by Texe Marrs
What Christians is proposing is what every other member of the Secret Brotherhood is hungering for, from Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush to David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Kohl, James Baker, and Lord Rothschild: “World Government.” Their consistent theme is that national sovereignties must be tom down.
How to Deal With Fundamentalists
World Government is not the only goal of the Brotherhood. They also want to put an end to Western forms of spirituality. The religions of the East must take prominence in the spirituality of man. As Christians suggests, “In the course of mutual give and take, the West will remember the spiritual and cultural values of the East.” 25
Like other members of the invisible college who prides themselves on being labeled the “Wise Men,” Christians warns that there are certain elements that will have to be suppressed and eliminated if the world is to see its way clear to global harmony and the preferred “new way of thinking.” He lists such problems as “religious fanaticism” (fundamentalist Christianity, fundamentalist Islam, and fundamentalist Judaism are always the three baddies mentioned by the Brotherhood) as well as worldwide ecological problems. Last but not least, he lists epidemics such as AIDS and the escalating global catastrophe of drug addiction. 26
Christians also states that, “we must help the plight of the poor in the Third World, especially black Africa and Latin America.” No longer is it acceptable for a nation to close off its economy to others. The needs of both “economy and ecology,” he insists, “require vast cooperation that transcends national borders.” 27
What we have then is a formula for the “new way of thinking” and a severe criticism of the “old way of thinking.” The new way includes World Government, a new Global Economic Order, the unity of the religions of the mystical East and apostate versions of the Christian West, and the rise of a new “global consciousness.” The old way of thinking, which includes patriotism, pride in one’s race and country, and belief in a living, personal God are all to be tossed into the wind.
Farewell to the Old Way of Thinking
The Lucis Trust, one of the subsidiary organizations of the Secret Brotherhood, has a special code-phrase to describe the unacceptable “old way of thinking.” It calls the outmoded ways, “world glamour.” In her book, The Reappearance of the Christ, Lucis Trust founder Alice Bailey states that world glamour (the old way of thinking), “will be dissipated and world illusion dispelled.” 28 She suggests that such concepts as love for one’s country, the traditional family, and pride in one’s race are old-fashioned and even dangerous. They are all part of what the Hindus call maya, or illusion, the negative world on the mental plain.
In the place of world glamour and world illusion must come a new way of thinking, so that, “The present world order can be so modified and changed that a New World Order and a new race of men can gradually come into being.” 29
What is necessary, Bailey explains, is that man accept “a point of light, a new illumination.” She adds that with the world changes now occurring, this illumination is fast being achieved: “Men are being rapidly disillusioned and will consequently see more clearly. World glamour is being steadily removed from the ways of men.” 30
Keep in mind that the alchemists of the occult world and the higher-level initiates of the Secret Brotherhood operate from a totally opposite frame of thinking than normal people. Therefore, when Bailey says that, “Men are being rapidly disillusioned and will consequently see more clearly,” what she is really telling us is that men are going to be required to change and adopt the “new way of thinking.” The old way (world glamour) “is being steadily removed from the ways of men.”
Like her Russian counterpart Gorbachev, Bailey says that man must have instilled in his mind a new global consciousness:
When the consciousness which is (the collective New Age) Christ has been awakened in all men, then we shall have peace on earth and goodwill among men... The expression of our divinity will bring to an end the hatred rampant upon earth and break down all the separating walls which divide man from man, group from group, nation from nation, religion from religion. 31
Identifying the Insane, Inferior Species
The advocates of the “new way of thinking” believe that men who cannot change are unfit for survival. They are, in fact, insane and are members of an inferior species as far removed from human beings as the ant is from a bear. We of the old way of thinking are also dangerous and must be harshly dealt with if we cannot change or if we stubbornly refuse to do so. We must be separated and purged because, it is claimed, we are infecting the rising generation with our old-fashioned morality and our negative, evil thoughts. As Professor Chester Pierce of Harvard University’s Department of Educational Psychiatry suggested to a national teacher’s convention:
Every child of America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward his founding fathers, towards his elected officials, towards his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, towards the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you teachers to make all these children well, by creating international children of the future.” 32
It is we, who believe strongly in nation and patriotism, who are convinced that there are moral absolutes of right and wrong, and. who profess belief in a true God, that are to be branded as hopelessly insane and mean-spirited. The masses are being taught to detest and revile us. Meanwhile, propagandized by the Secret Brotherhood’s campaign of mass hypnosis and hallucination, the masses now picture themselves as virtuous, modern, and progressive lovers of the Earth.
