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by Texe Marrs

  Love and Light: Putting On a Happy Face

  The Secret Brotherhood is certainly not going to reveal to men that they are being ruled and manipulated through pageantry and illusion. You can count on these diabolical men to put a happy face on what is a very tragic and deadly situation. Accordingly, the Lucis Trust, in announcing a recent World Goodwill symposium, promised that the New Culture brings us love and light through our service to the brotherhood:

  Through this global manifestation of the will-to-serve, a reservoir of spiritual energies has been created which strengthens and vitalizes all that is good in the world. In the language of symbols, humanity’s will-to-serve has opened the door to Spiritual Hierarchy, allowing love and light from the higher kingdoms on our planet to flow into the consciousness of the human family. 12

  How wonderful all this sounds. Why would we want to fight against “love and light” flowing into the consciousness of the human family? How clever are the magicians. As Lucis Trust goes on to tell us, “Spiritual energies are flowing into the hearts and minds of people throughout the world, awakening the demand for a better way of life for all.” 13

  Why, who could possibly be against such an intangible quality as “a better life for all?”

  Thus, we are being trained to believe that only an idiot would be against the great possibilities of exalting human potential that are offered by the Secret Brotherhood. After all, if we are to believe the Lucis Trust, a radiant opportunity now presents itself to us:

  We have, now, in this time of great change, a wonderful opportunity to shape the future and harmony with the soul vision of the one world and the one humanity. 14

  But if we are to have harmony and if we are to become one world and one humanity, we are next told, we will also have to develop a sense of responsibility: “We need freedom accompanied by responsibility,” l5 say the masters of the Lucis Trust organization.

  In the words of Vaclav Havel, the poet and President of Czechoslovakia—a man who is also a New Age mystic “Freedom is only one side of the coin, the other side is responsibility.” 16 What does “responsibility” mean? Well, explains the Lucis Trust, it means that man has the freedom to act in love but only “for the good of the whole.” 17 He must act responsibly by extinguishing any rebellious and separatist personality traits or tendencies he may possess so that his individual will and ego can be merged in with that of the community as a whole.

  Thus, Livieu Gota, the Vice Director General of the United Nations, told the members of the Lucis Trust and World Goodwill who were participating in the Arcane School Conference in Geneva, Switzerland in 1990, that man must end his individual will and conform to “common aspirations.” According to Gota, a universal spirituality must be achieved. Every man must give of himself and serve the global community. Gota also said that the United Nations will play a great part in developing these common aspirations. Spirituality, Gota stresses, is to be the keystone of the work of strengthening the United Nations. 18

  Such groups as the Lucis Trust, World Goodwill, and the United Nations are promoters of good works and service by humanity, but what they are really after is for all of humanity to pledge allegiance to a single set of goals, to comply with the script and blueprint made up in advance by the Brotherhood.

  The Role of the Media

  How closely are the media following the script written in advance by the Secret Brotherhood? Marlin Maddoux, host of the popular nationally syndicated radio talk show, Point of View With Marlin Maddoux, and a man for whom I hold the greatest esteem, has a well-deserved reputation for being one of America’s top experts and authorities on the media. In his insight-filled book, Free Speech or Propaganda?, he masterfully demonstrates how the media distort the truth. He notes that during the Vietnam War era, the TV networks carried an “unremitting drumbeat of coverage of every riot and rebellion—whether of 20 people or of 20,000.” 19

  Marlin states, “Although I watched the evening news for years and years, I never saw the other side presented. The television was dominated by the left. Anyone who dared stand up to the revolutionaries was never given national publicity.” 20 He went on to observe that:

  Night after night I had seen the radicals who were calling for the destruction of America being paraded as heroes across my television screen. They were given a national platform from which to spout forth their venom and disdain of our country and its institutions. And all the while they were calling on us, the American people, to burn down our society and to build some kind of New Age utopia on its ashes. 21

  Was it just coincidental that the TV networks seemed to have their camera crews on the scene of every riot and commotion, no matter how tiny or inconsequential? Marlin Maddoux reveals that:

  The revolutionaries knew exactly what the networks wanted, and they gave it to them. They let the network assignment editors know where the next riot would be, and they staged it early enough to get pictures on the 6 o’clock news. 22

  The media have been told, obviously, to jump aboard the perpetual campaign to popularize anarchy and revolution and to “illuminate” the masses to further the goals of the Brotherhood. Thus, World Goodwill held a symposium on November 17, 1990 in New York City, with the theme, of “The Psychology of Nations: Revealing the Plan.” Interestingly enough, the keynote address, given by Rolland Smith, broadcast journalist and anchor for the Channel 9 news (WWOR-TV and WCBS-TV) in New York City, was “The Role of the Media in Illuminating the Significance of Global Change.”

  It is fascinating that key people involved in such influential organizations as World Goodwill are now actually coming out of the closet and admitting the role of the media in the illumination of mankind.

