by Texe Marrs
When his Skull & Bones elders and their pals in the Senate, including Utah Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, told him to quietly put the lid on these unsavory allegations and to meekly absolve the bank of wrongdoing, Kerry, always quick to please, complied without a murmur. 1
Two years later, the lid blew off the BCCI case when the bank went under, filed bankruptcy, and left the taxpayers and unwitting investors holding the bag for some $500 million in losses.
The big boys of the Brotherhood, of course, had already cleared out their accounts, having received a few years advance notice from their front man and good buddy, Senator John Kerry. Then, in 1991, in a weird and surrealistic public relations ploy, the bonesman from New England suddenly announced that his Senate committee would reopen its hearings on the failed bank. Sorry, John, but the horses are already out of the barn.
The Tragic Case of the Missing POW/MIA’s
The BCCI scandal is not the only shady deal in which John Kerry’s tap dancing and cover-up talents have come in handy for the Skull & Bones hierarchy. When U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (R.-NC) and a few others in Congress came out with revelations that some POW/MIA’s may still be alive somewhere in Vietnam, the Bush administration, embarrassed over accusations that its officials had sat on their hands and done little to resolve the POW/MIA issue, quickly called on fellow bonesman John Kerry. To the rescue he came, announcing in front of the news cameras that his committee would launch a full-scale investigation. 2
Kerry’s assigned role, obviously, was to take the heat off the President and the Pentagon and to help the Brotherhood in the process. Seems that the Brotherhood has a fond desire and longing to open up the oil and mineral-rich lands of communist Vietnam and its neighbors, Cambodia and Laos, to commercial exploitation. Senator Kerry and his committee quickly went into operation, actively debunking confirmed POW sightings in Vietnam and downplaying the POW/MIA issue. Then came the clincher: In late 1991 Senator Kerry personally flew to Vietnam on a “fact-finding” tour.
The upshot: the photogenic Kerry assured us (on television naturally!) that there were no more POW’s being held and that there were no reliable accounts as to what had happened to the missing POW/MIA’s. This, even though a Soviet KGB General had openly admitted that during the Vietnam war years, the KGB had callously shipped many of the American servicemen in bondage in Vietnam off to Soviet KGB prisons to be interrogated about their high-tech intelligence and military know-how.
At his news conference, once he had shunted aside the issue of missing POW/MIA’s, John Kerry went right to the heart of his real purpose in volunteering his committee’s time and energy to “resolve” the Vietnam POW/MIA issue. The bonesman Senator recommended that trade links, now prohibited, be immediately opened between the U.S. and Vietnam and that the U.S. diplomatically recognize the communist Saigon government as legitimate. That recognition, and acceptance by the U. S. of Vietnam as a trading partner, had been held up pending resolution of the case of the missing POW/MIA’s.
Covering Up the Iran Contra Scandal
It was also Senator John Kerry whose committee conducted hearings on the Iran Contra scandal. Kerry and company handled the matter with kid gloves and it was left to a special prosecutor, Lawrence Walsh, to try to get to the bottom of things and smoke out Oliver North, Caspar Weinberger, John Poindexter, Ronald Reagan, Richard Secord, and a host of other “baddies” involved in perpetrating and/or covering up the bribes paid to the treacherous and bloody Iranian ayatollahs.
David Boren: U.S. Senator and Intelligence Maven. Senator David Boren of Oklahoma is a valuable asset to the occult hierarchy and to the good old boys of Skull & Bones. As head of the Senate’s Intelligence Committee, he has oversight responsibility for that out-of-control agency. Thus, in 1991, when fellow bonesman and blood brother President George Bush sent underling Robert Gates down to the Senate for confirmation as the new director of the CIA, Bush and the Brotherhood knew it was a “done deal.”
