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Dragonshift Page 2

by Linton Bowers

  A large grin spread on my face as thoughts raced through my head. “After we’re done here, let’s find a bedroom and do something I definitely know we should be doing.”

  “I like that idea a lot better than skulking around the dark looking for scary treasure.”

  “Okay, it’s a plan then. But for now, here goes nothing.” I slid the ring onto my finger.

  Not nothing.

  Pain crashed into me, setting every nerve in my body on fire. I screamed and fell to my knees holding my hand out in front of me like it was diseased. Cassie dropped in front of me with her eyes wide and her mouth moving. I couldn’t make out her words through my screams. Everything went black.


  Cassie stood before me in the dark place. Her head tilted to the side and her eyes had a vacant look to them.

  “Cassie?” I called out, but she didn’t respond.

  A roar split the air, and the dragon dropped next to Cassie. She blew a gout of flame at me, but it parted before hitting me. The flames died a second later. She stepped forward with one foot and threw her arms back then roared a challenge at me.

  Warmth spread from my finger, the one the ring was now on. My vision took on a red hue as anger filled me. How dare one of my own creatures challenge me. I am alpha.

  “I am alpha!” I shouted in response.

  The dragon answered with another roar louder than the last. Crimson tentacles lashed out from my hand, ensnaring the dragon and wrapping her up tight. She roared, but with less vigor.

  Through the crimson bands holding her arms pinned to her sides, I felt her desire to be free. Free from the bands and free from me as Alpha. The dragon wanted to run the world doing what she felt like and answering to no one. That would not stand. She was mine and no one, not even her, would take her away. My will became a dark force that flowed from me, pressing against the dragon. Her desire for freedom shattered under the onslaught of my desire.

  “You are mine. Mine. Mine. Mine,” I mumbled as my will grew stronger and I grew hungrier. The dragon would become mine in every way. My every whim would be her fondest desire. The wave of my will swelled, becoming darker and burying itself into the dragon’s being. I felt her struggle, but it was useless. Every time she pushed against me, I pushed back a thousand times harder. The ring gave me the power to dominate my Tua. and I would dominate them all. Every Lycan will bend to my will. I am Tuatha!


  “Terry?” Cassie’s voice came from her human lips, soft and fragile.

  The shock of her speaking my name broke my hold over the dragon. The crimson bands crumbled and floated away. My will compressed and fell back. The blank expression she had worn was gone, replaced by fear and revulsion. The sight of Cassie, my Tua, my dragon, broke me.


  Light and the funk of dust burst back into being. I pulled the ring, but it didn’t come right of. It gripped me without changing size. I pulled harder, activating all of my abilities. The plates of the Shell ability covered me as my senses sharpened. My strength increased, and I yanked the ring free with a roar.

  “Terry!” Cassie shouted. She shook my shoulders gaining my attention. “What was that, Terry? What did you do?”

  “The ring,” I said as a sob broke free from me. It made me something… something dark. It can’t, Cassie. Not now, not ever.”

  I remembered the dragon being broken and fear filled my heart. Had I hurt my precious dragon?

  “Are you okay?” I moved forward rising on my knees and meeting Cassie’s eyes. “Please tell me I didn’t hurt you, either of you.”

  “I think we’re okay, but she isn’t answering me. I feel her, but she wants me to leave her alone.”

  I pulled Cassie into a hug. “I’m so sorry.” I sobbed as I held my dragon.

  Chapter 3

  Cassie and I were in the kitchen when Miranda, Tabitha, and Liz walked in. My dragon’s eyes were red and puffy from having cried along with me. I probably looked the same but hadn’t seen myself in a mirror to know for sure.

  “Oh, my gods,” Miranda said as she dropped her load of shopping bags and rushed at me. “Terry, Cassie, are you guys all right? What happened?”

  “It’s a bit of a story,” I said as I glanced at the ring.

  Miranda saw where I looked and reached for the ring. My hand shot out like a bullet clamping down on her wrist. “No!”

