Seduce Exotic Erotica

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Seduce Exotic Erotica Page 16

by Ella Hilton

  Nick's tongue moved over my lips. I parted them and welcomed his hot tongue into my mouth. I had never felt this instant passion with anyone. Daringly I sucked at his tongue and felt a tingle as he groaned against my lips. He held me even more tightly than before, thrusting his tongue deep as his hips rocked against my stomach.

  I curled my fingers into his hair, finally feeling how thick it was. I used it to pull his mouth more tightly to mine, thrusting my tongue against his. I was on fire for him.

  With a groan he pulled away. My eyes opened to see his shining with warmth and desire.

  "Clare, it's too soon for this. I don't want to scare you away now that you're finally here. I have waited so long for you to open up and let me in. Let's not ruin it now." He was stroking my cheek with his fingers, eyes searching mine for any doubts. There were none.

  "I know I have pushed you away out of fear. Nick, you are such a sexy viral man, I really thought you were only teasing me. I never for a moment allowed myself to consider that you might actually be interested." I leaned into his hand. I needed him to understand why I acted as I had.

  "Oh, Clare, I have been interested for months. I just didn't know how to get behind those walls you had between us." He was kissing my face as he talked, soft butterfly kisses that have me melting.

  "Come with me." I took his hand and led him to the bedroom. It was as though I had waited too long. Now I needed to show him how I felt.

  Once inside we stood at the side of the bed. I searched his eyes and found only warmth and desire there. My fingers trembled as they untied the robe. I shrugged my shoulders and it fell to the floor. I stood before him in my T-shirt and panties.

  He stripped his white T-shirt over his head allowing me to see the firm muscles of his chest. His chest was almost free of hair, with only a small patch that led down to the waist of his jeans.

  I reached for the button of his pants as his hand covered mine. Fascinated I watched as he pulled the button and the jeans pulled open, the zipper opening at a tug from his strong fingers. Using both hands I grabbed his boxers and his jeans and pull them both down and off, leaving him naked before me.

  My breath caught at how beautiful he was. His lean hips led to strong thighs and firm calves. And his arousal was all too evident. I reached out a finger and shyly stroked down his shaft and again his hand stopped me.

  "If you do that this will go away too fast." He stepped forward and pulled the shirt over my head leaving me in my panties before him. I felt a moment of fear as he saw me for the first time. But he just groaned and pulled me against him and I knew he liked what he saw. My full breasts were pressed against him, his hardness against my soft stomach.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and pressed his face between my breasts, his lips kissing my chest and breasts. His right hand cupped me and brought my nipple to his waiting mouth. My legs trembled as he suckled me eagerly. I cupped his head to me and prayed I wouldn't fall.

  I feel his hands tug at my panties and pull them down my legs. I stepped out of them and watched as he sucked my other nipple deeply into his mouth. His left hand then caressed my hip then downward to my thighs. I trembled as it slipped between my legs and cupped my mound. He stroked through the downy hair then parted my moist lips. A finger ever so gently stroked the hard nub of my desire.

  My legs threatened to give way at the waves of sensation he was evoking. It had been so long since my body had felt release; I was not sure how long I would last with this sweet torment.

  "Nick, please." My voice was hoarse. I needed to feel his body against mine.

  "Clare, come here." He scooted back a little on the bed and pulled me astride him. My wetness caressed him as I rocked my hips teasingly. He felt so hot and hard. Reaching between us he guided himself to me. Our eyes met and I slowly sank downward taking him deep into my body. My eyes never leaving his, I started to rock against him. I rose up my hips then lowered them slowly.

  His hands were on my hips urging me along. I felt heat building and thrust faster. He suddenly surged up hard, driving himself further into me. I felt myself tighten and drew him even deeper and we both exploded. I felt him filling me with his seed.

  Pulling me down into his arms he held me tightly, our breathing slowing to normal. I moved to lay next to him, my head on his chest stroking his stomach with my fingers.

  "Oh, my love, that was worth waiting for," Nick whispers into my hair.

  "No, hearing you call me "love" is what was worth the wait." With a smile, I realize that sometimes it is not the journey that matters but the destination in the end.


  The figure wrapped in black, as black as the night surrounding it, moved towards the building. Their eyes moved from side to side, ever wary of detection. The figure reached up, pulling back the hood of the cloak. The face that appeared there was that of a most beautiful woman.

  Her hair was a soft red color, her eyes glowing bright green, as if someone was shining a light through an emerald. She surveyed her surroundings, seeing no one. There shouldn't be anyone around. It was a Saturday night and, this being a college town, everyone should be out at one party or the other. Or out having sex somewhere. She had passed several places where there was soft grunting in the bushes, cars rocking from side to side, or a simple "Yes." She had smiled, thinking about stepping in, having a snack and moving on. This one, however, was different.