A showy series of public hearings unearthed tons of evidence that Gates was disreputable, dense, incompetent, and a man whose memory (as a long time high-ranking CIA manager) had developed all kinds of snags and gaps. Senator Boren, however, nevertheless threw his considerable weight into a warm endorsement of fellow Skull & Bones “spook” Gates. Following their chairman’s lead, the other committee members and then the full Senate promptly opened up their desks and took out their rubber stamps—and Gates took over at the director’s desk at the CIA. 3
Now that the Secret Brotherhood is assured of a continuing lock up on the CIA’s voluminous classified files, America may never know the truth about the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, BCCI, the plot to kill the Pope, the Iran Contra Affair, the Watergate break-ins, the supposed hardliner’s coup to overthrow comrade Gorbachev, the October Surprise hostage scam, the Korean Airlines Flight 007 mass murder, the POW/MIA’s, and countless other unsolved mysteries.
William Sloane Coffin: Peacenik and Certified Internationalist. Ultraliberal bonesman William Sloane Coffin is best remembered for his infamous leadership of drug-crazed hippies and weirdos in the 1960’s “peace” and anti-Vietnam war demonstrations. Coffin is now President of SANE/FREEZE, a socialist, internationalist group pushing for a United Nations military force and general disarmament of national armies, naval, and air forces. Coffin has now added the environmental issue to his left-wing activist agenda. He is also a big supporter of and has been a keynote speaker for the World Federalists Association, the group begun by the late writer Norman Cousins to lobby for a One World Government and the end of American sovereignty and independence. 4
William F. Buckley: CIA Man and Propagandist. Conservative columnist William F. Buckley is a Skull & Bonesman par excellence. Effecting a British upper-class accent and demeanor, Buckley started out years ago as a supporter of right wing causes. With his popular “Firing Line” television talk show, he gained quite a following. But then he veered sharply to the left, and has abandoned any pretense of loyalty to “America First” ideas. William F. Buckley has also been a CIA operative in the past, a fact that has been widely reported.
When fellow columnist Patrick Buchanan decided in 1992 to mount a conservative campaign against George Bush in the presidential primaries, Skull & Bones alumni Buckley went in high gear to do what he had been sworn to do back at Yale—always provide unqualified support for a bonesman brother in need. In his magazine National Review, Buckley published a masterful piece of propaganda—a feature article suggesting that Buchanan was “anti-Semitic” and unfit to be President.
Buchanan’s political campaign eventually fell apart, not only because of Buckley’s attack, but because Bush also called on yet another Yale grad and buddy, televangelist Pat Robertson, for political help. Robertson promptly mailed a campaign letter on his own letterhead to his tens of thousands of Christian “new right” supporters, urging them to vote for George Bush over Pat Buchanan in the upcoming “Super Tuesday” primary contests held in the southern states.
This key support from Pat Robertson came just in the nick of time. It also came in spite of the fact that Buchanan had fervently supported the very issues—such as pro-life and the abolishment of the pornography pandering National Endowment for the Arts—which Pat Robertson had supposedly long favored. In addition, whereas George Bush has generally paid only lip service to the conservative Christian community, Patrick Buchanan had earned a reputation for his consistent pro-Christian viewpoint. But evidently, for Robertson, the blood tie of a Yale brother, George Bush, runs far deeper than the compunction to promote the Christian worldview.
We should remember that televangelist Pat Robertson has never been an outsider to partisan politics. Robertson’s father was a member of the U.S. Senate and, in fact, served as Chairman of the Senate’s powerful Banking and Currency Committee.
Jack and Jill—And Buckley’s Son
A postnote: William F. Buckley’s son, Christopher, is also a Yale grad and is a member of his old dad’s occ
ultic-laced Skull & Bones Society. This certainly puts the lie to the myth that the alumni do not control the selection process of new members of the society.
Acid-tongued like his dad, Christopher Buckley was once asked by a New York Times reporter to reveal some secrets about his Skull & Bones group, and specifically to explain the documented reports that human bones are used in its rituals. Smart aleck Buckley replied: “Yeah, we have Sarah Bernhardt’s right leg and we have Peter Stuyvesant’s left leg. We keep them in a case and we call them “Jack & Jill.” 5
Gifford Pinchot: Environmentalist. Pinchot is considered the “Father” of the environmental movement. Some say that it was his book, Breaking New Ground, that resulted in the establishment of the U.S. Forest Service.
