said, seeming to be pep-talking herself.

  “Spit it out, then, girl,” Tianna encouraged, “because I think we’re all out of ideas at the moment.”

  “If the spell can only be satisfied by balance, then maybe it isn’t that big of a leap to think it might accept a life for a life.”

  “Go on,” Willemena said, though I wasn’t sure I was following yet. A life for a life? If Molly was about to suggest we kill someone, I wouldn’t allow it.

  Molly’s eyes flashed to Brock. “Well, one of the alpha’s wolves died maybe forty-five minutes ago. The body’s probably still warm.”

  ‘Molly!’ I hissed inside my head, sending to Cass or Brock—I wasn’t sure. My apprentice had lost her damn mind. Just what was she suggesting?

  Tianna jumped in before Molly could explain. “Which means that if Evie were able to somehow trick the kill spell into thinking that Nathan’s dead body was hers…”

  Molly shrugged. “I realize it’s a bit of a stretch...”

  “So great of a stretch that it might not work at all,” Willemena said, and Molly seemed to deflate a little. “But it sure beats sacrificing Evie’s life. It’s definitely worth a try. It might actually be genius.”

  “That’s what I thought!” Molly beamed.

  “It might just work,” Willemena said, and you could almost see the wheels turning in her mind. Her eyes grew sharp and her lips puckered. “If the spell interprets it as a true balance, it might solve our problem.” Her voice quickened with excitement.

  “Hold on just a second,” Brock said. “You can’t seriously be suggesting that Evie … swap places with a dead man? How on earth would she manage that in the first place, and what if it doesn’t work?”

  When he put it that way, it did sound really farfetched.

  When neither of the women replied right away, Brock pressed, “It’s not possible. Unless one of you has some magic that will make Nathan look like her, and if so, now’s the time to mention it.”

  Willemena paced the area, stroking her chin. It didn’t inspire confidence. Clearly she had no idea.

  “Maybe if I kill a chicken and use that death sacrifice to bind—” A knock sounded at the door, cutting off her words.

  The door popped open and Haru peeked his head inside. “I know exactly how she can do it.”

  Willemena threw her arms up into the air. “By all means, do come in, then.” She continued on to mutter: “Since you’re already eavesdropping anyway.”

  I’d already been wondering if my protector warriors were human. They definitely had extraordinary hearing and super quick reflexes. Hmm, I’d have to ask them about it later—when I wasn’t dying.

  Reo settled on Molly’s other side as both brothers stepped into the roo
m and leaned against the wall next to her, crowding the small dining room.

  “Most kitsune possess transformation magic to some degree. If Evie’s is strong enough, she’ll be able to essentially transform Nathan so that he looks like her,” Haru said before Reo took over, his eyes serious.

  “She might even be able to project herself as Nathan, transforming her fox form to look like him.”

  Brock’s head whipped around as he asked Willemena, “Will that work? Will that be enough to lift the spell?”

  The witch stared blankly ahead for a full half minute before saying, “If Evie can pull something like that off, then it could work, for sure it could. She wouldn’t need to hold the transformation for long, just long enough for the spell to consider the debt paid—or the balance managed. The moment the spell’s terms are met, the threat to Evie will dissolve.”

  Umm, did she hear what crazy Reo just said? I’d have to somehow make Nathan look like me, and then somehow make me look like him, all while shifting? Were they all fucking high? I couldn’t do that! I didn’t even have an inkling of where to start trying to do that.

  “The only question that remains is whether or not Evie can pull it off,” Tianna said.

  The question that remains is … what are they all smoking?

  Cass dropped onto an open chair at the table as I sank deeper into mine. “Psh,” he said while adjusting his fanny pack. “My girl can do anything. She’s the best bounty hunter there is. I’m sure she’s also the best kitsune. All you have to do is teach her how to use her transformation magic.”

  I hid my panic for Cass’ sake and attempted a smile, grateful that he had enough confidence to make up for all that I was currently lacking.

  Brock’s cell phone rang, and when his gaze fell on the screen, some of the color left his cheeks.

  “Fuck,” he said. “It’s the wolf council. I like this plan, but don’t do a single thing until I get back. I have to take this call. I’ve already waited longer than I should have. The seethe will be reporting their deaths. It won’t take long. We can get to work when I get back.”

  Everyone smiled their acquiescence with the alpha’s order until Brock was out of earshot. Then they all started moving at once.

  “I take it we’re not waiting for Brock to get back?” Molly asked.

  “Hell no,” Willemena said. “There isn’t a second to spare. Besides, he’s not my boss. I haven’t lived as long as I have to start following orders I don’t want to.”

  “Yeah,” Tianna said, shadowing the witch as she gathered crystals from around the house and laid them on the table. “The only one who’s a part of his pack is Evie. The rest of us don’t have to do a thing he says.”

  Oh God. This was going to come around to bite me in the ass. I could feel it.

  “What are the crystals for?” Molly asked, picking one up and examining it.

  “Put that down,” Willemena snapped. “You do not mess with a witch’s crystals. Hasn’t anyone bothered to teach you any manners?”

  Molly didn’t cower. She placed the crystal back on the table slowly. “What are they for?” she asked again, uncaring that an old and powerful witch had just chewed off her head. I had to fight a grin. Molly was fierce.

  “Crystals augment magic,” Willemena said. “They can also sustain it. Evie needs all the help she can get, especially since she has to manage magic she’s never done before while in fox form, we’re going to amplify things a bit.”

  “Think of it as a battery,” Tianna said. “We’re going to supercharge Evie’s magic.”

  Great. Supercharge Evie when she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing!

  “Is it safe?” Molly asked.

  “Safe enough,” Willemena answered, not reassuring me in the least.

