Untamed Cowboy: A Contemporary Cowboy Romance

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Untamed Cowboy: A Contemporary Cowboy Romance Page 1

by K. C. Crowne

  Untamed Cowboy

  A Contemporary Cowboy Romance

  K.C. Crowne


  Also by K.C. Crowne


  1. Emily

  2. Logan

  3. Emily

  4. Logan

  5. Emily

  6. Logan

  7. Emily

  8. Logan

  9. Emily

  10. Logan

  11. Emily

  12. Logan

  13. Emily


  Taboo Cowboy (Preview)

  About the Author

  Also by K.C. Crowne

  Rainbow Canyons Cowboy Series (this series)

  Taboo Cowboy

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  Mountain Men of Liberty Series

  Baby for the Mountain Man| Junior for the Mountain Man| Knocked Up by the Mountain Man| Baby For Daddy's Friend | Triplets for the Mountain Man | Taboo Mountain Daddy|

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  Bearded Brothers Mountain Man Series

  Her Mountain Daddy| Beauty and the Beard| Bride and the Beard| Built and Bearded |

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  Big Bad Daddies Series

  Big Bad Doctor | Big Bad Daddy| Big Bad Taboo Daddy | Big Bad Prince|

  |Big Bad Mountain Man| Big Bad SEAL| Big Bad Boss| Big Bad Sugar Daddy|

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  Firemen of Manhattan Series

  |Big Bad Fireman’s Baby| Big Bad Firefighter| Big Bad Fire Daddy|

  * * *

  Spenser Sisters Reverse Harem Series

  Men on a Mission| Christmas with Four Firemen| Dirty Cowboys

  * * *

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.

  Here’s my full bookshelf.

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  CLICK HERE to get my free steamy book.


  Logan was always the cowboy of my dreams.

  Problem was, he's also my brother’s best friend.

  * * *

  My parents took him in years ago when he needed us most.

  I remember those days...

  I was a giddy school girl.

  Obsessed with the older hunk living under the same roof.

  But with our age gap, he was always just out of reach.

  Especially when he became a world-famous bull-rider.

  * * *

  Now he's back like a dust storm, nearly shattering my heart in the process.

  And, I just can't help but wonder what it'd be like to be wrapped up in his big strong arms.

  * * *

  But when trouble hits paradise can this cowboy rope me back in?


  “Alright, alrighttt! Simma down boys!”

  I stifled my chuckle, trying to reign in my four rowdy brothers. “We’ll never get through this meeting if y’all don’t stop rough housin’.”

  My brothers were all adults - all older than me - but from the outside perspective looking in, it appeared the complete opposite.

  Silas, the oldest of us, at forty-four, sat at one end of the table. To the right of him was Wyatt, the second oldest. Then across from him was Chance, the baby of the family before I came along, and rounding out the bunch was Travis.

  The Walker clan all had the same brown hair - though Silas and Wyatt were beginning to grey around the edges, which I enjoyed pointing out from time to time just for jiggles.

  The shades of brown ranged from a chestnut shade in Silas, to the reddish brown in me.

  I took after mama, while most of the, boys took after daddy, may he rest in peace.

  Silas especially reminded me of daddy these days. His demeanour was a spitting image of our father, frown lines and all.

  I guess being the oldest of the bunch made him feel responsible for filling in daddy’s shoes.

  Yep, you’d best believe we broke his balls often, but truth be told, we were lucky to have a brother like him. We’d be falling apart at the seams without his calm and calculated style.

  Now me, I was the baby of the family, the daughter my mama had been trying for and finally got. And boy did I come ready to take on the world. I came out of the womb with a vendetta to find my place in this family and to this day that’s exactly what I did.

  ‘Are y’all done punchin’ the shit outta each other yet?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Can we continue now?”

  “You heard her boys,” Silas said, his voice deep enough to set anyone of us straight when we were out of line. “You were sayin’, Em?”

  “Thank you Silas,” I said, appreciative for his ability to wrangle the unruly bunch.

  “Yeah, thanks Silassss,” Chance mocked in a high-pitched voice that was supposed to be a tease on me. I wanted to say it sounded more like he was hitting puberty all over again but for the sake of moving our meeting forward I held my tongue.

  The jokes would have to wait. Lord knew I had plenty in my back pocket.

  I did, however, shoot him a death glare but he just smiled that affable goofy smile of his and made me burst out into laughter.

  My brothers were royal pains in the ass most of the time, but I loved them something fierce.

  I cleared my throat.

  “As I was sayin’, before you jack asses interrupted me, sign-ups have ended for what I hope will be the first annual charitable bull-riding competition here at the ranch,” I announced, pulling out the list of names. “We’ve had a decent turn-out. A few up-n-comers in the industry. Should be a draw for folks to—”

  A knock on the door stopped me mid-sentence.

