Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 17

by Stacy McWilliams

  His words caused my face to break out in a smile and I watched as he smiled in response, then turned and jogged out of my room. Once he was gone, I glanced down at my cell and saw Blake had replied, which warmed me inside.

  Blake - That’s good, Cara. Kinsley is okay. She’s a little bruised and upset, but she’s going to be fine. Don is on the phone to his lawyers and they are charging Grant with assault, attempted murder, and some other things.

  Cara - That’s good. Hopefully, he doesn’t get out.

  Blake - He probably will. Apparently, his dad is a judge or something and he’s well known to the cops in his district.

  Cara - Oh no, poor Kinsley.

  Blake didn’t reply and I shoved my cell under my pillow as I went back downstairs to watch the movie with my parents. I was going back to school the next day, so I went to bed early, but I couldn’t sleep. The day’s events kept playing over and over in my mind. I plucked my cell from underneath my pillow and checked to see if Blake had replied, but there was nothing. No response to my earlier text. I debated texting again but decided to try and get some sleep.

  I lay in bed and thought about seeing him at school the next day. His body was wowzers. It was hotter than I ever imagined or could ever have pictured. Seeing him standing in the kitchen in only a towel, had done things to my lady parts. I closed my eyes and pictured him standing there again.

  His chiseled abs on show and the ‘V’ that moved, as he moved his hips, turned me on. I imagined how it would feel to have my hands running all over his body. How hot it would be for us to make out again and how his tongue would feel if it was against my body.

  My heart raced and my palms were sweating, and I was so turned on, but I didn’t move because my mom was still up. I didn’t want her coming to find me pleasuring myself. That would be too embarrassing for words. Just as I heard my mom’s footsteps pass my room, my cell vibrated and made my whole body jerk up from the bed. I almost groaned out loud when I saw it was a message from Blake, my pulse thrummed in excitement.

  Blake - I can’t sleep.

  I wondered for a moment how honest to be and then thought oh well, why not be with him.

  Cara - I can’t either. I was thinking about you.

  He didn’t reply for a second and then the little dots appeared. He took a while to reply and his reply made me smile.

  Blake - All good things, I hope.

  Cara - Yep.

  I didn’t want to say more than that, because I didn’t know how to tell him I was picturing him naked.

  Blake - You were thinking of my chest, weren’t you?

  I laughed, because how could he possibly know what I was thinking about, but he was right and when I didn’t reply instantly, he messaged back.

  Blake - OMG. You were, you little perv.

  Cara – No, I wasn’t.

  Blake - What if I don’t believe you?

  I tried to play it off, but my face was burning with embarrassment.

  Cara - You don’t believe me?

  I asked him and after a pause, he replied.

  Blake - Nope and way to avoid the question.

  Cara - I avoided nothing.

  Blake - Yeah, you did.

  He replied instantly, before I could form a response to him and I smiled as I sat up, trying to ignore how turned on I was, just by messaging him.

  Blake – Uh, I’m away home tomorrow. I’m dreading it.

  He was honest with me and it made my heart sing that he trusted me enough to be like that with me.

  Cara - I know. I hope it goes okay for you.

  Blake - I’m sure it’s going to be a mess, but I’m going to see my sisters, my grandparents, and my friends.

  Cara – Aww, sending you hugs on the mess. You can call me if you need to talk tomorrow.

  Blake - Yeah. Thanks, Princess. I might take you up on that.

  Another reply came through almost instantly, before I could even type a reply.

  Blake - Meet me before school, please?

  I wasn’t sure if I’d be allowed to meet him and as I pondered my response, the three little dots appeared.

  Blake - Please, Cara. It’s important.

  Cara - Yeah, okay. I’ll meet you.

  Blake - In the clearing at 6am, okay?

  Cara - Sure. See you in the morning.

  He didn’t reply and I lay down in my bed, wondering why he wanted to see me, but I was excited too I couldn’t wait to see him. My heart hammered as I read back over our texts and I lay down, smiling as I fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Saying Goodbye


  I flopped back on my bed and recalled my conversation earlier with Grandma and Grandpa. I was really hopeful that they’d be on board with my staying with them and transferring back to my old school, to complete the year, but they were apprehensive. Grandma seemed excited at first, but she was worried and nervous about how my mom would react. She told me she hadn’t wanted me to go with my mom and had offered to let me stay with her, so I could see my dad before he passed, but my mom was adamant that I was coming with her.

  She told my grandparents that I was her child and that it was up to her where I lived and who I saw. I wanted to speak to mom and make her understand that she was hurting me. I missed my friends; I missed my own school and I missed Kels and Ollie. I missed my grandparents and my life, but I wasn’t sure she’d even understand how much it was hurting me, being away from everything.

  Eventually, I managed to convince them that it was what I really wanted, and they were on board, as long as I got my mom on board. I went to speak to her, but she was busy going out with friends because she’d been so stressed out to hear that there was a gunman inside the house. I wanted to scream at her that she needed to listen to me, but that wouldn’t have done anything, so I let it go and went into the kitchen, grabbing a snack.