  “Don’t worry,” Cass said to Molly. “My Evie is tough as nails. She’ll get it done.”

  All that was left was to hope he was right. I had everything to live for now. I wasn’t going to let a fucking dead vamp take that from me.

  I had a family. I had a pack. And I was keeping them.

  9 Just Breathe

  “You got this, Evie.” Cass was still standing on the chair around the dining room table. His gaze was fierce as he peered at my fox.

  ‘Cass, I love you, but let’s be real. I don’t fucking got this. I’m dead.’ Bile rose in my throat. I was totally going to botch this. My head would end up on Nathan’s body or we’d both turn into foxes or something else awful would happen and then the kill spell would take me out.

  Reo and Haru were transporting Nathan’s body to the house right now. Brock was still on his call so we were forging ahead. I had minutes to prepare. Minutes!

  ‘Listen, Evie girl. It’s like my illusion magic. You just need to visualize. Reach out and grab Nathan’s hand and then visualize him being you. Then visualize you shifting back from a fox but into his form, to look like him. Easy peasy.’

  For the first time in my life, I wanted to throat punch my bestie. Either he was totally delusional, or he actually thought what he just said to me was in any way easy. Cass once told me it took a decade to properly learn his illusion magic, but I wasn’t going to mention that now.

  Willemena burst into the cabin then with Tianna hot on her heels. “The sky is darkening! The kill spell is getting restless. We need to do this now or it will start to strike from the skies, seeking out Evie’s energy.”

  ‘What the actual fuck did she just say?’ I asked Cass.

  “You mean … it will strike her with lightning?” he asked Willemena, who nodded.

  “And probably take all of us with it too,” she said.

  Excellent. It just kept getting better and better.

  ‘I’m gonna puke.’ I hopped off the chair I’d been sitting on and started to pace, bushy tails shifting side to side with each step.

  Cass flew over to his woman. “Buttercup, is there anything you can do to stave off the storm?”

  Tianna’s eyes hooded over as her lips turned up into a smirk. “Of course, sugar plum.” Then she retreated outside, hands outstretched and magic crackling between her palms.

  Willemena looked at Molly for some explanation of how these two were a couple, but Molly just shrugged. That was a mystery greater than we had time to solve right now.

  “Where is the body?” Willemena roared, patience obviously exhausted.

  “It’s here,” Brock called from outside, and I ran over to the open door. The alpha held Nathan’s limp body cradled in his arms as he walked inside. The two warriors followed, heads low.

  Brock took one look at the crystals set up on the table and stalked right up to Willemena. “I know what’s best for Evie. If I say wait for me, you wait.” His voice could cut glass. Tension built in the room as the witch and the alpha stared each other down.

  She would probably kill him for talking to her like that. I gulped.

  Finally her stern look cracked and she grinned. “Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be loved like that. With that kind of ferocity.” Her gaze flicked to mine. “You’re a lucky woman.”

  When I wasn’t a fox, obviously.

  Okay, not the response I’d been expecting from the witch, but I was super glad no one had beheaded the other.

  Brock shot one final glare at Willemena before walking over to where I stood in my petite fox form. Bending over, he laid Nathan on the floor next to me.

  I’d seen enough death in my profession not to be too bothered by it, but I could feel this loss throughout the pack bond and it made it harder to ignore.

  Nathan had almost killed me, yes, but it was only because he was a young wolf who hadn’t yet learned how to control his animal side once he shifted. It wasn’t his fault, and it wasn’t lost on me that if this worked he’d actually be saving my life.

  Brock arranged Nathan’s arms and legs so they weren’t sticking out at odd angles and he looked less dead, a gesture I appreciated, and then made sure the blood-soaked towel covering his abdomen still conceal
ed whatever was under there.

  “The lightning’s started!” Tianna screamed from outside.

  Willemena ran for the door. “I can buy you ten minutes, kitsune,” she said to me. “Make it happen.” Then she disappeared outside to help Tianna keep the storm at bay.

  My eyes bulged. Make it happen? Was she kidding me? Nothing like dumping all the pressure on me…

  Brock reached out and stroked my thick fur from the top of my head all the way down to my tails, and his caress helped to relax my body some.

  ‘I’ve got a trick up my sleeve that I don’t share with many people,’ he told me. ‘I’m going to momentarily transfer my alpha power to you, something I can do since you’re one of my pack members. It’ll give you extra strength and stamina during this … transformation spell.’

  My eyes widened. ‘You can do that?’

  He nodded. ‘I’ll lie on the couch and transfer my power to you now.’

  Holy shit. I didn’t know what else to say as he stood, stepped over Nathan’s body, and lay on Gran’s couch, settling in like he was getting ready to go into a trance or something.

  I collected myself, because it appeared I had no choice. I had no fucking clue what I was doing, but no one seemed to bother too much with that teeny tiny super fucking important fact! I was either going to die right now, or I was going to, by some miracle, figure shit out, and I’d live, continuing to give life to the baby growing inside me.

  Pulling in a deep breath, I tried to focus, or find my center, or whatever. Man, I missed Gran like crazy right then. She would have known what to do, and even if she hadn’t, she would have known just the right thing to say to get me to arrive at what I needed on my own. She was great at that.

  Sudden movement had me whipping my head around. Haru swam into view, holding a cell phone in his hand. “I’ve risked a call to your father. We only have sixty seconds of call time before your location might be tracked.” His words were fast, like machine gun bullets, reminding me how little time I had to figure this shit out, and making me twice as nervous as I’d been before. Besides … did he just fucking say he called my dad? Just like that, Haru was throwing my dad into the mix? This was not how I wanted our first interaction to go down, especially since I couldn’t even speak to him.


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