Nothing but The Sheets

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Nothing but The Sheets Page 19

by Stacy McWilliams

  It’s fine. Cara. You can do this.

  I told myself as Drew and Frankie looked at each other and she shook her head.

  “No, but I need a word with Cara please?”

  Her words put ice into my stomach, and I wondered what she was going to say to me. She hated me. Apparently, there was another girl who she’d interviewed and was offered the position, until my dad’s name was mentioned, then that was it. Drew left the room and closed the door with a snap, leaving me standing and unsure of what to do until Frankie met my eyes and snarled at me to sit. I sat down on the edge of the seat and watched as she brushed her red hair up into a top knot. Her icy blue eyes stared at me for a beat and the room seemed to cool around me.

  “Okay, Cara. Here are the rules. Break them and you are fired.” Her low voice sent a chill down my spine, because I knew she was just looking for an excuse, any excuse to do so.

  “One. Check in every single day. I want to know where you are, who you have had contact with, any journalists will be approved by us, all questions will be made here and emailed over. This is non-negotiable.” She had her hand up in the air and lowered one figure as she glared at me.

  I nodded and wondered how I was supposed to set up interviews and promote the tour, if I wasn’t allowed to go to the toilet without checking with my boss. I guessed I’d need to prove to her I was reliable, before she’d let me loose on my own.

  “Two. You will not sleep with any member of the band. You will not have any kind of relations with them or you will instantly be dismissed.”

  I already knew that. Drew had already said it. I bristled and then forced myself to relax, because if I kicked off at her, there was no way she’d let me have the opportunity to work with anyone. My eyes narrowed and she gave me an evil smile as her eyes darkened.

  “Three. You will dress more appropriately for work. You were not my first choice for this assignment. In fact, you are my last choice and you will only be doing this until Greg is recovered enough to come and relieve you.”

  I glanced down at my dress as she spoke and couldn’t see anything wrong with my outfit. I wouldn’t be wearing this around the band, but I’d been told to wear office attire to work. I swallowed the anguish of her words. I understood on a professional level why she wouldn’t want me to undertake this. I’d only been working with them for a few months and I was always made aware of the fact that she didn’t want me in the first place, but here I was, and I was staying.

  “Four. Use this cell,” she told me, handing me over a box with an iPhone in it and glowering at me as though she wanted nothing more than to set me on fire. “And Cara, it’s for business calls only. This is your work cell and you will use it to contact us and for employee things only. This is not personal and your use of it will be monitored.”

  I nodded at her and held the cell on my lap, as I waited for her to dismiss me.

  “Lastly,” She breathed. I glanced around expecting fire to shoot from her nostrils.

  My colleagues called her the dragon and I could well believe it. She was a complete and utter one and with her auburn hair, glacial stare, and intimidating nature, she definitely looked like she could set you on fire.

  “You are our employee always and you are an ambassador for Titan Media, so I expect you to act as such at all times. Here is a binder full of information. I expect you to read it, learn it and act with the utmost respect, etiquette and decorum at all times.”

  She closed her eyes and threw the binder across the desk at me, where it hit my chest and bounced, but I managed to catch it as she opened her eyes and spat angrily at me.

  “Now leave my office and go with Mr. Davis. You will not be expected to come back into the office over the next few days, but I expect you to know the contents of that binder back and forth by the weekend.”

  I stood up and walked to the door, feeling like a child who’d just been to see the principal, instead of a businesswoman who’d just been given the opportunity of lifetime. My feet clipped and clopped as they left the carpet of her office and went back out onto the cool, tile floor of the workroom. I glanced around for Drew, spotting him instantly by his size and walked towards him, trying to keep myself calm. He nodded at me when I appeared by his side. He glanced down at the cell and binder in my hand and then back up at me.

  “Are you ready to leave?” he asked in a low voice and I shook my head, no.

  “One minute please?” I asked and he gave me a stiff nod.

