Erotic Short Stories 2

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Erotic Short Stories 2 Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  I kissed her on the forehead and headed for the door. “I keep telling myself that.”

  Too bad it hadn’t come true yet. I hooked up at clubs whenever I had the time, but as far as a steady guy, nope. I honestly didn’t think it was in the cards for me.

  My life was too dang busy.

  I waved to one of the staff members on my way out the door. Kyle smiled and waved back. I’d heard all kinds of horror stories as far as nursing homes and the staff that ran them, but so far Rusty Villa was on the up-and-up and the staff was nice and kind to the residents.

  It just cost a lot to keep her in such a great place.

  The hot sun made me wince as I walked to my car. I had a shift to work at the hair salon today, and tomorrow, I had to be in my cubicle bright and early.

  There just weren’t enough hours in a day.

  * * * *

  The following morning I groaned as I sat at my desk. The girls from the salon had wanted to go out for drinks last night, and even though I really couldn’t afford to, I went. They loved hanging out with a gay man because they had some misconceived notion that all gay men were the life of the party.

  Guilty. I had been. I always cut loose with alcohol because I never got to cut loose any other time. I was the epitome of a responsible adult, and some days I hated being that way.

  Like this morning. I would’ve given my left nut to have been able to stay in bed. I felt rundown, and my head was killing me. Lack of sleep or a hangover? Probably a combination.

  “You look like shit.” Connor smirked. “That’s what happens when you stay up all night sucking dick.”

  “Your daddy didn’t have any complaints,” I said. “But your mom was pissed when her husband said I sucked better cock than she did.”

  Connor was a homophobic douche bag who never hesitated to taunt me about being gay. But I dished that shit right back.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Watch it. You only work here part time. I can have you fired from making copies and refilling the coffee machine.”

  He’d said that as though I should be ashamed of what I did. I wasn’t. I might’ve been an office gofer, but in my opinion, I made this office run smoothly. The coffee was always fresh, the supplies stocked, and I kept the ancient copy machine going when it should’ve been replaced decades ago.

  I thoroughly enjoyed my work. I just wished it paid more. “Then who would run behind you and untwist your panties every five seconds?”

  With a deep scowl, Connor walked away. He would never win in a battle of wits. The guy had no imagination.

  I’d gotten up to make sure the copier hadn’t exploded in my absence when I saw Richard Mayfield, president of Mayfield Corp. walking from the elevators. The guy was sex on two legs.

  But Richard wasn’t the one who’d caught my attention. It was the guy walking next to him. The stranger was tall, lean, with a head full of sun-kissed blond hair and a low-trimmed beard. I couldn’t see his eye color from here, but holy fuck, I was in lust.

  Instead of going to the copy room, I busted a left and headed toward the bathroom, which would put me in their direct path.

  “Hey, Jason.” Richard smiled. I liked my boss. Most guys in his position looked down on the workers. While Richard was hard but fair, we’d always had an easygoing relationship.

  Hell, not too long ago we’d hung out at Cherry Pit, the hottest gay club in town.

  “Hey, boss.” I grinned. “Who’s your handsome friend?”

  I’d been born without a filter, and flirting was in my blood. I knew Richard was gay, and I was hoping his friend was, as well.

  And single.

  Richard chuckled, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Connor giving me the death stare. He wished he was cool with the president of the company. The guy tried too hard to kiss Richard’s ass any time he saw him.

  If you asked me, it was such a pathetic sight.

  The stranger grinned as he looked me over. “I’m Clint Bowman. And you are?”

  “Infatuated,” I replied.

  Richard arched a brow. “There’s a time and a place, Jason.”

  “When and where?” I joked then sobered. “Sorry. You’re right.”

  I’d started away when Clint touched my shoulder. I floated back to him, or so it seemed. “Yes?”

  Clint looked at Richard then turned his attention back to me. “Your name?”

  “Jason Cuttey, lowly office worker. It was nice meeting you.”

