Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 5

by Stacy McWilliams

  I was completely lost in the sensations he was invoking from me. I had never been kissed like that before and my hands, one wrapped around his waist while the other held onto his shoulder and tugged him even closer. We were out of sight of my kitchen and hidden between the garage and main house. He brushed his hand under my tank, and I wanted to wrap my legs around him, as they shook underneath me.

  “Cara, you out here?” Josh called and Blake broke the kiss, ignoring my small moan of protest. He stepped back with flushed cheeks and dropped his arms from me. He shook his head and leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

  “Nothing, Cara. Remember.” he whispered breathlessly, before he turned and ran, disappearing from view. I watched him go and his ass looked amazing in his joggers, but he disappeared from view just as Josh came around the corner.

  “Hey, didn’t you hear me call you?” Josh asked me loudly and I started, turning to stare back at him.

  “No, I uh… I thought I saw… erm something?”

  My voice was high pitched, even to my own ears. My chest was rising and falling with my rapid breaths. Josh eyed me suspiciously, being my twin, I never could keep anything from him, but I faced him and schooled my face into what I hoped was an innocent expression.

  “Mom says dinner’s ready.”

  I turned back to investigate the tree line and wondered where Blake had left his backpack and guitar, when he’d come back around. Josh stood for a moment by me and then gave me a prod in the side, making me jerk away from him. He knew how ticklish I was.

  “Cara, you coming inside?” He asked in a bemused voice.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming, lead the way.”

  My voice was still breathless as I followed after Josh. I wasn’t paying any attention though and walked straight into his back when he stopped outside the door and spun back around to face me.

  “Cara, are you sure you’re okay?”

  He scanned my face and I smiled up at him.

  “Yeah, course I am. What’s for dinner?”

  I was relieved to hear that my voice was almost back to normal, but I was uncomfortable with the wetness in my panties, I wanted to go and get changed.

  “Mom made chicken pot pie and mash.”

  He watched as I nodded and moved around him to walk into the kitchen, but before I made it two steps, he caught my arm.

  “Cara, Grams is over, so you might want to change before you come to the dining room.”

  My Grams, my dad’s mom was like Marty’s and hated me showing skin. If it was up to her, I’d be dressed like a nun, in head to toe dress that didn’t show any skin. She was my Grams and I loved her, but she had weird ideas about what girls should and should not be wearing. She was also a big ol’ racist, a homophobe and she’d disowned my dad’s little brother Troy, because he was in a relationship with a man of Afro-Caribbean descent, called Harley. Harley was a big teddy bear of a guy and the sweetest man you could ever meet, but Grams hated him. She refused to talk to or about Troy, their relationship or Troy and Harley’s kids, Katie-Lou, and Shannon.

  “Jessie-Lyn,” Grams shrill voice hurt my ears as I crossed the kitchen and tried to sneak upstairs before she caught me. “What is Caralynn wearing?”

  I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them to see Pops standing by the door in a grey blue blazer, with shirt and slacks on. His round face frowned at me as I caught his eye and he shook his head, looking at me in disapproval. My mom walked into the room glanced at me and turned to face dad’s parents, who she also called mom and dad.

  “She’s in her workout clothes and is now going to get changed?” Mom’s voice was honey sweet, but I could hear the undercurrent in her words.

  I began to cross the room to the staircase that led upstairs from the kitchen, when Grams caught my arm and tugged me around to face them again.

  “It’s not appropriate for her to be walking around like that Jessie-Lynn. She’s a young girl and she is showing way too much skin.”

  I glanced down at my cropped, workout trousers, sneakers, and tank top, I didn’t see anything wrong with my outfit, but Grams dug her nails into my arm, making me wince.

  “Let go of my daughter, Eileen.” My mom commanded in a hard as flint tone and she contracted her hand, but still maintained her tight grip on my arm.

  I opened my mouth to speak when Josh appeared and gave a short, shake of his head.

  “Her hair is all mussed up, her cheeks and chest are flushed, and you think this is appropriate?”

  Grams was getting even shriller and mom stepped right up to her.