  I walked towards my desk, passing some of my colleagues who stared at Drew as he lounged against the wall. My heart was hammering in my chest as I reached my desk and I leaned against it for a moment, to steady myself.

  I knew I was up to the job of being a tour publicist, but what if Blake took one look at me and decided that I was just after him. He could think that I’d taken this job as a way of getting back into his life and could end my career without hesitation. He could quickly snatch my opportunity away from me as quickly as I’d been given it.

  He could decide that it was all some sort of trick of mine to somehow get back into his life, but it wasn’t. I didn’t even know Discord were going on tour. I never paid attention to their tour dates and didn’t ever check to see where they were.

  I quickly snatched up my work iPad and MacBook and shoved them both into my purse, grateful it was large enough to fit them inside. I tossed my coffee in the bin, gathered up my notebooks, some pens and my lipstick from my desk and shoved those in too. I stood upright, lifting my jacket from the back of my chair, and slinging it over my shoulders, before heading back to Drew. He motioned towards the elevators and I walked with him, ignoring the whispers that circulated excitedly around the room as I was leaving.

  “She is being taken away …”

  “I wonder if it’s the IRS …”

  We got into the elevator and Drew gave me a smile as he pressed for the ground floor, but my head was miles away. I was remembering the last time I saw Blake. It wasn’t the morning I handed him my virginity on a platter. No, that was the last time Blake saw me; The last time I saw him was in a concert.

  I hadn’t wanted to go, but Beth had begged and pleaded with me to go and eventually I relented, so she drove us up to LA to see one. The show had been amazing. Blake and the guys were breathtaking and the songs from the Broken Strings album were fantastic, but my favorite song was Autumn dreams.

  Blake played it acoustically for the audience and his honey voice, filled the stadium and touched my soul as he sang.

  One day in Autumn.

  She’ll be in my arms.

  She fills my dreams.

  My autumn dreams.

  And life has never been the same.

  Without her I’m lost.

  Without her I’m hurt.

  Cause she is my muse.

  My heart, my soul.

  I could still hear the audience singing along with him and it was phenomenal. Beth and I had drunk too much, danced until our feet hurt and left the concert with no voice. Afterwards, I did something I hadn’t done in over a year, since Blake had asked me to stop messaging him, because it hurt too much, but I texted him that night.

  Cara - Hey, Blake, I know it’s been a while, but I wanted to say how proud I am of you. I was at your concert in LA tonight and I was blown away by you and the band. You guys are amazing, and Autumn Dreams was absolutely incredible live. Anyway, I know you asked me not to message again, but I just wanted to message to tell you this. Hope you enjoy the rest of your tour. Cara xx

  He didn’t reply and I didn’t expect him to. Not really, but I couldn’t help the small bubble of hope that died as Beth and I went back to our cheap motel. I almost told her about Blake that night, but I decided to keep it a secret and I’d never told a single soul that I’d slept with Blake Thompson. It was a sacred secret to me, and I didn’t want to share it with anyone.

  Drew touched my arm and broke me from my thoughts, as he led me from the lobby of my work building and out into a sleek SUV
. He opened the door for me to sit in the back, then closed it and went around to sit in the front with the driver, leaving me alone in the back.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Unexpected Surprise


  We drove through Manhattan and I sat looking out the window, bouncing my knee around and trying to stop my hands from shaking as the driver wove in and out of traffic. I watched Drew run his fingers through his curls and then take out his cell. He typed out a few messages and then took a deep breath, before he dialed a number and turned to the window to make a call. For a few moments there was complete silence and then I heard a voice on the other end and my body relaxed slightly because it wasn’t Blake’s voice

  “Hi, sir. I’m calling to check in. I got someone for the tour.” Drew said in a polite business-like tone and ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke. He paused and I saw him roll his shoulders before he spoke again. “No. He wasn’t available. I got someone else.”

