Bait & Switch

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Bait & Switch Page 6

by Kendall Ryan

  But I couldn’t ignore the pressure building fast in my groin. I rocked into her, grinding my hard bulge between her legs. She squeaked into my mouth.

  “You like this?” I knew damn well she did—her hips had stuttered up to meet mine. But I wanted to hear her say it out loud.

  “Y-yeah,” Lacey said softly.

  I rewarded her with another quick, hard kiss. She tried to kiss back, only for me to pull just out of reach. “Can I touch you?” I asked.

  Her sapphire eyes had already gone dark with desire. As soon as she nodded, I pounced.

  I lavished her neck with long, sucking kisses as my hands roamed her body, squeezing her plush tits over her shirt—

  Oh God, no bra under there; she’d been bare this whole time.

  She gave a quiet moan and I took that as encouragement to push up her shirt. Eager to make her feel good, I moved my mouth lower to lick and gently bite her soft pink nipples. Spurred on by the sexy little sounds she made, I pushed myself between her legs, letting her feel how much she excited me.

  Lacey groaned again.

  I was torn between wanting to make her feel good and not wanting to push her too far, too fast. A quick fuck on her couch probably wasn’t what she’d had in mind when she invited me over tonight. And something about her made me want to take my time, savor her in a way I’d never done with a woman before.

  I bent forward to kiss her again, long and slow, while massaging her gorgeous breasts. I couldn’t keep my hands off them. Such a beautiful set of tits deserved to be worshiped, touched, kissed, licked, bitten. The desire to mark her skin flared inside me, and I only barely beat it back.

  Lacey rocked her pelvis up to grind against me, and a tortured growl clawed up my throat.

  “Careful, sweetheart,” I warned.

  I was on my best behavior at the moment, but if she kept rubbing her warm pussy up against me, I wouldn’t be for long. The thought of stripping her shorts away and pounding into her tight, hot cunt almost edged out every ounce of my good sense.

  Somehow, some way, I reined myself in, letting her set the pace. We remained clothed, kissing and groping and grinding until I thought my cock was going to burst. But our leisurely make-out session was strangely satisfying on its own. More than enough—at least, for now.

  How could such a tame act be so much fun? Maybe I’d been missing out on a good thing for all these years. Or maybe kissing only felt this good with Lacey.

  Something to ponder for another time.

  We cuddled and kissed in front of a movie she picked, some feel-good comedy that left me free to focus on her warm softness against my side until the oven timer rang. Then we served ourselves the delicious-smelling feast. At the first tender bite, Lacey’s coo of pleasure made me lean across the table and kiss her yet again.

  Despite all the scars we’d bared—or maybe because of them—tonight had been nothing short of perfect. But my past had taught me not to trust so easily. As happy as I felt right then, I couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that things were too good to be true.

  Chapter Seven


  When my boss insisted on happy hour, I couldn’t exactly refuse. I’d wanted to go home, get out of my slobber-soaked jeans and T-shirt, and take a hot bath, but I figured one drink couldn’t hurt.

  Jamie was a recent divorcée, and while she was friendly and outgoing, she was also a bit like a cougar on the prowl. A rabid cougar.

  Soon we were sitting at West’s bar, the same place I’d met Nolan the week before, drinking jumbo-sized margaritas. It was ladies’ night, which meant two cocktails for the price of one.

  Crap . . . so much for just grabbing one quick drink. I could only hope my boss wouldn’t drown her romantic sorrows too hard.

  Jamie set her frosty glass down on the table, looking forlorn. “The next man I’ll even consider dating will need to have a steady job and no mommy issues.”

  I made a sympathetic noise that she could interpret however she wanted. Her standards weren’t exactly high, but hey, who was I to judge?

  “And maybe not so selfish in bed,” she added, lifting her glass in a toast. “What about you?” She hiccupped. “Special man in your life?”

  I shook my head. “No, not really.” I found myself feeling protective of Nolan, and I didn’t want to share the intimate details of our . . . whatever it was.

