Four Beautiful Letters: BDSM

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Four Beautiful Letters: BDSM Page 1

by Thompson, Claire

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Epilogue – Six Months Later

  And be sure to check out all the novellas in the Desire Island Series here:

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  Chapter 1

  Nick Kincaid’s heart kicked up a notch as he watched the Dom lower the bound, naked submissive into the water. His mind instantly veered to that delicious, dark fantasy realm where there were no limits—no safewords. She would be bound in rope and chain, utterly helpless. Her eyes would widen with fear and desire as the water closed over her head. He would keep her balanced on the precarious edge of trust and terror, his to control…

  Nick blinked rapidly, forcing the dark fantasy from his mind.

  Before submerging Skylar, Caelan Macauley, their seminar leader, had wrapped her ankles together using a strip of latex with Velcro at either end. He’d bound her wrists in front of her with another strip. “Rope is sexy, but you want something you can pull away quickly in the water,” he’d explained.

  Caelan stood in the plexiglass submersion tank, which was like a small, above-ground pool maybe four feet in depth, the top surrounded by a wooden platform set on sturdy beams. He cradled Skylar in one arm, his other hand over her nose and mouth.

  “Her safe signal,” he said, “is to raise her bound wrists above the water. That’s what you will all use today.”

  Though quite a few seconds had passed, Skylar showed no signs of tension or agitation. The bound woman was utterly still beneath the water. Everything about her exuded acceptance.

  After what seemed like an awfully long time, Caelan finally lifted his girl from the water. She drew in a deep breath, her eyes fixed on her Master.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said softly, her face radiant with submissive adoration.

  “My pleasure,” Caelan replied, gently stroking the wet hair from her face. The love that moved between them was palpable. In spite of himself, Nick experienced an almost painful clutch of longing for what they seemed to share.

  Caelan pulled the bindings from Skylar’s wrists and ankles and set her gently on her feet. As they climbed out of the tank and dried off, Caelan talked about the necessity of working closely with your sub to assess their skill with breath control and their comfort level with under-water bondage. “If you’re new to this, start slow. And subs—don’t hesitate to use your hand signal if you need to. Safety first.”

  Skylar climbed down the outer ladder of the tank, her hair streaming like wet honey down her back. She lowered herself to a padded mat nearby, the serene glow still on her face.

  “Who wants to try it out first?” Caelan, who had remained on the platform, asked.

  There were six attendees at the demonstration. Before Caelan had done the sexy demo, they’d each been asked to give a short introduction stating their name, their BDSM orientation and their experience level in the scene. Now the short, round man of about fifty who’d introduced himself as Marty got to his feet. He and his wife, Susan, didn’t play at clubs, Marty had explained, but had been in a D/s relationship for over twenty-five years.

  “We’ll go,” he said now, pulling Susan, who was equally short and round, upright. Both had on bathing suits, and Susan wore a gold choker with a padlock dangling from its front.

  The woman who’d introduced herself as Sophia sat at the end of the row to his right. Nick guessed her to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She had blue-green eyes, in rather striking contrast to her dark hair, which was a riot of long, springy curls. While the couple on his left were both dressed in leather fetish wear, Sophia wore a brightly-patterned sundress, flip-flops on her feet.

  Nick returned his focus to the tank. Marty and Susan had chosen not to use the binds for their first submersion experience, and Susan had opted to keep her bathing suit on. As he watched Caelan guide them, Nick’s gaze drifted back to Caelan’s sub, Skylar.

  She sat back on her haunches, her hands resting on her thighs, a calm, serene expression on her face. She had introduced herself as a staff slave and as Master Caelan’s personal property.

  If someone was so willing to give herself over to that degree, would it be difficult as a Dom to avoid the slide from consensual submission to something darker?

  “Who’s next?” Caelan asked, once Marty and Susan had returned to their seats, wrapped in large towels.

  Sophia rose from her seat. “I’d like to go next.” She glanced toward Nick. “Care to join me?”

  Nick got to his feet. “Sure,” he replied. “Let’s do it.” He had worn his swim trunks in place of shorts. Now he pulled off his polo shirt and kicked off his sandals.

  He was pleasantly surprised when Sophia reached for the hem of her sundress and lifted it over her head. Underneath, she was completely naked. Her breasts were full and round, the nipples like pink cherries against tan, smooth skin. She had a triangle of neatly-trimmed pubic hair covering her cleft, which Nick found refreshing. Maybe he was showing his age, but he didn’t particularly like the shaven little-girl look that was the fashion with most women he encountered.

  Sophia was shorter and curvier than the slender, leggy blondes he usually went for. Yet, he found himself attracted to her just the same. There was something about her self-possessed confidence that was attractive, and also something of a challenge.

  “Have you engaged in water play before?” Caelan asked Sophia as the three of them stood together on the tank platform.

  “Not like this,” Sophia replied. “Not in a submersion tank. But I’m quite comfortable giving up control.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Caelan said. “Especially if you choose to be bound.”

  “Oh, I definitely want to be bound,” Sophia said, deep dimples appearing in either cheek as she grinned. “I love, love, love bondage.”

