Glitter, Greed and Gatecrashers

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Glitter, Greed and Gatecrashers Page 4

by Emily Selby

  Katie nodded. 'Are you sure he is safe?'

  'He's taken all he needs with him: his laptop, video games, some food and money. He's even changed into something fresh and washed his stinking tracksuit pants and that awful green jumper for the first time in months.' Olivia gasped and paused. 'Clearly, he's well prepared. I don't know where he is, but I'm pretty sure he's somewhere safe.'

  'How do you know that?'

  'He left me a message and texted he'd forgotten the USB with his favourite music, asking me to post it to him.'

  'If he's asked you to post something, you should have his address, right?' Katie asked.

  Olivia shook her head, her hair spilled over her face.

  'No, he's just given me a PO Box address somewhere in Newcastle. But I was so busy looking for the darn thing I forgot to save the message and now it's disappeared. So even if I could find the memory stick, I wouldn't be able to send it to him.' Another sob crept into Olivia's voice.

  Katie wanted to ask about disappearing messages, but it didn't feel right. She stood and rested her hand on Olivia's shoulder.

  'At least you know, he's somewhere safe,' she said soothingly. 'You can always text him back and ask for that address again.'

  'He's not answering his phone. But that's not unusual. He's probably driving anyway,' Olivia carried on, steadying her voice. 'I feel he needs to organise his thoughts and decide what he wants to do with his life. He failed his teacher's exam a few months ago, and that was the trigger to slip backwards. He'd been sitting on the sofa for ages, watching telly and doing very little. But the last couple of months he's got busy again. Started going out more.'

  'Are you surprised he's disappeared or not?' Katie asked, confusion rising in her mind.

  'Oh, I am not surprised he's gone, because he's been talking about needing time away to himself for a while. But I am surprised he left last night. I thought things were looking better.'

  Katie tucked the annoying strand of hair behind her ear and started to twirl it. There was something strange in this story, something that made her wonder whether Alex Gibson's disappearance had anything to do with Jeffrey Livermore’s death.

  'Do you think he took my laptop with him in the car?' Michelle asked.

  On hearing her friend's voice, Katie jumped. She’d almost forgotten Michelle was there.

  Olivia spread her arms out.

  'I'm really very sorry Michelle. I can't remember if I took it out of the car boot last night. It's likely I didn't. I was all over the place. We had so many prospective clients, so many people interested. I was exhausted.'

  Michelle's face flinched. She rubbed her forehead.

  'Gosh... I practically run my business from it.' She shuddered.

  'Maybe we could help you look for it in the house? Three pairs of eyes are better than one,' Katie said trying to sound optimistic.

  Olivia turned around and looked at Katie.

  'Okay,' she said with a note of resignation in her voice. 'I suppose we can try.'

  'What else did you have with you?' Katie asked, ready to jump into action.

  'Questionnaires, fabric swatches with colours, the booklets on clothing styles,' Olivia explained.

  'Where do you normally keep this sort of stuff?'

  'In the office,' Olivia said and crossed the kitchen to the door. 'I've been through it looking for Alex's memory stick this morning, I didn't see your laptop. Maybe I left it in the living room?'

  'You check the office again,' Katie ordered. 'Michelle and I will take the living room.'

  They got on with the search. Katie quickly realised that even though Olivia's hallway looked like an ad from a lifestyle magazine, the lounge was far from it. The sofa was covered in a disarray of cushions, old TV programs and empty snack packages. There were three odd socks under the coffee table and the rug in front of the TV crunched underfoot. A half-empty packet of crisps was crumpled in the corner between the sofa and the wall, by a stack of bottles. A waft of sour beer caught her nose and Katie winced. Well used to cleaning houses of various degree of mess, she took a quick decision and crossed to the window. Poor Olivia, she needed some serious help with her house.

  'Do you mind if I open the window?' she called out. Michelle looked event paler than before. Was she nauseated?

  Olivia appeared in the doorway.

  'I'm so sorry about the lounge,' she said. Her cheeks were flushed. 'I don't come in here often. It's Alex who's been practically living in this room. As you can see, he's not looked after it.' She rushed to pick the discarded socks from the floor. Katie put her hand on Olivia's shoulder.