We have seen how the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Strongs and other banker conspirators are plotting to latch on to the coattails of the “Mother Earth” campaign. They are using the ruse of environmentalism to feather their own financial nests and divide up the world’s resource—rich wilderness lands between them. In retrospect, perhaps the true objective of Gifford Pinchot can be more clearly understood.
Amos Pinchot, a blood relative of Gifford, was a key founder of the liberal American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Amos Pinchot was also an active financial supporter of Marxism, endorsing Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the early days of the communist regime in Russia.
As far as influence within the ACLU is concerned, the Skull & Bones seems to have quite an inside track. In 1984, the Executive Director of the ACLU was John Shatlack, Skull & Bones class of 1965.
Potter Stewart: Supreme Court Justice. George Bush’s pal, the late Potter Stewart, was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, a key position at the very apex of the U.S.A.’s judicial system. In 1981, Bush asked Potter Stewart to swear him in as Vice President of the United States at his inauguration ceremony. Stewart was delighted to accommodate his fellow bonesman. Through these two men, the Brotherhood was to send the entire conspiratorial network a powerful symbolic message of harmony and favored status accorded brother elitists.
To reinforce this symbolic connection, the Bible from the altar of the Masonic lodge of New York City, first used in the inauguration of George Washington, was transported all the way to the White House steps so that Bush could lay his hand on it and be sworn in. Unlike other King James versions of the Bible, the Masonic version has an introductory section which meticulously explains that Masonry is not a Christian society but, instead, supports all religions and creeds. 6
Thus, George Bush was sworn into office with his hand resting on a Bible that has an added section which attempts to degrade Christianity by declaring a belief in Jesus Christ undeserving of prominence or exaltation above Buddha, Mohammed, Zeus, and all the other false gods and deities.
Would God bless a president or a nation that allowed such an act of defiance against the Truth? Would He look down with favor on a man swearing an oath with his hand resting on a pagan document inserted within the covers of His Holy Bible?
William H. Taft: President of the U.S.A. Judge Potter Stewart is not the only high-ranking jurist who has been a Skull & Bones member. The history of the U.S.A. records many bonesmen as federal judges. William Howard Taft was a Supreme Court Justice, and he became president of the United States. Taft was also president of his church denomination, the Unitarians. (The Unitarians—now called Unitarian-Universalists—are a New Age church group: see the book by Texe Marrs, New Age Cults and Religions.)
In the September, 1921 issue of New Age magazine, the official publication of 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Masonic organization crowed with pride that “a 32nd degree Mason (Taft) has been placed in the Presidential Chair.” The article that had this statement in it was entitled, “Freemasonry as a World Power.”
Evidently, the Supreme Council of 33rd degree Masonry, which I am convinced is presided over by the invisible college of the Illuminati, felt that the swearing in of their brother, William Howard Taft, would be a big plus for them as they continued their work of subversion and hidden control. Triumphantly, the magazine article boasted that someday, “Freemasonry as a World Power will stand revealed as unconquered and unconquerable.”
The Taft family continues today to exert its hideous, anti-Christian influence. Charles P. Taft (Skull & Bones class of 1918) is now president of the financial arm of the ultraliberal World Council of Churches (WCC). The WCC has for decades sponsored terrorist groups overseas. Currently, this apostate “Christian” church group is laboring to bring together all faiths—from Native American Indian medicine men and African tribal witchdoctors to Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and Moslems—together under one hideous spiritual umbrella. The directors of the WCC have decided that Jesus is not unique and never was really God.
