Chandelier (Tarnished Crowns Trilogy Book 1)

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Chandelier (Tarnished Crowns Trilogy Book 1) Page 23

by Annie Dyer

  “Are you going to join us?” The words are there before I think about them.

  “Not yet.” His hand on his cock is slow. I imagine my mouth round it as Ben fucks me, or Isaac coming on my tits. “Not tonight.”

  Ben moves a hand between us and plays with my tender clit. He’s close and wants me with him.

  “She likes her nipples being played with,” Ben says.

  Isaac obeys, using his free hand to stroke my breasts, tweaking the tip and it’s all overload; Ben’s cock, Isaac’s words and I come hard with a scream, my body almost jerking off the bed.

  Isaac’s hand is moving fasters over his cock now. He’s large, not as long as Ben, but thick. I can’t take my eyes off him and I push my breasts out, wanting him on me, wanting them both.

  “Can I come on her?” Isaac says.

  “Yes.” Ben’s word is groaned and I know he’s close, holding my hips and fucking me deeply.

  Isaac carries on touching my breasts and himself, directing his cock towards me. He comes with long jets across my chest, decorating my tits. Ben follows, rutting into me hard and I orgasm again, my pussy contracting around Ben’s cock.

  Isaac gets a flannel to clean me up, his shirt discarded, his trousers somewhere on the floor with Ben’s. He wipes my breasts tenderly, Ben now holding me from behind as I lean up on the bed, watching Isaac.

  Isaac climbs on next to me, putting the cloth to one side, and we all lie down, hands touching, stroking. He kisses me first, tasting of whisky, then Ben leans over me and takes his mouth.

  I’ve seen men kissing each other before, but not with only me as the watcher. I’m in between them both, my nakedness protected by them, a hand on each of them. Their kiss ends and Ben turns me onto my back, hovering over me to take my mouth now. I’ve just come twice and my body is getting ready again, only this time everything is heightened because it’s not just one man that I’m wanting.

  A phone rings. It’s shrill and unwelcome. Isaac stiffens and shifts from the bed, untangling himself from me and Ben.

  “I have to check that.”

  I watch him as he finds his jacket, pulling out his phone. It’s the first time I’ve properly seen him naked, lean muscle and dark skin, swarthy skin. He’s tattooed across his chest and shoulders, intricate patterns and pictures.

  Ben laughs.

  “You’re drooling over him.”

  I turn my head, Isaac’s walking away from us, taking the call and I see Ben looking at Isaac’s ass.

  “And you’re not.”

  He grips me, holds me closer, then kisses my neck. “Yes. And I’m trying to not think too much, because I don’t know if I can get my head totally round this.”

  I curl into him, understanding what he means. Inside, I’m an eddy of nerves and fear and excitement and I’m tired too.

  Isaac returns, trousers on. “I have to go. William’s panicking about tomorrow.” He looks at Ben and then me. “I’d rather stay.” His eyes blaze.

  Ben cups my breast, pinches my nipple. Isaac’s gaze drops to it and he licks his lips.

  “Tell me this won’t be the only time.” It’s almost a prayer.

  “I don’t think this will be the only time.”

  Isaac nods at my words. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”

  He leaves me lying in Ben’s arms, safely away from the world, even if it’s for just a few hours.

  Chapter Twenty

  When I wake, Ben is still beside me, sleeping. Light creeps in through the gap between the curtains, which someone drew before we fell asleep. Ben’s arm is around my waist, holding me close to him, his cock hard against me.

  We talked after Isaac left, about my father, about Lennox. We didn’t talk about what had just happened, how the three of us had shared ourselves. A maelstrom of feelings unsettle me. I’d seen men with men, women with women, groups, threesomes. I’d never thought I’d be in one and now the possibilities linger in my imagination.

  Ben stirs, his hand cupping my breast and squeezing. “Tell me there’s time...”

  “There’s always time.” I wriggle from his hold and straddle him, trailing fingernails over his chest, pushing back covers to expose his hard and veined cock. He puts his hands in my hair and guides my head down, encouraging me to take his erection in my mouth.

  I do, taking him as deep as I can without gagging, sucking hard then soft. He likes me not to use my hands. I pull away. “How many times have you and Isaac been together?”

  Ben’s eyes are swimming with lust. “Twice.”

  “How did you know he liked men? How did you know you liked men?”

  He laughs, grabs my hips and pushes me up onto my knees, starting to play with my pussy, inserting a finger, then two. I’m wet because I’ve woken thinking about this, about them together.

  “I didn’t. We had one of those moments and we kissed. And I’m not fussy about someone’s gender, I’m just fussy about someone. And I’d like that someone to get on my cock and ride it.”

  I take hold of his erection and he moves me over it, still holding my hips. He’s strong enough and I’m small enough for him to move me up and down, which is what he does now, sliding into me.

  He feels big this way, stretching me, but neither of us is in the mood for slow.

  “Did you ever fantasize about Isaac fucking me?”

  “Yes. About both of us fucking you. I want to see you take his dick here.” He moves his hand from my hip to my ass, pushing a finger into my puckered hole. There’s enough wetness for it not to hurt and the stretch is enough for me to lose my words.

