by Texe Marrs
Stage one was over and the candidate had passed with flying colors. But more trials were to come. There would be the naked wrestling as he and the other 14 candidates plunged into and wallowed in a mud pile, to the taunts, cries, cheers, and roars of the spectators. Busily, up and down the stairs he went, from sanctum to inner sanctum, sometimes threatened and prodded, at other times encouraged.
Once, in a tower room, he was brought before a mysterious hooded and crowned figure who sat regally on a throne. “Bow to the Master,” the order came from attendants. Feeling uneasy at so bold a request to demonstrate his servility, yet desperately not wishing to offend and anger, the initiate meekly—and promptly—complied.
Finally came the climactic ceremony of the “bones,” the moment when he and the other candidates were “awarded” and assigned their new, esoteric names.
“This is our new brother “Poppy,” the leader reported.” He is a Knight. May he ever remember that he is a bonesman and a member of the Order, and may he never forget that all those creatures outside the Order are barbarians, vandals, and gentiles.”
That’s the way it was that night, over four decades ago, when George Herbert Walker Bush—“Poppy” to his blood brothers—was initiated into the privileged, much revered ranks of the notorious, yet powerful, Skull & Bones Society. 1
The Grand World Conspiracy
The Skull & Bones is only one of several key groups and secret societies we will be examining in this book. The men whom we shall unmask are central to a grand, world conspiracy. They operate behind a number of shadowy covers and fronts. Among these are the Vatican’s Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), the Priory of Sion, the Grand Orient Lodge, the Knights Templar, the Royal Order of the Garter, and the Rosicrucians.
They have also established some very special and highly influential organizations, many of which have clandestine aims and goals. Included in this category are the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bohemian Grove, the Lucis Trust, and World Goodwill.
All of these groups—and many more which we will expose—are part of one gigantic, unified, global network known collectively as the Secret Brotherhood. In the past they have also been identified as the Illuminati. And at the top, at the very pinnacle of this network, is a hidden combine: a small clique, or committee, of plotters. Currently, there are nine illuminized men who sit on this exclusive committee. Eventually, a tenth will join them, but for now his seat remains vacant.
These nine men possess more power and authority than any other group in all of human history. They meet regularly at various locations around the globe and plot out the future of the world and humanity.
Once they make a decision or set a policy, the entire apparatus of the Secret Brotherhood snaps together to implement it, like some piece of complex, intricate, well-oiled machinery.
The Three Objectives of the New World Order
The nine men who now rule the world from behind closed doors do not, at present, wish to have their existence made known to the public at large. The reason for their secrecy and reluctance becomes most clear when we consider their three major objectives, which are, in priority sequence, the establishment of a New World Order comprising:
A World Economy
A World Government
A World Religion
These three objectives are startlingly close to fulfillment. It has taken the Secret Brotherhood hundreds of years of labor and dedication to arrive at this crucial juncture point. Today, almost all of the obstacles which once prevented the establishment of a unified world economy, a world government, and a cooperative world religious system have been successfully overcome.
The fantastic conspiracy revealed in the pages of this exposé will soon explode with such force and impact that every man, woman, and child on this planet is going to personally feel the shocks and repercussions. Most will be staggered and overwhelmed. But those who read Dark Majesty will have been forewarned in advance. Their knowledge and understanding gained may very well be the keys to their survival during the massive period of devastation and betrayal that lies just ahead.
The Conspiracy is For Real
I do not believe that my description of the present danger that now confronts us because of the hidden work of the Secret Brotherhood is overly dramatic. To the contrary, mine is a realistic assessment based on careful analysis and evaluation, and on meticulous research and documentation. The world conspiracy is real. Just as the secret society known as the Order of Skull & Bones is real; and the fact that George Bush, President of the United States of America, is a member of this sordid group is also real.
Furthermore, as incredible as all this appears to be, I believe that the scene I’ve painted here is remarkably close to exactly what occurred that eventful night in 1947 when candidate George Bush was initiated into Yale’s Skull & Bones Society. The details I’ve described harmonize to an astonishing extent what actually goes on behind the closed doors of The Tomb, the Skull & Bones mausoleum, on initiation night.
True, I have no hard facts about George Bush’s sex life before Yale, and cannot, therefore, speak to this part of the Skull & Bones initiation process, nor do I wish to inquire into this area of a man’s life. That is not my purpose in this book. Instead, I am concerned about how a sordid and notorious secret society has not only molded and shaped the entire adult life of a president of the United States, but has been able to gain a deadly stranglehold on the political, economic, and spiritual realms of the whole world.
However, the required connubial bliss ritual is most definitely a standard for new bonesmen, and on that night in May of 1947, George Bush no doubt revealed himself to his fellows in living technicolor, and with any and all lurid or unseemly details stitched into his personalized account. Obviously, such dramatic, gut-wrenching, and detailed disclosures of one’s most intimate personal life to other men especially men who are to become one’s “blood brothers” for life—is a soul tie and emotional bond of incredible strength and endurance.