  “She is allowed to dress like that to work out at home, but not at school. Now, I won’t tell you again to let my daughter go.”

  She glared between us and dropped her hand from my arm, leaving little cuts where her nails had cut my skin. My mom’s eyes widened as she took them in and she stepped in front of me, shielding me from my grandparents.

  “My daughter, my rules. If you don’t agree or don’t like it, the door is out there, and you are welcome to use it anytime.”

  Mom’s shoulders heaved and she turned to me.

  “Caralynn go upstairs and change for dinner.”

  Her tone brokered no argument and I fled from the kitchen as Grams started yelling again. I made it to my room and rushed in, heading straight to the bathroom for a shower. As soon as I was in the bathroom, I glanced in the mirror and stared. My lips were swollen, and my cheeks were flushed. There was redness on my chest that had nothing to do with my run. My hair was also half falling out of my ponytail, there were bits of the wall in my hair and on my clothes. My eyes were also sparkling brightly. No wonder Josh didn’t believe me about me being okay. I looked like I’d been well and truly fucked. My body tingled again as I remembered how Blake felt pressed against me. I moved to the shower turning it on, as I remembered how he took control of my lips and pushed his tongue into my mouth.

  Once I’d stripped and stepped into the shower, I was more turned on than I’d ever been in my life. Even my ex, Ethan, had never turned me on as much as Blake did, although we’d never gone further than kissing. He kissed like a wet fish, his hands were grabby and irritating, rather than rough and sensual like Blake’s.

  I quickly washed, wishing I could do something to relieve the dull ache between my legs, but I knew that I’d only have another few minutes to dress, before my mom came to get me. I quickly washed my hair, squealing and cursing as I accidentally got shampoo in my eyes. I was rinsing it out when mom knocked on the bathroom door.

  “Cara, you have two minutes to get downstairs or I’ll feed your dinner to the dog.” Her voice was loud and made me laugh, because we didn’t have a dog. If I wasn’t downstairs in a few minutes, Josh would eat all of my dinner first and leave me without. He’d done it before and that was what my mom meant.

  “I’ll be out in a second,” I called back as I turned the water off and quickly toweled myself dry, popping my hair up into a towel.

  My clothes were out in the room and I quickly pulled on a different sports bra, with sweatpants and a loose, holey tee, that hung off one shoulder and was more like a nightgown, but I loved it. It was my favorite sleepshirt. I quickly rubbed at my hair, drying some of the excess water from it, then threw the towel across the room, in the direction of the laundry hamper.

  My fingers combed through my hair and I grabbed a hair tie from the dresser beside the door, rushing towards the stairs. With my hair up in a messy topknot, I rushed to the dining room, praying my grandparents would be gone, but I wasn’t hopeful. Sure enough, when I reached the dining room, Grams was sitting beside Josh. My dad and Pops were sitting at the head of the table, leaving me to sit alone on the opposite side of it. Grams eyes narrowed on my bare shoulders, but she didn’t say a word as mom walked in with the plates. We all served ourselves and mom sat down beside me, leaving the top chair vacant. There was silence as we ate, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before Grams started on me again.

  “So, Caralynn
, it’s senior year this year. What are your plans?” her voice was disdainful, and I noticed she didn’t ask Josh, who was right beside her, what his plans were.

  “Well, I’m applying for Brown, UCLA, Princeton and Stanford, so I have to keep working hard and hope I can do enough to get in.”

  Grams huffed for a second and then turned to my dad.

  “Why is she only applying to schools out of state?” Her shrill voice was back, and my head began to ache as my dad leaned back in his chair, taking his glasses off, before turning to face his mom.

  “Because I don’t limit their ambitions. She can go to whatever school she likes mom.” His voice rang with authority and tiredness.

  “But they are so far away. Why don’t you make her stay closer to home and go to Idaho state like you did?”

  She was talking about me as if I wasn’t there and I hated it, but I was raised to respect my elders, so I bit my tongue, wondering how long it would be before I could escape.

  My mom clenched her hands on the table and glared at Grams.