  I could hear the nervousness in his voice, and I wondered if Mr. Michaels would tell him that I didn’t have enough experience to effectively plan tour publicity for a band as prolific as Discord. I clenched my fingers into fists and pressed my nails into my palm as I listened intently. I heard a few noises, but no words were distinguishable, and I unclenched my fist, glancing down at my nails which were painted silver. One of the nails on my left hand was chipped and I hadn’t had time to sort it before work. Now though, I wished I’d found the time, but it didn’t matter.

  “Yes. It’s a female, but Trina is already on it with legal and they are drawing up a non-fraternization policy that she has to sign.” His voice was matter of fact and I wondered exactly what that clause would entail, but I’d sign it regardless.

  “Yes. I understand that Mr. Michaels. I’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation myself.”

  He glanced back and met my eye in the mirror, giving me a nod before turning back to the window to continue his call.

  “Yes, sir. I will do. Okay.”

  The call ended there, and he sat stiffly looking out of the window as we got further out of the city. The car then began to drive down what looked like a deserted industrial estate and pulled into a vacant lot, in front of what looked like an empty building with only one door. Outside of the door, stood two men whose arms were the size of my body. They stepped forwards to meet the car, one came around to open the back door for me while the other opened the door for Drew.

  “Mr. Davis, back so soon.” I heard an amused voice asked with a funny accent. It wasn’t American or Canadian at all, but I was distracted by the behemoth in front of me. He helped me from the car and stood about a foot taller than me.

  “Hi. I’m Yani,” he informed me as he took my hand and gave it a gentle shake. “And that over there is Dave. Any problems you come find either of us. I’m head of security for the band and Dave over there is my number two.”

  Dave turned and took one look at me and then laughed, turning back to face Drew.

  “For fuck sake Drew.” he said in a loud carrying voice, “They are going to eat her alive. Ryder will be hovering around her like a fly around shite and the rest of them won’t be able to stop him.”

  His loud voice and rough accent made me jump and Yani smirked down at me as I gripped my handbag tightly to my chest. Drew turned and gave me a small smile, before he clapped Dave on the back and walked towards the door.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure. She shouted at me when we first met. I’m sure she can handle whatever the guys throw at her.”

  His joking tone made me smile and Dave gave me a doubtful glance, shrugged, and then followed Drew to the open door. Yani gestured for me to go in front of him and I followed Dave and Drew through a maze of corridors, that I would definitely get lost in without them. We moved through doorway after doorway and as we reached the last one, my nerves peaked and I stumbled in my heels a little, but Yani caught me and kept me steady. He leaned close and muttered low, so only I could hear.

  “Remember they are only a group of guys. They are all human and are idiots at times, but they aren’t any more special than you or me.”

  I smiled up at him gratefully and took a deep, steadying breath before walking through the door. There were a few people in groups around the space and a small stage was set up, with Kerr on drums, Doug on bass and Ryder on keyboard, but Blake was missing, and I was grateful for it. My eyes darted around the room, but I didn’t see him anywhere and Drew stepped up beside me as I stepped through the door.

  “Follow me,” he told me in a low voice, and I matched his steps, hurrying across the large, open space and heading through a door at the end of a large oval table.

  Dave and Yani walked with us until Drew stopped and asked them to get the guys to the meeting table. They both nodded and took off, but I couldn’t watch them as he led me through another door and down a small corridor taking me into a dark, cluttered office at the end. His dark skin shone in the bright light and it was clear he was used to being in the office with the way he navigated with ease around the desk and sat down.

  “Come in and sit down, Cara.” His deep voice made me jump and I walked in and sat down on the chair opposite him, across the desk.

  “Okay, I need to discuss a few things with you before we complete the hiring process, but first do you have any ID with you?”

  I reached down to my purse and took out my ID from my wallet handing it over. His eyes scanned it and he smiled, placing it down on the desk, before he looked up and his deep brown eyes met mine.

  “I have a few questions for you, if that’s okay?” he asked me politely and I nodded watching as he relaxed a little.