Occultic and Gruesome: A Harrowing Ritual
Coffins, black-hooded men with lit candles, skeletons and bones—these are all grotesque images and reveal to us the occultic nature of the Skull & Bones initiation. But is my account of what goes on behind the closed doors of the Tomb accurate? The definitive answer is yes. Other investigators report similar gruesome events remarkably parallel to my own descriptions.
For example, Ron Rosenbaum, in his exposé article, “The Last Secrets of the Skull & Bones” (Esquire magazine, Sept. 1977) wrote extensively of the “harrowing” and grueling ordeal and test to which the newly tapped members voluntarily submit. According to Rosenbaum, accompanied by “strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb,” the initiate must undergo as a minimum the following:
Lying completely nude in a coffin, he confides to bystanding members, or Knights, the most intimate “secrets” of his sex life.
A naked wrestling match with other candidates in a sloppy and messy mud pile.
Roger A. Javens, a friend of mine and a dedicated Christian who just happens to be a Yale graduate—though not a bonesman—investigated and researched the Order of Skull & Bones while still a student on campus. In his extensively documented report, Javens states that:
Each member is required to give his autobiography ... Fellow members are assembled in black-hooded robes with candles as a member shares his life story from a coffin. 2
Javens adds that this ritual can be traumatic: “This is known to be a powerful and emotional experience as a member shares his childhood, his experiences (including his sexual experiences), and his ambitions and goals in life.” 3
A Mind-Jarring Ritual
“Moreover,” says Javens, “the bizarre initiation rituals of the Skull & Bones Society are not simply juvenile, fun and games sessions. Their purpose is a serious one. They are, in fact, calculated to produce enduring, lasting behavior and th
orough changes. They serve as an intense, ritualistic form of “psychological conditioning.”
The initiation process, undoubtedly, as the evidence suggests, is a humiliating and traumatic psychological experience. Like other initiations...theirs is also a form of peer pressure, encounter group therapy. All inhibitions and defense mechanisms are broken down.
The individual is then built back up after he has been sufficiently demoralized. 4
The Ritual Making of A “New Man”
I myself am keenly aware of the psychological conditioning process—of the sometimes startling changes that are induced in men who undergo initiatory programs such as George Bush experienced at Yale that fateful night some four decades ago. In the U.S. Air Force (I am a retired career U.S. Air Force officer), I served for four years at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, near San Antonio, a major basic training (“boot camp”) installation. There, I frequently witnessed the dramatic transformation in the minds and lives of young men who underwent rigorous ordeals and tests. Military boot camp is designed to be a unique form of mental conditioning, as any former serviceman can attest.
Later, as an instructor in the R.O.T.C. program, I put hundreds of young and bright new officer candidates through their paces. Again, I often observed remarkable changes in behavior and thought. In some cases, after the training programs (initiation) were successfully completed, the new officer seemed to literally be a “new person.” As if by magic, he was endowed with all the traits and characteristics desired by the programmers—those who designed the training program curricula.
More important, the successful military initiate had incorporated into his own personality a team perspective, a specific set of attitudes which made him a cooperative and cohesive member of the group. His individuality being assaulted and then submerged, he had become a valued “Team Player.”
Once the individual is voluntarily sheared of his distinctiveness and unique persona and fully accepts the principle that his own fate is inseparably linked with the fate of his peers, he is ready to undertake the most arduous, demanding, and dangerous of missions. Often, he will submit to the harshest circumstances, even deprive himself of basic sustenance, for his fellows—his brothers in arms. If called upon, he may even give the ultimate sacrifice—his very life.
In a military environment, such “new paradigm” men, endowed with a sharply focused group perspective, are needed. I am no critic of the military initiation system. It has served our nation well.
For Sinister Purposes
But the same type of intense psychological conditioning process, induced in a far different environment—that of the secret society—can be cunningly calculated to serve a more devious and sinister purpose. It can produce, for example, a blood thirsty terrorist, a mafia hit man, a deluded but fanatical member of an Eastern New Age cult—or a loyal and obedient servant of a conspiratorial and dangerous occult secret society.
The George Bushes, Potter Stewarts, and David Borens of the Skull & Bones no doubt experienced a similar, dramatic life “turning point” as a result of their initiation. They, too, have integrated and fused their once separate minds in the interest of becoming a valued member of a group collective.
As Roger Javens writes in his investigative report, “Skull & Bones and The Secret Society System at Yale:”
This (initiation) process serves to increase dependence and reliance on the group, but ultimately places an individual in a position of compromise.
The individual’s independence in a sense is sacrificed on the “altar of collective dependency.” He then becomes involved in something larger than himself. 5
Following that extraordinary night, when the candidates of the Order experienced the most unusual and arcane rites of passage, an event involving bones and mud piles, coffins, and hazing, did George Bush become a dependent and docile servant of a dangerously occultic secret society? Did he allow himself to become an initiated and cooperatively functioning cog in a heavily oiled, precision-made machine—an international collective whose leadership is bent on world domination? Did he give up his independence as a unique person to join something larger than himself?
