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Dragonshift Page 24

by Linton Bowers

  Izzy stopped at the door. I have a feeling we missed a lot,” My turtler said. “You are going to have to fill us in.”

  “I will. There is a lot to tell, and a lot of decisions that need to be made,” I said. “Where is Nick?”

  “I think she went to the showers,” Izzy said.

  Chapter 40

  I found my ferret in the communal shower standing in the stream with her back to me. I stripped out of my clothes leaving them in a pile at the door. Nick didn’t stir as I crept toward her using the ability I received from her against her. When I was right behind I grabbed her wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “You didn’t really think you could sneak up on me did you?” Nick asked.

  “I had to try.”

  “I was talking to Amy,” Nick said pointing to her ear where she had a small earpiece. “She told me all about your adventures, up until she was taken out of commission.”

  My lips brushed her neck and I slid one hand up her belly and the other one down. The upward hand found a small breast and hard nipple to fondle. The other hand went between Nick’s legs and I slid a finger between her slick folds. She let out a moan and her body relaxed in my arms. My body reacted by pumping blood and swelling me.

  “Are we really going to do this?” She moaned.

  “Yes,” I responded.

  Nick pulled my arms away and spun around she grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss. I let her kiss me for a moment then pulled her arms out holding her wrists. I bent down and took her nipple into my mouth to which I was rewarded with another moan.

  “I want you right now,” she said in a breathy voice.

  Instead of a reply, I scooped her up in my arms which got a squeal of surprise. I carried her to the room I had slept in previously and laid her n the bed.

  “Take me now, Terry.”

  “Shut up,” i said. “Lay back and spread your legs.”

  “Well excuse the fuck out of me,” Nick replied as she lay back and spread her legs.

  I crawled between her thighs kissing the soft skin and working my way to her glistening lips. “You will stay quiet and speak only when spoken to,” I said.

  My tongue ran up her thigh right next to her swollen lips. She moaned and reached out placing her hand on my head. I grabbed her hand and held it down on the bed. Then I slid my tongue between her folds and began to caress. I stayed there between her legs until she had an orgasm. Then I kissed my way up to her breasts and worshiped them with my tongue giving each one the time it deserved.

  Satisfied she was ready again I kissed up her chest to her neck then up to her ear. “Are you ready for me, Nick?” I asked my lovely and lith Tua.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  I teased her clit with my head before sliding in slowly. A moan left my mouth as Nick’s tight warmth enveloped me. I worked my way all the way in and lay still for a moment relishing the feel of her squeezing my length. Then I rocked my hips back and forth. We went slow for a long while and Nick climaxed again while she held me to her.

  A few minutes after she came I rolled off and lay on my back next to her. I looked over at her seeing her smiling face looking back. “When you are ready, would you mind fucking the shit out of me, like you said you would?” I asked.

  Nick looked up and laughed. It was a melodious sound that brought joy to my heart. Then she jumped up and climbed on top of me. She did exactly what she said she would and fucked me good for a long while.

  In the kitchen, My Tua were gathered around the table eating. Doctor Nguyen had went shopping while I was gone and she prepared a wonderful meal for us. It was mostly vegetables, but they were good, and the meager amounts of chicken she cooked were amazing.

  “Hey, Terry,” Miranda said being the first to break the silence while we ate. “I have this weird feeling like I’m part of a wolf pack. It’s different from being one of your Tua. I know the difference because I have now been both. Care to explain? Oh, and about those two Australian women as well, please?”

  “I can do that. Do you remember Andrea, the werewolf who is the alpha of a small pack?”

  “Yes,” Miranda said while raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, I ended up meeting her, or more like she kind of stalked us. She was at the police station and she was following me after you girls became unconscious. Well, she is now one of my Tua. and I am the Alpha of a pack Alpha so through Andrea, the pack is mine as well.”

  Miranda sat up straighter and her eyes went wide. “And you can pull power from them like you can us? They are truly yours like we are?”

