Untamed Cowboy: A Contemporary Cowboy Romance

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Untamed Cowboy: A Contemporary Cowboy Romance Page 3

by K. C. Crowne

  I looked over at Emily who was looking at me with a mixture of surprise and something else I couldn’t quite place.

  “I’m sorry Emily. You didn’t deserve that. Come on, I’ll take you home.”

  Her eyes flashed a little defiantly. “I appreciate you standin’ up for me Logan, but you really didn’t need to. I could give two shits what the likes of that woman thinks of me.”

  A surge of pride ran through me at her words.

  Damn the woman was feisty as hell.

  “I have no doubt you can take care of yourself, but I wasn’t going to let her talk to you like that in my presence. You deserve better. Are you ready to go?”

  “Honestly, I’m fine. I can catch a ride with one of my brothers. Don’t trouble yourself.”

  “It’s no trouble,” I said. “Besides I wanna talk to you about a couple ideas I had for this competition.”

  Emily finally nodded and slipped from the booth. “I really should head out guys, there’s still some stuff I need to get done before the tomorrow.”

  We said our goodbyes and headed out the door.

  I took Emily’s hand as soon as I could, and once we were at my truck, I pressed her up against it. I lifted her face up, forcing her to meet my gaze. Before she could say anything, I pressed my lips to hers, finally getting the taste I’d been craving for so long.

  Her mouth opened for me, and she kissed me back - briefly. Her hands were on my chest, and she very gently pushed me backward. I stepped away, giving her room.

  “I’m sorry, Logan. I’m not sure I’m ready for this. My head is spinning right now.”

  “That’s alright, darlin’. You tell me when you’re ready.”

  Emily nodded, nibbling her lower lip, which set my dick to twitching.

  I’d give her time and space. As much as she needed. But one thing was for certain - I would have her.

  One way or another, she would be mine.


  I noticed a text message the moment my alarm went off.

  Hey, it’s Logan. Can we grab some breakfast?

  I wondered how he’d gotten my number, but then realized it was on all the information for the competition. It wasn’t hard to find.

  After he’d kissed me, he’d brought me home and walked me to the door. My brothers and I lived together on the ranch property, but I had my own little sanctuary, a little cabin that had been a guest house for the main house, long before we turned the place into the resort it was today.

  After the kiss last night, I’d had trouble sleeping. All I could think about was him. I didn’t trust myself alone with him. And I was scared I’d just get hurt. I didn’t want to think of myself as just another conquest. It would potentially ruin everything if we’d slept together. But, shit, I really wanted to fuck him.

  I was on the verge of texting him back to tell him that it wasn’t a good idea. But I had to be smart. I needed to stop it before it started.

  Before I could finish my message and convince myself to hit send, there was a knock on the front door. I slipped into a robe, expecting one of my brothers or maybe my mama. But when I pulled the door open, I found Logan standing on the other side.

  “Hey, I was just texting you. I don’t think it’s a good idea—”

  Logan pushed his way into my living room, his hands around my waist. His lips were on mine, and I wasn’t sure who kissed who first. He kicked the door close behind him. He pressed me against the wall, and I felt exactly how excited he was to see me.

  The robe slipped off my shoulders, exposing the tops of my breasts.

  Logan ended the kiss, both of us breathless as we looked at each other.

  “I’m sorry,” he panted, releasing me. “I know you said you needed time. I shouldn’t have done that. I just wanna let you to know I’m nuts about you, Emily. And I hope you didn’t get any ideas after we ran into my ex yesterday. She doesn’t hold a candle to you. Not even close.”

  He reached out and stroked my cheek, and naturally, I leaned into the touch. I closed my eyes, feeling safe in his presence. Logan was different than he used to be, I told myself.

  “I can’t control myself around you,” he confessed. “If we go any further, I won’t be able to stop. I need you to tell me when you’re ready.”

  He pulled back his hand and stepped away, heading for the door.

  I knew I should let him go. I couldn’t trust myself around him either, and my heart couldn’t handle the heartbreak if things went south.

  But I couldn’t watch him walk out that door either.

  “Wait, Logan. Please don’t go.”

  He froze and turned toward me. I let the robe slip off my body and fall to the ground.

  I was naked underneath it.

  My hands moved toward my belly, as I suddenly felt self-conscious about the softness there. I tried to hide myself, but Logan rushed to my side, yanking my hands away and replacing them with his own.

  “Damn, darlin’,” he muttered, his lips pressed against mine as he spoke. “Feel what you’re doin’ to me?” He placed my hand on his crotch, and I felt his erection pressing against his tight jeans, begging to be let free. I fumbled with his belt, then his zipper. I needed to get him naked.

  I’d always imagined what he would look like naked, but never had I thought it would become reality.

  His pants fell to his ankles, and I grabbed his cock. My fingers barely wrapped around him, and just thinking about him being inside me made my heart race.

  Logan pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. For the first time, I saw him completely nude, and it was even better than I’d ever imagined. Logan picked me up in his arms and threw me over his shoulder as I squealed. He carried me into my bedroom and tossed me down on the bed.

