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Dark Majesty Page 15

by Texe Marrs

  Well, I agree. It is absurd. I can only tell you that this is exactly what goes on. There have been a number of secrets revealed—this is one of them. You can find this not only in Roger Javin’s paper that I am privy to, 11 but also in Antony C. Sutton’s book America’s Secret Establishment. 12 The initiation rite/ceremony was also discussed by Ron Rosenbaum, who wrote an article in 1979 for Esquire magazine. In fact, Rosenbaum described exactly this initiation ceremony. 13

  A Ritual of the Mystery Religions

  The initiation rite is a throwback to Masonic rituals (particularly the ritual for the 30th degree) and is modeled after the similar rituals conducted in ages past by the mystery religions of the Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians, and the Egyptians. Its purpose is occultic: the new member of the Skull & Bones Society supposedly dies to the world and is born again into The Order. The Order is considered a world unto itself. The man has a new name and 14 new blood brothers. Moreover, he joins an elite few numbering in the hundreds—chosen from among the 5.5 billion inhabitants of planet Earth!

  There is not only this elitist element, but also a spiritual dimension to the initiation ceremony. This is a counterfeit of the Christian act of being “born again.” Jesus Christ said in John 3:3, “You must be born again.” As a Christian, a person is not reborn as a result of some arcane and sinister initiation ceremony with bones and skulls, and coffins and mud piles. He or she is reborn through faith in the precious and redeeming name of Jesus Christ.

  That is the rebirth for the Christian, but not so for the secret society. Not so for the Skull & Bones initiate. Instead, these individuals pass through the ordeal and tests of a satanic ritual. Elder members of the society, during the ceremony, are assembled in black hooded robes with lit candles, and the member shares his life story as he lays in the coffin. He is required to recount and confess his sexual experiences. He is bonded and soul-linked with the other members of the society. They know about his innermost secrets—everything he has done of a wicked nature. He confesses and tells it all right from the coffin.

  This has been known to be a most powerful and emotional experience for Skull & Bones members. It is what ties them together emotionally. It is a psychological conditioning process and can be very traumatic. It is also an intense form of peer pressure—a type of sensitivity or encounter group training.

  The new man’s inhibitions, his defense mechanisms, are broken down. Some people have told me of other things. Some claim that acts of sodomy have taken place during the rituals, but I have not been able to really confirm this.

  But what I have told you is, indeed, very factual. It’s an interesting thing that as far back as 1873, the Yale students who broke into “The Tomb” discovered some of these secrets. They warned in their school newspaper at the time that, “Year-by-year the deadly evil of the Skull & Bones is growing.” The Society, they wrote, is not just obnoxious and arrogant, it fancies itself superior. Moreover, the students suggested that the true goal of its membership was to endeavor to rule in all things and to clutch tightly its power. 14

  CHAPTER NINE: The Pleasant Adventures of a Bonesman...Or How George Bush Made It All the Way to the White House With Just a Little Help From His Friends

  George Bush’s association with the Brotherhood—the men who have long guided his destiny and fulfilled his worldly ambitions—actually began before he was born. Bush’s father, Prescott S. Bush, was himself a bonesman. Son of an affluent manufacturer, Prescott S. Bush graduated from Yale University in 1918, having been initiated into the Skull & Bones Society the previous year. 1

  The Skull & Bones class of Prescott S. Bush’s blood brothers at Yale was an illustrious one. Everyone of the 15 who were initiated at the Tomb in May of 1917 went on to become more rich (they were already of the wealthy aristocratic class) and join the ranks of the global elite. For example, Prescott Bush’s fellow initiate Henry Peter Isham was the epitome of monied success in the 1930’s and 1940’s, being associated as director with Marshall Fields department stores, the First National Bank of Chicago, and Dresser Industries (more on Dresser Industries in a moment). 2

  Then there’s Artemus Gates, head of the investment banking firm, New York Trust Co., and later to become under Secretary of the Navy; John Farrar, who became a publishing magnate; Frank Parsons Shepard, of both the Guaranty Trust and the Banker’s Trust Companies; Knight Wooley, also with Guaranty Trust, and E. Roland Harriman, a partner in one of the greatest global money machines ever put together—the investment banking firm of Brown Brothers Harriman.