  “Hang on,” Clint said. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I’ll be waiting with rainbow bells on.” I smirked. God, he was so handsome to look at. I gave a dreamy sigh as he walked to Richard and spoke in a low voice, robbing me of the chance to eavesdrop. Wouldn’t you have wanted to? I mean, come on, the guy’s voice was spellbinding.

  With a nod, Clint headed back toward me. Richard smirked before he continued on. My heart thundered as Clint approached. “Follow me.”

  “I don’t remember mentioning that I liked being bossed around,” I said.

  His smile was teasing and made my dick hard. “Somehow I have a feeling you don’t mind.”

  Not in the least. Not when it was some godlike hunk giving the orders. We passed Connor, and I gave him the biggest smile I could muster.

  “We’ll talk about you getting me fired later,” I whispered to him. I had no idea what Clint wanted with me, but I was hoping like hell it was lots and lots of hot, scandalous sex.

  We walked into the conference room at the end of the sea of cubicles, and when I entered, Clint closed the door. He took a seat at the head of the polished table, so I sat to his right. “Is there something wrong?”

  I prayed I wasn’t about to be reprimanded for my flirting. It hadn’t been a professional thing to do, but I hadn’t been able to help myself. It had been a long time since I’d seen someone so fucking gorgeous.

  “I just wanted a moment to talk with you without prying eyes or ears.” He leaned back, unbuttoning his suit jacket. My eyes zeroed in on his strong hand and flat abdomen. I just bet he had a wicked body underneath all those clothes.

  I was dying to find out.

  “Talk about what?” I leaned my arm on the table and rested my chin in my hand.

  “Am I boring you?”

  I blinked my eyes open, shocked I’d drifted off to sleep. My head was still pounding, and I wished to god I could’ve crawled onto the table and taken a long nap.

  “No, I’m just tired. I’m sorry.” I cleared my throat. “Could you repeat what you just said?”

  “Why’re you so tired?” He looked genuinely interested, and of late, I had no one to talk to. My best friend Michael was dating Richard, and since the two had gotten involved, I’d been left to fend for myself. I hadn’t planned on my dam breaking, but the words were like a flood as I told Clint about working two jobs, taking care of my nana, and trying desperately, but mostly failing, to have a social life that I couldn’t honestly afford.

  His blond brows hiked. “I’m surprised you’re standing.”

  “Right?” I chuckled. “But I’m sure you didn’t invite me in here to talk about my running-on-fumes-and-broke life.”

  Clint slid his jacket off and draped it over the chair to his left. “That’s exactly why I asked you in here.”

  “Seriously? Why?” This was…weird. No one had been this interested in me, not even Michael. I felt a twitch in my gut, wondering what Clint’s motives were.

  He shrugged. “You interested me, and since we’re not in a cozier environment where we can talk, I stole some time, after I cleared it with Mr. Mayfield, of course.”

  That made me only love Richard even more. We’d talked at Cherry Pit, not for long, but enough for me to spill the beans that I longed to be in a committed relationship.

  Now that I thought about it, I really did talk too much and clearly Richard was playing matchmaker.

  “Of course,” I said, rubbing at my eyes. “You’ve just caught me at my worst. I don’t normally look so run

  “I think you look amazing.” Clint gave me a hungry look that said he was more than interested in me. If I hadn’t felt so rundown, I would’ve been all over that. But even if he asked me out on a few dates, when would I have the time or money?

  Clint stood and moved behind my chair. I jerked when his hands landed on my shoulders.

  “I’m just trying to unknot your muscles,” he said. “Do you mind?”

  I couldn’t recall the last time I’d gotten a massage. Oh wait. That would be never. “Knock yourself out.”

  Five minutes in and I was moaning and trying hard not to fall asleep. His fingers were magic as they ground into the knots. Too bad I couldn’t have this done all the time.

  “I wanna marry your fingers and have their finger babies,” I said as I slowly lowered my upper half on the table. “Why have I never had this done to me before?”

  “I would ask if this was helping, but my fingers were just propositioned for marriage and fatherhood.” Clint gave a low chuckle. “I’ve never had that happen before.”

