Amy's Santa: Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #1

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Amy's Santa: Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #1 Page 22

by Manda Mellett

  And fuck me, it works. She convulses and ends up coming first. I’m only seconds after, her clutching cunt meaning I’ve no chance to hold back.

  As I lean over her trying to recover my breath, my brain seems to have one thing and one thing only on repeat.



  Eventually I roll over onto my side, pulling her into my arms. Her body is trembling, and for a moment I’m worried, until a giggle escapes.

  “Babe?” While I’m making my silent solemn vows to her, she’s starting to laugh.

  “Oh Drew, I’m just thinking how much I love you.”

  That’s better, I think to myself.

  “And how the first time I saw you in your bed you were wearing that Santa hat.”

  “It worked, didn’t it?” I start chuckling with her.

  As she turns her head for a kiss, I oblige. When we come up for air, she says, “I had no expectations when I came home for Christmas, never believed I’d find the love of my life on Christmas Day. I even feared I’d never want another cock near me.”

  “You won’t ever have another cock near you, babe. Only mine. And I’ll keep that Santa hat and wear it each Christmas.”

  She giggles again. “You do that, Drew.”

  “Just promise me one thing,” I kiss her again, then continue, “it remains our secret.”

  I’m the prez of an outlaw MC for fuck’s sake.


  The tall girl with the blue hair intrigued me, I’d never been with anyone who could match my height. It was only going to be for one night, but it wasn’t enough.

  It’s not forever, I’m not that kind of man.

  She’s a citizen and not someone to be pulled into our underworld.

  Except, I didn’t pull her in, she was already there.

  She should be in jail, not me.


  I saw Ink and wanted him. I couldn’t let myself fall for him, so decided to enjoy it while it lasted.

  My life was normal, uncomplicated, until my estranged brother dumped me in a mess. A fiasco which ended up with Ink taking the rap.

  He wouldn’t be in jail if he didn’t care.

  But whether he does or not doesn’t matter if he’s going to be there for the best part of his life.

  It’s all my fault

  Reading Order

  Turning Wheels

  Drummer’s Beat

  Slick Running

  Targeting Dart

  Heart Broken

  Peg’s Stand

  Rock Bottom

  Joker’s Fool

  Mouse Trapped

  Paladin’s Hell (Colorado Chapter #1)

  Blade’s Edge

  Demon’s Angel (Colorado Chapter #2)

  Devil’s Due (Colorado Chapter #3)

  Truck Stopped

  Devil’s Dilemma (Colorado Chapter #4)

  Coming Soon

  Ink’s Devil (Colorado Chapter #5)

  Note 1:

  Each book can be read as a standalone, but to get the best reading experience for the Satan’s Devils, read the books in the order above.

  Note 2:

  While the Blood Brothers series is completely separate to the Satan’s Devils series, there is some crossover. Turning Wheels continues the story of a minor character who appears in Second Changes, and some characters appear in both series.

  Other Works by Manda Mellett

  Blood Brothers – A series about sexy dominant sheikhs and their bodyguards

  Stolen Lives (#1) Nijad and Cara

  Close Protection (#2) Jon and Mia

  Second Chances (#3) Kadar and Zoe

  Identity Crisis (#4) Sean and Vanessa

  Dark Horses (#5) Jasim and Janna

  Hard Choices (#6) Aiza

  Satan’s Devils MC - Arizona Chapter

  Turning Wheels (Blood Brothers #3.5, Satan’s Devils #1) Wraith and Sophie

  Drummer’s Beat (#2) Drummer and Sam

  Slick Running (#3) Slick and Ella

  Targeting Dart (#4) Dart and Alex

  Heart Broken (#5) Heart and Marc

  Peg’s Stand (#6) Peg and Darcy

  Rock Bottom (#7) Rock and Becca

  Joker’s Fool (#8) Joker and Lady

  Mouse Trapped (#9) Mouse and Mariana

  Blade’s Edge (#10) Blade and Tash

  Truck Stopped (#11) Truck & Allie

  Satan’s Devils MC - Colorado Chapter

  Paladin’s Hell (#1) Paladin and Jayden

  Demon’s Angel (#2) Demon and Violet

  Devil’s Due (#3) Beef and Steph

  Devil’s Dilemma (#4)


  This story came about because of you. That’s right, you the reader.

  When I wrote Truck Stopped, I let you into a glimpse of the future. So many readers enjoyed these ‘flash forwards’ and asked me to write a second generation series. At the time I said no. It was not in my plans, and would never be. Mainly because I like to get all my facts and background right, and how could I predict what the world would look like in twenty years’ time? Obviously electric bikes would come to the fore, and I can include those, no problem. But what about things like phones? Would we all be using watches, or have a device implanted in our ears and we just think a name and contact with them?