  I winced at the memory of how emotional I’d gotten the other night. I couldn’t believe I’d broken down like that. Sobbed on his shoulder over a dog I’d known for all of three weeks. But Nolan had been so sweet and tender about the whole thing. Holding me as I cried, telling me his own story about the friend he’d lost. I was quickly starting to feel more for him than I ever dreamed possible.

  Nolan’s love life was a hot mess, but he was also handsome and strong and honorable. I couldn’t walk away now, not even if I wanted to.

  Soon one drink with Jamie turned into two, then three. When a round of shots was set before us, compliments of a couple of guys at the bar, Jamie squealed and handed one to me. As I sucked on the little lime wedge, I realized my head was starting to spin. There was no way I’d be driving home tonight. When I passed by the bar on my way to the restroom, I stopped at the counter, leaning over to ask the bartender if he would call cabs for my friend and me. He nodded and picked up his phone.

  A few minutes later, the bartender wandered over and introduced himself as the owner, West. He was a tall, muscled linebacker of a man. Handsome, but a little scary.

  When he announced that our cabs were here, Jamie stood and grabbed her purse, and I followed suit, thanking him. Outside, she climbed inside the yellow minivan and waved, saying she’d see me at work. As the van drove away, I realized that West must have assumed we’d share the cab. Meaning that I’d just missed my ride.

  “Damn it.” I looked around the all-but-deserted parking lot, wondering what I was going to do now. Surely there was more than one cab in this entire town.

  Then I froze. There, at the back corner of the lot, was a white sedan with its interior dome light on. I couldn’t be sure it was the same car from last week, but cold dread still crept through me, raising the hairs on the back of my neck and making me step back.

  No way was I waiting out here. I’d just have to go back inside and ask West for another cab.

  “Come on. I’m driving you home.”

  The familiar voice surprised me, and I spun around to see Nolan approaching through an opening between the parked cars. Relief flooded through me, weakening my knees.

  “How did you . . . ?”

  “My buddy West called me. He recognized you as the woman I was with the other night. Said you asked for a cab.”

  “And he asked you instead?”

  Nolan nodded. “I’m taking you home.” His firm tone left little room for negotiation. He was definitely a man who always got what he wanted.

  Through my heavy buzz, I took a moment to look at him. He wore faded jeans and a white T-shirt. I wondered if he’d been at home, in for the night. Maybe hanging out with Daniella. And he’d left the warm comfort of home to head out into the night for me. A tingle of appreciation spread through me at the thought.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I said instead.

  “I’m quite aware. Come on, get in the truck.” Nolan led the way and helped me inside. He glanced over at me as he started the engine. “How much did you have to drink?”

  “It was ladies’ night,” was all I said. I thought I heard him chuckle softly, but couldn’t be sure.

  He didn’t say anything else as he drove. The tires crunched over the gravel road and the radio played quietly in the background. Within minutes, we pulled into my building’s parking lot. I let myself out of the truck and started toward my apartment. But when I reached the stairs, Nolan’s hand caught my elbow.

  “I can manage,” I said, both warmed at his concern and embarrassed that I needed it.

  “I know that,” he said, but didn’t rem
ove his hand.

  I guess chivalry isn’t dead.

  When we arrived at my door, he stopped. I’d expected him to walk me there and then leave, his sense of obligation fulfilled, but that wasn’t the case.

  “Can I help you inside?” he asked instead, his low voice sending tingles of heat rushing along my skin.

  This time, I said, “Yes.”

  Unlocking the door, I slipped inside. I flipped on the hall light and tossed my purse and keys on the table. Then I just stood there, wondering what I was supposed to do next. I wasn’t good at these games, hadn’t had a man rush to my rescue before.

  “Do you have to work in the morning?” he asked.

  I nodded. It was only a little after ten, but I had a hunch I’d feel the tequila in the morning.

  Nolan headed into the kitchen and poured me a glass of cold water from the pitcher I kept in the fridge. “Come on. Let’s get you ready for bed.”

  I led the way to my bedroom. I was about to argue, to tell him I was too old to be tucked in, but the careful way he held my hand and helped me into my room spoke louder than anything else. He was a natural guardian, and right now, he was going to see to it that I was okay.