  My wolf froze staring at me with wide eyes. “I think you will have to tell us this story, Terry.”

  “Yes, you will. No one is supposed to touch that thing,” Tabitha said pointing at the ring.

  “Why is that, dear?” Miranda asked.

  “Because it is evil, or so I’ve been told. Either way, no one should touch it. Why do you have it here, Terry?”

  “Like I said, long story. So maybe you guys should sit down while I tell it,” I said.

  “Good idea, but let’s get this stuff put away first,” Miranda said.

  My Tua went about putting away the groceries while Cassie and I waited. Doctor Nguyen stood in the doorway with her arms crossed staring at me. When I looked at her, she met my gaze with fucks given. Occasionally, she looked at the ring then back at me. Once she looked at Cassie and a look of disapproval crossed her features. It was gone when her eyes fell back on me.

  “Okay,” Miranda said as she pulled out a chair and sat down. “Spill it, mister.”

  “Yeah, this I have to hear,” Tabitha said as she sat at the opposite end of the table from Miranda putting her to my left and my wolf to my right.

  “You remember when Tabitha led us to the entrance for the house where the SUV is stored?” I asked Miranda.

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  “Well, we passed a dark hallway, and I felt something from it.”

  “What kind of something?” Tabitha interjected as she leaned forward.

  “It was dark and scary,” I said. “Like something down there wanted to reach out and take me. So while you were gone, I decided to figure out what it was. I didn’t want something dangerous so close to where we all sleep.”

  “I can see that,” Miranda said. “Maybe next time you don’t go it alone, though.”

  “He wasn’t alone,” Cassie said in a voice hoarse from crying. “I was with him.”

  “And maybe next time you ask me first,” Tabitha added.

  “I will, promise. But, when I started down the hall, I felt the ring calling to me. It was just like the bracelet only with the addition of that ominous feeling.” I continued to tell them the entire story. No one spoke as I spun my yarn, and everyone fell silent for a whole minute once I finished.

  “You will never speak to Cassie in such a manner again,” Doctor Nguyen said with venom in her voice.

  “You don’t get to stick up for me,” Cassie shouted just as harsh.

  Nguyen ignored my dragon. She stepped up to me and continued as if Cassie had never said a word. “In fact, if I hear of you ever trying to subjugate any woman ever, I will make it my mission to castrate you like a bull and feed you your testicles Rocky Mountain Oyster style. Are we clear?”

  “I would never do that on purpose. And I will make sure this piece of evil never gets the chance to corrupt another living soul,” I replied in a calm voice. I understood why she was upset and wouldn’t hold it against her. Doctor Nguyen’s tone also spoke of some darkness that may have happened in her past. At a more convenient time I would ask her about it.


  Cassie slammed her first on the table, startling everyone. “You do not get to stick up for me!” She stood so fast her chair went flying into the cabinets behind her. “Not after what you did.” Cassie’s skin took on a greenish hue and her eyes changed. The Dragon was coming. “You stole my life and put a monster inside of me.”

  “Cassie!” I shouted as I stood. “Stop now!”

  Too late.

  My Tua swung her head around to look at me. The eyes staring into me were no longer Cassie. To bring this point hom
e, she growled, and smoke wafted up from her nose. This was bad.

  I pulled and dove into the dark place. My dragon appeared before me in all her winged glory. She was by far the most amazing creature I had ever seen. Like most of the women that have appeared here with me, she was nude. Looking down, I verified that I was also naked.

  “I know you’re upset, and probably a lot of that is directed at me,” I said as I held my hands up palms out. “I am so sorry about what happened before. I don’t know if I can ever make up for what I did,” I took a step closer. “But I want to try, if you will let me.”

  My dragon threw her head back and roared. The sound coming from her differed from her previous roars. This one was equal parts roar, scream, and frustration. As the sound died down, a jet of blue flame shot up into the air.

  The fire slowly died down then extinguished. She lowered her head, letting me see the tears streaming down her cheeks. The ring left me feeling violated after I pulled it off. Its power had used me and made me an instrument of something wholly wrong. But what I did to dragon was far worse. She deserved better than me, and if I had another Tuatha to pass her on to, I would give it serious consideration.

