Brooklet Dreams Series

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Brooklet Dreams Series Page 4

by C. A. Harms

  So, I’d take it slow, start as friends, and if by chance things developed into more, I’d be damned sure Harley wouldn’t affect it before I moved forward.

  Easy enough.


  Easy? I now laugh at the thought.

  I’d never been so fucking uneasy in my life. It had nothing to do with my worry of hurting AJ, but everything to do with the girl I’d picked up only twenty minutes ago. She was this new version of AJ, this confident version that made me fear my earlier agreement with myself.

  I mean, how in the hell was I supposed to keep my head on straight when she went all vixen on me?

  Tight shirt, short shorts, and cowboy boots, and did I mention the hair all down around her shoulders, long ringlets of curls? Oh, and that shiny glossy shit on her lips that made it hard to control my urge to lean in and press my lips to hers.

  “Why are you so quiet tonight?”

  I looked up from where I was focusing to find her staring back over her shoulder with a knowing smirk. Yeah, okay fine, I was staring at her ass.

  So, what does a guy do when he gets caught staring? He plays dumb.

  “Trying to decide if I want M&M’s or Reese’s.” I shrugged, and she turned back around to face the concessions stand. The smirk I caught a glimpse of just before she’d done so assured me she knew I was lying.

  “We’ll take a bucket of popcorn, one M&M, one Reese’s, and two blue slushies.”

  I stepped up behind her, fully aware of how she leaned against me, closing the small amount of distance that remained, yet I didn’t move away. I couldn’t because I quite enjoyed the feeling of her pressed against me.

  “I made an executive decision,” she whispered back to me, and without a second thought I brushed my lips over the shell of her ear. “Good call,” I said just before kissing that same spot on her where I had only ever kissed Harley before. The thing about it was, in doing so, I didn’t feel guilty or regretful. The only thing I felt was the urge to do it over and over again. “Make sure you add a package of cherry licorice too.” I placed my hands on the countertop, one on each of her sides and caged her in.

  I remained in the same position, my chest pressed to AJ’s back while we watched the young girl behind the counter gather our things. Just before she stepped behind the register again, I held out two twenties, and AJ took them, passing them forward.

  When she tossed a smile at me over her shoulder, I had the urge to lean in and kiss her, but I fought it. I knew it would only be interrupted, and that wasn’t how I wanted to have our first kiss happen.

  Reaching around her I helped gather up the junk we’d just purchased, and she picked up the two drinks before we stepped back and walked side by side toward the theater. I still wasn’t sure what we’d be watching, as she kept that part a secret; I just offered up the money for the tickets. When we paused in front of the theater doors and I looked up to find we were watching a horror movie, I knew it was more for my benefit than her own.

  “I just thought since I had you to snuggle up against that a scary movie wouldn’t be so bad.” Seeing her smile as she looked over at me made me realize maybe the choosing wasn’t strictly for my benefit.

  “I’ll keep you safe,” I assured her. There was a flash of doubt that flickered in her eyes, and it did something to me. A deep ache filled my stomach, that need to prove that I wouldn’t hurt her hit me. I wasn’t willing to make any promises as to where this thing between us would go, but I could guarantee that I’d never willingly hurt her.

  Once we were inside the theater and firmly planted in our seats, I looked around to see how close we were to any others. I liked that we were tucked back in the corner, and the nearest person was four or five rows ahead. It gave us the chance to talk without others hearing.

  “Can I be honest with you?” She looked over at me, worrying her lip, and simply nodded. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”

  “Me too.” She smiled shyly.

  “I should have asked you out a long time ago.” I reached out and pushed back the hair that was caught in her lip gloss.

  The lights in the theater began to dim just as I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. A small whimper escaped her just before her lips parted and I grazed my tongue over them. It was a simple kiss, quick, but in no way did it feel lacking.

  As I pulled back, I opened my eyes to find AJ with hers still closed.

  “There’s that kiss I said we’d share by halfway through, yet the movie hasn’t even started.”

  A smile covered her lips as she opened her eyes and looked directly at me. “So arrogant.” She couldn’t fight the laughter that bubbled from her lips as she pushed against my shoulder. When she tried to lean away, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close.

  “Maybe we should get a few more in before we get sidetracked by the fear of the movie.”

  “Or maybe I should make you wait,” she tossed back without pause.

  As I moved in to steal another kiss, she leaned back and pursed her lips. It was then I realized AJ was nothing like I thought she was—she was so much more.

  Chapter Six

  We were up by two at the bottom of the ninth; it should have been done, another win for the Eagles. Only the opposing team hit a home run to tie the game, taking us into a tenth inning. Our team was good, great even, but I was beginning to think Louisiana saved their good shit for the end.

  Reaching the dugout, I was met with a lot of pissed off guys, throwing around their gloves and tossing out a few choice words.

  “Bullshit.” Collin kicked the side of the fence, and I stepped in toward him.

  “It’s not bullshit. It’s the game. Now we go out there and do the same shit only better.” I slapped his shoulder and he offered me a nod as he picked up the bat and stepped outside the dugout for a few practice swings.

