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by Texe Marrs

  Obviously, Donald Keys meant exactly what he said when he triumphantly declared that networking is the religion of the New Age. The process of networking has become successful for the Secret Brotherhood’s implementation of its plans in every realm—political, economic, religious, education, entertainment, medical, etc. In the religious realm, for example, it might be enlightening to look at one small group alone that is closely associated with the plan of the Brotherhood: The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (RLDS-Mormons who are not affiliated with the larger Salt Lake City, Utah sect).

  As I demonstrate in my book New Age Cults and Religions, the RLDS has become a hotbed of New Age activity in recent years. This church group is a major promoter of globalism, peace, and disarmament organizations, many of which are funded covertly by the Brotherhood. Many have a Marxist connection and some received financial aid undercover from the communist government of the former U.S.S.R.

  In the RLDS instructional manual, Youth Ministries Ideas 2, readers are told that to learn more about “the ways of peace,” they might wish to seek out the following organizations recommended by the hierarchy of the RLDS church: American Friends Service Committee, Council for a Lovable World, Educators for Social Responsibility, Greenpeace, Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Sane.

  Meanwhile, in a RLDS study book, Becoming Makers of Peace, the following groups were recommended as “a few of the many excellent groups in the United States who are working for peace:” Center for Defense Information, Clergy and Laity Concerned, Council on Economic Priorities, Council for a Lovable World, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Positions for Social Responsibility, Friends of the Earth, Interface Center on Corporate Responsibility, Peace Links, Sane, Union of Concerned Scientists, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and World Policy Institute.

  Education for the New Age Globalist Agenda

  The organizations listed above are not just empty titles. These are legitimate organizations. Some have budgets in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars. They use this money to educate the world on the wisdom of a New World Order, the unity of all religions, and the United Nations goal of a “New International Economic Order.” Consider, for example, one organization alone: Planetary Citizens, located at 325 Ninth Street, San Francisco, California. Recently, I received a form letter from this group addressed to “Dear Friend of Peace and the Planet.”

  My research into the membership of Planetary Citizens provides startling evidence of the enormous influence and capability of such organizations. Let me list just a few of the more prominent officials and persons involved actively with Planetary Citizens. Keep in mind that this group is only one of thousands of front organizations set up by the Secret Brotherhood, endorsed by it, or which perhaps unwittingly sponsor agendas that are virtually identical with that of the Secret Brotherhood.

  First, we discover that the honorary chairman of Planetary Citizens is Norman Cousins. Listed as “first endorsers” are, from Australia, Conrad Moritz; from Belgium, Maurice Bejart; and from Canada, Maurice Strong. (Strong is the mastermind of the United Nations Environmental Program and was the chief organizer and head of the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in June, 1992, in which most of the world’s leaders participated.)

  Continuing, other “first endorsers” of Planetary Citizens are Martin Niemoller, Germany; Marcel Marceau, France; Jean-Francois Revel, France; Archbishop Angelo Fernandez, India; Princess Juliana, the Netherlands; Sir Edmund Hillary, the famous explorer, New Zealand; Thor Heyerdahl, Norway; Gunner Myrdal, Sweden; the Dalai Lama, the god-man of Tibetan Buddhism; Peter Ustinov, famous actor and political commentator; and the list goes on and on.

  Among the endorsers of Planetary Citizens from the United States, are these persons: Leonard Bernstein; Kenneth Boulding; Coretta Scott King, widow of the assassinated Reverend Martin Luther King; Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner in medicine; Victor Reuther, international labor leader; Pete Seeger, musician; Professor George Wald of Harvard; best-selling novelist John Updyke; novelist Kurt Vonnegut; and humanist psychologist Rollo May.