Was it a part of the bargain that he compromise himself as an acceptable sacrifice for the sumptuously seductive benefits offered initiates who are slated to become the globe’s top elite—the cream of Earth’s bankers, financiers, politicians, and corporate board chairmen?
Significantly, Malachi Martin, author of the bestselling book, Keys of This Blood, which examines Pope John Paul II’s grand plan for the Vatican to become the leading global authority in the New World Order, has described President Bush as a “servant of the Council of Wise Men.” The Council of Wise Men is one of the synonyms for the Illuminati, otherwise known as the Secret Brotherhood. The symbol of the Illuminati is the unfinished Egyptian pyramid crowned by the all-seeing eye of Horus the Sun God. 6
A Price to Pay...But Enormous Rewards
Obviously, there is a price one must pay to enter the exalted ranks of the world’s most exclusive men’s club. Psychological conditioning takes its toll. But the greatest sacrifice made, quite possibly, is the new initiate’s independence. Now an active member of a group collective, he is expected to comply with the group’s demands and support its goals. His own destiny and future is tied to the fortunes of the greater group collective. He has become the servant of the group and it is his acknowledged and unquestionable master.
The servant aspect, bonesmen realize, is the price they must willingly and eagerly pay for all the enormous rewards to be accrued through membership in the world’s most elite Brotherhood. In light of the substantial rewards offered the initiate, the price probably does not seem to be onerous. It is, in fact, a bargain. The new bonesman finds that he is immediately tied into the “old boys” network of the Skull & Bones in innumerable ways. He quickly discovers, too, that it is a network that operates throughout the planet and holds the levers of power in almost every nation on earth. From the moment he is initiated and given a new name, an ancient recognized symbol of unity among those in cultic groups, a young man of the Order finds that his life is guided by a powerful, often invisible silver cord. He himself is but one of the interlinking and braided threads in a closely woven, rigid, and inelastic network of power and influence.
In a fascinating recent article on President Bush in the Guardian Weekly, an insert tabloid of The Washington Post, the authors allude to the guiding, yet unseen, power network that influences the policies and political life of the President. Referring to the book, The Wise Men, in which the authors favorably look at the secret societies and their works, the article stated:
What he (George Bush) may be guided by is a thread that runs deep through his own life and times. Like the “wise men” chronicled by authors Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas in their 1986 study of six influential men who shaped American policy, Bush can trace his own roots back to bastions of the establishment such as...Yale. His father, Prescott Bush was a friend and business associate of these men, including...W. Averell Harriman.
They were an elite group...who helped shape a New World Order...They steered the United States...toward a new and difficult international role... 7
President Bush’s Unchanging Allegiance to the Brotherhood
As President, George Bush has surrounded himself with fellow brothers of the Skull & Bones and interlinking, related groups, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Indeed, on the very day he kicked off his presidency, Bush signaled his unchanging allegiance to the Brotherhood.
At his inauguration ceremony, his Oath of Office was sworn as George Bush’s hand rested on the Masonic bible furnished him by his brothers at St. John’s Masonic Lodge, 71 West 23rd Street, New York City. It was the same bible, printed in London in 1767, that was used at the inauguration of Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Jimmy Carter. These three Presidents were all Masons, as is George Bush. 8 (Ronald Reagan was not a Mason at the time of his
inauguration. However, in 1987, only a few months before his second term of office was completed, President Reagan was inducted into the secret world of Freemasonry—as an honorary 33rd degree Mason, courtesy of the House of the Temple in Washington D.C., the 33rd degree Mother Council of Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasonry.) 9
The Rockefeller Connection
For his National Security Advisor and right-hand man, Bush chose Brent Scowcroft. Scowcroft, an intelligence buff with international banker connections, had previously been President of Kissinger & Associates. 10 This is the world’s most prestigious and influential lobbyist firm, ruled and headed by Henry Kissinger former Secretary of State. In turn, Kissinger’s mentor and benefactor has long been billionaire banker David Rockefeller.
David Rockefeller, indisputably one of the world’s richest men—and also one of its chief power brokers—has the highest regard for the members of the Skull & Bones. Indeed, Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc., the main corporate entity in the Rockefeller family’s extensive business empire, is personally managed by a bonesman, the aggressively brilliant J. Richardson Dilworth (Skull & Bones, class of ’38).
In 1973, Rockefeller, with the help of disciples Zbigniew Brzezinski and Averell Harriman (bonesman, Skull & Bones class of 1917—the same as Prescott S. Bush, George Bush’s father), founded the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is a group with the goal of hastening the era of World Government and promoting an international economy controlled behind the scenes by the Secret Brotherhood. Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor and intelligence coordinator, the same position held by Henry Kissinger in the Nixon and Ford administrations and now by Brent Scowcroft in the George Bush era.