  He was all tight lines and angles, chiseled muscle and tanned flesh. Every inch of him was absolute perfection.

  I had only a second to take it all in before he was on the bed with me, hovering above me. I wrapped my legs around him, arching upward to meet his rock-hard body.

  “Do you want me?” he growled into my ear.

  “Yes,” I whimpered.

  “I need to hear you say it, Emily. Tell me what you want. Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, Logan, yes.” I squirmed underneath him, his cock rubbing against me, teasing


  “Say the words, darlin’,” he growled.

  “I want you to…to fuck me Logan,” I whispered.

  “Yes ma’am.” He nodded once, kissing my lips as he buried himself inside me with one quick thrust. I cried out, my nails digging into his back as pleasure claimed my entire being. Nothing had ever felt so good, so perfect in my entire life. I couldn’t believe it was happening.

  Logan kissed down my neck, covering every inch of my flesh with his lips as he thrust in and out. He raised his head and stared deep into my eyes. His face twisted into a look of bliss as I spasmed around him, milking his cock as I came harder than I had ever come before.


  Feeling her tightness clench around my shaft, I nearly lost it on the first thrust. I had meant it when I said I wouldn’t be able to control myself with her, but I had to try. I had to make her come more than once. Multiple times. Nothing in this world mattered more than pleasing Emily.

  I knew she was coming. I watched as her beautiful face contorted. Her moans almost took me over the edge - almost. After her first orgasm subsided, I had to mix things up.

  Grabbing her ample hips, I rolled us both over so she was on top of me. She let out an adorable little squeak, then sat up.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” I breathed.

  Her hair fell over her shoulders and down to her breasts, nearly covering them from sight, except they were too large for that. Those luscious breasts were more than a handful, and they looked hot as hell as she rode me. The contrast of her red hair against her pale, freckled skin was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. Her hands moved to cover herself, but I grabbed
them, holding them close to her sides.

  “I mean it, Em. You’re the most beautiful woman in the entire world.”

  “Shut up. No, I’m not.” She giggled, and her cheeks flushed.

  “To me, you are.”

  I grabbed her ass and slowly started moving her up and down on top of me. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she whimpered.

  Soon, she was doing most of the moving – grinding against me and rocking back and forth. And her breasts bounced up and down in my face, giving me a view that I would never grow tired of.

  “Come for me, Emily,” I commanded. “Come for me, darlin’.”

  Her movements became more erratic and desperate. She fell forward, her hair surrounding the two of us like a curtain as she continued grinding against me, using my body for her pleasure.

  I explored her beautiful curves with my hands, entranced by her every move, sound, and facial expression. The pressure was growing inside me, and I knew at any moment I would explode.

  Emily let out a scream, and if it wasn’t for my hands on her hips, she would have stopped moving, her body frozen in pleasure. I kept up the rhythm as the pressure inside me became too much. Her screams pushed me over the edge, and I could no longer control myself. I exploded inside her, and we came together.

  Emily collapsed on top of me, her breathing ragged. Her head rested against my chest while my member was still sheathed in her.

  I knew, in that moment, that she was everything I’d been looking for. She was the woman I’d been trying to find when I slept around in my younger days, the one woman who would complete me.

  I lifted her face into my hands and stared into her beautiful eyes.

  “You’re so goddamn beautiful.”

  She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes, relaxing into my touch.

  After a few quiet moments, she spoke. ”Please don’t break my heart Logan.” The earnest in her voice struck me in the chest.

  “I won’t ever hurt you, darlin’. I promise you that.”

  “You say that now, but—”

  “But what?”

  “I’ve seen the type of women you usually go after, and I’m nothing like that.”

  “And that’s why you’re perfect. Those women weren’t for me. And there’s a reason for that. I see now it’s because none of them were as incredible as you.”

  She opened her eyes again and studied my face.

  “Do you believe me, Emily? Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “I do, actually.”

  I kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips. I spoke with my mouth pressed against hers. “I am perfectly happy right here with you, Emily.”

  She must’ve seen the honesty in my eyes because she nodded. “Me too.”

  Already, I was growing hard for her. She felt it too and smiled.

  “I need to shower and get ready for my day,” she said, though she didn’t move.

  “Then let’s shower.”

  She eventually rolled off me, and I followed her into the bathroom. I walked a few steps behind her, admiring her beautiful ass as it bounced with every step.

  Damn. She was beautiful. I was a lucky man to call her mine.

  I stepped into the bathroom with her as she turned on the water in the shower. She gave me a seductive glance, and I couldn’t get into the tub fast enough.

  The warm water rushed over our bodies, and I grabbed her loofah and began soaping it up. Once it was sudsy with body wash, I moved it along her skin, starting at her shoulders. She closed her eyes and relaxed against the shower wall, a satisfied and relaxed look on her face.

  I moved lower, taking each breast into my hand and getting it soapy. My fingers teased her nipples, eliciting a gasp from her. I moved even lower, circling her belly button and washing her tummy. Her eyes opened and she watched me closely, nibbling her lip. She seemed to be watching for any sign of disappointment on my part, but there was none.