  “Stick around me and you’ll hear a lot of shit you’ve never heard before.” I closed my eyes and sighed. This should’ve been where I begged him to massage my dick, but I honestly couldn’t muster the energy. My body hummed and my headache faded the longer his magical fingers dug into me.

  “How about I make you dinner tonight?” Clint asked as his fingers moved to my shoulder blades. “I can get Richard to let you have the rest of the day off, with pay.”

  I jerked up and looked at him from over my shoulder. “You can do that?” Not that I wanted to take advantage of Richard, but I doubted the copier machine would blow up in my absence.

  At least I hope it didn’t. I didn’t want to come back to a mess.

  “He’s my cousin,” Clint said. “I have a little clout with him.”

  “Normally I would decline because I’m not into taking advantage of his niceness, but I’m so tired I can’t pass up your offer.”

  Clint pulled out his cell and typed. “Text sent. Let’s get out of here.”

  The only reason I trusted him was because he was related to Richard. Hell, let’s be honest. I went home with randoms from the clubs every now and then, so going home with Clint was no hardship.

  Too bad Connor wasn’t anywhere in sight. I would’ve loved to rub this in his face, uptight, homophobic prick that he was.

  * * * *

  Last night Clint had been the perfect gentleman. I still couldn’t believe I’d fallen asleep on his couch, and he hadn’t even woken me up for some naughty sex. But I felt rejuvenated as I walked into the salon, ready to work.

  To my utter surprise, Clint was sitting at my station. There was no way a man with that much money had his haircut in a chain franchise that offered the lowest prices in town.

  “Are you stalking me?” I teased. After he’d dropped me off last night I thought I’d never see him again. Who would want to see a guy who’d fallen asleep on them? I’d been the worst date ever.

  I didn’t bother to ask how he knew where I worked. Richard knew, and I had a sneaking suspicion he’d told Clint.

  Clint smiled as the women in the salon ogled him. “I told you I wanted to get to know you.” He dropped his voice. “After last night, I wanted more time with you.”

  My boss, Claire, blushed and gave me a wide smile. If she only knew nothing had happened. But let her mind go to the gutter. I didn’t care.

  “You have no pull here,” I reminded him. “I have to work my entire shift.”

  Now didn’t that suck? Any person in their right mind would want to blow off work to spend time with Clint. I sure as fuck wanted to. I also wanted to climb into his lap and kiss his sensuous lips. I hadn’t had a chance to do that last night, but I was dying to.

  “Is there someplace private we can talk?” Clint looked around at the gaggle of woman with lust in their eyes.

  I took him to the small break room. “Sorry, there’s no lock on the door, so if you want to have your wicked way with me, we have to be quick, and we might get caught.”

  I’d been teasing.


  Not at all.

  I wanted Clint to ravish my body with his mouth, hands, dick, and anything else he wanted to use. Too bad we were in a room with no privacy, filled with inventory and a washer and dryer. But truthfully, I would’ve bent over the break table if he’d asked me to.

  “I don’t have much time,” I said, willing my cock to behave. It was hard as fuck, and I was pretty sure Clint saw my slacks tenting.

  “Come back to my place.” Clint moved in behind me and started massaging my shoulders. His magic fingers would be my undoing.

  “I can’t just up and leave.” I was drooling over his fingers. “I told you I have a lot of responsibilities. I can’t afford to leave.”

  Although Clair was a huge romantic and would probably tell me I could go.

  “How about I pay for your time today?”

  I jerked away from him and spun, glaring at Clint. “Do I look like some kind of fucking hooker to you?”

  The question had offended me, sure. But a small part of me wanted to take him up on his offer. For one week I would love to have nothing to do, to pamper myself, just sitting around or sleeping to catch up on the lack of sleep I was always plagued with.

  Clint’s features darkened. “First, I would never treat you like a hooker. I know how hard you work, and I was just offering to help.”

  “And second?” I asked, my voice still filled with annoyance.

  “Can I be honest with you?”

  “That would be nice,” I said, wondering once again where this was going.