  “Then you’re in the right place,” Caelan replied, smiling back at her.

  He turned to Nick. “What’s your experience level with water play?”

  “I don’t have a whole lot of experience—just the occasional bathtub adventure,” Nick replied. “Though I did engage in a submersion tank scene once at a BDSM club in Munich,” he added.

  That scene had ended almost before it began, but Nick didn’t want to get into a lengthy explanation just then. It was over a decade ago now. He’d been twenty-eight and no novice to the scene, but he hadn’t known his scene partner for more than a few hours.

  Within fifteen seconds of submersion, she’d started thrashing and sputtering beneath the water. He’d immediately let her go, and she’d reared up, shouting in German that he’d tried to drown her. Hopefully, this scene wouldn’t be a repeat of that debacle.

  “If the two of you were on your own, you would need to bind Sophia while she was already in the water. But since there are two of us,” Caelan said to Nick, “I’ll bind her and hand her down to you. You can go ahead and get in.”

  Nick climbed into the tank. The water was warm and came up to his chest.

  Caelan lifted Sophia with apparent ease. Nick, at six foot two, was plenty tall, but Caelan was taller and built like a linebacker. He held out his arms as Caelan crouched over the water and handed Sophia down. It was pleasing to hold a naked, bound woman against his chest. Her hair smelled good, like lemons and lavender.

  Caelan sat down on the platform and dangled his legs into the water as he reminded So
phia of her hand signal and reiterated safety protocol with Nick. “Since this is just a demo and not an actual scene, it’s a good chance for you to get a feel for your comfort level and breath control,” he said, directing his attention to Sophia. “So I’m going to suggest you remain submerged for as long as you’re comfortable, and then use your hand signal when you’re ready to come up.”

  “Works for me,” Sophia said.

  Looking to Nick, Caelan added, “You, of course, will instantly lift her out of the water at that point.”

  “Got it,” Nick agreed.

  He placed his hand over Sophia’s nose and mouth as Caelan had shown him. Then he lowered her until the water closed over her face. Blocking out everyone else around them, Nick kept his focus solely on Sophia. He half expected her to rear up after a few seconds like the girl in Munich, but she remained still, her body relaxed as she floated just beneath the surface.

  Nick’s cock tingled, his balls tightening with lust. Again his mind shifted to that dark place without limits or safewords. He held her floating body in one arm, his hand around her ribcage, the other protecting her nose and mouth in the water. He could feel the beat of her heart, a rapid tattoo. Was it excitement? Fear? Both?

  As he held his breath along with her, Nick’s heart began to pound, the pressure building in his face. Unable to help it, he opened his mouth and gulped in a lungful of air. How the hell was she staying under for so long?

  He glanced up at Caelan, who was watching them intently. “Should I lift her out?” he queried.

  Caelan held up a hand. “Not yet. It’s been less than a minute. She’s not at risk.”

  Nick looked down at the inert girl. While he was aware a person could safely hold their breath for two minutes or more, this felt like longer. But if the resident pro was okay with it…

  Finally, she lifted her bound hands into the air, making the agreed upon signal.

  Nick instantly lifted her above the water and removed his hand from her nose and mouth.

  Sophia drew in a deep breath as she blinked rapidly. “Wow.” She laughed, shaking her head like a puppy and splashing Nick in the process. “That was fucking awesome. I wish I could have managed it longer.” Her eyes were sparkling, her body trembling.

  Watching her excited reaction, Nick experienced a sudden rush of euphoria, as if he’d been submerged along with her. He grinned back at her, his cock tenting his shorts. Apparently, there was more to this girl than he’d first assumed.


  Sophia entered the huge dungeon that evening, excitement fizzing in her veins. The place was filled with state-of-the-art BDSM equipment, each scene station equipped with its own set of impact toys and bondage gear. There were trained Doms and subs moving through the crowd, assisting with a scene here, spotting a difficult activity there, even offering their services in direct participation. The smell of leather, sweat and sex was ripe in the air.

  Her first day on Desire Island so far had exceeded her expectations. In addition to being a first-class beach resort, the place definitely lived up to the glowing reviews and accolades it had received at various online BDSM sites she subscribed to.

  The water play seminar that afternoon had been both informative and intense. While Sophia wasn’t particularly looking to hook up with anyone during her week-long vacation, the guy she’d been paired with for the water play session was very easy on the eyes. She guessed he was somewhere between thirty-five and forty. He was maybe six foot two, his body lean and muscular. His hair was a rich, deep sable brown with glints of gold. He had a strong nose and jawline, his eyes dark, his lips full.

  He had given off a sexy, dominant vibe that had added erotic tension to the scene. When he’d put his hand over her mouth and nose in the moment before guiding her under, something edgy and dangerous had sparked in his eyes. Just thinking of it now sent a shudder of desire through her body.

  She tugged at the bottom of her black leather bustier, wishing it weren’t quite so confining. She’d bought the ensemble—a leather bustier and matching leather skirt, along with ankle boots with more of a heel than she was used to—especially for this trip.

  She adjusted the strap of her tote bag, which contained a bikini top and batiked sarong she might change into later, if the fetish-wear became uncomfortable.