  Dragon beat her powerful wings once, rising a foot off the ground. If she fled now, I may never get her to fully trust me again. That I couldn’t let happen. I pushed off with my right foot, giving it all the strength I possessed. Time seemed to slow as I shot forward. Dragon’s wings raised and lowered at an exaggeratedly slow speed. She rose a little more. I stopped in front of her and her head snapped back with surprise. My arms wrapped around Dragon and I pulled her close and back down.

  “I’m sorry, my dragon,” I whispered in her ear. “Please don’t retreat from me.” I pleaded.

  In response, warm arms not much bigger than Cassie’s wrapped around me. She squeezed me as tight as I did her. Even if she didn’t trust me I knew then, she loved me as much as I loved her.

  “I love you, Dragon,” I whispered.

  Her response was to pull back and look my face over as if she were studying every detail. I studied her as well. Unlike the dragonkin from the stories I loved, she had a human face. In fact, she looked just like Cassie with high cheekbones, wide large eyes and full lips. The difference came in the collection of small colorful scales that covered the majority of her face, giving her an exotic beauty.

  Following my gut, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. Dragon tensed but didn’t pull away. I let up then gave her another peck. This time her lips puckered, returning my small kiss. I pressed my lips fully to hers and parted my lips allowing my tongue to touch her lips. She let me slide my tongue in and her’s slide out. We kissed for a long moment, drinking each other in.

  Her body grew warmer as we made out. Dragon pulled her hips back enough for her hand to reach in and take me. I hissed out a moan at the feel of her hot hand wrapping around me.

  I pulled back and looked down at her small, yet strong hand holding me. Slowly she moved it up and down stroking me. I met her gaze and saw the question there.

  “I want you, my dragon,” I said, answering her unasked question.

  I guided my dragon down to lie on the black floor. Large wings spread out underneath her and her hair spread around her head like a golden halo. My mouth found her neck, and I kissed and licked, working my way down her chest to her nipple. There I kissed, licked, sucked and nipped. Dragon responded by arching her back and moaning. Her response caused me to throb with anticipation.

  But my dragon deserved to be pampered before I experienced her. I kissed a trail down her toned belly and shifted positions, so I was between her legs. I caressed and kissed her sex, causing dragon to gasp and moan louder. I continued doing the things Miranda had taught me until my dragon shuttered from an orgasm.

  After her body spasms subsided, she lay flat on the floor breathing heavy. I slid up her body until we were face to face and my manhood rested on her belly once more. “I love you, my dragon,” I said. That time she smiled.

  I kissed her, starting another round of making out. Not long after her hand gripped me again. This time she guided me down until the tip pressed against her opening. Slowly I slid inside of her enjoying her tight heat one savory centimeter at a time.

  We made love for a long while in various positions. Dragon seemed to really enjoy being on top, but maybe not as much as I liked her there. We finished together with her on top of me and my hands on her soft breasts. Once we were spent, she fell forward laying on me while I remained inside.

  I held my dragon as she nuzzled my neck. Sleep took us both soon after. My last memory of that moment was her soft snore in my ear.

  I woke in a large bed with Cassie snuggled up to my side and her head on my shoulder. I smiled at the memory of the tender moment Dragon and I shared. Then my smile faded, and a worrying thought crept in.

  Does it count if it was in my mind space? It felt real, and I felt closer to Dragon then ever. But still…

  “You think too much, Terry,” Miranda thought to me. “Besides. Not long after you pulled Cassie into the mind space, she tore her clothes off and you two did it right in the kitchen. That was after she fully transformed into the dragon.”

  “You should have seen the look on Liz’s face,” Tabitha added with a giggle. “She freaked when you two started fucking. Speaking of which…”

  Someone touched my leg. I looked down to see Tabitha nude and grinning. She slowly crawled up me with her glorious body slinking up in the way only a serpent could. She reached my manhood and took me into her mouth.