  I went up to my room and checked my cell for the umpteenth time, but Cara hadn’t replied, so I messaged her again. The only bonus of staying here, was her. I didn’t miss the way her eyes traced my abs earlier, or the heat in her gaze as she watched me moving, but I couldn’t do anything about it. When she finally replied, I was lying in bed thinking that I wasn’t going to see her at all before I left and if I stayed, then I wouldn’t even get to say goodbye.

  She’d been amazing over the few months I’d been here, and I knew I’d miss her if I didn’t come back, but my life wasn’t here. It was in Georgia and although she distracted me, I’d only known her a few months. At least that was what I kept telling myself as I struggled to keep my attraction to her in check. I’d never known a girl like her.

  All the girls back home were like Klaire, too easy and too willing, whereas Cara gave me shit and made me feel something different deep in my gut. I knew if I stayed, I’d develop more feelings for her, but she was all set for a prestigious school and all I wanted to do was play my music, so our lives were on two very different paths.

  When my cell pinged with a response for her, my heart began to race and I sat up, enjoying our back and forth for a while. I lay down and closed my eyes, looking forward to seeing her in the morning, but equally dreading the next day because I’d have to face the reality of missing my dad’s final days, weeks, and months.

  I tried not to think about it, but I couldn’t stop picturing how the next day was going to go. My plan was to speak to my mom after the funeral and tell her I’d organized everything. I’d already spoken to my old school who were more than happy for me to transfer back and I knew my new school wouldn’t miss me too much.

  The night passed too quickly, and I had my bag and guitar packed by the door, as I snuck out the house at five forty-five. It was a cool, October morning and I had a fleece sweater on and thick jogging bottoms that kept me warm. I ran to the clearing and made it there a few minutes before Cara. As soon as she made it in, I spun around and rushed towards her, gathering her into my arms and pressing my lips to hers for a soul altering kiss. After kissing her
a few more times, I pulled back and we both sat on the logs in the clearing, facing each other.

  “Hey,” I muttered softly, and she looked up meeting my eyes.

  There was a sadness in her and I wondered if she knew what was coming, because she gave me a sad smile and moved to sit beside me on my log, burying her face in my neck. For a moment, I just held her there and then I whispered against her hair.

  “I might not be coming back from Georgia.”

  My voice betrayed the emotion as it crackled and broke on the word Georgia, because I wondered if staying here for her would be worth it. Could I leave my life behind and stay here for her? Part of me wanted to desperately, but the other, more rationale part, knew it wouldn’t work out between us and I’d end up resenting her for making me stay. Her body stiffened against mine and I rubbed her back, stroking down her spine. I wanted to kiss her again, but I was afraid if I did, I’d never want to leave her or this place, but I needed to. I needed to go home and be with the rest of my family. I wasn’t prepared for her to pull out of my arms and stand up, but I accepted it and dropped my hands to my sides. I didn’t look up, because I couldn’t watch her leave. I wasn’t a total masochist. My heart hammered in my chest as I waited for her to walk away, but she stood in front of me, facing away from me for a few minutes, then she spun back around and grabbed my hand.

  “Come with me, Blake,” she muttered in a low, seductive voice and my eyes shot to hers, where I saw lust, determination, and sadness. She tugged me to my feet and gave me a gentle kiss, as she led the way back towards her house with her hand holding mine.

  I didn’t let her hand go. Not as she led me across the clearing. Or when she led me across the yard. Not as she pulled me into the doorway of the pool house and opened the door using a code and tugged me inside, closing the door at her back.

  “Are you leaving, Blake?” she asked in a low voice and I nodded in surprise, because I’d already told her that I was. I’d said that I might not be back.

  “Yes,” I breathed as she moved closer to me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “I’m planning to stay in Georgia. I won’t be back here, if I can help it.”

  She stopped me speaking by wrapping her hands around my back and pulling me tightly to her. I heard the click of the lock, as she kissed me more firmly. My pulse sounded loudly in my ears and my cock strained in my pants, because I’d never wanted anyone as badly as I wanted her.

  Cara pulled back and I let out a groan of protest, but instead of coming back towards me, she backed away from me and led the way to a door, that she kicked open with her foot. Once it was open, she disappeared inside. I waited a moment, because I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to follow her, when her hand popped around the doorway and beckoned me towards her.

  I reached the room and saw she’d stripped from the dark blue, joggers and fleece lined jacket, to a soft, silky red camisole top and shorts set. My body moved towards her without conscious thought or effort, I stopped in front of her as she looked up at me from the bed, with her beautiful green eyes twinkling at me.

  “We don’t have to do this. That’s not why I wanted to meet you.” I told her with my heart in my throat. She smirked up at me and moved towards me, tugging me towards the bed, until my legs brushed the base.

  “I know, but I want to Blake. I want to do this with you; unless you don’t want to.”

  Her uncertain words almost undid me because I wanted it. I wanted her. More than I’d ever wanted anyone before. I wanted this beautiful, complicated girl in front of me. I watched as her eyes darkened and she dropped her hand from my ass, leaving me feeling like a total douchebag.

