The King's Assassin

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The King's Assassin Page 39

by Benjamin Woolley

  Though the association … Birch, 1848, vol. 1, p. 252.

  By the time John Lambe … ESL, Oiii5; Birch, 1848, vol. 1, p. 169; Bellany, 2008, pp. 58–61.

  Whatever play was put on that day … Bellany, 2008, pp. 37–9; Anon., 1628; Goldstein, 1979.

  The Scrivener’s Tale

  A few hundred yards … DNB, John Felton (d.1628).

  News of its damning indictment … Lockyer, 2014, p. 442.

  Felton, it emerged … Bellany and Cogswell, 2015, loc. 7685; Wotton, 1642, p. 23; Holstun, 1992, p. 527.

  I Am the Man

  News of the emergency … Long, 1888, pp. 44–5.

  On 22 August, George wrote … Lockyer, 2014, p. 453.

  Sad Affliction’s Darksome Night

  In London, the Tuscan agent … Salvetti and Skrine, 1887, p. 162.

  With zeal and justice … DNB, John Felton (d.1628).

  In one of the many editions … Anon., 1649, sig. [A3r].

  Of honour, power, and pleasure … ESL, Pi21, Pi22; Bellany and Cogswell, 2015, loc. 7695.

  Here lies the best and worst … ‘Epitaph on the Duke of Buckingham’, cited in Shirley, 1833, vol. 6, p. 449.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury

  advice to George

  advice to James

  death of James

  George and Charles return from Spain

  support for George

  Alleyn, Edward

  Anne of Austria




  relationship with George

  Anne of Denmark

  brother’s visit




  family background



  last illness

  male favourites


  relationship with George

  relationship with George’s mother

  relationship with husband, King James



  son Charles’s marriage




  Armstrong, Archie

  Aston, Ann

  Aston, Sir Roger

  Aston, Sir Walter

  Atkins, Dr Henry

  Aubrey, John

  Bacon, Sir Francis

  advice to George

  Attorney General

  Carr’s prosecution




  George’s titles and lands

  investigation and impeachment

  Keeper of the Seal

  king’s finances


  Lord Chancellor

  on ambition

  on Charles

  on James

  relationship with George


  rivalry with Coke



  Villiers marriage issues

  Bacon, Nicholas

  Badger, Tom

  Bagg, Sir James

  Baker, John

  Bautru, Nicolas de

  Bavaria, Duke of

  Baynard’s Castle plotters

  Beaumont, Anthony

  Beaumont, Francis

  Beaumont, Henry

  Beton, Dr David

  Bill, John

  Breda, siege of

  Brett, Arthur

  Brett, Nicholas

  Brienne, Comte de

  Buckingham, Duke of see Villiers (George)

  Burlamachi, Philip


  Busino, Horatio

  Butler, Piers

  Cade, Anthony

  Cadiz, British naval expedition


  departure of fleet


  George’s responsibility


  return of fleet

  Calvert, George

  Carew, Henry, Earl of Totnes

  Carleton, Dudley

  Carleton, Dr George

  Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset



  court attitudes to


  family background

  friends and allies

  general pardon issue

  honours and status

  jealousy of George


  Overbury poisoning

  plot against


  relationship with James

  trial and conviction

  Carr, William

  Casaubon, Isaac

  Cecil, Lady Diana

  Cecil, Sir Edward

  Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury

  Cecil House

  Chamberlain, John

  on Cadiz disaster

  on Charles’s dancing

  on court rumours

  on French marriage plans

  on Garter investiture

  on George’s reputation

  on James’s death

  on James’s finances

  on James’s illness

  on military expedition

  on return of Charles and George

  on Spanish marriage plans

  on Villiers family

  Chambers, Dr James

  Charles I (Prince Charles, Prince of Wales)


  appearances before Parliament

  arrival in Madrid

  art collection

  Banqueting House presentation to MPs


  brother Henry’s death

  brother Henry’s funeral

  Carr pardon issue


  charged with involvement in his father’s death

  charges against Digby

  charges against George struck from official record




  Council of War

  courtly culture

  courtship of infanta

  defence of George

  departure from Madrid

  dissolution of Parliament during case against George

  Eikon Basilike

  father’s funeral

  father’s last illness


  foreign policy

  general pardon for George

  general pardon for Harvey



  Henrietta Maria’s arrival

  Henrietta Maria’s journey to England


  imprisonment of Digges and Eliot

  investigation of father’s last illness


  marriage plans (Henrietta Maria)