  'Don't worry, I deal with this sort of thing every day. If you want I can help you clean it.' Let me put these in the wash for you,' Katie said and extended her hand.

  'Oh, Katie, you're so sweet. I'll do it. I've got a whole load of washing ready to go. Alex left a pile of socks on the floor in the bathroom, I thought I'd use the opportunity to wash them while he's away.'

  Olivia hunched and stuffed the socks into her pocket. Tears appeared in her eyes again.

  Katie braced herself for another wave of sobs.

  'If you're sure he's all right, crying won't help. Let's get on with the washing and cleaning. It'll help if you focus on something practical.' She gave Olivia a gentle nudge.

  Olivia headed towards the bathroom. She opened the washing machine and pushed the handful of dirty socks inside. Then she broke into a sob.

  Katie sighed. She helped her friend sit on the edge of the bathtub and let her cry. She glanced at the contents of the washing machine.

  'Just socks?'

  'Yes,' Olivia replied.

  'So dark colours and synthetics,' Katie said and as Olivia didn't protest, she closed the door.

  'It's all ready to go, just press the button,' Olivia said sniffling.

  'And it's gone,' Katie pushed the button and clasped her hands. The machine hummed to life.

  'Thank you, Katie. I'm so embarrassed about it all...'

  'No problem. Now, have you had anything to eat? Breakfast?'

  'No. I don't really feel hungry.'

  'Come on, we'll get you sorted.' Katie took hold of Olivia's elbow and gently guided her up. Olivia followed without much resistance. Katie filled the kettle, Michelle rummaged through the cupboards looking for tea. The doorbell rang. Katie glanced at Olivia.

  'I'm not opening,' Olivia said defiantly. 'I'm in no mood to receive visitors.'

  They waited for a few seconds until the sharp sound cut through the tense silence again. Katie glanced at Olivia. But she just shook her head and remained on the spot.

  'Are you expecting anyone?' Katie ventured.

  Another shake of Olivia's head. They waited in the silence and just as Katie thought the impertinent, unwanted visitor had left, there was a knock on the door.

  'Open the door please, it's the police.' A familiar voice called out.

  Olivia's face greyed. She wobbled. Katie jumped to grab her arm before the woman had a chance to fall to the floor. She put her hand on Olivia's back and as Olivia didn't seem to want to respond, Katie called out.

  'Just a second, Officer.'


  Katie ordered Michelle to take Olivia to the kitchen - which appeared to be the cleanest room in the house, while she rushed to the door.

  His visit wasn't unexpected, yet she felt surprised to see him. Shouldn't he ring before coming, particularly on a Sunday morning? But then, it was a murder investigation.

  'What are you doing here?' Jack asked her, as she opened the door.

  A frown appeared on his face. He looked a little more ruffled than a couple of hours ago when Katie left the station. It must have been a hard morning for him.

  'And good morning to you again,' Katie replied. 'Michelle and I have popped in to collect something that belongs to Michelle.'

  Jack look at her blankly.

  'Oh, never mind. What brings you here?' she asked, although she had a very strong suspicion.

ck pulled back his shoulders.

  'I'm on official police business.'

  'Interviewing in connection with Jeffrey Livermore's death?'

  'Katie,' he gasped. 'Honestly, I need to do my job. Please let me in.'

  'I'm sorry, Jack,' she said trying to sound a little softer this time. 'Olivia is in a bit of a state. Please follow me.'

  She led him into the kitchen. By the time they arrived, Michelle and Olivia were sitting at the table. Michelle must have ordered her to wash her face as Olivia's forehead glinted with droplets of water. Her arms rested on the table, and her face was blank. She greeted Jack with barely noticeable nod.

  Jack introduced himself and explained the purpose of his visit.

  'Mrs Gibson, I would prefer to talk to you alone.'

  'Inspector, I'd like my friends to stay, if that’s okay with you,' Olivia replied frostily.

  'Are you sure?'

  'Absolutely. I'm in a bad emotional state and I need some support.'