  The list above is impressive enough, but wait...there’s more. Let us continue our examination of the impressive number of dignitaries and people of influence connected to this one New Age, globalist organization. On its advisory council and listed on its letterhead are famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov; Noel Brown of the United Nations Environmental Program; George Brown, of the environmental group World Watch; Peter Caddy, co-founder of the Findhorn New Age community in Scotland, often called the Vatican of the New Age; Britain’s Lord Exeter; American Hindu advocate and guru Ram Dass; Sri Chinmoy, another Hindu guru who has been identified as the spiritual advisor to former Soviet communist party boss Mikhail Gorbachev; David Steindl-Rast, a Catholic Benedictine Order brother; Theodore M. Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame University; Edgar D. Mitchell, a NASA Astronaut; and Michael Murphy, founder of the Esalen Institute, which sponsored the recent visit of Mikhail Gorbachev to the United States and also one of Boris Yeltsin’s visits to America.

  The list continues: Englishman Sir John Sinclair; New Age theologian David Spangler; Sierra Club writer William Irwin Thompson; scientist Willis W. Harman of the Stanford Research Institute; René Dubois, a French author who promotes the New Age belief in the “god within” (Dubois is the spiritual mentor of former Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander, now the Secretary of Education under President George Bush); Archbishop Makarios, top official in the Greek Orthodox Church; England’s Lord Phillip Noel-Baker; Lester Pearson, former prime minister of Canada; Jean Piaget, a French child psychologist of worldwide renown; General Carlos Romulo, the Philippines; Paul Henri Spaak, former secretary-general of NATO; U Thant, former secretary-general of the United Nations; and acclaimed British historian Arnold Toynbee. (A few of the persons listed are now deceased and are recognized by Planetary Citizens as being “emeriti.”)

  All in all, the distinguished leadership cadre of Planetary Citizens is nothing short of amazing. These men constitute the greatest number of movers and shakers I have ever seen affiliated with anyone organization. So when people doubt the influence of New Age groups such as Planetary Citizens and its affiliate, the Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose, I can only say that the doubters are ignorant. We must recognize the enormous power wielded by these groups. Therefore, a key question is, what is the agenda backed and endorsed by Planetary Citizens?

  The Agenda of Planetary Citizens

  The major concerns and interests of Planetary Citizens are a mirror image of those of the Secret Brotherhood. When we realize that this group is merely a propaganda front, witting or unwitting, of the Secret Brotherhood, we’re aided in our understanding of the blueprint drawn up by the Order. For example in the letter from Planetary Citizens I have in my files addressed to “Dear Friend of Peace and the Planet,” its author, Donald Keys, president of Planetary Citizens, mentions that a task force of 40 members of Planetary Citizens is taking a trip to Central America to work on solving the guerrilla wars that beset that region.

  Also favorably mentioned in the letter is the University for Peace, an organization set up by Robert Mueller, former assistant secretary-general of the United Nations, who serves as the chancellor for this institution, which is located in Costa Rica, in Central America.

  We also find in the letter the reference to the Brotherhood’s goal of ending American national sovereignty. Keys writes, “A disarmed world cannot just be ‘disarmed.’ It must also contain some new elements. ‘Global Patriotism’...is one of them.” The letter goes on to explain that national sovereignty must give way to a form of global citizenship.

  The letter from Planetary Citizens also discusses the group’s establishment of a subsidiary group, the Independent Commission on World Security Alternatives. This group, says Keys, is putting out a report which will be distributed in over 10,000 copies to world leaders. It is the report’s contention that man
kind must make a rapid transition to “world security,” that we must carry through and complete “a design, a plan, and a process which achieves sustainable peace.”

  Indicating the power broker role that Planetary Citizens provides in support of the Secret Brotherhood, the letter remarks that this report by the so-called Independent Commission on World Security Alternatives, “will be rightly timed (in the United States) to play a role in the Presidential election campaigns and in the redirection of global policies.”

  We see, then, that merely one organization, operating worldwide across national borders, can exert an astonishing influence in our lives. Yet, Planetary Citizens is only one of thousands of such active groups and organizations. My study and investigation has convinced me that almost all of these groups have been established and are now being funded behind the scenes by the Brotherhood.