  When I come, I turn to jelly, unable to move anymore. Ben shifts me onto my front and mounts me from behind, making me see more stars and need to call for mercy as he takes what he needs. He holds me tight as he comes deep inside me, staying there for minutes afterwards.

  When he’s finished he wraps me in his arms, cupping my sex and touching me tenderly.

  “I love knowing that you’re full of my come. When we’re in the square later, I’ll be trying not to think about me still being inside you.”

  I nod, not sure if I’ll be able to walk the few hundred metres to where Lennox is giving his speech alongside Goldsmith.

  I groan. “Now I’m thinking about today. I should get ready.”

  “I’m surprised Franklyn hasn’t been in to supervise you.” He chuckles. “I sometimes think he gets off on what you do.”

  “I don’t think I’m what Franklyn finds attractive. I think you’re more his type.”

  Ben smiles, plays with a strand of my hair. “You’re safe. He’s not mine.” He slaps my ass without force. “We should get ready. Time to watch history being made.”

  The square is packed. Crowds of people have poured into the area, police forming a wall around the vicinity. My heart races, performing its own drum roll for my brother and I can’t help but think that this is sheer madness.

  All these people; all these threats. Lennox’s supporters are the prominent ones; placards are raised promoting the renewed unity between the two countries and there are chants around the crowd calling his name.

  He takes the podium, a big screen behind him, erected against the historic town hall, projects his image, his smile blinding his audience.

  Ben stands next to me, Isaac just behind us. Goldsmith is waiting in the wings to take the stage next, to add to whatever Lennox says in his well-planned speech.

  Our security are everywhere, but I don’t feel safe. There’s a tension that pollutes the crowd and makes me grab hold of Ben’s arm.

  “Say the word and we can go.” He keeps his voice quiet. I’m wearing a wig and glasses; this is about my brother, not about me, and although I want to see him, I don’t want to take away any of his light.

  I didn’t see him this morning to wish him good luck. He would’ve been preoccupied, focused on what he was about to do, the adrenaline taking him to a peak so high he’d be untouchable.

  He starts to speak, addresses the c
rowd. Then his rhetoric begins as he talks about a unified nation, peace and trade deals. He mentions security and tension, a promise of a return to two great nations who work together to promote healing in the world.

  Then it starts. There’s a call from the crowd, a taunt. Words in Gaelic, ones I understand. Free Scotland.

  Fighting starts within the crowd and the police crawl in, separating. Tension bubbles, hums. It’s about to boil over.

  “We should get back to the hotel.” Ben puts his arm around my waist and I feel Isaac behind me. Other security detail quietly surround us and we head away, back to the quiet roads around the square, past the police who have cordoned off the area. A camera flashes, my picture taken. It doesn’t matter because I can hear the crowd booming louder, the sound making me move quicker, further away.

  “This was a fucking mistake.” Isaac’s words are angry. “I asked them not to go ahead this morning.”

  “The people attending were vetted.” One of the guards says. It was ticketed. Identity had to be shown.

  “Makes no difference.”

  We’re almost running now, back to the hotel. The noise we’re leaving behind is starting to dim, the crowd being dispersed. The city here is built up, alleys and roads stemming away from one square into others. Around the hotel is a ghost town, the only people police and guards.

  We rush into the hotel and head straight for the lift. “Will they get Lennox out of there?”

  “They should do.” Ben’s hand is on my lower back and I realise I’m shaking.

  “I need to go home.” The elevator is too silent. I can hear my heart race.

  “This evening. When things are quieter we’ll get back to the castle.” Ben casts a look towards Isaac. “What about you?”

  “I’ll have to head back to London. Look at what we do to sort this mess out.” Isaac looks exasperated.

  The elevator doors open and we head to my suite, Ben standing the other security guards down.

  The rooms are as I left them. A voice crackles over the radio Ben has on him. My brother has started to speak again now the crowd has been quietened. I hear Goldsmith’s voice and then Ben turns off the radio.

  “You okay, Blair?”

  I nod and his arms are around me, his body pressed against mine. I feel hands on my shoulders from behind and I know that it’s Isaac. Ben’s mouth goes to mine and I sense he’s relieved that I’m safe and here and in his arms. Another set of lips are on my neck, softly kissing. I’m pressed between the two of them, both their attention on me.

  I slip a hand between me and Ben and cup his cock through his pants, feeling his hardness. Isaac’s hands are on my breasts, touching them though the fabric of my shirt.

  I should be listening to my brother’s speech. Listening to history being invented, but I need an escape and this is it, this complicated, treacherous web that we weave. At some point I need to talk about this, to Ben, to Isaac, to myself. My head wants to implode with the sensations and the fact that I shouldn’t be doing this. A man I love and another that I think we’re both infatuated with.

  When I drop to my knees, Isaac’s hands go to my hair, pulling on it carefully as I undo Ben’s pants, freeing his erection, licking at the tip. I glance up to see them kissing above me, Ben’s hands on Isaac’s shoulders, Isaac’s hands on me. My tongue teases and plays until I finally take Ben’s cock in my mouth, sucking and gripping, Isaac now giving me words of encouragement and directing me with his hands in my hair still, pulling and gripping, never enough to hurt.