  'You don't want your husband with you?' he said, looking around the kitchen.

  Olivia inhaled loudly.

  'He's not here.'

  'When is he going to be back?'

  'Unfortunately, I don't know. Do you need him for anything?'

  'Yes, I'd need to interview him, too. Could you please let him know-'

  'I don't have any contact with him,' Olivia interrupted.

  Jack arched an eyebrow.

  'He didn't take his mobile phone with him?'

  Olivia inhaled sharply again. Her eyes glistened. Katie put her hand on Olivia's shoulder again, in expectation of another wave of sobs, but Olivia just shuddered.

  'I'm afraid, Inspector, he's not responding to my messages or emails. His phone is turned off.'

  'You must be worried sick,' Jack said, leaning towards her. Katie appreciated the gesture, even though it looked a little awkward. Jack didn't come across as someone very skilled at comforting people in distress.

  'I know he's okay. He's left me a message,' Olivia explained hastily. 'A traditional message on a piece of paper,' she added. 'I can show you if you like.'

  'Yes, that would be helpful.' Jack said. 'Were you surprised when he left?'

  'No,' Olivia replied. She repeated more or less the same information she reported to Katie and Michelle, minus the tears and sobs.

  'Is that really all you know?' he asked when she finished.

  Olivia gave a curt nod.

  'If you need more information, you'd need to ask him, Inspector.'

  'I shall, Mrs Gibson. Once I find him. Can you give me his mobile number?'

  Olivia dictated the number and Jack jotted it into his notebook.

  'I do have some questions for you though,' he said, his notebook still open, his pen ready for action. 'In connection with Mr Livermore. The late Mr Livermore, Jeffrey. I understand you were acquainted,' he asked casually, his blue eyes watching Olivia carefully from behind his glasses.

  Olivia flinched. Her jaw tensed.

  'I don't know what you're talking about, Inspector,' she said avoiding his gaze.

  'Mrs Gibson, I need you to listen very carefully. This is a murder investigation. We found your business card in Mr Livermore's pocket. We have also discovered that, shortly before his death, he made a call to your number. I need you to be honest with me. How did you know Mr Livermore?'

  Olivia sucked in air. She clutched at her throat.

  'I-I...' she stuttered and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Her eyes were wide open, her face pale.

  A terrified child...

  'How did you know him?' Katie gently prompted her.

  'I didn't know him,' she replied looking at Katie her face still frozen in terror.

  'How come he had your business card?' Katie pushed gently on.

  'I gave it to him.'

  'When was that?'

  'Yesterday,' she croaked.

  'What time?'

  'Some time during the day. He came to our stand.'

  'So, you met him,' Katie concluded. Her head was spinning. She glanced at Jack. He jerked his chin. Katie took it as an encouragement to continue. 'Was this an arranged meeting?'

  'Yes, no.'

  'Yes or no?'

  Olivia blinked. She ran her tongue around her lips a couple of times.

  'No. I met him accidentally at the fair... I wanted to ask him for advice on our new business...'

  Michelle groaned. Olivia flinched again. Katie ignored Michelle and pressed on with her questions.

  'Did you meet him last night after the fair?'

  'Yes. After we left the church hall, about 7.15 pm. We talked in the car park for a while,' she added hesitantly.

  Katie glanced at Jack again. He was rubbing his chin and watching Olivia carefully.

  'Mrs Gibson,' he said suddenly.

  Olivia's head jerked up, and she fixed her eyes on him.

  'How did you get to know Mr Livermore?'

  Olivia licked her lips again. Beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead. She gulped.

  'I... I can't quite remember. I met him in my previous job, back in Nottingham. He was working for the local job centre, helping to retrain people who’d been in long-term unemployment.'

  'But you must have known of his previous work as a business consultant,' Jack stated more than asked.

  'I don't–'

  'Mrs Gibson, I'm aware of your new business idea. Since you've asked Mr Livermore for advice, you must have known he had this expertise.'

  Olivia's nostrils flared.

  'Oh, yes. If you put it like that then, yes.'

  'How long did your meeting last?'

  'Ten, maybe fifteen minutes.'