  Prescott S. Bush, George’s father, also linked himself with Brown Brothers Harriman as well as with other incredibly powerful financial combines, such as Union Banking Corporation. But it was as a partner at Brown Brothers Harriman that Prescott S. Bush and his fellow bonesmen and secret society brothers made their greatest contribution to the world revolution conspiracy.

  Help to the Nazis and Communists

  There is a mountainous, unquestionable body of evidence that, directly or indirectly, the investment and banking firm of which George Bush’s father was a major figure gave early financial backing to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi henchmen such as Rudolf Hess. Earlier, in the 1920’s, they had seen fit to finance the communist dictatorship and regime of Vladimir Lenin in Soviet Russia. As Antony Sutton writes in his insight-filled book, The Two Faces of George Bush: “The conclusion is that the Harriman firm and Prescott Bush were intimately associated with financing both Nazis and Soviets...both extremes of the political spectrum.” 3

  The dialectical plan of the Secret Brotherhood was to fund, arm and build up two great powers, Nazism and Communism, and watch as these two ferocious, blood-thirsty monsters tore, chewed, and blasted each other into oblivion. The net result of such a strategy was that once Germany and Russia had foolishly and needlessly exhausted themselves and ravaged their nations in their vain campaigns for global dictatorship, a third world power, greater than they, could eventually emerge to fill up the world scene of authority: a New World Order ruled by the Brotherhood.

  At the same time, Japan, an Asian tiger, outsider, and threat to the world conspiracy, had to be declawed and tamed.

  Without a doubt, from the ashes of the flames of World War II ascended a new phoenix of world power—the international commercial cartel I have identified in this book as the Secret Brotherhood.

  George Bush and the Skull & Bones Dynasty

  George Bush’s father, Prescott, was at the center of the conspiratorial planning and strategizing in preparation for the upcoming great struggle for world domination. But because the world revolution is an intergenerational battle, a series of ongoing conflicts all aimed at the final, ultimate objective of total dictatorship and control of planet earth, it was necessary that Prescott S. Bush and his fellows choose, train, and groom yet another generation of leaders from among their ranks. And what better choice than to keep it all in the family?

  Thus it was that George Bush was chosen for tapping by the Skull & Bones even before he left the cradle!

  Like his father, young George Herbert Walker Bush would be given the best of everything. No obstacles would be allowed to obstruct his path. His mentors and guides—the alumni, the elder patriarchs of Skull & Bones—would see to it. After all, had the word not gone out, as early as 1873, when an anonymous Yale student, distraught at the favoritism shown the Knights of Skull & Bones, had written:

  We offer no objections to their existing plan. No one disputes with them this right, we question but the plan on which they act, that only he who wears upon his breast their emblem, he for every post shall be considered best. 4

  I have tracked George Bush’s professional career and family history from that dark evening in 1947 when, in the Tomb at Yale, he threw a bone on the pile and proudly acknowledged his new name of “Poppy,” a name known at present only to his closest friends and associates. The results of my investigation are fascinating, to say the least.

  The history of George Bush’s life
is proof positive of the almost unbelievable influence and ability of a small band of rich and powerful co-conspirators to create a pliant company man perfectly fit and trained for their own sinister purposes, and to actually propel that man to the very seat of world authority as head of the United States of America, the mighty military arm of the Secret Brotherhood’s New World Order. 5

  The Rewards of Membership

  Newsweek magazine published an interesting article in its April 29, 1991 issue about the Skull & Bones. Entitled “God, Men and Bonding at Yale,” Newsweek noted the staggering ability of the Skull & Bones to take care of and promote its own. Why, the magazine asked, would a man want to be a part of a “club with a name like a heavy metal band and a ritual of mumbo-jumbo straight out of the Raccoon Lodge?” The answer:

  Well, there’s the clubhouse (or “tomb”) itself, rumored to contain among other treasures, the skull of Pancho Villa. There’s the tax-free gift of $15,000 that members are widely believed to receive on joining...