  Some of them are also receiving money under the table from the Central Intelligence Agency or from other national intelligence groups closely allied with America’s CIA. In this way, because the CIA budget is kept secret and classified accordingly by the U.S. Congress and the White House, the money can be doled out privately without attracting public attention to these organizations.

  CHAPTER EIGHT: Strange Glory—What Are They Hiding Inside That Tomb?

  The Skull & Bones Society—secretive, influential, powerful, made up of the super-rich, the upper class, the elite of the United States and perhaps the world. Is it an evil group? Why is it a secret society, a secret organization with hidden initiation rituals, hidden membership lists, hidden doctrines, and hidden goals and objectives? Is it unbiblical, is it unholy, is it of the devil? Is it un-American? Who belongs to the Skull & Bones Society? How do they become a member of this group? Why did they become a member of this group? How many members of the Skull & Bones Society are living today? What positions do they hold in our government, in banking and finance, and in education and religion? These are some of the questions we’ll be discussing in detail in this and subsequent chapters as we examine one of the most bizarre of the secret societies: The Order of Skull & Bones.

  In Dark Majesty and in my previous books, including Millennium: Peace, Promises, and the Day They Take Our Money Away, I disclosed information about a number of the secret societies and organizations that exist in America and around the world. There are a number of such groups. Yet, I’m convinced from my research and the evidence that God has allowed to come my way over the last six years that, although there are many organizations, secret societies, and groups dedicated to the triple goals of world government, a unified world economy, and a one world religious system, today as never before, these groups are linked together. They are networking. Moreover, there is, in fact, an elite, a clique, at the very top. You can call it an invisible college, you can call it an invisible order, some have called it the “hidden hand;” but there is a powerful and centrally located leadership unit.

  Now, of all the influential secret societies and orders that I have come across, the Skull & Bones Society seems to enjoy unusual prominence and authority. The Skull & Bones has infiltrated and penetrated almost every area of our society. For example, some of the members of the Skull & Bones have moved into the oil industry, many have been and are diplomats, others are railroad magnates, banking and finance czars, heads of lumber and forestry combines, and on and on. President George Bush is the best known member of the Skull & Bones, but he is not the only president to have been a “bonesman.”

  The Founding of the Order of Skull & Bones

  The Skull & Bones originated at Yale University in 1832, being founded by a man named General William H. Russell. Today, actually, the Skull & Bones is formally known as “The Russell Trust” and is incorporated in that name. William H. Russell visited Germany in the year of 1832 and while there was introduced to a German secret society which was a successor of the Bavarian “Illuminati” of Adam Weishaupt. 1

  Germany has been the home of many secret societies. In fact, they existed all the way up until the time of Adolf Hitler and still operate today. Hitler himself was a member of two secret societies, the Vril Society and the Thule Society, and he believed himself to be a Teutonic Knight. 2 Upon his return to the United States in 1832, General Russell and some associates determined to establish a similar group in America. Yale was then one of the Ivy League colleges, was perhaps the top school, along with Harvard and Princeton in the United States at that time. It was therefore Russell’s intention—he and his very wealthy, rich friends—to make sure that they and their sons could become members of a secret order which would have favored, privileged status in society.

  At the time, Freemasonry was in disrepute throughout the United States. A Captain William Morgan, a Mason, renounced the group and published a volume in 1829 unmasking most of the secret rituals, handshakes, and symbolism of Freemasonry. So enraged were Masons that Captain Morgan was murdered. This violent act became a rallying cry against all Masonic lodges everywhere. So great was the public outcry that an Anti-Masonic political party was even established.

  So when General Russell and his Masonic friends decided to found their secret society at Yale, they avoided the Masonic name. However, the Skull & Bones is, in fact, nothing less than a black lodge of Freemasonry and its rituals are almost carbon copies of the highest level ceremonial rituals of Freemasonry

  It was decided that 15 juniors at Yale would be chosen each year from among the “upper crust,” the upper classes, the rich, the famous, the privileged, the influential. And so they set up this secret society to be known as Skull & Bones. They also constructed an impressive, windowless building that came to be dubbed “The Tomb,” adjacent to the campus of Yale University.