  'Why so short?'

  'Because... oh, I forgot my presentation. Yes, that's right! I couldn't really show him what I had in mind because I didn't have my USB stick. I rang my husband to tell him I left it at home.'

  Katie's heart skipped a beat. This wasn't what she remembered. She shot a glance at Jack, trying to catch his attention. But he was glaring at Olivia.

  'So, you rang your husband and asked him to bring you the USB stick with the presentation. I understand that, at this time, your husband was still here in Sunnyvale. Was he?'

  'That's right. He was at home,' she replied quickly. 'He brought me the stick in an envelope. Michelle,' Olivia turned to her left to face Michelle. 'He gave it to you, didn't he? When you met him last night?'

  'Yes, he gave me an envelope. To pass onto you.'

  'What time was this?' Jack addressed Michelle.

  'I think it was about eight o’clock.'

  'Going back to you and your meeting with Mr Livermore,' Jack said, looking at Olivia again. 'You told him you didn't have the presentation and called your husband. What happened next?'

  'We parted ways. I went to Michelle's house as previously agreed.'

  'Didn't you want to wait for your husband to bring you that USB stick to give your presentation to Mr Livermore?'

  'No.' A flinch of panic appeared on Olivia's round face. 'I... I was already running late. I didn't want Michelle to wait any longer.'

  'So, you drove to Mrs Webb's home?'

  'No. I think I sat in my car for a few minutes before driving off. My head was spinning, I needed to collect my thoughts. I reached Michelle's about 8.15 pm. I think.'

  Jack glanced at Michelle, who nodded.

  'What did you and Mr Livermore talk about?'

  'About the project. I had some questions about its viability. He answered them.'

  'Was it a helpful discussion?'

  'I'm not sure yet. He wasn't very forthcoming with information, to be honest.'

  'When you finished talking, you went to your car. Where was it parked?'

  'By the church hall.'

  'What did Mr Livermore do?'

  'I'm not sure. I didn't look. I think he walked towards the community centre. That's on the other side of the car park. I couldn't see him from where I was.'

id you see anyone else around the place?'

  'There were still a few cars in the car park, if I remember correctly, but I don't think I saw anyone walking. It started to rain a little.'

  'Did you see or hear anything unusual when you were sitting in your car?'

  'No, I don't think so.'

  'Is there anything else about that meeting, the place or what happen last night you think might be relevant?'


  Jack closed his notebook. A deep line appeared on his forehead.

  'Thank you, Mrs Gibson. One more question. When was the last time you saw your husband?'

  Olivia gulped.

  'I think it was during the fete. He came to our booth to ask how we were doing. I can't remember the exact time as we were so busy.' Olivia glanced at Michelle. 'Do you remember?'

  'Just before lunch. He asked if we wanted any food.'

  'And your call to your husband, it was when?'

  'I can't remember.'

  'Surely you can check it on your mobile phone.'

  'Well, I could I suppose,' she replied in the same wooden voice and sat immobile, glaring at the table. The atmosphere was tense. Katie rolled her shoulders back. Her muscles were beginning to ache. This was a very uncomfortable conversation and she had a hunch that Olivia wasn't telling the whole truth. Katie nudged Olivia.

  'Your phone... Do you want me to fetch it?'

  'Oh,' Olivia shuddered back to life. 'Sorry. It's on the kitchen counter.'

  Katie jumped to her feet, grabbed the phone and passed it to Olivia. She fumbled with it for a while.

  'I can't find it,' she said eventually. 'I think he might have done it on FaceTime, but for whatever reason it's not showing here.

  She dropped the phone on the table. Katie flinched. The knot between her shoulder blades tightened. She could do with a massage. Or at least a heat pack.

  Jack pushed himself to his feet.

  'Thank you very much Mrs Gibson. I'd need all of your husband's contact details, his FaceTime ID, social media accounts, everything you can think of.' He passed her a piece of paper and his pen. She wrote on it and handed it back to her. 'And could you please let us know if you hear from him?'

  Olivia nodded. Jack crossed to the door. Katie followed him to hallway. She opened the door and they stepped outside the house.


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