  Actually, since the era of Abraham Lincoln the American media have been stooges and foils for the conspirators who make up the Secret Brotherhood. Our press is not only biased, it has become expert in intentionally manipulating and distorting the truth. The press has become the medium, the occult purveyor in the spiritualistic process of magic being perpetrated on the peoples of the world. It is through the press and the media that the lie is penetrating through to the masses.

  Unbelievably, in 1914, John Swinton, editor of the New York Times, admitted that the most influential members of the media establishment have been bought up and are now owned body and soul by the secret elite. At a dinner of the American Press Association, Swinton charged:

  There is no such thing as an independent press in America ... Not a man among you dares to utter his honest opinion ... You know beforehand that it would never appear in print. It is the duty of New York journalists to lie, to toady at the feet of Mammon (money) and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread (money).

  We are the tools and the vassals of the rich behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These men pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, and our capacities are all the property of these men. We are intellectual prostitutes. 23

  The New Reality Programmed Into Our Brains

  With the help of the controlled media, and through their mastery of the arcane knowledge of the occult perennial wisdom and secret doctrine, the Secret Brotherhood has been able to construct the world into what could be called a new holographic reality. One can take a laser hologram picture, cut it up into a hundred pieces and amazingly, each piece will be an exact mirror image of the original. Likewise, the magicians of the Brotherhood have created a world system in which the residents of planet Earth have lost their God-given individuality. Now they are integral pieces of the hologram, and their thoughts and convictions conform to those of mass man.

  Increasingly, it is not considered acceptable for a man to develop and exercise free will or to possess independent knowledge. Instead, he must go along with the crowd and enthusiastically acclaim a universal belief system. A whole culture has collapsed around us. Yet, most men and women are unaware that hidden knowledge and arcane magic have been utilized as weapons to destroy their minds. Our’s has become a phantom univer
se of marvels and wizardry, and illusion and pageantry.

  Even a century ago man was fast being propelled by the secret elements toward this miserable condition and state. For example, in his acclaimed Natural History of Religion, philosopher David Hume wrote:

  We are placed in this world, as in a great theatre, where the sources and causes of every event are entirely concealed from us; nor have we either sufficient wisdom to foresee, or power to prevent those ills, with which we are continually threatened. We hang in perpetual suspense between life and death, health and sickness, plenty and want; which are distributed among the human species by secret and unknown causes, whose operation is oft unexpected and always unaccountable.

  These unknown causes, then, become a constant object of our hopes and fears; and while the passions are kept in perpetual alarm by an anxious expectation of the events, the imagination is equally employed in forming ideas of those powers, on which we have so entire a dependence. 24

  What David Hume revealed is that we have become like a herd of blind mice which are, in unison, rushing over a cliff into a deep and murky sea. The world has become an enchanted place full of magic, and we have become the hapless, hypnotic and mesmerized residents of this world. We are out of touch with the old, more safe reality because a New Reality, one that is not of our own doing, has been substituted for truth.

  The Reconstruction of the World

  It was the famed composer Mozart who was responsible for a singular work of music that has been acclaimed and praised as “a work of genius” by Freemasonry and the secret societies. I am referring to his Masonic opera, “The Magic Flute,” in which Mozart presents to us a vision of the world as a reconstructed and magical temple. In his opera, we are presented a temple of reason and nature, which is presided over by a ruler and psychic seer whom Mozart gives the name “Sarasto.”

  Has our earth today become a great theatre or stage? Are we all becoming programmed, operatic actors and singers whose performance is harmonized and presided over by a ruling elite? Is the goal of this elite to rebuild the temple, to make the entire earth into a Freemasonic “temple of reason and nature?” Is a deceived mankind now marching happily forward into the bold new future to the tune of the great musician Pan, the horned god, as he plays marvelous compositions on his Magic Flute?

  And more important, consider this: Hitler and his troop of amateur magicians and hypnotists in the 1930’s and 1940’s were able to reconstruct a technologically advanced nation such as Germany into a vast theatre of illusion. They were also able to induce educated and intellectual men into becoming barbarians and oppressors of their fellow men. What, then, is to become of 1990’ s men once the Brotherhood is in complete control of our destinies? What will happen to men in this great operatic production of the Secret Brotherhood when we all reach Act 3, the final, concluding segment of this ages old drama?

  A New Barbarism?

  Perhaps Irwin Chargaff, a thoughtful man and a Nobel Prize winner who has been called the father of bioengineering, has given us an answer to these questions. Surveying the new world that is galloping toward us with a cloud of fire and dust following in its wake, Chargaff warns:

  I see the beginnings of a new barbarism...which tomorrow will be called a “new culture.”... Nazism was a primitive, brutal, and absurd expression of it. But it was a first draft of a so-called pre-scientific morality that is being prepared for us in the radiant future. 25

  Chargaff’s frightening conclusion is that mankind today is teetering on the edge of catastrophe, brought about by determined and calculating men who wish to implant in our minds the seeds of a new reality. These men are builders of the New Culture. But the world they are constructing will push men forward into a dark, black vault of horror.

