Fall Before You Leap

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Fall Before You Leap Page 3

by Kate Tilney

  I’m about to deny it, but then I remember. The moment I mentioned Austin, Parker’s entire demeanor changed. I thought it was because he felt bad for me. Could it have been what Austin is saying?

  I don’t want to believe it. Not as I remember how incredible our day has been. Though, maybe it was a little too perfect.

  “The guy is good.” Austin lifts a shoulder. “He always knows just what to say and what to do. Once he’s had you, he’ll make an excuse to slip out. He won’t come back.”

  Almost as if on cue, my phone buzzes on the entry table where I left it earlier today. Instinctively I reach out to take it. In addition to dozens of texts from Austin and Whitney, there’s a new one from an unidentified number.

  Hey, it’s Parker. Now that I’m at the station, it could be a while.

  “Don’t tell me, I know. He’s going to be hung up wherever he went?” Austin shakes his head. “He’s fooled a lot of women.”

  If that’s the case, I’m just another one of them. Worse, I didn’t just sleep with him. I started to fall for him. I thought I was a desperate loser staying with Austin, but this . . . this puts that to shame.

  A tear slips down my cheek. “What now?”

  “Most of the guests have gone, but we still have the church and the minister.” Austin gives me a weak smile. “I can get past this if you can.”

  I’m not sure I ever will. I put my trust in someone, and he betrayed it. How am I ever supposed to trust someone with my heart again? I’ve been so wrong with the conclusions I’ve jumped to today. If I was wrong about Parker, maybe I was wrong about Austin too. Maybe this was all just a case of wedding jitters.

  “I’ll get my dress.”


  Dropping in the seat at my desk, I heave a heavy sigh. It’s good I came in. One of my fellow officers brought in a guy on a drunk and disorderly charge. I’m not sure how it happened, but Drunk and Disorderly got loose and went tearing through the station.

  It took a couple of minutes, but we were able to get the guy back under control and in the holding cell.

  I’m glad Cassidy didn’t end up in that holding cell. Not only would it have been unpleasant sharing space with the sobbing mess. But it turns out this guy is an old college buddy of Austin’s.

  Thank goodness she came to her senses.

  I pick up my phone to text her again. She hasn’t responded to my last message, but she also left her phone downstairs. If she’s waiting for me in bed, she hasn’t seen it yet.

  Grinning at the thought of her lying in my bed—a sheet barely covering her breasts or full hips—I decide to call instead.

  I’m about to hit send when Drunk and Disorderly starts shouting. Sighing, I set the phone back down and turn toward the holding cell.

  “Pipe down.”

  “I gotta get out of here.”

  I smirk. “Where do you have to be?”

  “I’ve got a wedding. I’m groomsmen. If I’m not there, I’ll never hear the end of it.” He pushes against the bars, his hands clasped together in plea. “I’m begging you. I’ll pay the fine. Damages. Hell, I’ll have my dad get you a new car. Whatever you want.”

  “I’ve got a news flash for you.” I shake my head at the man’s antics. “That wedding was called off this morning.”

  “It’s back on.” He holds up his cell phone.

  How the hell did he get that in here? Keeping my guard up, I cross the room and take the phone from his outstretched hand. Sure enough, there’s a message from Austin.

  I found Cassidy. Wedding starts in twenty. Where the hell are you?

  No. That’s impossible. Cassidy is at my house. Though it probably breaks any number of rules, I type in a quick response.

  Where’d you find her?

  The reply comes quickly.

  She was at my old classmate’s house. He’s a real sucker. Just like her. Wonder if he remembers how I seduced his prom date. Had to make up a bit of a story to get her to come. That trust fund my grandma left me will be worthless unless I’m married by midnight.

  Double jolts of anger rush through me. First, that Austin got to Cassidy and apparently made up some sort of story. Probably. Second, that he’s apparently using her to get his trust fund. I don’t know the specifics. I’m guessing Drunk and Disorderly is probably too far gone to answer intelligently. But I do remember his Grandma Douglass being a bit eccentric. I heard she left all kinds of strange requirements for her grandkids to get their trust. One even had to complete scuba training.

  Sounds like Austin had to find himself a wife by Leap Day.

  Now, he’s about to ruin Cassidy’s life. I’ve got to stop the wedding.

  Chapter Six


  “Are you positive this is what you want?”

  It’s at least the twentieth time Whitney has asked me that question since we reconnected at the church. I don’t have a better answer now than I did the first time she asked.

  Instead of replying, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. The last time I sat at this vanity, I saw apprehension and fear. Now, I just see disappointment and resignation. So much for being a blushing bride.