  “I can pull power, and they are mine, but it is a bit different. If I lose Andrea they go as well. She is a funnel for them connecting them to me through her. It’s kind of weird.”

  “No, Terry!” Miranda shouted. “This is amazing. Do you know the implications of this? You could become a god with enough packs under your belt. We need to find more women-led packs. Don’t worry, I’m on it. Oh!’ You have to meet my friend Abra jones. She helped me figure out about the Tuatha. If not for her I would not have know how to enter your mind space and join you. I think she will want to join as well, but we will have to turn her first, she’s human.”

  “Slow down, Miranda. I would love to meet your friend, and we might have to discuss her turning. That sounds dangerous. And, there is more you all have to know.”

  “You went off without us and found some trouble didn’t you?” Izzy asked.

  I looked my turtle in the eye before answering. “Yes I did, Izzy. I also found all those missing kids and have them stowed away in a safe place. Andrea’s pack is watching over them until we figure out what to do with them. I’m going to need your help with that.”

  Izzy’s eyes went wide and she nodded. “That’s kind of amazing, Terry. I’m impressed.”

  I leaned forward on the table and took Izzy’s hands into mine. “Does that mean you are impressed enough with me to go on a date?”

  Izzy did a double take. “Come again?”

  “I know how you feel about all this. I know you think I’m just some horn-dog getting his kicks from having a harem. But that isn’t true. So, If you would allow me the honor of a date so I can get to know you and you can get to know me.”

  Tabitha, who was seated next to Izzy, put her arm around the turtle’s shoulders. “What are your intentions with my Izzy?” She asked. Then she winked at Izzy. “I got you, boo.”

  Everyone laughed except Izzy who turned bright red.

  “I intend to show Izzy who I really am in the hopes that she will come to love me as much as I love her,” I replied.

  “Thanks for the setup, Tabitha,” I thought to my Serpent.

  “I got you too, Boo.” She thought back.

  “You know what, yes. Finding those kids and keeping them safe is enough to convince me to go on a date with you. Terry, I accept. You better take me someplace good, and I like yellow roses.”

  “Done and done,” I said. “Thank you.”

  “So what else do you have to tell us?” Nick asked. “I get the sense that there is more to this tale of adventure and sex.”

  “There is and this is where the Australian women come in. Roo and Riley, would you join us please?” I shouted.

  My Drop Bear and Kangaroo came in and took up two of the empty seats. “This is Roo, she is a erekangaroo. And this lovely woman is Riley. She happens to be a rare Lycan called a Drop Bear.”

  “You mean like the fabled carnivorous koala that drops out of trees and eats people?” Tabitha asked.

  “That’s me,” Riley beamed with delight.

  “Exactly like that,” I said. “Both women are now my Tuas. They used to belong to my father but now belong with us. Are you all ready to hear about all the trouble we are in?”

  All of my Tua except Riley and Roo nodded. So I went on to explain about my father and his power-stealing ritual. Roo helped with the details when she felt I missed something or wasn’t informed enough.

  “Holly fuck,
that’s fucked,” Nick said after we were finished.

  “I thought my family was fucked up,” Tabitha added. “I’m sorry to hear your dad is such a dickbag, Terry.”

  Thanks, Tabitha, but it’s okay. I have all of you and you are the best family a man could ask for,” I said which earned me a kiss from Tabitha.

  “What else is there?” Miranda asked picking up on my worry and doubt.

  “Then there is a woman Called Acashia.” I rubbed at my temples thinking about all of the danger we faced made my brain hurt. I proceeded to tell them about the trouble that was the other true Tuatha. Once more, Roo helped fill in the gapos, but even she didn’t know much.

  Nick pressed the button on her earpiece when I was finished. “Amy, initiate project Athena, and I authorize Terry to have administrator privledges.”

  “Oh wow, thanks,” I said. “What’s project Athena?”