  “Dragon tastes so good on you, Terry.”

  That thought from Tabitha shocked me and I didn’t know how to respond. That elicited a giggle from her which vibrated her mouth in a fantastic way. When she was satisfied that I was plenty clean she climbed on top of me and slid me in. Then she lifted and slammed down, causing me to grunt in pain and pleasure. That must have been the response she wanted because she smiled, giggled, and did it again.

  Tabitha proceeded to fuck me hard, shaking the whole bed. Cassie woke up and stared at my serpent with wide eyes. She didn’t move until Tabitha finished with me by having an intense orgasm.

  My snake surprised me again by climbing off and taking Cassie by the back of her head. “Our master hasn’t cum yet. you should finish him.” She pushed Cassie’s head down toward my crotch.

  I opened my mouth to protest the way she was treating Cassie but stopped short of talking. Cassie opened her mouth and took me all the way in. She slid up and wrapped her hand around the base of my shaft. Then she worked her head up and down, sucking while her hand moved up and down while maintaining a tight grip. It didn’t take long for me to explode. Cassie kept her mouth on me while I did and didn’t release me until she squeezed out every drop.

  I collapsed back not remembering haven risen to my elbows. A few seconds of breathing heavily was all I had before falling into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 4

  when I awoke next I was sandwiched between Miranda and Tabitha. Cassie was not present, nor was Izzy. My Turtle’s absence made me more than a little sad. I tried pulling free of my women without waking them but failed utterly.

  “Good morning,” Miranda mumbled.

  “Good morning, Master,” Tabitha said.

  “I would prefer to not be called master,” I said. “It makes me feel like a dirtbag.”

  “Sorry, it makes me feel like a dirty girl. I enjoy feeling like a dirty girl.”

  I chuckled. No way was I capable of telling Tabitha no after what she told me. If my serpent wanted to be a dirty girl, then so be it, but there were limits to what I could handle. “Okay, but not in front of other people, Tabitha.”

  “As you wish master,” she purred.

  “I need food and a shower. Then…”

  “Then!” Miranda interrupted. “We go meet a friend of mine. It’s clear you will need more help than Tabby and I can provide after yesterday.”


/>   “No buts. This is not negotiable, Terry. After the incident with the ring, it’s clear that you need a bigger pack in order to properly protect yourself and any pack member you may find yourself alone with. Tabitha and I have discussed it and decided that we will not take no for an answer. Do I make myself clear?” Miranda rose to her knees and thrust her hip to the side before placing her fist against her hip.

  “I thought I was in charge here,” I said. Both of my Tua’s faces hardened. Tabitha took on a red color, and I swore the air in front of Miranda’s eye wavered from the heat of her angry glare. “Or maybe we go meet your friend,” I said with a forced chuckle.

  “You are the master,” Tabitha said. “But we will not sit idly by and let you kill yourself. You are just as responsible for answering to us as we are to you, if you want this pack to thrive that is.”

  “I do,” I replied. “And you are right. I’m sorry I questioned you on this. I’m just…”

  “It’s fine, Terry.” Miranda interrupted. “We know about your inexperience and are here to guide you when you need it. Just as we are here to help make our pack stronger. Let’s go eat and get clean.”

  An hour and a half later we pulled up to a strip mall with four small shops. Miranda parked the large black SUV in front of the second shop, Nick’s Electronics.

  “Nick’s Electronics?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “You were expecting Nick’s Gun Shop?” Miranda asked with her own eyebrow raised.

  “Well, maybe, yeah. You said I need protection why not a gun shop?”

  “Nick is a genius. She will outfit you with stuff no gun shop ever could. Trust me, Terry. This is way better than a gunsmith.”

  “I trust you, Miranda. Let’s go.” I opened the passenger front door and stepped out. Tabitha stepped out of the door behind mine.

  “This will be fun,” Miranda said as she slammed her door closed.

  “Why am I worried now?” I asked.

  Miranda just laughed and walked into the store letting the door close behind her. Ready to find out what was going on, I quickly followed.


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