  In my darkened room, Nolan stood directly before me, the soft moonlight painting his face in shadows. He was beautiful. A strong jaw dusted in dark stubble, full lips, and dark, soulful eyes.

  I felt his fingers at the hem of my shirt. He lifted it over my head, dropping it on the floor beside us. His fingers went to work on the button to my jeans, and then he was pushing them down my hips. Next came my bra, which he unsnapped and slid off my shoulders.

  His watchful gaze wasn’t lustful; it wasn’t sexual. It was protective. And I could sense it all the way to the tips of my toes. Standing there in just my panties, I felt my body hum to life, blood pumping south.

  “Don’t you want to stay?” I gingerly touched his belt buckle.

  “You’re drunk,” he said. His voice was blunt, and I sensed his control was hanging by a thin thread. A thread I wanted to tug on and unravel.

  “So? We could still mess around.”

  Working his bottom lip between his teeth, he let out a hiss when I brushed my hand lower, appreciating the bulge I felt. “Not tonight,” he bit out.

  His rejection stung, and I couldn’t help the first thought that popped into my head. “Oh, so it’s Daniella’s turn tonight.”

  “Not tonight,” he repeated.

  Unwavering in my desire, I pushed my fingers into the sides of my panties and dragged them down my legs before stepping out of them. Now I was completely nude before him. My nipples puckered in the cool evening air.

  He didn’t miss a thing, his gaze moving from mine down to my breasts. He lowered his head and kissed one pebbled bud. Just the barest teasing touch.

  “Not. Tonight,” he repeated once more, his warm breath ghosting over my nipple.

  In that moment, I would have done anything he asked. But instead of letting things go further, my perfect gentleman adjusted the bulge of his erection, then stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Do you have something you sleep in?”

  I nodded. “Just a T-shirt.”

  He retrieved one from my dresser and held it out so I could shove my arms in and get it over my head. One quick kiss on the lips, and he was headed toward the front door.

  “Lock up behind me, okay? There are crazies out there.”

  “I know.” Boy, do I know.

  • • •

  Several days later I stared down at my bed, trying to decide between the jeans and a light gray sweater, or the red sundress and boots. I wanted to look casual, but with a certain measure of sex appeal too.

  This morning Nolan had texted me, letting me know that he had two tickets to the Cowboys game, and his friend had to cancel at the last minute. AT&T Stadium was a venue I’d grown up watching on TV with my dad; the chance to go there in person wasn’t something I could pass up. Neither was spending more time with Nolan.

  Opting for comfortable, I slipped into the worn denim and the soft, lightweight sweater. After adding my boots and checking my butt in the mirror, I felt oddly satisfied. My curves filled out my jeans a little more than I’d like, but I knew the effect I had on Nolan. I’d felt the evidence of his arousal, hot and hard and needy against my belly. A rush of warmth washed over my skin, flushing my cheeks at the memory. He’d held himself back, but maybe that was only because I’d been drunk.

  Shit. It’s time to go.

  I grabbed my small purse, double-checking that I had the essentials—my ID, some cash, cell phone, a little tin of mints, and a tube of tinted lip balm. I wasn’t much for frills, but fresh breath and kissable lips were high on my priority list today. Because holy hell, the man could kiss.

  Closing my eyes for a second, I remembered the way his mouth felt on mine, how dominating and sensual he was when he moved. The way his tongue stroked mine, the feel of his steely erection pressing between my legs, so close to where I wanted it . . .

  Damn. Just thinking about him made me ache. I shook off the dirty thoughts and left, locking the door behind me.

  I trotted down the stairs and found Nolan waiting for me just where he said he’d be. Right next to his big black pickup truck.

  His gaze swung over to watch me approach, and I couldn’t help treating him to an extra swish of my hips. He took note, his mouth quirking up into a lopsided smirk, his eyes dancing with mischief.

  “You ready?” he asked once I was close.

  “Absolutely.” I treated him to a warm smile, thankful to have someone to spend time with in this new town. He opened the passenger door of his truck, which looked like it had just been washed. The sleek finish gleamed in the sunlight.