  “That is a surprise. It’s going to take some time for Amy to manufacture it, so you will see when it is finished,” Nick said. She tapped her earpiece again. “Amy, ammend previliges for Project Athena so only I can see any files and status updates.” She listened as she received a reply. “Yes, I know that’s harsh, but when I say it’s a surprise,. It’s a damn surprise. Over and out.”

  I pulled the chair out and Izzy took a seat. I moved tot eh other side of the small round table and sat. A waited showed up holding a bottle of wine for me tyo see. I nodded and he poured some into our glasses.

  “You look amazing, Izzy,” I said. She wore a long silver dress that was low cut in the front and had no back. It went to the floor with a split down her left leg. She had a set of matching heels with red soles and a matching clutch. Her hair was up in a way that looked thrown together and carefully planned at the same time. She wore just a touch of makeup to accentuate her eyes an lips.

  “Thank you, and you look good yourself. But I never received any roses, just saying?”

  “You haven’t?” I asked.

  “Do you see any?”

  “Well, then we have to fix that.” I clapped and the entire wait staff came out a moment later carrying dozens of yellow rose flower arrangements. They set them on the floor and tables around us. I had half of the restaurant reserved just so I could make this happen.

  Izzy’s mouth hung open as she looked at all of the yellow roses. “Those are all mine?”


  “Then I guess I can’t complain. Thank you.”

  “You are most welcome.”

  We talked for a while with me asking probing questions to learn more about her life and past. After a while, Izzy did the same and she seemed genuinely interested in what I said. I told corny jokes as I told my story and she laughed with her cute little snort. It was the perfect date.

  Food was brought out and our conversation died down. Izzy asked me to slide closer so we cou9ld sample each other's food, which took me by surprise. I did as she asked and we enjoyed the meal as well as feeding each other food from our plates. We stayed close as our plates were taken and dessert arrived. My turtle was a chocolate fan and had a lava cake with flames shouting out of the center. We shared my cheesecake and her chocolate cake.

  After we ate we slid a little closer until we were shoulder to shoulder.

  “I sometimes wonder if we have strong feeling for one another because of our bond? Or if this feeling I have for you is real,” I said.

  “Way to kill a mood, Romeo,” Izzy said.

  I chuckled. “I’m not killing the mood, or not trying too. I guess what I am trying to say, is that this bond allows me to see you for you. And while I do see an amazingly hot woman, I also see that under it all is one of the most beautiful people I have ever known. It doesn’t matter if it’s the bond or not, Izzy. I love you because you are you. Whatever the bond has done, it’s a gift in my eyes. It let me see you, the real you, from the first moment we laid eyes on each other in…”

  “Your pervy mind space?” Izzy interrupted.

  I laughed again. “Yeah, in my pervy mind space.”

  “I hear what you are saying. I’m not ready to admit my love for you or anything like that, but we might be able to go out again some time, just the two of us?” She asked.

  I placed both of my hands on my chest in dramatic southern girl fashion. “Why miss, Izzy, are you asking me out on a second date?”

  “I was, but now…”

  “I accept,” I blurted which brought on another round of her cute snorting laugh.

  Then Izzy’s phone rang. She checked the screen. “It’s Miranda. Let me see if she needs anything.”


  “Hello?” Izzy said as she answered. Her smile faded and she stood. “We are on our way.”

  “What is it?” I asked while standing and waving over the waiter.

  “The base is under attack.”

  The End.

  Hello reader,

  Thanks for taking the time to read this book. I have bad news for you. If you want to know when the next book is out, Amazon is not going to let you know. Sign up to my mailing list to recieve news about upcoming releases HERE.

  Author’s Note

  Hi There,

  I recently released the first book in the series and was surpised to see it do as well as it had. While it wasn’t a best seller by any means, it far out performed my expectations. Naturally, I stopped writing the book I was working on and wrote book 2. I had a lot of fun writing this story and am excited to write book three. I hope this book is as successful as the first and I find a group of people that feel as strongly about these stories as I do. We will see if that’s the case.

  Thanks again for your time,





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