  “Enough, Eileen,” my Pops cut in before mom could, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “She’s their daughter and if they are happy to throw silly money away on an education, that’s their business, but just know this young lady…” Pops turned and glared at me and I sat up straighter, facing him, refusing to let him try to intimidate me, “There will be no financial support from us for you.”

  My mom pushed up from the table and glared between my grandparents. It was silent for a beat and then she let loose.

  “You will be supporting neither of them, then. You do not get to support Josh as he applies for Yale, Princeton, Harvard, and Ohio State, but refuse to offer Cara the same support. It is not on and we do not want your help, if that’s how you are going to be.”

  Pops mouth dropped open and Grams pushed back on her chair.

  “I think it’s time we left, Harold, don’t you?”

  My dad shrugged and stood to walk his parents out. As they passed us, mom glared at them and didn’t say a word as they left the dining room.

  “Yeesh,” Josh muttered as he glanced over at my mom and me. “Cara, I knew they didn’t like you, but wow. That was harsh.”

  I began to laugh, because it really was so obvious that they preferred him over me, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care much for them anyway. My mom, however, gave Josh a sharp look and he shrank back in his chair.

  “Josh, that was unkind …” she began in a stern tone, but she broke off as my dad walked back into the dining room with a frown on his face.

  Mom took one look at him and turned to Josh and me.

  “Kids, go upstairs and make sure you’ve done all your schoolwork. I’m working tomorrow, but I will be checking before I go to bed that it’s all done.”

  She marched us out from the dining room and walked over to the liquor cabinet, taking out two glasses and a bottle of bourbon. I didn’t watch as she poured herself and my dad a glass. Josh and I stood hidden on the staircase, waiting for her to go back into the dining room with their drinks. As she did, we moved closer to the vent at the bottom of the stairs and stood for a beat, listening intently.

  “Honestly, Jess,” dad said without preamble, “I don’t understand them. They’re threatening to write me out of their will because our daughter wants to go to an Ivy League school. I’m all they have left and if they do that, then there won’t be anyone for their money or estate to go to.”

  “We don’t need their money…” mom began, but dad cut her off.

  “I know that, love, but I will not put a price on Cara’s happiness for them or for anyone else.”

  My eyes began to water and Josh seeing this, put his arm around me and gave me a brief, one armed hug.

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s ridiculous. It’s almost like your mom wants everyone to be back in the forties and the woman to stay at home, raising the family, while the husband goes to work and earns the bacon.” Mom was furious, and I could tell from her tone that she wanted to snap at someone.

  “I think because she did that, she expects Cara to do it too and they are too set in their ways to change them now.”

  Dad’s voice sounded exhausted and I wondered when he would slow down. He was the CEO of GlobalTech, a computer software company that him and his best friends, Jack and Odin started fresh out of college. He ended up buying Odin and Jack out when they lost interest and he was working more hours than ever, as they launched a new server for the government. We hardly saw him anymore and when he was home, he was either on his cell, his laptop in his office or sleeping.

  “She’s always hated that I didn’t do that. That I finished medical school and worked my residency around you and the kids. Then when we had Josh and Cara, I think she was mad that we hired the nanny to look after them, while I worked.”

  “Yeah, I know dear, but I’m too tired to argue about them. I’m flying to Atlanta tomorrow, then Tennessee and then LA, so I’ll be gone all week. I don’t want to spend my last night at home for three weeks, arguing with you about my parents.”

  Josh and I shared a glance, and both headed towards the stairs. He didn’t speak as he headed left, towards his room and I walked right, towards mine. My parents’ bedroom was on the ground floor and opened up to the opposite side of the house from the pool, with views of the valley below and the mountains in the distance.

  I walked into my room and looked around, scanning the bottom of the lilac walls and dark hardwood floors for my backpack. It was nowhere in sight and I couldn’t remember where I’d last had it. Then I remembered that it was by the front door, so I rushed downstairs, scooped it up and sprinted back to my room.

  When my mom came up an hour later, I was engrossed in my English book, reading Jane Eyre again and making notes on the story. She smiled at me, closed the door softly after her, as I forced myself to keep reading and tried to ignore the butterflies that erupted every time I thought of Blake and his kisses.