  “No, it’s not that. I want to. I so fucking want to but I’m leaving, and I don’t want to hurt you, by leaving you after we do this.”

  My words were breathless, and she leaned up licking her lips, as her eyes roamed up my body unashamedly. Her gaze was hotter than the sun and I had to taste her lips once more. So, I ignored the little voice inside my head, telling me that this was a terrible idea, that I’d regret this and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips. She kissed me back, matching my movements and it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I wanted it all. I wanted to taste her pussy and make her scream, then fuck myself into her memories. I wanted to brand her as mine and take a piece of her with me. I tugged my lips from hers and ripped my sweatshirt over my head, throwing it to the floor and then pulled my tee up and over my head. I dropped it quickly and kicked off my sneakers, as I crawled onto the bed. I watched as her eyes widened and she reached out to touch my chest, running her cool fingers over my abs. My body flamed in response and I tugged her legs down the bed, dragging down her sleep shorts and seeing her glistening, wet pussy for the first time. I lowered my head, and she put her hand out stopping me.

  “What if I smell or taste funny?” she whispered and I bit back a smile, as I pressed my lips to her palm.

  “You won’t. Please Cara?” I begged her. “I want to taste your pussy one time before I leave. Just one taste and I’ll be able to leave happy.”

  My quiet plea made her body shiver and made me almost insane with desire. My eyes met hers and she nodded and relaxed her hands, running them over my shoulders as I lowered my head to her core. I flicked my tongue over her clit, watching in satisfaction as she writhed on the bed.

  “Blake,” she moaned.

  I used one of my hands to hold her down, as I licked and sucked on her pussy. I inserted a finger into her and began pumping it upwards in time with my licks, enjoying the feeling of her body responding and her moisture dripping from her. She tasted sweet, sexy, and sinful; I knew I’d always remember this taste.

  My tongue began to press more firmly, as her breathing sped faster and she gyrated her hips to my speed, throwing her head back and wrapping her heels around my torso. I pressed my finger upwards, sucked her clit into my mouth and then released, as she began to clench around me. I licked and sucked every bit of her orgasm from her, before I moved up the bed and kissed her firmly, letting her taste herself from my wet lips.

  She tugged me towards her, and I thrust my cock towards her clit, but I was still had my joggers and boxers on. My erection was hard as stone and I wanted nothing more than to push inside her and fuck her hard.

  “Condom?” I breathed against her lip and she shook her head.

  “No, sorry,” she muttered breathlessly, and I kissed her harder.

  “Bareback?” I asked and she looked up at me doubtfully.

  “I’ll need to pull out, but are you on any contraceptives?” I asked her in a low voice, as I pressed my cock against her again, making her squirm beneath me.

  “Yes. Yeah, I’m on the pill. I’ve been on it for a year.”

  Her breathless words were like fire to me and I leaned back, pulling my clothes free, before I positioned myself at her entrance.

  “Are you a virgin, Cara?” I asked in a low voice, as the thought occurred to me that she didn’t seem very popular at school. She was more on the edge of the groups, than an active participant.

  “Yes, is that okay?” She asked and I leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips.

  “More than okay.” My answer was meant to reassure her, but I still saw some doubt in her eyes.

  “It’ll hurt?” she asked, and I paused running my cock along her entrance, as I pressed soft kisses to her lips.

  “Yes, it will, but you should be wet enough now, that it won’t hurt too much.”

  She leaned up, wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed me even more firmly.

  “I’m ready,” she breathed against my lips and I thrust inside her, pushing until I was fully inside and waiting. Her eyes watered and I waited to start moving again until she relaxed in my arms.

  “You okay, Princess?” I asked as she began to relax, and she nodded against my chest.

  I moved out slowly and then thrust back in, waiting a moment, and then doing it again and again. Eventually, she began to breath hard and I got lost in the s
ensation, pulling out just in time to come all over her, but not inside her.

  “Wow,” she breathed, and I stroked a piece of hair from her face, as I collapsed on the bed beside her.

  “Wow indeed.” I muttered as I wrapped my arms around her and waited for my heart to slow. She pressed a soft kiss to my chest, then stood up, muttering bathroom and I watched her walk away from me. Her top brushed the top of her thighs and I watched her ass jiggle as she walked.

  When she came back, she tugged on her shorts and came up to lie on the bed beside me. While she was gone, I checked my cell and saw that it was six-forty. I quickly pulled on my joggers and boxers because I had to be home by eight and I knew Cara had to be at school, so we had thirty more minutes before she had to leave.

  “So, is this it?” She asked and I swallowed around the sudden lump in my throat.

  “Not yet.” I muttered and I turned, pressing a soft kiss to her temple, and holding her tightly against me.

  For a moment, I just held her there and breathed her in. If this was all I would get, then I’d take it. If this was our last moments together, then I wanted to make the most of them. I wanted to go down on her again and lick her pussy until she screamed my name, but before I could move, she ran her hands over my abs and around to my ass tugging me towards her. Her lips found mine and we kissed slowly and softly at first. I explored every bit of her mouth with my tongue, nipping gently on her lip and then sucking it into my mouth.


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