  marriage plans (Infanta Maria)

  mother’s will

  Personal Rule

  portrayal in A Game at Chess

  possible involvement in father’s death

  proclaimed king

  reception of Spanish ambassadors

  relationship with brother Henry

  relationship with father

  relationship with George

  relationship with Henrietta Maria

  relationship with Parliament

  religious position

  response to charges against George

  response to death of George

  response to Lambe’s murder

  response to Spanish plot against George

  return to London

  secret expedition to Spain

  Southwick House stay

  at Spanish court

  Spanish marriage nego


  supporters (junta)


  trapped in Madrid

  trial and execution

  Twelfth Night masque

  war policy

  Charles II

  Chevreuse, Duc de

  Chevreuse, Duchesse de

  Christian IV, King of Denmark

  Coke, Clem

  Coke, Sir Edward

  Coke, Elizabeth (wife of above) see Hatton

  Coke, Frances (daughter of above) see Villiers

  Coloma, Carlos

  Committee of Twelve

  Compton, Sir Thomas

  Compton, William, Lord

  Conway, Sir Edward

  on Charles’s accession

  on George’s grief for James

  on James’s health

  on return of Charles

  support for George

  Corona Regia

  Cottington, Sir Francis

  Cotton, Sir Robert

  Council of War

  Craig, Dr John


  complaint to Charles

  complaint to George about his medical treatments

  evidence to Commons Committee



  James’s last illness

  Cranfield, Lionel

  Cross, Robert

  Crown Jewels

  Culpeper, Nicholas

  Danby, Martin

  D’Ewes, Simonds

  on religious debate

  on return of Charles and George

  on shock on reading accusations of James

  on Spanish marriage plans

  D’Effiat, Marquis

  Denmark House

  The Devil and the Duke (‘scurvy book’)

  Digby, George

  Digby, John, Earl of Bristol

  accusations against George


  charges against

  house arrest

  imprisonment in Tower

  invited by James to return to London

  Madrid arrival of Charles and George

  Palatinate policy

  portrayal in A Game at Chess

  recalled from Madrid

  relationship with Anne of Denmark

  relationship with George

  relationship with George’s mother

  return from Madrid

  son’s appeal to Parliament

  Spanish marriage negotiations


  Digges, Dudley

  Digges, Thomas

  Donne, John

  Droman, David

  Drummond, Dominic

  Drummond, Jane

  Earle, John

  Edmondes, Sir Thomas

  Egerton, Thomas

  Eglisham, George

  account of Hamilton’s death

  account of Hamilton’s son’s marriage

  account of king’s death

  accuracy of accounts

  accusations against George

  author of The Forerunner of Revenge


  friendship with James Hamilton

  Eliot, Sir John


  case against George


  Committee of Twelve

  imprisonment in Tower

  investigation of George

  relationship with George

  relationship with Pembroke

  St Pierre case

  speeches in Parliament

  Vice Admiral of Devon

  view of Cadiz expedition

  Elisabeth of France

  Elizabeth, daughter of James, the ‘Winter Queen’ of Bohemia

  British policy towards

  brother Charles’s Spanish marriage plans


  coronation of husband

  exile in the Hague

  portrayal in A Game at Chess


  Elizabeth I, Queen of England

  Elwes, Sir Gervase

  Epernon, Duc d’

  Erskine, Thomas, Lord Fenton, Earl of Kellie

  Farnham Castle

  ‘Fatal Vesper’

  Feilding, Mary (George’s niece)

  Feilding, Susan, Countess of Denbigh (née Villiers, George’s sister)

  arrival of Henrietta Maria


  daughter’s marriage

  letters from George

  marriage plans


  Feilding, William, Earl of Denbigh

  Felton, John

  Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor

  Fiennes, William, Lord Saye

  Finit, Sir John

  The Forerunner of Revenge upon the Duke of Buckingham

  Fortune Playhouse

  Francesco, Don (François de Carondelet)