  Fanciful? Maybe. But the changes in my lifetime have been incredible. When I went to university, I took a computing course. The computer took up the space of a whole room and hadn’t anything like the power and capability of the phone I carry around. Twenty years ago I would not have predicted I’d have a car that parked itself. In 2040 I suspect we’ll be riding around in vehicles without having to touch any of the controls. To do justice to a book based in the future, I thought I needed to come up with a sci-fi world, and I wasn’t prepared to do that.

  No second generation books. No way.

  But Amy had different ideas and became lodged in my head. It started with an image of a grown up woman racing home for Christmas to put the ornament that Heart had bought so many years ago onto the Christmas tree, just like she’d always done since she was three. It was that point I knew I was going to write her story. But I’d keep it short and just write a novella.

  I have to admit to being a complete failure. I couldn’t keep to my resolve not to write a second generation book. Although shorter than the books in my other series, Amy’s Santa is too long to be called a novella. Lastly, well, if you’ve read the book, you’ll know I’ve set it up for more in the series.

  I’ve cheated with the world, and apart from electric bikes, haven’t tried to predict the future, so I apologise for that, but hey, it looks like you’re getting a new series. I must admit I love the F.O.G.s and can’t wait to watch what they get up to.

  Just one word about something I included in the book. Satanism is not devil worship, in fact it’s not worship of any deity at all. I wanted Lady ordained as a minister, but couldn’t see him as traditionally religious at all, so I did some research. As soon as I read about Satanism, it fitted him totally. It’s not sinister at all in case you’re worried. And, of course, as they’re all Satan’s Devils it was a no brainer once I looked into it.

  So now the thank yous.

  It’s the first time I’ve worked with Wicked Cover Designs, and I hope, like me, you love the cover for Amy’s Santa. Thank you Dar, I’ve enjoyed working with you.

  Maggie, what can I say that hasn’t already been said? Love your professional approach, your responsiveness, and simply exchanging ideas and thoughts with you. You’re everything I could hope to have in an editor. So glad I found you. Or was it the other way around?

  Melanie has again done a stellar job on the proofreading. Producing books is not just sitting down writing, it’s the process of publication too. To get the books into your hands (or onto your e-readers), ducks have to keep to their places in the row. Having a team of people who meet (or exceed) deadlines keeps everything running smoothly and my stress levels low. So, thank yo
u Dar of Wicked Smart Designs, my new cover designer. My grateful thanks to Maggie, my editor, who is simply amazing to work, and to Melanie who has again done a stellar job on the proofreading. I really appreciate having such a professional and responsive team behind me.

  Special mention must go to Danena, who once again tore an early version to shreds. Danena is great picking up on how people react in certain situations. Her observations really help shape the book. Love you, Danena, and can’t thank you enough.

  As normal I have to thank all my beta readers. Sheri, you always find something everyone else has missed. Alex, your input is invaluable. Same goes to all the team, Tami, Terra, Zoe, Nicole and of course, my husband, Steve.

  I’d like to give special thanks to my PA, Tracy Wood. Tracy’s had a hard time lately, but she’s not stopped pimping me, keeping my page up to date and interactive, producing teasers and banners for Facebook etc etc. Words can’t express how much I owe this woman who works tirelessly in the background for me.

  I have left the most important to last, all you readers who take a chance on buying my books, and then telling me how much you enjoy reading them. My whole day can be boosted by one message, one comment or one review. You may have no idea how much it spurs me to write more.

  The best way of telling me is to leave a review on whatever platform you read on, or anywhere you can review. I read and appreciate every review good or bad. Reviews help authors make sales, sales allow authors to pay editors, models and photographers, cover designers etc, and put food on the table.

  What’s next? Ink’s Devil was to be my next book, but Amy had other ideas and leapfrogged over him. Don’t worry, Ink’s on his way and should be with you by the end of 2019.

  As this is a Christmas book I should send my best seasonal greetings to everyone. However you celebrate (or not as the case may be), have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the New Year to you all. May the New Year bring everything you hope for.



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  About the Author

  Manda’s life's always seemed a bit weird, starting with a childhood that even today she’s still trying to make sense of, then losing her parents in the late teens. Going from the tragic to the bizarre, who else could be unlucky enough to have had two car accidents, neither her fault, one involving a nun, and another involving a police woman?

  There isn’t enough space to list everything that’s happened to Manda, or what she’s learned from it. But by using the rich fabric of her personal life, psychology degree, varied work experiences, and amazing characters she’s met, Manda is able to populate her books with believable in-depth characters and enjoys pitting them against situations which challenge them. Her books are full of suspense, twists and turns and the unexpected.

  Manda lives in the beautiful countryside of Essex in the UK, the area’s claim to fame being the Wilkin’s Jam Factory at nearby Tiptree. She can usually find jars of jam which remind her of home wherever she goes. As well as writing books and reading, Manda loves walking her dogs and keeping fit. She lives with her husband of over 30 years, who, along with her son, is her greatest fan and supporter.

  Manda is thankful that one of the more unusual, and at the time unpleasant, turns her life took, now enables her to spend her time writing. Confirming, in her view, every cloud has a silver lining.

  Photo by Carmel Jane Photography




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