  “I shouldn’t have left in the first place.” I apply another layer of gloss on my lips. “I’m sorry I left you to deal with things.”

  “Hey, that’s what best friends are for.” Risking wrinkles in her satin bridesmaids dress, Whitney kneels at my side. “They’re also supposed to make sure you’re making the right choice.”

  “Austin says he’s been under a lot of stress. That it’ll get better after the wedding.”

  Whitney snorts. “When, in the history of humankind, has any man ever gotten better after a wedding? I swear, the day after the wedding, my husband stopped putting the toilet seat down.”

  Her eyes go soft. “But he makes up for it in other ways.”

  “Well, maybe Austin will, too.” I stare at her helplessly in the mirror. “You didn’t see him at the house. He wasn’t even mad that I slept with someone else today.”

  My face flushes with dual shades of red. One, at the memory of Parker’s hands and mouth exploring every inch of my body. The second at the realization that he was using me for some longstanding competition with Austin.

  “Well your future husband is sure starting out your married life on the right foot by making you sign this.” Rolling her eyes, Whitney slides me a paper.

  “What is it?”

  “Open it. Read it.” Whitney arches an eyebrow. “Maybe have your best friend, who happens to be a second year law student, translate it for you.”

  My eyes skim the legal document, which is a pre-nup of sorts. “I thought I already signed one of these.”

  “It’s an addendum.”

  Whatever that means. I catch a few key phrases, namely the word TRUST written at least twenty times.

  “What’s all this business about a trust?”

  “Apparently your fiancé’s grandma left him a fat chunk of money in a trust fund.” Whitney picks a piece of lint off her bouquet and flicks it away. “He can only get that money by getting married.”

  I shake my head in confusion. “So, what? He wants to make sure he keeps it if we get divorced?”

  “That and it sounds like there was a deadline of sorts for him to get his trust.”

  My heart sinks. It can’t be. I scan the document and there I see it.

  Austin has to get married on a Leap Day for some weird reason. Which means . . .

  “If he doesn’t marry me today, he’ll have to wait another four years to marry someone else on the next Leap Day to get his trust fund?”


  My eyes widen. “So he’s just using me for the money. It’s all a lie.”

  Tossing her flowers aside, Whitney grabs my hands. “And if he was lying to you about all this, isn’t it possible he was lying about your new boyfriend?”

  Absolutely and completely. And I believed him. Oh, God. Can Parker ever forgive me?

“But none of this matters if you really love Austin.” Whitney squeezes my hand. “But you should really make sure you fall in love with someone before you leap into marriage.”

  You have to fall before you leap. I know just who I’m falling for, and just whose arms I want to leap into. But I’ll have to be quick.

  Jumping to my feet, I tug off the veil and throw my own bouquet against the wall. Whitney stands back, pride on her face, as I grab the papers and storm out of the room.

  The wedding planner chases after me, saying it’s not my turn to walk down the aisle, but I wave her off. She quickly cues up the string quartet as I march down the aisle. Austin turns at the sound. Alarm on his face.

  My chest is rising up and down by the time I reach him.

  “You’ve fooled me for the last time.” I hold up the papers in front of his face and rip them apart. Tossing the shreds at his feet, I pull the engagement ring off and chuck it over his shoulder. “In case this isn’t clear: the wedding is off. Forever.”

  Leaving a shell-shocked Austin at the altar, I make my way back down the aisle. I ignore the looks of surprise and horror—and even barely masked amusement—from some of the guests. I don’t care. I have to get back to Parker. I have to apologize. I have to tell him everything.

  I’m almost to the door when the sound of a police siren stops me. My heart leaps into my throat and I throw open the door and step outside. A police cruiser pulls up, one tire driving up on the curb. The door opens, and out steps Parker.

  His own breathing labored, he races across the lawn.

  “Please tell me you aren’t married.”

  I hold up my ringless hand. “No, I came to my senses. Again.”

  “Oh thank God.” He rests his hands on his thighs. “No matter what happens between us, I couldn’t let you end up hitched to the jack-off.”

  A giggle bubbles out of me despite everything. Because, really, Austin is a huge jack-off and worse.

  And even though I left him with no explanation, Parker came here—sirens blazing—to keep me from making the biggest mistake of my life.

  Sobering, I raise a tentative hand to his arm. “I’m sorry I left. I was stupid. I shouldn’t have believed him. I know you better than that.”

  Parker shakes his head. “Water under the bridge. But we can hash it all out later over fries and milkshakes at the diner if you like.”