  When the seminar had ended earlier that afternoon, Nick had mentioned he was thinking of checking out the dungeon party, assuming he could finish some last-minute business he had to attend to. She’d said she, too, was planning to be there. Though neither had said it outright, Sophia hoped they would pick up that evening where they’d left off with the water play.

  Someone tapped her shoulder. She turned expectantly, her heart constricting with a small jolt of excitement at seeing Nick again.

  “Hello there, sexy lady,” a man of about fifty with sandy-colored hair graying at his temples said. He wore a black leather vest, unzipped to reveal graying chest hair. There was a pair of metal handcuffs dangling from the belt loop of his too-tight leather pants. He had watery blue eyes and a nervous but determined smile. His gaze moved hungrily over her body, lingering at her breasts. Finally, looking up at her face, he said, “I’m Steven.”

  “Sophia,” she replied, accepting his offered hand.

  “You up for a scene?” he asked eagerly. “I’m wicked good with a cane and I’m looking for a naughty girl to use it on.”

  Sophia had had her fill of posturing Doms and wannabe Masters over her years in the scene. But Desire Island wasn’t just some random club. One of the biggest draws for Sophia about the place was its exclusivity. The merely curious couldn’t just book a reservation and show up with their whips and chains. Every potential guest had to go through an extensive vetting process to determine their experience level in the scene, and provide proof of a clean bill of health.

  Steven wasn’t exactly her type, but Sophia tried never to judge a book by its cover, especially in the scene. For all she knew, Steven might be an incredible Dom. And she did love a good, whippy caning. The skin on her ass prickled with anticipation.

  She was just opening her mouth to agree when she spied Nick coming into the large room. His eyes met hers and he lifted his hand in greeting, a smile moving over his face.

  “I’m sorry,” Sophia said, turning back to Steven. “I’m here with someone tonight. But it was nice to meet you.”

  Steven pressed his lips together, a scowl flickering briefly over his face. Then he smiled and shrugged. “Okay. See you around.”

  As he melted away, Nick approached her. He looked good, dressed in a black knit shirt over dark jeans, black Gucci loafers on his feet. He had a gear bag over his right shoulder—a promising sign. As he got closer, she noticed the watch on his wrist, elegant in its gracious simplicity. Clearly, the guy had both money and taste.

  “You got here in the nick of time,” she said, grinning at her own pun. “I was just about to give up on you.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t,” he said. He shook his head, his smile rueful. “I never should have taken that last phone call from New York.”

  “New York?” Sophia replied. “You’re from the city?”

  “I am,” he agreed. “You?”

  “Brooklyn. I have a small antique shop there, but I go into Manhattan from time to time.”

  Nick laughed. “I’ve traveled all over the world, and wherever I go, I meet someone from New York. Half the time it’s someone I know.”

  “Small world,” she agreed.

  “Want to grab a drink at the juice bar?” Nick suggested, gesturing toward the long bar set toward the back of the dungeon.


  They found two free stools near the end of the bar. A guy in his twenties was behind the counter. Shirtless, he wore the black leather slave collar she’d seen on a number of employees at the resort. “Good evening,” he said as they sat down. “What can I get you? We have fresh squeezed lemonade, sparkling water, still water and all kinds of soda.”

nbsp; “I’ll have a lemonade,” Sophia said.

  “Sparkling water for me,” Nick added.

  He turned to Sophia as they waited for their drinks. “So, you own an antique store, huh? That sounds cool.”

  “It is pretty great. The store was my aunt’s until she retired two years ago. She still owns the building, which is a good thing because no way could I afford the rising rents in my neighborhood. When I was a kid, I spent every day after school there. And on the weekends, I would tag along with my aunt to estate auctions and garage sales. That’s still my favorite part of the job—discovering gems hidden among the junk. I’ll never be rich, but I love what I do.”

  “That’s what matters,” Nick agreed as the bartender set down their drinks.

  Sophia took a sip of the tart, not overly-sweet lemonade. “I love your watch, by the way,” she added. “It’s a gorgeous piece.” On closer inspection, she recognized the vintage Patek Phillipe. It was in pristine condition, set in a rose gold case surrounding a silver dial, held in place around his wrist by a black alligator strap.

  Nick looked down at his wrist. “I found this in a tiny watch shop in London. It was way more than I should have spent, but it just spoke to me, if that makes any sense.”

  “Perfect sense,” Sophia replied, liking him even more. “That’s how I buy most of my finds. But I have to ask—do you remember to wind it?”

  Nick laughed. “About half the time.” He shrugged, adding, “I guess I’m kind of old-fashioned in some ways. I own a vinyl turntable, and I actually carry a real pen and notepad with me when I’m working.”

  “Hey,” Sophia said with a laugh. “You’re talking to an antique hunter. I get it.” She took another sip of her drink and asked, “So, what do you do that takes you all over the world, notepad in hand?”

  “I’m in real estate development. I’m based in the city, but I sometimes get involved in international deals. I also own a couple of private BDSM clubs in Manhattan and LA. That’s one reason I wanted to come to Desire Island. I’m always looking for new ideas.”


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