  Frederick, Count Palatine, King of Bohemia

  British policy towards

  brother-in-law Charles’s Spanish marriage negotiations


  crowned King of Bohemia

  defeat at Battle of the White Mountain

  exile in the Hague

  loss of Palatinate

  Spanish policy towards


  Frederick Henry (son of above, grandson of James)

  A Game at Chess (play)

  Garnett, Henry

  Giambologna (Jean Boulogne)

  Gibb, Henry

  Glanville, John

  Globe Theatre

  Goadby Marwood

  Gondomar, Conde de

  Charles’s arrival in Madrid

  Charles’s journey to Madrid

  departure from London

  envoy to James

  at French court

  infanta’s marriage negotiations

  masque at Whitehall

  Parliamentary proceedings

  portrayal in A Game at Chess

  recalled to Madrid

  relationship with Charles

  relationship with George

  relationship with James

  return to London

  return to London cancelled

  return to London planned


  Goring, Sir George


  Graham, Sir John

  Graham, Sir Richard

  Gramont, Comte de

  Great Britain, use of term

  Gresley, Walsingham

  Grymesdyche, Elizabeth (née Aston)

  Grymesdyche, John

  Hamilton, James, second Marquis of Hamilton

  Hamilton, James, third Marquis of Hamilton (son of above)

  Hamilton, John, first Marquis of Hamilton

  Harvey, Dr William

  attendance through James’s last illness


  medical treatments

  relationship with Charles

  royal pardon

  testimony to Commons committee

  Hastings, Frances

  Hatton, Sir Christopher

  Hatton, Lady Elizabeth

  Hay, Archibald

  Hay, James, Earl of Carlisle

  Heatley, Alexander

  Henrietta Maria


  arrival in England






  George’s plans to escort her to England

  journey to England


  marriage negotiations

  marriage proposal

  meeting Charles and George

  possible bride for Charles

  relationship with Charles

  relationship with George


  wedding by proxy

  Henry, Prince of Wales

  Henry, Professor John

  Herbert, Edward

  Herbert, Sir Henry

  Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery

bsp; Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke

  case against George

  relationship with George

  relationship with James

  support for George

  view of Spanish marriage

  Herbert, William (son of above)

  Heyricke, Sir William

  Hinojosa, Marquis de

  Hogg, Christopher

  Holcroft, Sir Thomas

  Holland, Hugh

  Holles, Sir John

  House of the Seven Chimneys, Madrid

  Howard, Charles

  Howard, Frances, Countess of Somerset

  Howard, Sir Robert

  Howard, Thomas

  Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel

  Howard family

  Howell, James

  Hugon, Piero

  Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego

  Ignatius of Loyola, St

  Ignoramus (play)

  Isabella, Archduchess, governor of the Spanish Netherlands

  James I, King of England (VI of Scotland)

  accession to English throne

  affection for George’s daughter


  body lying in state

  brother-in-law Christian’s visit

  Carr pardon issue




  daughter’s marriage


  embassy to Spain





  first encounter with George

  foreign policy


  general pardon for George

  George’s illness

  Hamilton marriage story


  House of Lords appearances

  hunting at Theobalds

  invitation to Digby

  last illness

  Mansfeld mission


  medical team

  medical treatments

  ‘Metaphorical Invention’ poem


  papal dispensation for son Charles’s French marriage

  papal dispensation for son Charles’s Spanish marriage

  peace policy

  poison probably involved in his death

  poisoning opportunity, means and motive

  poisoning rumours

  proclamation against discussion of state matters


  public mood towards

  reception of Spanish ambassadors

  relationship with Carr

  relationship with George

  relationship with George’s mother

  relationship with George’s wife

  relationship with Gondomar

  relationship with mother

  relationship with Parliament

  relationship with son Charles

  relationship with Villiers family

  relationship with wife Anne

  religious position

  response to A Game at Chess

  return of Charles and George from Spain

  Scottish visit

  scurrilous publications about

  secret meetings with Spanish representatives

  son Charles’s marriage plans

  son Charles’s secret expedition to Spain

  son Henry’s death

  Spanish plot against George


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