  I leaned forward and hooked my fingers through the fence, looking out toward the stands. There sat my family, in the same place they’d always sat, front and center, but they weren’t who I was looking for. AJ had told me she planned on making the game, yet I couldn’t find her.

  Our night at the movies was more than I expected. We flirted, yeah, but we also had fun. We laughed, made fun of the people throughout the scary movie, and shared a basket of fries and a large chocolate shake after. When I dropped her off at home, I’d walked her to her door and left her with another simple kiss. As I drove away from her house I watched her wave goodbye from the porch, and the only thing I could think of was that I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  The crack of the bat against the ball echoed throughout the diamond, and I turned back toward the game just in time to see Collin round first, heading to second base. The roar of the crowd and the excitement of the team got my own adrenaline pumping.

  I looked back over my left shoulder toward the bleachers, searching the crowd once more and came up empty.

  “You wouldn’t happen to be looking for me, now would ya?”

  I spun completely around to see AJ leaning against the back corner, where the fence met a brick wall. She wore yet another outfit that I believed was put together simply to torture me—some type of yellow shirt that hung off one shoulder, and those jeans, damn-for-her perfect.

  I moved in her direction and rested my shoulder on the fence, looking between her and the game. I didn’t want Coach to give me hell about not supporting my team. “I may have been,” I confessed as a grin covered my mouth.

  “Ran a little later than I’d planned,” she explained, “but I’ve been watching from right over there.” She pointed toward the small bench tucked back near concessions.

  Another loud crack echoed, and everyone began chanting Rob’s name as he plowed toward first. Collin was now on third, determination in his eyes showing he was eager to make it home.

  With Terrance up to bat and another guy on deck, my time was coming.

  My boy hit a pop fly and the third basemen caught it. The pressure to get this win was lyi
ng heavily on my shoulders.

  “If William gets on, all you’ll need is a base hit, but a home run of your own would be even better.”

  I pushed off the fence and flashed her a smile. “Have I told you yet how it gets my blood pumping when you talk baseball to me?”

  Harley didn’t have a fucking clue about the difference between a double play or a home run. She didn’t care, but it never really bothered me before. AJ and I’d only had one date, but during that time she managed to shock the hell out of me with her knowledge of the game that was very much a part of my life. During that time, I realized how nice it was to have a girl around who supported what I was passionate about.

  “Maybe if you give me one of those sweet kisses of yours I can bring them all in.”

  She flashed that dazzling smile of hers as she leaned in closer. There wasn’t much space between the post and the wall but enough that I could offer a soft peck on her lips. “You get that home run and I’ll give you an even better kiss after.”

  “Are you bribing me, sweetheart?”


  I chuckled as I moved my body ahead and grabbed my bat, wearing a huge-ass smile.

  “Whatever the outcome may be, you’ll still be giving me a better kiss after.” It wasn’t a question, and by the smirk on her lips, I knew she’d understood too. “Meet me outside the locker room after the game.” I didn’t wait for her response before I stepped out onto the field and began swinging the bat.

  The bases were loaded, the adrenaline was rolling off me as I stepped up to the plate, my heart thumping so fast my leg bounced as I enjoyed the rush.

  The first pitch came in fast, and I knew almost instantly I should have swung, but it was too late.

  “Strike one,” the umpire’s voice ripped through the silence. I twisted my hand on the bat, gripping it tighter, digging my foot in the dirt for better traction as I leaned into the mat. I could hear my dad’s voice as he hollered out, “You got this son, you got this.”

  This was the thrill I loved. The sound of the crowd, the intense stare between me and the pitcher on the mound.

  I watched then as he took his stance, twisting the ball between his palms, his eyes locked with mine. I waited as he looked back over his shoulder, eyeing all the bases, weighing his options. Then I saw him grip the ball, his fingers spreading out over the lace as he bent just enough to get the leverage he required. Then he wound up and released the pitch.

  It almost felt like it was in slow motion as the ball zipped toward me. Swinging the bat, that familiar sound played like music to my ears, and I took off toward first base feeling so alive.

  I didn’t watch where it went, because I didn't have to. I knew. Just by the sound of the ball cracking the bat, I knew.

  The crowd went crazy, the guys in the dugout roared, and just as I rounded third, I looked to my right to see AJ watching me with that bright smile of hers. I pointed to her, then pointed toward outfield just before arching a brow. Her laughter was all I heard as I continued the path to home, knowing just what was in store for me later.

  It had been so long since I’d felt this light, felt this free.

  I’d foolishly held on to hope so long that Harley and I would somehow make it through this separation and find our way back to one another. I held on to that idea that my first love was the girl I was always meant to end up with, no matter what. I’d realized that, in doing so, I almost passed up the chance of getting to know a great girl.

  But I was done waiting. What was in front of me at that point seemed a whole lot better than drowning in my past.


  “That was one heck of a hit,” AJ offered as I slid up to her and hooked her around the waist.

  “I do believe you made a promise.”

  “I believe I did.” I dipped my head and she arched her neck, bringing our lips closer together.

  “Just so you know I would have offered it even if you struck out.”