  The one she had in mind was named Sean. He was average height, average weight. Brown hair and shining blue eyes, the kind that you felt like could look directly into your soul completed the package. She had seen him the previous night. He had been hanging out with friends; they were teasing him about the fact that he didn't drink and with all the parties going on, he could get all liquored up and score. He had retorted that that was they ONLY way they could score. Get a woman drunk and she'll do anything. Even them. His friends had laughed and laughed with them. This was obviously an ongoing argument, but one none of them took seriously. She had followed him home, keeping to the shadows. Every now and then, he would turn, looking for someone following him. He kept getting that feeling that was being watched. He never saw her.

  The woman grinned from where she stood, only eight feet below his window. This one, the one who wouldn't drink, would be sweet for her. She was tiring of finding drunks passed out and feeding off of them. Their blood was...'sour' was the only way she could describe it. Blood that was fresh and not contaminated was something of a rare treat. This one, however, she would not let get away.

  Tensing her legs, she easily propelled herself up to his windowsill. Looking in on the dark room, she could see his still form lying on the bed, covered in a sheet. He was snoring softly, she could hear that even through the glass. Another sound gained her attention. There WERE other people here. She could here shouts from the other room. Something about "Fire! They're almost on us!" and "I'm out of ammo! Returning to base!" She softly cursed the makers of video game systems. How was she to get people alone if their family or roommates never left home?

  She hopped back down to the ground, landing quietly, and went to the back of the house, looking for the garage. She found the door, trying the handle, vaguely surprised when it swung open. 'People really should lock their doors these days' she thought to herself, mentally chuckling. She looked around, her eyes adapting quickly to the darkness. She smiled when she found what she was looking for. A toolbox.

  Opening the toolbox quickly, she found a hammer. She picked it up, testing its heft. It wasn't the best for the job, but it would do. As she rose, she saw, there behind the door where she entered, exactly what she wanted: a ten-pound sledgehammer. She tossed the regular hammer back into the toolbox, kicking it shut. She picked up the big hammer and, holding it easily in one hand, headed for the basement.

  Easily making her was down, she opened the fuse box. She wasn't electrically inclined, despite being almost two hundred and fifty years old. She stepped back to the middle of the b
asement and flung the hammer into the fuse box, being rewarded with a shower of sparks and cries from the house above. She picked up the hammer and carried it up the steps to the back yard. She carelessly tossed the hammer into the bushes, not caring if anyone found it. By the time they looked there, she would be gone, her prize in tow.

  Making her was back to the window she propelled herself up again, looking back in the window. She froze as the people from the house ran outside. They were upset the power had gone out. "Now what do we do?" one boy asked. She smirked, hearing a "grown man" whining like a little schoolgirl. She looked back to the bedroom, seeing her prey moving slightly in his bed. She was beginning to think he might be a sensitive, one who can 'feel' psychic abilities, though possessing none of their own.

  She smiled. That would make this all the more sweet. Untainted and sensitive to her thought. 'Perfect' she thought to herself. However, there was still the slight problem of getting in. Invitations are hard to come by if no one's home. 'That's fine,' she thought to herself. 'Piece of cake.'

  She closed her eyes, focusing on the man in the bed on the other side of the pane of glass. She heard him moan almost immediately. She focused her mind, reaching his with ease. 'Invite me in,' she sent to him. 'You want me to come in. You must invite me in.' She opened her eyes to see him sitting up in his bed, his eyes closed, but his eyeballs twitching behind the lids.

  'That's it,' she sent. 'Come over her and open the window. Invite me in.' He pulled the sheet off of himself, standing up, wearing only red flannel boxer shorts. Even with his eyes still closed, he walked to the window, opening it. He stood there for a moment, trying to get his mouth to work.

  "C-come in," he said, stuttering. Talking while asleep wasn't easy, especially if there was mind control involved. She leaned into the room, letting herself unfold like a panther leaving a tree. She reached out and touched his face, running her hands over his smooth skin. She shrugged her shoulders, letting her black cloak fall to the floor. She wore all black. The color was best suited for her pale skin.

  She had on a black button up dress shirt, one that hugged her curves wonderfully. No one would mistake her for a man, not even a blind monk at a hundred yards. Tight black jeans hugged her behind, showing it off. She liked her behind and she knew that men liked it too. And maybe some women. She wore no shoes, preferring the feel of the ground on her feet.

  She smiled and released her control of Sean's mind. His eyes snapped open, panic filling them. "Who are you? How did you get in here? Where is everyone?" He looked like he was going to run like a scared rabbit. The woman reached out, putting a finger to his lips. "Shhh..." was all she said. Sean stopped talking, but still had a look of terror in his eyes. She sighed to herself. Terror was always a bad thing. It put too much of the wrong chemicals into the system. She had to calm him down.

  She removed her finger and looked up at him. It wasn't much of a stretch; he was only about four inches taller than her. She smiled at him, trying to calm him down. He only squinted at her, not trusting her. "I am Lady Alexis. I am a vampire. I have been alive for almost two hundred and fifty years. As to how I got in here, you invited me in and opened the window, thanks to my suggestions, of course." She gave him a slight bow, relishing in his discomfort. "Does that answer your questions?"

  Sean blinked and swallowed hard. "Yeah. I guess so. Hey! Wait a minute. A vampire? Oh, God. You're going to kill me, aren't you?" He started to back away from her, backing into the bed, falling backwards, sprawling.