  “First off, do you have a passport?” I was a little surprised by the question, but then I realized if it was an international tour, then I’d need a passport to be able to fly out with the band. I did have one, not that it’d gotten much use over the past year.

  “Yeah, I have a passport.” I’d gotten one the year before to fly out to Australia to stay with Lissy and her new husband Jared and the kids, but she’d ended up coming home, so I hadn’t needed to use it.

  “Okay, that’s good. Next question, are you able to commit to a three-month tour? It begins here in New York on Saturday and then is touring the country for two months, before going to Canada?”

  I pondered this. I didn’t really have much of a social life. I was due to go visit Josh at school, but I knew I could put it off for a few months. The only people I really went out with were Beth and Aimee, so that was fine, plus I didn’t have any plans for anything else. I’d need to ask Beth to check on my apartment, but there wasn’t anything there that would be worth stealing. My most valuable possessions would be with me on the tour.

  “Yeah, that should be okay.”

  He nodded and then lifted up a folder from the desk, holding it in his hands.

  “Lastly, do you have a crush on any of the band members?”

  My whole body froze, and I could feel a blush rising in my cheek as I thought of Blake. His body over mine and how much I’d wanted to see him again, but not like this. I didn’t want to be dropped back into his life like this. I decided to brush it off and hoped it would be okay. It wasn’t like anything would ever happen between Blake and I again. He was a rock god; sex symbol and I was a normal girl who still struggled with making friends. We were worlds apart and I didn’t want to be with someone, who was so far out of my stratosphere.

  “Yeah, I guess so. I mean they are all pretty hot.”

  He stared at me for a beat and then burst out laughing.

  “Well at least you’re honest.” His eyes twinkled and I smirked at him, glad he found me amusing.

  “Okay, now that’s out of the way, let’s discuss the terms of the tour. You have to sign a non-disclosure agreement that basically says that whatever happens on the tour, is between the band and God. You can’t tell anyone where we’re staying and things like that.”

  “I understand…” I told him
and he cut me off.

  “Yeah, I’m sure you do, but you also have to understand that the band are entitled to a private life, so they do not and will not discuss their personal lives and you shouldn’t either.”

  I gave a firm nod and he flicked to the next page.

  “Okay this page has your salary details, tour expenses and accommodation. You’ll be on the small bus with the female roadies. We find this is a good way to keep you girls safe. Dave or Simon will be traveling with you and will take the bedroom on the bus. Is that agreeable?”

  “Yeah, that sounds okay.” I told him and he glanced down at his papers, before giving me an intense stare that made the hairs on my neck stand up.

  “The next piece of paperwork for you to sign is non-negotiable. It’s a non-fraternization policy and it basically states that you cannot at any time mess around, sleep with or have sex with any of the band members. Can you agree to that?”

  I swallowed and wondered what would happen if Blake wanted me. I mean really, really wanted me, but I knew that the chances of that happening were non-existent. He probably didn’t even remember who I was and even if he did, he was a cheat. He’d never been faithful to a single girl, even me when we were at school. He kissed me one night and then kissed Klaire the next day, so it was fine. I could sign it, because while he might be out of my league, looks and success wise, I deserved more than someone who’d cheat on me.

  “Yeah, that’s totally fine.” I told him in a small voice, and he gave me a brief nod, before handing over the papers.

  “Okay then, sign these and then come out to the meeting, so I can introduce you to the band.”

  He stood up and walked around the desk, handing me a pen as he passed me.

  “I’ll start the meeting with the band. See you soon.”

  He left, closing the door at my back. I shrank back against the seat, letting out a deep breath and sitting for a moment to collect myself. I opened up the papers and quickly signed the non-disclosure and non-fraternization policy, but I took my time reading my contract and made a note that my salary, while on the tour, was triple what my salary was in the office. That would be great, plus there were expenses too and every week, I’d get three hundred dollars for food which if I was careful with, I could also save.


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