  I smiled just as I pressed my lips against hers. This girl was like a kick in the ass, and I regretted all the time I’d wasted that I could have been getting to know her instead. She tested me, she taunted me, and she spiked a hunger inside me I didn’t know even existed.

  Without any further delay, I lifted my hand, cupped her cheek, and pulled her closer. Our lips parted almost simultaneously, and I began to tease her with the tip of my tongue. Slow, gentle strokes at first until she sucked on it, and I swore my knees almost buckled. What was meant to be slow and steady changed to heavy much faster than I could keep up. It was almost as if our need took over and everything else took a back seat.


  Our mouths separated, and I looked behind me, still holding her close, not ready to let her go yet. Only a few feet away stood Collin and Terrance, both smiling wide.

  “That is some rated-R shit right there,” Collin said with a chuckle.

  "Oh yeah,” Terrance chimed in, and I instantly wanted to tackle both of them to the ground, only I remained close to AJ, almost like I was shielding her.

  “You two done yet?”

  “Are you two done yet?” T asked with an arch of his brow. I didn’t answer because I didn’t have to. She did for me.

  “No, we aren’t, but if you two would run along, Rhett and I could get back to the good stuff.” A look of surprise covered both Terrance and Collin’s faces, and I tried not to laugh.

  “Yeah,” I offered, turning completely around to once again face her, “like the woman said.” She flashed me that smile of hers, and the effects of it alone felt like the wind was knocked right out of me.

  Chapter Seven


  I liked the pace Rhett and I were on. It was slow, yes, but I wasn’t an idiot. I knew how hung up he’d been on his ex, and that fear he still might be was always on my mind. I understood that I could be putting my heart on the line only to have it broken in the end. The problem was I couldn’t stop myself. I’d had a thing for him for so long that those feelings seemed to make everything else hazy. Seeing him in his baseball uniform, all crouched down between second and third base, prepared for anything, his determined stare, that strong build of his body—everything about him made my heart race. I think I found him on the field almost immediately during the first game I attended, and from that point I couldn’t look away.

  No, I didn’t even know his name, but I knew I wanted to. I wanted to know everything there was to know about him.

  I held this crush on him day after day, waiting for him to be ready. I didn’t sit and pine over the handsome guy who continued to wait for the return of a girl who left him brokenhearted. I dated, I flirted aimlessly, maybe a little extra whenever I knew he was watching. But I didn’t want him to think that I was so hung up on him I’d be willing to do anything for a chance.

  I wasn’t that girl.

  Which is why I’d said no the first time he’d finally asked me out. It’s also why I refused to move too fast. Like I said before, I knew my heart was on the line, and I had to be sure the risk was worth it.

  But the pace, the slowly getting to know one another, was good. The stolen kisses and sweet hugs and simple touches, they were all perfect.

  I wanted him to know that what he’d shared with Harley was over before we took things too far. I knew I’d still walk away a little broken if he decided he wasn’t ready for more, but at least I could say I wasn’t that lost girl willing to give whatever it took in attempt to convince him that what they’d once had was over.

  I had more pride than that. I was worth more than that. He had to make that decision on his own.

  I wouldn’t lie and say I hadn’t let my mind go there, though. Go to that place where I was his everything and there was nothing more he needed. I liked to think the time we were spending together meant something to him. At least he acted as if it did.

  After all, he was the one who eventually sought me out, not the other way around. He was also the one who continued to ask for more time with me.
I, of course, accepted without hesitation, but again, I let him lead. Never would I ever allow myself to feel like I was forcing him to spend time with me.

  I wanted him to want it. I wanted him to need me close.

  “There you are.” A strong arm wrapped around me from behind, and I leaned back as his chest rested against my back. “I’ve been looking for you.” Rhett’s lips pressed to my temple, and I found my eyes closing almost immediately.

  God, I love when he does that. It was the simplest of things, but the way it made me feel, that rush of excitement that ran through me, it was the most amazing feeling. It was so gentle and so pure.

  “I walked away for a minute to get us a drink and you took off on me.” With his other hand, he held out a beer before me and I took it. “You okay?” he asked, and I sensed his concern.

  “I’m good.” I turned in his arms and looked up at him. “And I didn’t sneak off.”

  He kept his arm around my waist, holding my body tightly to his. With a slight dip of his head, he brought his lips to mine for nothing more than one of those sweet kisses he seemed to offer me often. “Have I told you how kissing you makes my heart race?” Just hearing him say those words made my own beat rapidly against my chest. I’d have been lying if I said I didn’t love how Rhett made me feel.

  “Kissing you is kinda fun,” I confess, knowing already that it would get a rise out of him.

  “Kinda fun,” he pulled back and looked at me with an arch of his brow, “that’s all I get?”

  I nod. “For now, yeah, that’s all you get.”

  He didn’t try to push for more, only accepted my answer before stealing one more quick kiss. We’d fallen into this cute little stage, the flirty fun one. It was one that I could say I adored. Made me feel like a young teenager again with my first crush instead of a young adult.

  “I’ll take it. I guess I just need to keep trying to be more than just fun.”


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