Archibald MacLeish: Founder of UNESCO. Bones Brother MacLeish, class of ’15, has held pivotal positions in the U.S. diplomatic corps. He chaired the American delegation to the United Nations London Conference which founded the U.N. subsidiary UNESCO, and he wrote its constitution. UNESCO subsequently became so hatefully anti-American in its sponsorship of Third World terrorism and the communist agenda that even the milk-toast U.S. Congress finally got fed up. For a brief period in the 1980’s, the U.S. Congress cut off the millions of dollars (30 percent of its budget) the U.S provided UNESCO. (Later, President George Bush restored the funding and even attempted to increase U.S. aid.)
Archibald MacLeish held the important position of Librarian of Congress. Just how important this position is was demonstrated in 1989. According to Fritz Springmeier, a Christian researcher and author, in January, 1989, shortly after he had assumed the office of president, George Bush’s aides sent over to the Library of Congress a biographical resumé, as is traditional for new presidents. That resume listed the incoming President as formally affiliated with Freemasonry. However, four months later, the reference to Bush being a Mason was quietly and mysteriously deleted from a revised resumé on file at the Library of Congress.
Stevenson M. L. Aronson, Yale ’65, wrote an article in Fame magazine in August, 1989, in which he reported: “A Bonesman once showed me a letter he’d received from MacLeish...that was signed: “With an undiminished trustingness, Yours in—and out of—322, Archie.”
Townsend Walter Hooper II: Publisher. Townsend Walter Hooper II (class of ’44) is chairman of the Association of American Publishers. The Secret Brotherhood has almost a death grip on all book publishing activity in America and Europe, which is why no books of substance opposing or exposing the Brotherhood are ever published. (Please note that my books are not published by the major New York publishing houses, even though there exists a tremendous market and demand for them—over a million books by Texe Marrs have now been sold!)
There is no definitive proof that Townsend Hooper II has used his influence to censor or to keep anti-Brotherhood exposé off bookstore shelves. But as Yale grad and Skull & Bones researcher Roger Javens has suggested, “It could possibly take Hooper only a few phone calls to major publishers to stall distribution of a typeset book.” 7
Hooper was Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for five years, 1948-53, so it would not be plausible to assume that his role as chairman of America’s top publisher’s association is nonpolitical.
Some Other Notables of the Skull & Bones
It’s plain to see that this one secret society, the Order of Skull & Bones, packs immense influence in every sphere of our society. In addition to those listed above, below is a rundown on some other bonesmen—alive and deceased—who have greatly impacted our lives and continue to do so.
Henry Luce (Skull & Bones Class of ’20). Top man at Time and Life magazines and a chieftain of the Council on Foreign Relations.
McGeorge Bundy. National Security Advisor for President John F. Kennedy. Bundy, a member of the class of ’40, also was a CIA man. Esquire Magazine confirmed through a reliable source that Bundy, like other bonesmen, once “wrestled naked in a mud pile as part
of his initiation.”
John Sherman Cooper. This U.S. Senator from Kentucky was a member of the Warren Commission assigned to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and determine whether there was a conspiracy. Chaired by Congressman Gerald Ford, a 33rd degree Mason, the committee (predictably) reported that alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
Later, Gerald Ford was chosen by Richard Nixon to become his vice president. This was after the then sitting vice president, Spiro Agnew, was disgraced and forced out of office. Then, when Nixon himself was disgraced due to the Watergate affair, Ford assumed the presidency. He was the first unelected president of the United States.
Charles S. Whitehouse (class of ’47). Former diplomat to South Africa.
Jonathan Bingham (class of ’36). Congressman from New York and a CFR member.
John H. Chafee (class of ’44). U.S. Senator from Rhode Island. In June, 1992, within days of his attending a meeting of the Bilderbergers Group in Europe, Senator Chaffee introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate which, if passed, would require every U.S. citizen to immediately turn in their handguns.
Henry Stimson. President Herbert Hoover’s Secretary of State. In the 1920’s, Stimson made sure that the communist regime in the Soviet Union was aided with money from Marxist Armand Hammer, bonesman Averell Harriman, and other corporate benefactors, many of whom were bonesmen.
Robert A. Lovett. President Harry S. Truman’s Secretary of Defense.
John Hersey. Pulitzer Prize-winning book author.