  Chapter Six

  What The Hell.


  My head was spinning as I rushed home, I could still smell her on my skin and felt the burn on my lips, where they had met hers. Her body flush against mine had been more of a turn on than I’d expected, and I was trying hard to hide the erection in my pants. Luckily, the guitar covered my waist and I was able to get into my room undetected.

  I dove in for a shower, taking my cell with me and leaving it on the counter with some music blasting as I washed the sweat from my body. Her face came into my mind and I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my lips. My cheeks ached and I thought, God, it’s been weeks since I smiled, like really smiled.

  My hands roamed down my chest and I grabbed my cock in my hand, it hardened almost instantly, as I thought about how good Cara had tasted. How amazing her body felt when it was flush against mine... She responded to my every touch and her scent drove me wild. She smelled of apples, berries, and something a little spicier that I couldn’t quite place. My hand rubbed up and down my cock. I closed my eyes, picturing her luscious lips, while they explored and sucked the tip into her mouth.

  I squeezed a little harder as I imagined stripping her from her tank top and sucking on her bouncy tits. I hadn’t explored them yet, but I could picture what they felt like from feeling them against my chest. I pumped harder and faster as I remembered how she flushed when kissed and how her hair felt wrapped around my hand. I pictured what it would feel like as I pushed my cock into her mouth as my hand fisted her hair. I began to feel the heat in my stomach and across my thighs, before I came harder and faster than I had in while, stumbling backwards into the tiled wall at my back.

  After a moment, I quickly washed the cum from my body and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me as I walked out into my room. I was still feeling that post-orgasm high and I didn’t notice Marty standing at my door, glaring at me as I crossed the room. I held onto my towel a little tighter, as I met his stare and his eyes hardened on me.
r />   “Stay. Away. From. Cara.” His voice was a low hiss and I laughed at him.

  He was trying to be menacing, but I was bigger than him in almost every way possible and he didn’t intimidate me in the slightest.

  “And if I say no?” I muttered, amused as he watched me cross to my dresser and open a drawer to take out some boxer briefs.

  “I’ll uh…” he began, I turned to stare at him as he moved nervously from foot to foot.

  “You’ll what? Stutter at me?”

  His eyes narrowed and moved around my room before he turned back to face me, triumphant.

  “I’ll tell everyone in school that you are in the closet…” he began, and I chortled at him, but then he stared at something in my room. My eyes followed his and I saw him stare for a beat at my guitar. My mom didn’t know I’d brought it. I’d hidden it under the seat in the car and only took it out when she was out at church with Don.

  “I’ll tell your mom that you were out in the woods playing guitar.”

  I began to move towards him, wanting to knock the little pussy on his ass, when his dad appeared at his side.

  “You were playing the guitar, Blake?” he asked, and I gave Marty a look of pure hatred, because I knew that Don would tell my mom and she’d try and make me get rid of it.

  “No, dad. He wasn’t.” Marty’s voice was high pitched as he tried to get out of the trouble, he’d just caused me.

  “Enough. Go to your room, Marty. Blake get dressed and meet me downstairs in the kitchen in ten minutes and bring your guitar.”

  My stomach dropped, but I knew there was no way in hell I’d be letting go of it. He’d have to prize it from my cold, dead fingers. With that he turned and left, and Marty glanced guiltily at me, before he too turned and went back to his room.

  “FUCK.” I yelled, punching the wall hard and bruising my knuckles.

  Quickly I pulled on my boxer briefs and grabbed a pair of sweats from my drawer, dragging them on, as I contemplated where I could conceivably hide my guitar. I pulled a loose tee from the drawer, tugging it over my head. My feet dragged as I walked to my guitar, picked it up, and held it tightly to my chest. I began the slow walk to the gallows. My feet were leaden, and I walked with slow, measured steps, my earlier happiness forgotten, as I worried my lip over the prospect of losing my most precious possession. I reached the kitchen and Don was sitting with a steaming plate of pizza in front of him, which he slid across the island to me. He also pushed a soda can towards me and motioned toward the seat opposite him.


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