  Clint pulled me into his arms before I knew he’d been reaching for me. “I want to take you away from all this, to spoil you rotten, and give you a life you truly deserve.”

  Was this real? Shit like this never happened in real life. At least not mine. “What the hell have you been smoking?” I asked. “You don’t even know me. Why would you make me such an offer?”

  Had it been an offer?

  “From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were the one for me.” Clint released me and carded a hand through his hair. “I can’t believe I feel this way, but it’s true. It’s crazy, I know. But it was like that with my parents. My father saw my mother and knew she was it for him. I thought that was a fairytale, but now I know it can happen.”

  I blinked at him. “That was a mouthful.”

  That was all I could think to say. Clint had just unloaded a lot on me, and I wasn’t sure how to react. What in the hell was I supposed to say to all that?

  As if he’d just read my thoughts, he said, “You don’t have to say anything.” Clint cupped my face, and I found myself leaning against his hand. “Just take the day off, let me pamper you because you’re so overworked, and let me pay your wages without you thinking I’m treating you like a hooker.”

  I gave him a soft smile. “Well, maybe not a hooker. A high-priced call girl?”

  Clint gave a low growl. “Does that come with sexual favors?”

  “Depends on how well you pamper me.”

  An hour later we were in his home, and his staff was making us lunch. We were in the pool, playing around, when the cook called us to the table.

  After we’d eaten the best meal I’d had in a long time, Clint took me to his bedroom to shower.

  I wasn’t an idiot. I knew we were going to have sex, and that thought didn’t help my erection. If anything it made me harder. And Clint noticed since I had only a towel curled around my waist.

  “You’re making it difficult for me to be a gentleman.” He eyed my tented towel.

  “Who said I wanted you to be one?” I slid my finger between the material and my skin and flicked my finger. My towel fell to the floor, revealing the boner I had for him.

  Clint’s eyes darkened as he moved across the room, getting rid of his own towel and showing me how well-endowed he was. His cock was plump
and long and made me drop to my knees so I could take his shaft between my lips. I savored his masculine taste as he fucked my mouth in hard, short bursts. If this was what Clint considered pampering, I was all for it.

  The room filled with the sultry sounds of Clint’s pleasure. He wasn’t a quiet lover in the least. His shouts echoed in my ears while I took his cock all the way down my throat again and again. I felt how close he was to coming. Clint pulled back and yanked me toward the bed.

  I lay there panting, my eyes focused on the ceiling as I tried to catch my breath. “Why’d you make me stop?” I whined.

  “Because I need in your ass, now.” He grabbed for the lube and a condom that were stashed in the nightstand drawer and wet his fingers. “Open your legs, sweetheart.”

  I shot them open so fast that I might’ve pulled a muscle. He smirked as he drove his fingers into my ass. I moaned, clutching at his arms as his magical fingers grazed over my prostate, damn near making me come.

  “Don’t you dare make me come,” I warned as I dug my fingers into his skin. “I’m ready. I promise.”

  He dropped to one arm, stretching over me, careful of his weight as he rolled the condom down his length. He lodged his cock at the lubed entrance before he gave one hard thrust, burying his steel-hard erection to the hilt as I cried out. I was gonna make the bastard pay for that. Later. Much, much later.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight,” Clint growled fiercely as I prayed he moved some time this year. He just stayed buried inside me, and fuck, why wasn’t he moving? I wrapped my legs around his waist, shoving the heels of my feet against his back to encourage him.

  Finally, thank fuck, Clint moved. But he flipped, and now I was atop him, riding his cock like he was the bull and I was fighting to stay on. I laughed and bounced up and down as I pressed my palms into his muscled chest.

  “Do you know how gorgeous you are when you smile?” he asked.

  “Keep complimenting me and I might keep you.” I winked. But I also thought about what he’d said. He thought I was the one. Could someone know that right away? Didn’t people have to date a while to know? But the way he looked at me, with something deeper than lust, my heart thumped wildly as his hands gripped my hips and he pounded into me.


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