  “Yeah?” I called out, giving my brothers a look. Everyone was there and accounted for, except for Mama, but she never attended our meetings. She had enough work to do in the kitchen of our family ranch.

  There it was again.

  “Come in.”

  The door swung open, and a familiar figure entered the room.

  Hottt damn.

  I dropped the sheet of paper in my hand and covered my mouth.

  I swear I let out an audible gasp. I shut my lip, hoping to silence anymore sounds that might escape from my throat.

  “Son offa bitch. Logan? What the hell are you doin’ back in town?” Silas asked, standing up to greet his best friend since high school. “I thought you weren’t movin’ back ‘til next summer?”

  “Should I take that to mean you want me out?” Logan jested.

  Silas and Logan pounded each other on the back, each trying to out pound the other.

  Logan Childs.

  Six very long years. That’s how long it’d been since Logan left town.

  He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair, just as shaggy as I remembered. I was glad some things never changed. He’d grown a beard, which was nicely trimmed and accented his chiselled features oh so well. He’d always looked masculine, but the beard took it next level.

  Who knew a little added facial hair could do so much?

  And his body…Jesus Christ, jeans that tight on a physique like his should be illegal. I couldn’t be the only woman whose knees went weak from the sight.

  Whatever it was I was feeling, I couldn’t even think straight; all the blood flowed south, leaving me a little lightheaded.

  I steadied myself on the desk.

  When his blue eyes turned to me, they stayed oddly fixed.

  I tried to act normal and not make it obvious that my heart was racing a million miles a minute.

  All this from simply seeing him again.

  I was in a heap of trouble.

  I’d had a crush on Logan Childs for as lo
ng as I could remember. He was my first crush, even before he became a household name in these parts. Before his rodeo career took off, he was hanging out with my brothers just like one of the Walker clan, helping out on the ranch.

  My family took him in over a decade ago when his parents kicked him out after a dispute. For Login, my parents were more than happy to express their southern sense of hospitality and invite him to live with us. They loved him like one of their own. Logan had a good relationship with his grandparents, but they were going through rough times of their own so they were more than delighted to know my parents stepped up to the plate.

  I of course didn’t mind one bit living under the same roof as the man of my dreams.

  Too bad, I was just a dorky little girl back then.

  In some ways not much had changed. I was still very much a tom girl, and not quite the social type. I was a home body who enjoyed my books more than the party scene that Logan was accustomed to.

  “Emily, dad blast it, girl!” Logan exclaimed. “I’d hardly recognized you. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown. You’re as pretty as a picture.” His thick drawl nearly knocked me over.

  Holy mother trucker.

  Did Login Childs just say I was pretty?

  I could see him shifting his gaze from me to the boys.

  Was this really happening?

  Hearing him say my name with his thunderous voice brought another little sound from my lips, this one more like a squeal.

  “Ehhh.…thank you. You look the same minus some extra gray patches of hair on your head,” I stammered, my cheeks burning bright red. I was hoping to break the ice with a joke but it only made me feel that much more awkward. “So… what brings ya back in town?”

  “It’s a long story. Mind if I have a seat?”

  “Sure thing. You’re as much a part of this family as anyone else,” Silas said, patting his friend on the back again before taking his own seat.

  Logan sat down across from me, directly in front of me.

  Making it impossible not to look at him.

  “So as ya’ll know, I was plannin’ to move back to Patterson this summer anyway,” Logan explained. “With my Grandmother not doing so well, I didn’t want to leave her caregiving in the hands of anyone else. My parents sure as hell aren’t the caregiving type. So, I’ve decided to retire and settle down with her and enjoy her final years together. As far as work goes, I’ll mostly focus on promotional appearances and whatnot. And well, long story short, I heard about your charity bull riding competition and decided what the hell? Might as well come back and help the family that took me in long ago.”

  I was in trouble. Not only was he the sexiest man I’d ever met, he loved and cared for his grandmother. The poor woman had been living alone ever since her husband had passed away a few years back. I couldn’t help but reason that Logan would make a wonderful father one day. The thought made my ovaries ignite with electricity.

  I was truly in a heap of trouble.

  “So…ah…you want to enter the umm competition?” I asked. How the hell was I supposed to focus on making this charity event a success with Logan Childs involved? I could hardly make out a damn sentence around him. I had to do something.

  “If it ain too late, yeah,” Logan said with a shrug and a cocky grin aimed my way. “It’s not too late, is it, Emily? I mean, I kno’ the deadline was last Friday, but I only heard bout’ it yesterday, so—”

  “Course’ you can join,” Silas answered for me. “Right, Em? No reason we can’t make an exception for family, right?”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  This can’t be happening.