Benjamin Creme, head of two New Age, socialist groups, the Tara Center and International Sharing, has been touring the United States for some years now promoting these themes. In a newsletter published by the Tara Center, Creme boasted that, “A new spirit is awakening in humanity. Growing throughout the world is a new sense of interdependence, a desire for saner modes of living and a commitment to the well-being of the planet.” 33
The Tara Center moans about all of the crises and problems that have befallen mankind—ranging from AIDS, political and business corruption, and alienation, to drugs, crimes, and natural disasters. But, the editor of the Tara Center newsletter assures its readers, “The problems of mankind are real, but solvable.” 34
And how may they be solved? The solution, we are told, is to “demonstrate that humanity is one.” Then, we must take the “first step toward lasting sharing the world’s resources among all peoples.” 35
Here we see yet another delusion sponsored by the mind controllers of the Brotherhood: that if we simply take from the people of America and the other developed countries and give to the Third World nations, an age of peace will be achieved. But, the mind controllers warn, if we struggle against this needed world revolutionary movement and the ongoing march of socialism, we old-timers are in for a bit of trouble. The Tara Center makes it clear that the forces of a “new way of thinking” are ready “to do battle with ignorance and fear, division and want.” What’s more, in a superb example of Brotherhood double-think, we are told by the same group that those weapons are merely “spiritual understanding, knowledge, and love.” 36
Destruction Just Ahead?
But do the propagandists of the Secret Brotherhood really intend to solve the world’s problems with “spiritual understanding, knowledge and love,” or is there a more chilling solution on the drawing boards? We find the answer in the amazingly frank book, The Armageddon Script, by Peter Lemesurier, who writes that the new vision must be pursued amidst a time of turmoil such as the world has never seen. Because of the resistance of those (we who resist the “New Way of Thinking”) who do not want to enter the New Age of prosperity and world harmony and therefore do not adjust their minds accordingly, a calamity of monstrous proportions will occur:
The massed forces of the Old Age, however, will be unable to check their (the New Age forces) headlong onrush. In l
arge measure they will go on to destroy each other in a massive, mutual venting of long pent-up aggression...they will succumb, while the vision and its bearers survive. 37
Evidently, what the Secret Brotherhood has on the docket is to drive a wedge between and instigate a series of bloody conflicts on a global scale between the various groups that now oppose the New World Order. We’re already beginning to see the ominous, early warning signs of the clashes that are to come. The Secret Brotherhood will continue to use the media and all of the weapons in its vast, propagandistic armory to inflame passions and thereby encourage Afro-Americans and white Americans to fight pitch battles in the streets of our major cities. They are now arming both the Arab Moslems and the Jews in anticipation of total warfare in the Middle East that will wipe out any remaining opposition to the New World Order.
They are also pitting Christian fundamentalists against the fundamentalists of Islam and Judaism, and they are arranging society so that the gays, radical feminists, abortionists, and other socially-deviant groups will gang up on and aggressively war against fundamentalist (Biblical) Christianity.
Just as significant, they are stirring up public sentiment against those who still insist that their country is best. Patriotism has to go, the Secret Brotherhood has ruled. So increasingly, nationalistic feeling will be stifled and suppressed. Ethnic groups everywhere, including the peoples of the new, fledgling nations of Eastern Europe and those who have freed themselves from the communist oppression of the old Soviet Union, must be taught a lesson. They must be forced to understand that nationalism cannot be tolerated in the New World Order.
To insure that this understanding is achieved, we can expect the Brotherhood to encourage and even provoke border clashes and disputes among many smaller nations in Europe and the old Soviet empire. Nuclear weapons will be covertly sold to Iran, Iraq, Syria, and other Islamic nations by the former Soviet republics and may actually be unleashed.
Horrid acts of terrorism and bloody violence will fill our TV screens and our newspapers. Then and only then, the Brotherhood reasons, will man, in his misery, cry out for World Government and an end to “poisonous” national sovereignty and independence, and the bloody ethnic and religious strife.
The Secret Brotherhood uses propaganda-laden terms to describe these crises and volatile clashes. Their agents speak of “a great cleansing” to take place as the earth catapults into the New Age, that glorious era which President Reagan once described as “the new sunlit day.” According to the Secret Brotherhood, this great cleansing will occur as a result of intense conflict between the “sons of light” and the “sons of darkness:”
And it will occur after the wars between the Sons of Light versus the Sons of Darkness that a “New Age” will occur for all mankind surviving the great, great changes...of this planet. 38
The Coming Planetary Cleansing Operation
Those who cannot adjust to the “new way of thinking,” who refuse to become partakers of the planetary hallucination induced by the mind-rapers of the Secret Brotherhood, are deemed insane, defective, and even dangerous to the world system. They are chaff, virtually human waste. They must be eradicated if the world is to go forward and fulfill the enduring dream of the secret societies:
The fetus of the New Humanity is already stirring in the Womb of Time and like the human mother, humanity must learn to eliminate its waste materials and poisons and give the fetus proper nourishment or the life of both the child and the mother will be in danger... This is the work of the present transitory conditions. 39
Those of us unfit for the New Age kingdom because we’re unable to “think correct” are such a dangerous and unhealthy blot on humanity that we are viewed as something akin to cancer cells. The new man, properly educated, says Alice Bailey in Education in the New Age, will practice “global citizenship” and promote the harmony of all religions as one. “If not,” she writes, “then they will have to go, for they have become impediments to world peace and threats to a proper human society:” 40
A violent streptococcic germ and infection...makes its presence felt in infected areas in the body of humanity.