  Ben’s hips start to thrust, Isaac holding my head still as Ben fucks my mouth. I can feel the wetness between my legs building and dripping, saturating the panties I’m wearing.

  He comes in my mouth with a groan and I swallow, looking up at him, seeing Ben’s face blissed out.

  Because of me.

  I am still on my knees when the gun shot ruptures the noise outside.



  Blair’s too quiet. Her blonde hair’s still messy from when Isaac was holding it and her lips are swollen and she’s too quiet.

  I’m used to words from Blair. She talks, tells me things. She always has and now she isn’t saying anything.

  “We need to get out of this city.” I put my hands on both her shoulders, grateful for the fact that I’m allowed to touch her. Isaac still lingers at the door.

  He needs to go because the world is still turning and that bullet has just complicated all our worlds tenfold, including his.

  “Now?” She looks up at me with eyes I’d drown in if I could.

  “Shortly.” She’s just become a target, probably for more people than we know of and her world’s exploded into a thousand shards of splintered glass.

  “Blair, I’ll pack your belongings.” Franklyn leaves the room, his face as expressionless as normal. Seeing her on her knees sucking me off, with another man holding her hair hasn’t fazed him any more than hearing the news that Lennox Stewart is dead.

  Sirens are going off across the city. I know that the hotel will be surrounded with security and police, probably the army. Another war was already happening; a new battle has just started.

  I’m a soldier. I fight. I protect.

  The woman in front of me has just lost her brother and gained the promise of a tarnished crown.

  The woman in front of me is who I’ve been fighting for since I found her in a maze by a loch on a summer’s day.

  I’ve been fighting myself ever since.

  The man to my right watches us. He always watches. “I’ve got her. You need to go sort your shit out.”

  He nods. “Keep me updated.”

  I will. She will.

  In the middle of this war, I’ll protect them both.

  I’m their lover. Their grenade.

  But I’m also a liar.

  A thief.

  And a traitor.

  And grenades explode.




  The room isn’t dark or cold or unwelcoming. It overlooks the edge of forest, the sort of tangled web of bare branches and twisted trees that’s from some dark fairy tale.“I never thought you’d change your mind. I always thought that after everything this would still be your endgame.”

  My sister, Majken, isn’t who I remembered. She’s sitting on the green chair and she’s calm, too fucking calm for my liking. I’m pretending I’m calm but I’m not. I’ve no idea how I can get out of here. I’ve no fucking idea where I am.

  The man who I’ve disliked since day one sits down on the arm next to her and she puts a hand on his thigh. Nausea should hit me, but it doesn’t because I’ve seen worse.

  Done worse.

  Majken’s playing a game too.

  We all are. Have been all along.

  “You need to consider this offer, Ben. It won’t stay available if we think we can’t trust you.” He takes her hand it his, squeezes it.

  I could, if I wanted, end them both. He’s six inches shorter and I have at least fifty pounds on him. She’s actually more problematic, not least because of who she is. She knows how to fight me and she will fight dirty.

  “You should never have trusted me.”

  It’s now I see the revolver.

  “I’m not sure I ever did. There was always a little too much time spent willingly at that dreadful castle.” Her accent is still different from mine, the change imperceptible unless you know what to listen for, but it’s there.

  “I did spend time there because I wanted to.”

  “Because you loved her. And you still do.”

  It isn’t a question. I’d like to say she doesn’t need to ask me any questions, because she knows me too well, but that hasn’t been the case. Ten years older and a continent apart for most of my life. Beautiful, brilliant and driven.

  “She’s difficult not to love.” It’s the first time today when I tell the truth.

  Majken nods. �
�That may be. She’s certainly not your usual type.”

  This time I laugh. He hasn’t pulled the trigger yet so I don’t think he’s going to. However, if Majjie gets hold of it, she probably will. I’m just not sure which of the three of us will be at the end of it.

  “I don’t think I ever had a type.”

  “I thought you’d always go for dark haired older women.” Her smile is serrated.

  The scars have healed enough for them to be difficult to slice open.

  “Or maybe she really did screw you up.” Majken treads her fingers through her lover’s hair.

  I never told Majjie about our aunt. But she knew. She watched. And she never intervened.

  “I think we both ended up screwed one way or another. Hence we’re both sitting here now while the man you’re fucking plays with a gun that’s probably the same size as his dick.” I watched her for her reaction.

  Majken was easy to play if you knew which moves to make. Any slight against her perfection would loosen her fragile control if she was uncertain and I knew she was uncertain today.

  “I’d be careful with what you say, Benjamin. You aren’t the only way we have of getting the information that would make a lot of people happy.”

  It was confirmation of what I already knew.

  “I never thought I was that valuable. But why do to the trouble of bringing me here?”

  She shrugs. “Shits and giggles. And chance for some quality time. Maybe I can bring Aunt Hedda over, you know, so you can reintroduce yourself to her.”

  She was expecting the words to jar.

  “Or maybe I just want to watch you when your Princess Bride ends up in bits.” She giggles.

  No one else laughs.

  “I think you overestimate my worth.”


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