  “Before every catastrophe,” Chargaff cautions, “as before an earthquake, there are signs of what is to come.” 26

  What is so fantastically preposterous about the illuminized society that now surrounds us is that it comes cloaked with good intentions and altruistic motives. As Chargaff suggests, it comes to us described as a glowing, radiant, and promising new future—and men everywhere are buying into this distorted but seductive picture and image. It is as though mankind has been drugged by powerful hallucinogenic agents, mind control drugs which have induced a severe state of schizophrenia, paranoia, stupor and paralysis. In a manner of speaking, mankind has been given a fatal overdose of mind control drugs and has become the victim of these poisonous “bullets.”

  Moreover, the victim now needs long-term psychiatric care or confinement in a “government asylum.” This asylum is the entire world! And who are the masters, the psychiatrists magicians who run this supervised and meticulously planned government asylum? Naturally, they are the men of the Secret Brotherhood.

  Psychic Chemicals Introduced Into Men’s Minds

  It is not farfetched to look upon our world and society today as one gigantic, universal nut house. In this global facility for the mentally impaired masses, the hapless and unwitting patients are daily fed dangerous thought-control drugs to alter their memory and heighten their susceptibility. These psychic chemical agents leave them dangerously vulnerable to magical suggestive powers. That would certainly explain why the masses find such horrors as the sadistic torture and fiendishness now routinely depicted in movies, the killing of millions of unborn babies, homosexual acts of perversion, and the creation of World Government not only palatable, but greatly desirable.

  We are reminded of a letter smuggled out of one of the Soviet Union’s psychiatric hospital prisons by dissident poet V. I. Chernyshov. The communists of the USSR were long engaged in forcing their “malcontents”—those who oppose the monstrous authoritarian system—to be “treated” in crowded psychiatric hospitals. There, confined to a secluded prison ward, they were treated for “mental illness” by being injected with massive doses of mind altering and mind destroying drugs. This, regrettably, was the fate of V. I. Chernyshov.

  In his letter smuggled out of his psychiatric hospital prison ward, he unmasked the horrors inflicted on he and his fellow patients. He noted that most of the patients were Christians—honest and good men and women whose only crime was that they had refused to pledge allegiance to the atheistic views of their captors.

  Begging Christians around the world to help their brothers in suffering, Chernyshov wrote:

  I’m terribly afraid of torture. But there is a worse torture...the introduction of chemicals into my mind...I have already been informed of the decision for my treatment. Farewell. 27

  CHAPTER FIFTEEN: The Hidden Persuaders

  In every area of our lives, the invisible powers are staging furious, pile-driver assaults against us. Their startling goal: To demolish the individual human mind and condition all of humanity to the coming, final takeover of America and the whole earth.

  Evidence that our minds and souls are being processed and that men have become like sheep led to slaughter can no longer be denied. The hideously frightening truth is that the Secret Brotherhood has been assisted by dark powers in creating a fantastic—yet diabolical—method to mesmerize and control human minds. That method can most accurately be described as the Processing of Humanity.

  Since the 1950’s the business world, through its wizards of public relations and advertising, have worked steadily to discover new ways of bending people’s minds. In the corporate world, of course, the motive is to induce the consumer and buyer to purchase one’s product. Increasingly, the advertising community has borrowed from the field of psychology and has even employed military psychopathology techniques and methods.

  There has come into being a specialized mind control technology which uses techniques of hidden persuasion. Few of us are aware that such techniques are being utilized against us since we’re constantly being led to believe by the hidden persuaders that we are independent, resourceful, intelligent, and fully able to make up our own minds. The fact is, for the vast majority of people, the hidden persuasion of the ad
vertisers does work—remarkably so.

  Purpose: To Manipulate Our Minds

  Hidden persuasion, the ability to influence one’s buying habits, has proven so effective a science that in 1956, W. Howard Chase, President of the Public Relations Society of America, warned his colleagues in the advertising community that what they were doing may very well be extremely unethical:

  The very presumptuousness of molding or affecting the human mind through the techniques we use has created a deep sense of uneasiness in our minds. 1

  Vince Packard, whose bestselling book on this topic, The Hidden Persuaders, shocked Americans in the 1950’s, cautioned that, “Some of these hidden persuaders, in their energetic endeavors to sway our actions—fall into the attitude that man exists to be manipulated.” 2

  The incredible propaganda success of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party in Germany, as well as the fascists of Benito Mussolini in Italy, in molding and shaping the thinking of entire populations, greatly influenced psychologists and philosophers after World War II. As a result, many new ways were investigated to determine propaganda and methods that could most effectively be used to promote certain “positive” social goals.


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