Another surgical operation may be dissipate the infection and get rid of the fever...
Let us never forget...that when a life-form proves inadequate, or too diseased, or too is—from the point of view of the Hierarchy—no disaster when that form has to go. 41
Isn’t it interesting that Bailey makes the revealing statement, “Another surgical operation may be necessary.” Is she referring to the holocaust of World War II, when Jews and many Christians and other persons adjudged to be unsuitable for Hitler’s “new way of thinking” were destroyed in the concentration camps? I believe that is exactly the case.
In the past, extreme measures were taken to rid the earth of those deemed to be undesirable for assimilation into the New Order. These grotesque methods of eliminating the unfit will no doubt be employed once again. Peter Lemesurier writes in The Armageddon Script:
Those human beings who refuse to accept the new archetype will, naturally enough, not partake of it. Only those who accept it will make up the New Man, the Second Adam, or Ultimate Messiah; the rest, inevitably, will therefore not enter the promised kingdom. 42
Who will enter the new kingdom now being prepared so assiduously by the super rich elite who intend to be our absolute masters? Well, says Lemesurier, “All those who enter the New Kingdom will, by definition, be co-rulers...the collective Christ,” which he describes as “that supreme entity.” 43
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Brothers and Bonesmen—President George W. Bush, Senator John Kerry, and The Hoax of Two Major Political Parties
In Dark Majesty I unravel the secrets of one of the world’s most exclusive, most influential, and most hidden secret societies: The Order of Skull and Bones. Less than a thousand men are alive who have been initiated into Skull and Bones. Only 15 new initiates are chosen and inducted into The Order each year. Only sons of the most rich and powerful dynasties in the United States are eligible for this dark honor. One such dynasty, of course, is the Bush family.
Thanks to a number of sources, including the late Antony Sutton, formerly of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University in California, I am in possession of the most shocking documents confirming the activities of the Bush Clan in The Order of Skull and Bones. Dr. Sutton was the world’s leading researcher into this exclusive “men’s club,” and before he died, he passed on to me his incredible files. Another researcher and friend provided me a complete membership list.
Both former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush and the current U.S. President, George W. Bush, are initiates of the Order, as was George W’s grandfather, Prescott Bush. As such, the younger Bush is accomplice to innumerable crimes committed by this secret sect over the years. Members of The Order have infiltrated and now control not only the White House but many of the world’s most prestigious and wealthy universities, banks, corporations, nonprofit groups, and government agencies.
A Shadow Government
According to researcher Alexandra Robbins, the Bonesmen constitute an “international Mafia.” Their leaders monitor and watch over each other and guarantee promotion and success in worldly affairs and positions. Even before he was elected to the high office of President, the younger George W. Bush admitted, “My dad plays a big role in my life as a shadow government” (Time magazine, August 7, 2000).
The younger Bush also alluded to the coded, secret nature of Skull and Bones when he remarked of his father’s close relationship, “Privately, I and my father sometimes have entire conversations in Latin. In fact, we often speak in public in a language that no one else can understand.“
What is this strange language the Bush’s converse in that no one else can understand? And why do they often speak together in Latin, a dead language for all practical purposes?
The actual logo or symbol of the Order of Skull and Bones, the deathshead, is indicative of the cland
estine doctrines and intent of its members. George W. Bush is known for his hard-line stand as Governor of Texas in enforcing the death penalty for convicted prisoners. As President, he has been criticized around the world for what many people see as his violent pro-war attitude and statements.
Obsession With Death
Bonesmen like Bush seem preoccupied and obsessed with death. An integral part of their initiation ceremony involves the initiate lying in a coffin. The headquarters building of The Order is called “The Tomb.” It stands like a gothic mausoleum adjacent to an ancient cemetery in New Haven, Connecticut.
In her book, Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Path of Power, Alexandra Robbins writes:
Dozens of skeletons and bones, human and animal, dangle from the walls of the Tomb... The gravestone of Elihu Yale, founder of Yale University, which was stolen years ago from its proper setting in Wrexham, Wales (Great Britain), is displayed in a glass case... One of the most treasured artifacts is a skull said to be that of the great Apache Chief Geronimo... Bonesmen drink various refreshments from skull-shaped cups.
What psychological damage such grotesque things have done to the minds of the men who participate and immerse themselves in these works of death can only be imagined. Yet, the President of the world’s greatest superpower nation, the United States of America, which hold in its military arsenal the nuclear capability of destroying the world a hundred times over and meting out death to billions of the earth’s inhabitants, is, admittedly, a member of this elite, subterranean “Brotherhood of Death. “