  Most of all, there’s the prestige of belonging to a 159-year old organization that counts among its alumni the President of the United States, three U.S. Senators, and luminaries of the American establishment ranging from McGeorge Bundy to William Bundy.

  Membership in Skull & Bones has often been portrayed as entreé to the inner sanctum of the American elite.

  However, though there have been a number of articles written on the subject, the establishment news media has only the dimmest understanding of the incredible opportunity conferred on a person by virtue of his initiation into the Skull & Bones. Newsweek, for instance, suggested that, “no one can specify exactly what benefit it conveys in later life.”

  Nonsense! We need look no farther than the history of one man, George Bush (though we can recite that of many others) to discover “exactly what benefits it (Skull & Bones) conveys in later life.” What follows, then, is a brief but enlightening sketch of what it can mean to the individual and to the Secret Brotherhood when the right man is tapped by the bonesmen of Yale.

  The Myth of the Old Studebaker and the Struggling Entrepreneur Oil Man

  By many accounts, including his own, upon graduation from Yale, George Bush and his young wife, Barbara, herself a member of an aristocratic, wealthy clan, the Pierces of New York, struck out for Texas in an old jalopy of a Studebaker. Once in Midland, the heart of Texas’ oil country, young, plucky George Bush first signed up in an entry level job at a drilling company where he learned the basics of the oil industry.

  Then, unsatisfied with working for someone else, the fledgling and ambitious young man soon joined up with like-minded entrepreneurs. They together founded Zapata Oil Company, an oil exploration outfit and—Presto! They hit pay dirt! Their wildcat wells struck black gold and the money came rolling in.

  Emboldened by this astonishing, fast-paced success in what is known by one and all in Texas as the rough and tumble, highly competitive oil business, the astute new businessman named George Bush next sought to extend his good luck by establishing an oil drilling and service company, Zapata Offshore Drilling. Again, bang! Success was to be lucky George Bush’s amazing lot in life.

  By then, the young man from New Haven, Connecticut was worth millions. He followed up his breakthrough in the oil stakes arena by running for a seat in the U.S. Congress. George Bush was successfully elected to the House of Representatives in 1966.

  A Rising Political Star

  Then, following two brief setbacks when his two Texas campaigns for the U.S. Senate fell flat, George Bush regathered his inner forces and plunged dizzily headlong into an awesome series of career successes. The dazzling young oil entrepreneur and congressman successively became U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1971); Chairman of the Republican National Committee (1973); Special Envoy to the communist People’s Republic of China (1975); Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: the CIA (1976); Vice President of the United States (1980); and President of the United States (1988).

  Now consider: What possible justification could there be for a totally unqualified oil man and freshman Congressman from Houston, Texas, who is a twice failed senatorial candidate, to be selected for the highly coveted diplomatic post of Ambassador to the United Nations? This post is typically reserved for a man or woman with a track record of excellence after decades of proven experience in public service, preferably in diplomatic circles. But the resumé of bonesman George Bush needed some puffing up, so...

  Then, about George Bush’s taking over as Chairman of the Republican National Committee—another position of untold power. The holder of this position is in charge of the entire apparatus of the Republican Party. He holds the purse strings, hob-knobs with big contributors to party coffers, and controls the direction of party policy. His support—or opposition—can make or break a person’s political campaign for anyone of thousands of political offices, from mayor and state legislator to U.S. Senator and President, across America. What a coup for a young man like George Bush to be given this plum position!

  The Chosen Few

  And who put the unqualified George Bush in these powerful, coveted positions? Richard Nixon, President of the United States, appointed him. My investigation shows that Nixon did so at the insistence of Henry Kissinger, his National Security Advisor, and David Rockefeller, the man who bankrolls most Republican candidates for the office of President and who personally mentors the chosen few young men deemed worthy to aspire to that high office. George Bush was one of those worthies.