  Interestingly, the esoteric motto of both the Skull & Bones and Yale University itself is the one inscribed on certain campus buildings and is also to be found inscribed in Latin on the $1 bill of our currency. The words of this motto, in Latin, are: Novus Ordo Seclorum. That is also the Yale slogan; translated in English, the words mean New World Order. 3

  Thus the members of the Skull & Bones perceive themselves as the men who are to bring in the New World Order.

  A $54 Million Endowment for Pampered Rich Boys

  At Yale, then, we have this secret society in which only 15 students are inducted each year. They live in a building, the Tomb, that resembles a combination library and mausoleum and are cared for by paid servants, cooks, and attendants. The Russell Trust is endowed by $54 million in alumni grants. Imagine, $54 million for the welfare of these 15 pampered initiates! These 15 students are obviously chosen, special people. They are called Knights while they are at the university, but when they graduate, they are called Patriarchs of the Order.

  It has been the case that since 1832 the Patriarchs, also calling themselves bonesmen, continue to meet together frequently. The new graduates are also mentored by older patriarchs and are rewarded with jobs, loans, grants, and favored treatment throughout their lives. “Once a bonesman,” it is said, “always a bonesman.”

  Behind the Closed Doors of the Tomb

  In 1873 some Yale students wanted to know the secrets of the Tomb, the building where the strange, arcane ceremonies and rituals are held to induct the chosen new Skull & Bones members. A group of Yale students therefore decided to break into the Tomb, to discover what goes on in the inner sanctum. What they found there was quite shocking. They came upon actual skulls and bones—not only the insignia logo of the group—real skulls and bones. Many evidences of occultism were found in the Tomb.

  Some of those students later wrote of their experiences and revelations in the Yale newspaper, the Iconoclast. 4 Evidently, sentiment was then against the bonesmen, as a result of their arrogance and their unfair actions in consistently favoring their own, regardless of merit.

  We can be sure there have been many fine, brilliant and hard-working students inducted into the Yale secret society known as the Skull & Bones. But in fact, it does not matter what merit a man may have, by
virtue of his being a member of this secret order, he is always favored, not only by fellow bonesmen, their blood brothers at Yale, but later in life by the alumni. It is the alumni who actually control the Order of Skull & Bones.

  That Cryptic Number: 322

  The logo of the Order of Skull & Bones is a skull with crossed bones and underneath a strange and mystic number “322.” At Yale the Order is known as Chapter 322. What does the “322” stand for? There seem to be many explanations suggested. The most prevalent theory is that the number 322 has a connection with Demosthenes, the famous Greek orator. And so, because of this small clue that the number has a connection with Demosthenes, I decided to research the life of Demosthenes and find out more about him.

  As it turns out, Demosthenes was a great Greek orator and patriot. He lived from 384 to 322 BC. He died in 322 BC, so if in the Skull & Bones Society the “Chapter 322” designation comes from a link with Demosthenes, it would indicate the year of his death, 322.

  Now, historians tells us that Demosthenes poisoned himself—he committed suicide in 322 BC. He did so because the Greeks were ruled by Philip of Macedonia. Demosthenes, a politician, a leader, and a patriot of Greece was extremely depressed. He and others had instigated an uprising against Philip but their efforts had failed. Therefore, Demosthenes committed suicide by poison.

  Today, a statue of Demosthenes stands in the Vatican, in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome. Could there be a connection of the Skull & Bones with the Catholic Church? Possibly. In any case, what we have here is a situation in which the historical legend of the death of Demosthenes seems to have been the inspiration for the founding of Skull & Bones Chapter 322. It could be that what the Order of Skull & Bones is saying is that its members prefer death to giving up freedom and liberty—so much so that they would rather be dead or poisoned than not to have this freedom, this liberty. It is significant for us to understand that for the secret societies, words such as “freedom” and “liberty” have no meaning as we know them, nor does the word “democracy.”


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