  "Kill you? Never, my pretty." She laughed. It was a musical sound, sending shivers up and down his body. She slowly stalked toward him, showing off the small fangs at the corners of her mouth. She stood at the foot of his bed, keeping her knees between his legs.

  "If you're not going to kill me, what do you want?" Reason was starting to surface in his mind. 'Vampire?' he thought. 'Doubtful. For all I know, this is just a hooker my friends hired for me.' "Vampires live on blood. That has to be what you want." He stood up, pushing her back slightly. Standing, he felt better. He was in a more dominant position. He was taller than her and, judging by how she looked, heavier and stronger than her. He tightened the muscles in his arms and shoulders, trying to seem vaguely intimidating. He wasn't sure if it worked.

  She chuckled again, once. "What I want, Sean," she started, his eyes widening at her mentioning his name. "Is you. You are now mine, body and soul. I hereby claim you as mine to use as I see fit. Do you understand?" She looked him in the eyes the entire time she said this, pushing with just the smallest amount of mental force. His eyes glazed over momentarily, the cleared. He shook his head.

  Sean smirked and crossed his arms across his chest. "Ok, 'Lady Alexis' I don't know who put you up to this, but look; you look like a nice lady and all, but I have class tomorrow and it's almost three thirty in the morning. Tell you what, whatever they paid you, I'll give you the same to go away. No offense or anything, but..." His remark was cut off and she grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the floor.

  "You will not speak again until I tell you to, do you understand?" Sean made choking noises, his head bobbing up and down rapidly. She dropped him back on the bed, him holding his throat. "You are mine, Sean. Classes, school, girls, friends...none of these things mean anything to you anymore. You belong to me. Well, actually, you don't yet, but you will soon." She walked seductively toward him, unbuttoning the top two buttons on her shirt. Sean was still breathing quickly through his nose, trying to remain calm and failing miserably.

  "So, Sean. Do you find me attractive?" He nodded slowly, needed no mental prodding from her on this. "Then you will find these attractive as well." She unbuttoned more of her shirt, showing him the tops of her firm breasts. One of the benefits of being Undead was that her body never aged; therefore her breasts would never sag. She never had a bra when she was alive and she didn't need one now. She moved up to him, straddling his waist, feeling his crotch warming, blood flowing that direction.

  She reached out and grabbed his head with both hands, pulling him to her breasts. She sighed loudly as his warm tongue darted out to lick her breasts, his body taking over for his mind. She pulled his head hard, growling softly. He started nibbling on her precious globes, moving his hands around front to open her shirt the rest of the way. Once opened, he leaned back to look at her body. He shook his head, still not entirely believing what was happening. He looked up at her, looking into her eyes. They glowed green in the darkness, entrapping him. He gaped at her eyes until she pushed him down, holding his wrists above his head.

  She leaned her head down, nuzzling his neck right over the carotid artery. "Mmmm." she purred, smelling his blood, but also still smelling his fear. "Not yet. There is still some to be done." He looked at her, not understanding. Then he gasped as she licked his neck right over that spot, nipping at his skin. He had always like his neck licked and sucked. His pulse started racing, blood trying to be everywhere at once. His penis won, turning into a throbbing erection, twitching against her. She looked down at the junction of their bodies and smiled. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. She quickly slapped them onto one wrist, through the bed frame and onto his other wrist. Sean looked at his wrists and then down at her. Her eyes were glowing again, this time with anticipation. He smiled. If she wasn't a vampire, he was going to enjoy this. He might even if she was.

  She slid down his body, dragging her skin against the bulge in his boxers. Sean groaned and shifted in response, trying to push himself through his shorts and against her skin. She used one hand to drag her nails down his stomach, digging them against the muscles of his abdomen. With her other hand, she reached into the flap of his boxers. Suddenly he cried out and arched his back, the cold of her hand incredibly erotic against his hot, blood filled member. She stroked him a couple of times and then licked the small droplets of pre-cum from the tip. He groaned again, trying to push his cock into her mouth.

  She chuckled softly. She
put him back into his shorts, causing him to moan pitifully from the lack of her touch. Lady Alexis pulled down his boxers, exposing his twitching cock to the cool night air. She looked him in the eye and licked her lips. He arched his back, trying to raise his hips to her mouth, wanting nothing more than to feel her touch again. She grasped his shaft with her hand, causing him to shudder, pushing his hips into her hand, trying to please himself with her hand. She increased her pressure to an uncomfortable level. "You will not please yourself. I will please you. I was please you as no mortal woman ever has and then I will take what I want." Sean could only nod, trying to restrain himself from thrusting into her hand.

  "Very good, slave." Alexis said. She lowered her mouth to his purple head, sucking on it lightly. Sean started to push against her mouth, and then pulled himself back down, not wanting the feeling to end. Sean struggled against the handcuffs, wanting to touch her, run his fingers through her hair, but to no avail. They were stronger than he was, especially with how close Lady Alexis was to his nether region. His eyes glazed over and closed as she played with his balls, the coolness of her hand causing them to tighten up.


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