  Without a clue about how to climb up into the beast of a truck, I placed one foot tentatively on the running board, then hesitated.

  “Up you go,” he said from behind me.

  I could feel his eyes on my butt as his hands came to rest at my waist. Effortlessly, he lifted me onto the seat. The muscles lurking under his shirt were more than just pretty to look at, it seemed.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, finding my voice.

  When Nolan got in beside me and started the truck, country music played low in the background. I had to smile. This quiet, comfortable life he’d built for himself after retiring from one of the world’s most demanding jobs was enviable. On the outside, at least, he seemed to have it made.

  Leaning close and placing one hand on my cheek, he murmured, “I need to taste these lips again.”

  So it wasn’t just me affected by those kisses.

  His mouth covered mine and I opened, letting him stroke my tongue softly but so surely that a small, murmured groan clawed up my throat.

  “Fuck, sweetheart.” He grunted out the words, yanking away like I’d burned him. His voice a little strained, he said, “We’d better go.”

  I agreed, my “yes” sounding just as breathless. My heart was still pounding wildly. Or else we’ll end up back inside, humping like bunnies.

  As Nolan drove, his hand found my knee and rested there casually. It was crazy how that one small touch both heated my blood and made me feel safe. We made small talk, and he pointed out some landmarks as we drove to the stadium.

  When we arrived, we parked in the large lot and walked quite a distance toward the stadium. We climbed the stairs almost as long to reach our seats. Center field, twelfth row up. They were excellent, with a clear view of the field. But when we took our seats, Nolan’s hand once again rested on my knee, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

  “You doing okay?” he asked, sending me a sideways glance.

  “Fine.” I cleared my throat. Get it together, Lace. He’s as hot as a July day in Texas, but that’s no reason to clam up.

  He waved over a vendor and pulled a stack of bills out of his pocket. “What would you like?” he asked me.

  “Whatever you’re having is fine.” He’d already treated me to t
he game, and I didn’t want to be picky.

  He ordered us two beers and stadium dogs, tipping the vendor well. The man’s eyes widened and he thanked Nolan profusely.

  Nolan was a man of few words, but it was in these quiet moments that I learned the most about him. Not only was he a tough, kick-ass ex-SEAL, but he was kind, generous, and warmhearted. The combination was enough to kick-start my libido and dampen my panties without even adding in his rugged good looks.

  Being around him was easy, and once I had a cold beer and a warm hot dog in my hands, I began to relax a little. I took a big bite of my food and settled into my seat.

  “So, what made you want to become a SEAL?” I asked, expecting that it had been a lifelong dream from the time he was just a little boy with a toy gun strapped to his waist and a fort in his backyard.

  Nolan looked down at the field, his expression stark, his dark eyes blank. “I grew up a rancher’s kid, and I wanted to see more of the world than the flat prairie inside our four fence posts.”

  I nodded along, afraid I’d struck a chord that would sour the playful mood. “Fair enough.”

  “But it turned out that was pretty fucking selfish of me. My dad had a massive heart attack in the field one day while he was working, and with no one there to help, no one to call 911 . . .”

  He let out a deep sigh and his eyes shifted away, taking several moments before he continued. “I still ask myself if I’d been there that day, maybe he’d still be around. Maybe my mom wouldn’t look at me with those blank, haunted eyes, like she was wondering the exact same thing.”

  I reached over and silently placed my hand on his knee, hoping the touch had the same calming effect it had had on me earlier.

  “My mom sold off all the land he loved so much. I don’t think she liked the thought that the land was ultimately what took him from her.”

  Something tugged inside my chest. I wished like hell I could fix this for him, but deep down, I knew nothing ever would. Sometimes our greatest scars are the ones we don’t wear for the world to see. They’re buried inside our hearts.

  I gave him the only comfort I could. “I know your dad would be very proud of you. If he’d known what a successful and courageous man you’ve become, he never would have wanted you to stay home. Just think of all the things you couldn’t fulfill if you didn’t leave.”


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