  Very few are aware that it was Richard Nixon, a puppet of the Rockefeller-Kissinger monied interests, who became George Bush’s undercover “Godfather” in the early 1970’s. But in the New York Times national edition of June 11, 1992, we learn of just how much George Bush owes his success in politics to former President Richard Nixon and certain well-heeled money men. The New York Times feature article revealed that Bush, then a congressman, was given a financial boost from the same Nixon folks who funded the Watergate break-in scandal:

  In the early 1970’s, even as President Richard Nixon became enveloped in the Watergate scandal, he helped elevate George Bush, then an obscure Texas Congressman, to national prominence.

  Now, as the June 17 break-in at the Watergate approaches its 20th anniversary, a review of thousands of files—many made public in the last few years—offers interesting new historical details of Mr. Bush’s connections to the Nixon presidency...

  The documents in the National Archives shed new light on the benefits Mr. Bush received from a 1970 campaign financing arrangement by the Nixon White House, known as the “townhouse operation” because it was operated out of a townhouse in Northwest Washington, D.C., that later came under the scrutiny of Watergate prosecutors. And they provide new evidence of blackmail efforts...

  The documents from the Nixon White House detail plans to distribute...cash to selected candidates, including Mr. Bush, then a Congressman from Texas who was running for the Senate...

  In 1970, Mr. Nixon and his aides supervised a secret $3 million campaign slush fund run out of the Washington townhouse. The operation funneled money to selected Republican candidates including Mr. Bush, who received more than $100,000...

  On September 24, 1970, President Nixon met with two Texas oilmen...as a result of that meeting, the oilmen put (an additional) $25,000 cash into Bush’s campaign in Texas...

  Former U.S. Senator Llowell P. Weicker, who is now Governor of Connecticut, recalled in an interview last week that he had a telephone conversation with Mr. Bush in July 1973 in which Mr. Bush discussed the townhouse records and asked whether the records should be burned. “Bush called Weicker, asked whether he should burn them,” say the Watergate prosecutors’ notes...

  Mr. Weicker said he clearly recalled the conversation. “Believe me,” Mr. Weicker said, “That is burned too clearly into my mind.”

  Bush, Red China, and Money-making Schemes

  While money was covertly being funneled to George Bush to speed along his
political fortunes, other aid was also provided. In 1975 Kissinger, Rockefeller’s man on the scene in the White House as foreign policy chieftain, hand-picked Bush to serve as special envoy to Red China. This was an impressive signal to the 1,000 or so at large members of the Secret Brotherhood that this man, George Bush, was the “chosen one” who someday would be President. After all, Red China was an oyster that the international bankers dearly sought to pluck open and plunder.

  The Secret Brotherhood’s reasoning centered on making more money. A market in Red China of almost one billion human beings must be opened to commercial exploitation—and fast. Following Nixon and Kissinger’s 1970’s “pingpong diplomacy” that resulted in diplomatic breakthroughs with the communist war lords in Peking, it was very, very important that the Brotherhood’s own man be sent as envoy to Peking. George Bush was chosen to open up the money channels and to create a system whereby the communist tyrants who run that giant, would-be superpower nation could cooperatively work with the czars of world finance, the men of the Brotherhood.

  CIA Director George Bush

  After only one year, his mission accomplished, George Bush came home from Peking, China. Promptly, the man whose career had long been guided behind the scenes by the Brotherhood, was given another top job. He was assigned to the one position that the conspirators must always hold director of the world’s top intelligence agency—the CIA. Reporters and observers unaware of Bush’s hidden connections were stunned. George Bush had a supreme lack of qualifications (he had no experience in any “official” capacity in the intelligence field) to be head spy for the democratic forces of planet Earth. Nevertheless, his nomination was quickly approved by an approving Senate Intelligence Committee.


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