  All she would see when I looked at her was absolute awe of her beauty.

  I dropped to my knees and began washing her legs and thighs, spreading them gently as I washed her gently. I dropped the loofah and used my hands to wipe away the soap before spreading her lips. I used my fingers to clean her, all of her, burying them inside her as I watched her moan and squirm above me.

  I dove between her thighs, tasting her sweetness for the first time. I made her come again before taking her once more up against the shower wall - our soapy bodies slipping and sliding together.

  And if that wasn’t enough, I took her in the kitchen that morning too. From behind. So I could marvel at that beautiful ass as I filled her with my seed again.

  She eventually had to push me out the door, saying she had to prepare for the event the next day. I left a key to my place on her nightstand and told her she could use it at any time. I didn’t want to leave, but I left knowing I’d see her again soon.

  And knowing that no matter what, she was mine.


  The crowd was much bigger than I expected when I’d set the whole thing up. I had plans for a smaller event, just something to raise some money for childhood cancer. Crawford wasn’t even a big town, but folks came from all over Texas to attend. All thanks to the star performer, Logan Childs. He had let the world know he was retiring soon, so for many folks, this could be their last opportunity to watch him ride.

  I’d been so busy organizing everything that I didn’t have a chance to talk to Logan. I didn’t even see him among the crowd, at first.

  I was setting up the stage for where we’d announce the winners and hand out the prizes when a woman’s voice called out to me. I turned around, surprised that anyone was on the stage - a restricted area. I was even more surprised to find myself face-to-face with Logan’s ex.

  “You’re really not supposed to be up here,” I said. I reached for her arm to try and walk her down from the stage.

  She pulled her arm back and sneered. She was in her forties, like Silas and Logan and had obviously had some work done. Many folks still talked about the beautiful Nicole Hamilton as Crawford’s pride and joy, and I could see why. She had been Miss Teen Texas back in the day and went on to do other pageants until she finally had to retire from the circuit, but she was still a very beautiful woman.

  Her light blonde hair was piled atop her head, and I had to look twice to verify that she was, indeed, wearing a tiara. Her brows were perfectly arched, and her lashes too thick to be real. She was wearing a red dress that hugged her thin body tightly and dipped low in the front, showing off cleavage that was likely created with a push-up bra.

  “I wanted to help,” she said snidely.

  “Help how?” I asked.

  She flashed me her famous pageant smile, showcasing teeth far too white to be natural. She flicked her wrist. “You know, hand out prizes or whatever. Isn’t that what beauty queens usually do at these types of events?”

  “I wouldn’t know,” I said.

  “Oh no, of course you wouldn’t,” she trilled, giving me a once over and looking very much unimpressed. “But I’m tellin’ you, this is what we do. I’d be happy to offer my services for free since it’s a charitable event.”

  “Uh sure. I guess that would be fine.”

  It was last minute, but I didn’t want any drama. I didn’t see any harm in letting her hand out prizes at the end. She was, after all, a Crawford celebrity.

  “Good,” she said, digging in the bag she was carrying. She whipped out a worn out, ragged sash that said Miss Teen Texas and threw it around her body. “I didn’t want to look too out of place in a gown or anything. Hopefully this will do.”

  I really didn’t care what she wore. I had too much to do to worry about Nicki. I rolled my eyes where she couldn’t see me and went over the schedule for the rest of the day. She still had a few hours before we’d need her, but she insisted on staying near the stage, the center of attention for anyone who would walk by.

  I decided there
wasn’t much harm in leaving her there, so I hurried off to complete the rest of my tasks. The first few riders had finished, and I hadn’t been able to watch them yet.

  Logan was the last to perform since he had been the last to sign up. I took a seat next to Silas, and my big brother patted my knee.

  “Everything’s perfect, Em. Dad would be so proud of you right now.”

  He was right. Everything was perfect. I leaned into him and we watched the competition together from our special seats in the stands, the rest of our brothers around us.

  Finally, Logan stepped into the ring and the crowd went wild. My heart fluttered as he waved to everyone, and his eyes found mine. I smiled, and he grinned back at me, blowing me a kiss. My insides turned to goo and I refused to acknowledge Silas’ sideways glance toward me.

  Even though he’d been doing this for many, many years, my heart still raced as he stepped to the bullpen. I hadn’t seen him ride since I was a teenager and I forgot just how scary it could be.

  The bull was released, and the crowd remained entranced as the animal bucked wildly. Logan managed to hold on for the full eight seconds and even made it look easy. He fell to the ground but got right back up and brushed himself off, waving to the crowd again.

  The stands went wild. Everyone knew that he’d just obliterated the competition. It almost wasn’t a fair fight, considering his years of experience, but he was aging out of bull riding, so many had wondered if he still had it in him.

  He obviously still did.

  As soon as he finished, I jumped up from my seat and ran down to him. I stopped just as I reached the gates, feeling like I couldn’t breathe. My gaze fell upon a sight I could hardly process.

  Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to make sense of what I was seeing. It was clearly Logan, and with him was Nicki in her stupid tiara and skimpy red dress.


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