  A slow grin spreads across my face. “I’d like that.”

  “Good.” Taking my face in his hands, Parker presses a quick kiss to my lips. “The only thing you need to know right now is that I’m falling for you. And I’m not going to let you run away so easily next time.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” A tear slips down my cheek. “Especially because I’m falling for you too.”

  He arches an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

  But rather than tell him, I show him with a kiss.



  Six months later

  A blur of white lace and tulle races out the doors of the church. This time, I’m ready.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” I say, cuffing her wrists with my fingers. “I’m going to need some license and registration before I let you go.”

  Cassidy tugs at my light restraint playfully. “Only if you let me take a ride in your car.”

  “I’m afraid only criminals get to ride in my cruiser.” My thumb runs over her pulse. It’s racing, which makes me grin. “Criminals and wives.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m both of those then.”

  Then she gives me a come-hither look over her shoulder. My cock grows hard, but it’ll have to wait.

  It’s our wedding day. We picked the same date her parents married twenty-five years ago as a way to honor them. I told Cassidy she could pick any day she wanted—just so long it was a day we could celebrate every year while we grow old and grey together.

  We’ve already exchanged vows—which is enough for me to say we should start our wedding night. But Cassidy and my mom have put hours into the reception. The least I can do is turn them both around the dance floor a couple of times, smash some cake in my bride’s face, and look properly embarrassed when my partner/best man gives his toast.

  It’s what a dutiful husband would do. I have every intention of being a dutiful, faithful husband till death do we part.

  I’ll give my first demonstration of just how dutiful and faithful a husband can be in bed tonight.

  But first, the dancing.

  I release my wife’s hands and slip an arm around her waist. She beams up at me and my heart catches in my throat. It’s hard to believe it’s been only six months since the most beautiful, creative, and supportive woman in the world ran into my life. I’m lucky she was there to slap some sense into me—literally—to help me see just what I was missing out on.

  It hasn’t all been easy.

  That asshole Austin tried to sue Cassidy for breach of contract for walking out on their wedding—twice. We were able to get him to drop the suit after his father nearly lost his license after a few too many one night at the country club.

  Cassidy quickly turned our boring house into a welcoming home. Then, she gave my parents’ house a makeover. After that, my mom’s friends kept her busy with their own redecorating projects for the next few months. It was only a matter of time before she officially launched Cassidy’s Home and Designs.

  In addition to all of her in-person clients, she’s done some online consulting. It all keeps her busy. But she’s never too busy to take off one day every week. We sync it up to fall on one of mine so we can spend it together. We always have big plans to go hiking in the Adirondacks or to take up fly-fishing. We will someday, I’m sure. Especially when the kids come along.

  Usually, we end up spending the day in bed. Or in the shower. Or on the kitchen floor. Or one of the dozens of other surfaces around the house that need christening.

  We’ve had a lot to celebrate lately. Besides her new career, our home, and our wedding, I just passed my detective exam. When we get back from spending a couple of weeks on the beach in Hawaii, I’ll start training. And since my partner came back to work, I haven’t written a single parking ticket.

  “So about that ride for wives.” Cassidy grins. “Any chance you’re headed to our reception?”

  I lead her to my waiting cruiser and help her in. As our guests surround us, I flip on the sirens and raise her hand to my lips.

  “Baby, wherever you’re going, I’m going.”

  Then we take off to begin our adventure as husband and wife.


  Thanks for reading Fall Before You Leap. If you enjoy this story about alpha heroes and the curvy women who love them, I hope you’ll check out the Sunset Canyon Fire & Rescue series, beginning with DALLAS.

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  Also by Kate Tilney

  Extra Long Weekend

  BROCK: Kings of the Mountain #1

  FLINT: Kings of the Mountain #2

  RHETT: Kings of the Mountain #3

  MAX: Kings of the Mountain #4

  ZEKE: Kings of the Mountain #5

  Fall Before You Leap

  SARAH: Ridiculously Royal #1

  ALEX: Ridiculously Royal #2

  JAMES: Ridiculously Royal #3

  HENRY: Ridiculously Royal #4

  DALLAS: Sunset Canyon Fire & Rescue #1

  SHANE: Sunset Canyon Fire & Rescue #2

  CONRAD: Sunset Canyon Fire & Rescue #3

  About the Author

  Kate Tilney writes short and sweet steamy
romances with alpha heroes and the relatable heroines who love them. When she isn't curled up with a good story, Kate can be found listening to true crime podcasts, re-watching TV shows from her youth, and dreaming up another happily ever after.




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