  “The competition is a few days,” I said hesitantly, glancing at Logan. “I know you’ve got the ridin’ skills but will you be ready?”

  “Ready as I’ve ever been,” he answered smoothly. “I’ve been doin’ this my whole life. And I’m happy to put a word out in my social channels to spread the news and anything else you need me to do.”

  His blue eyes bore into mine, and for a second, it felt like we were the only two people in the room. It felt like he was talking directly to me and only me, and the ripples of his voice had sent a shiver through my entire body.

  “Sure, I mean, yeah, you can still enter I supose,” I bumbled through.

  Very smooth Emily.

  Way to put your foot down.

  I looked over at Silas and after I saw the look of confidence in his expression, I felt the fear in me subside. Truth be told, this event would potentially attract so much more attention with Logan, considering his popularity as a world class bull rider. If we were fortunate enough, our ticket sales would soar, which meant even more money for charity. All proceeds were going to St. Jude’s.

  Crossing my legs, I felt the warmth between my thighs.

  It had been so long since a simple look from a man could make me so wet.

  At least six or seven years, the last time Logan was around.

  And from the sound of it, he was here to stay this time.

  Damn, I really wasn’t prepared for this.


  Back in the day, Emily was a beautiful young woman, sure, but now… well, I didn’t know what the Walkers had been feeding her, but she’d grown into one hell of a stunner.

  She was aIl curves.

  Just the way I liked my woman.

  Emily’s gaze remained fixed on me, as if she’d seen a ghost.

  “Emily?” Silas called, waving his hand in front of her face. “Earth to Em. You still with us, girl?”

  Emily blinked once, then twice. Her hazel eyes eventually turned from me, and she looked at her brother like she was surprised he was there. I covered my mouth and coughed into my hand to hide a cocky chuckle.

  I remembered rumours floating around back in the day that Emily had a crush on me, and the last time I saw her, she’d been legally an adult, sure, but she was still too young for a man my age.

  And I was no cradle robber.

  The moment I saw her, I had to stop and ask myself - is that Emily Walker?

  The freckle faced tom girl who used to bug Silas and me to take her out everywhere?

  No damn way.

  The woman standing before me had the body of a goddess - all curves and softness. Even from where she was sitting, I could make out her outfit.

  She was wearing jeans that hugged her hips and thick thighs.

  Her red plaid shirt was tied off around the waist, showing a hint of her cute tummy while hugging her ample breasts. The first few buttons were undone, giving just a glimpse of that cleavage.

  It brought filthy thoughts to my mind.

  What I wouldn’t give to have my hands on those breasts, to squeeze them and have a taste.

  That thought alone sent blood down my pants.

  I’d never seen tits that amazing in all my life, and I’d seen a lot of them.

  But it wasn’t her body that grabbed my attention and held it unlike any other woman.

  Her eyes had me awestruck.

  I could hardly break eye contact with her.

  I’d remembered they were hazel, but seeing her now they looked more greenish than brown. I’d wondered what they’d look like in the golden hour of sunset, picturing her face inches away from mine and looking deep into my soul, kind of how she was doing right now.

  Shit. Control yourself man.

  Her face was sweet with a hint of sexy freckles dotting her nose and cheeks. Her eyes complemented the red hair that flowed over her shoulders in natural, soft waves.

  I had to keep my hands folded in my lap to resist showcasing a boner right in front of her brothers.

  That would have been a wonderful way to die.

  No thanks.

  Man, I wanted my fingers entangled in her lovely tresses, preferably while I had her bent over the table in front of me.

  I was a sick mother f*cker.

  I knew it was wrong in so many ways.

  She was years younger.

bsp; My best friend’s younger sister.

  But I was a man with needs.

  And I needed her. All of her.

  I hadn’t seen her ass yet, but there was no doubt she had a nice one. With her curves, there was plenty to grab onto, and I wanted my hands all over her.

  I suddenly I had a hard time paying attention to what her brothers were saying, but I watched as she innocently bit her lower lip and imagined her luscious lips around my cock. Her lips were full, and naturally pink.

  Everything started to move in slow motion as my mind wandered into a place it should have stayed the hell away from.

  Keep doing that thing with your lips princess.

  I was thankful for the table covering my lower half. There was no way my erection wouldn’t be noticeable at that point. If I didn’t do something the bastard would be standing in salute at the beauty before me.

  I felt like a creeper, but she was a sight I couldn’t help but appreciate.

  And the way she talked about the charity ball, I could tell it was something she was actually passionate about.

  Emily was always the selfless type.

  She had a big heart, maybe even to a fault.

  And she’d always been the smart, nose stuck in the books type.

  I knew she’d do big things in this world and I could see now she already was.

  She was a knockout with a big heart.


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